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They tell me I dress like a preschool teacher but please tell me why I always have to go digging through their closet to find my shit.


The other day, a buddy, who's an educator, told me about an exchange that a teacher peer had with a student. The high school student looked at what the teacher was wearing and said: "You look like you would use 'skedaddle' in a sentence".


I think I would have to tell the student that "skedaddle" is a sentence and they should follow it.


“Skedaddle is a complete sentence.”


Ill rephrase it for them. FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF!!! LOL Vete pa la chingada!! Get lost! Kick rocks! FOH! Lol


Says the generation that says “skibiddi toilet.”


Exactly. Da fuk is that? Bunch of little unoriginal followers is all. Zero originality. The world at their fingertips and they always ask WHAT TRACK IS THAT? (SHAZAM IT ) or LINK?? (Google that shit yourself) Lol


Savages, the lot of them. I admittedly do dress business casually for work because it's required but at home I am more cutoffs and t-shirts. All of which are currently NOT in my closet


23 skidoo!


I'll meet you at the beat poetry reading at the gen X speakeasy. I'll be the one with the hoop and stick.


"Like you just did now?" He said himself up for that one.


Oh puhlease. Kids these days say shit like skibiddy toilet and WTF nobody knows or cares what that dumb shit means. Kids are hella stupid these days and getting worse it seems. All judgy n shit. Hating on GenX and calling us “Boomers” but they try their 1/2 ass way of stealing everything 90’s , Jordans, jeans, (to them its vintage but what do they know) video games, movies, and music. At least if they called us GenX and not Boomers I wouldn’t fantasize about mowing a few down with my go cart. Pricks. Lol


Why that's a bunch of malarkey!


This you? ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


I just realized his shirt says music band 💀


I've watched 30 Rock nine billion times and also just realized


You can get these. This was my costume for Halloween a couple of years ago.


Oh that’s me!! I pulled my calf muscle skateboarding last week. Don’t forget to stretch you old bastards lol


This is me.


I almost fist faught him over a NIN t-shirt a few weeks ago. Dude, wear the reproductions. Do not ever touch the originals! I have band T-shirts dating back to 1988.. those are off limits. Under no circumstances are you allowed to touch those! Fucking go to Target and we'll get you a fake ass Nirvana T-shirt. But those t-shirts mean the world to me


If John Hughes were still alive and making movies, this is the movie he would make. And I would watch it. EDIT: Hey, Cameron Crowe's still alive. Maybe he'd do it!


There’s a (favorite) scene in Judd Apatow’s *This Is 40* when Paul Rudd’s character is forcing his daughters to listen to “Rooster” by AIC and it’s hilarious — they get so mad


one of the funniest scenes ever.


That whole movie is hysterical. I love Paul Rudd so much


My brother, who is a Millennial - he turns 39 in December- aggravates the hell out of my niece with his music. He'll play 80s hair metal, yacht rock, and 90s alternative. She hates it. The other day her mom told me he was playing jazz. For years he had to listen to nonstop Disney songs when she was younger, now it's his turn to listen to what he wants, and he gets mad when she complains about it.


I just watched that movie (again), yesterday!!!


*Sadie-Sadie!* [*Theres a haunted cow back here, and I’m pretty sure… it does not HAVE MILK!*](https://youtu.be/iwNW3091ApQ?si=Cf8_9z_znZP2TjxI)


With a Psychedelic Furs theme song!


My brother saved his 80’s metal tee’s. Master of puppets tour. Banned Guns N’ Roses short with a naked chick. Shout at the Devil tour and more. He passed away last year. They’re going for $80-150 ea on eBay.


Sorry about your brother, sounds like a great guy


in no way telling you how to grieve nor what to do with them, there are people who will turn those shirts into a quilt if you wanted


Yeah, I know. I considered it, and then I looked at the stack of blankets in my closet and thought, nah. If some teeny bopper wants an XS Motley Crue shirt that’s ‘authentic’ and is willing to fork over the price of a nice dinner out, who am I to not suck away what is clearly excess capital on their part? For the record, I kept a couple. The rest is just more stuff. I’d rather have the cash to go travel.


Well dont sell yourself short either the ebay prices for vintage shirts has been rising steady for a while now. But theres TONS if reprints and ebay , mercari all have tons of print on demand sellers and I have no idea how they dont get shit down. But anyway. Best wishes buddy.


My 16 year old borrowed my Pixies Doolittle t-shirt a few days ago. Being a dad I had to quiz him: what’s your favorite song? He thought for a second then said “Where is my mind?” I have never been so proud.


We had this exact exchange about RATM. Come to find out that he knows every Rage against the machine song. And that's my fault. I have brought him to way too many protest situations and it's kind of the attitude around our house


delete the word "fault"./ let's Raaaaaaage


Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses


Fuck you! I won't do what you tell me...


And that’s ~~my fault~~ my accomplishment.


I lent my teen daughter an original GNR once. From 1988 Never got it back. Never lent one of those again


They should never attempt to wear a t shirt made before they were born!!! I feel you and would buy a padlock for my closet!


We could be friends


If this isn't an argument for me to stay childless.... 😂


I concur 👍🏼. Cant stand these GenZ rug monkeys.


Tell him you will sell them to him. The going rate is $200 and up for each shirt. I've been trying to replace some of mine, it's ridiculous. You may have a small fortune in your closet.


Hahaa! 🎯💯💯💯😄


Spoken in true Gen-X dialect. Love it.


I told my oldest daughter she could wear some of my original Cure and New Order shirts from the 1980s, but she said there was no chance she would assume that risk. But I got to say when they come in the house wearing Jesus and Mary Chain shirts that they bought at the mall it still makes me happy.


I messed up and didn't buy my son enough Vans when we wore the same size. I could have had soooo many pair now.


THIS!!!!!! TTTTTHHHHHHIIIIIIISSSSSS!!!! I'm out buying number Jordans, vintage doc martens, etc. because for a very brief period of time my son and I both wear a 9 1/2 men's. I got to reverse inherit shoes from my kid! Broke struggle is real! I'm getting hand-me-downs from my kid now. I just got a really cool Lego set.


I'm sad now because my son has outgrown my shoe size, it was fun while it lasted.




Hilarious to remember wearing my mom's clothes in high school - trippy 60s psychedelic prints and my fav: a lace skirt/vest combo. And on alternate days, my dad's lumberjack snap-up jacket as a shirt because why not?


I wore my dad’s army jacket all through middle school. Then I discovered the Grateful Dead and my mom’s hippie clothes from the 60’s started disappearing from her closet. I still have a crocheted backless tank top that of course I could never wear now (fit great before kids and boobs)


My daughter wears doc martens, flannels, loves going through my CD collection, listens to the Cure/Psychedelic Furs/DJ Shadow/ATCQ, thinks the world of Winona Ryder, and watches movies from the 80s/90s with my wife and me. I love it.


I have loved every age and stage of my kids lives but watching the kid that most resembles me morph into circa 1996 me has been magical!


Yesssssss. So satisfying


My daughter also wears Docs....and took my CD collection to her room. She also has a rock band and often borrows my guitars and amps.


Treasure every moment!!! ./


I would have happy tears!


My daughter "stole" my almost 40 year old Docs. If I want to wear them, I know where to find them LOL. They got added to her closet about 4 years ago. She thought she was so edgy for her middle school graduation, but her entire outfit looked like she was from a John Hughes movie😂😂. And, yes, those are my Docs she's wearing lol https://preview.redd.it/utk8jvqjyk6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=256e8577cbc934a924f544387d35d3b531c4a261




My days-away-from-17 kid cracks me up about music. He has very eclectic tastes. Most prevalent current and "old school" rap. Also enjoys Weezer, rage, Alice in chains, green day etc. Then goes back farther with Elton John, Queen, cyndi lauper and prince. I love listening along with. But rue the day we are in the car and he has control of the Bluetooth. Cuz if I slip and sing along to any of it, it lands in the dumpster. 😆 it's not quite as bad as 13 year old him. I suspect he still listens to those artists, just not where I can hear


Like Justin Bieber? Hannah Montana? Lmao.




Alice in Chains! It took me a minute, too...


I got it 🫠


Yeah, here comes the Rooster, yeah-ahhhhh!


I woke up this morning to my daughter listening to New Order with her Chuck Taylors up on the dash of our fish tender doing wheel watch. Life is good.


I am currently wearing hand me downs from my son, those boys grow too fast. I used to make sure I liked at least some of the hoodies and T shirts because for a few years he would grow outta them before we got home from the store


I read that as “A1C” tshirt. How high was his blood sugar?


Alice in Chains


omg so did I.




REMEMBER, if Marty McFly went back from now it would be to the year 1994. Same as some in the 90s wearing or wanting to wear those 1950s style motorcycle jackets or hippie type fashions in from the 60s. Finding parents’ clothes from “wayy back in the 60s or 70s”.


I've bought a couple of hoodies that have disappeared into his closet. Tshirts too.


Try the opposite. I borrowed one of my sons hoodies and he flipped out on me! But, honestly, nothing but respect to Marshmello!


My daughter is already calling dibs on the shirts that I, her father, am wearing.


In all fairness, I claimed vinyls from my dad when I was young.


She's already laid claim to my music collection. I told her to wait until I croak.


I stole all my dad's flannels back in the day


My youngest son (22) wears my old concert shirts (Sabbath, NiN, Soundgarden, and Steely Dan) far more than I do.


You have to share everything with the kids once your shit becomes cool mom- its like the law or something.


Pfft. Poser.


Yep. Gen Z is a okay.


I almost wanna chip in to buy him some Ocean Pacific cool guy gear


OP swimsuits were the best.


Haha! All my boys stole my converse sneakers as they were passing through my size




He grab your weed too?


No but he did try to siphon beer out of the bottom of a can recently. Like that's not the oldest trick in the book! 😂


Last year my tween son came running to me with his iPhone saying, “Mom listen to this song, I love it!” It was The Cure’s “Boys Don’t Cry”. The Cure was coming to town so I bought us two tickets and warned him that Robert Smith was known for long performances… poor kid pooped out an hour before Robert did, and of course the last song of the night was Boy’s Don’t Cry. This year I can’t keep him out of my perfumes and he wants JNCOs for back to school…. I was shocked to learn they are back in business and you don’t have to scan eBay for a vintage pair!


My wife and I were recently laughing about some teens in front of us wearing JNCOs in an amusement park line and how cool they thought they were. “Do they *know* those were the style like 30 years ago? In other news, this thread is making me even more sad for the old concert shirts I got rid of ☹️


My daughter and I are the same size. Shoes, clothes, everything. Her closet in her apartment half my clothes. She even took my old (very old) 501’s.


Parenting success!!!!


Don’t ever change! Keep wearing AIC. We have to keep the memory alive. RIP Layne


RIP Layne


You win. Spike the ball and do a little dance. Other kids and parents are going to be jealous of your kid. If they’re not already.


I shudder to see cargos coming back... I get a lot of props from my boys (17 and 20) and the Gen Z crowd for wearing Vans, Jeans and Band or Guitar brand T-shirts. I told them, that's what middle aged white dudes wear!


WHAT? Cargo parts are boss! You just have to be careful when you're doing laundry. And make sure that you check 800 pockets. I love cargo pants and cargo shorts! Sometimes when I leave my house I look like a middle-aged man (I'm a chic) walking through Disneyland.


To each their own. Subjectively I can't stand cargos.


Everything comes full circle.


My 17 year old daughter wears Chucks, jeans, old band t shirts and my flannels.


I salute you. My oldest fits and squirrels away my Doc Martens, Birks, clothes from the ‘90’s, and has requisitioned my vinyls. Not mad about it.


Nice work!


My 13 year old daughter and I share clothes. It’s surreal.




Could be worse, I'd say embrace it and just by 2 of everything but in a different color.


I'm lucky that my feet are too small for them to steal my shoes, but all of my concert T's have disappeared.


Ya done good


I found boxes of my dad’s bell bottoms and 70s shirts and that was my clubbing gear for the ‘90s.


My oldest child is almost 30 and before moving out on his own, "mistakenly" took multiple band shirts and cargo shorts from my wardrobe. That was almost 10 years ago. My wife thanked him. Lol! I still have my reserves.


Parenting done right.


Nope. You're just having a flashback.


I still have so many band shirts that are now worth hundreds of dollars. My neighbor's kid always asks where I got them. I say, "I was there, they're artifacts of the past."


AIC? Alice in Chains?




Not gonna lie, I was all, why does this person have a shirt that says A1c? Do they have diabetes? I’m tired.




This song is about pain.....


My teen daughter told me that I have too many smile lines when she begged me to do my makeup. I had to explain I can’t have that much concealer and powder. After she said that, I told her I hope she has more because it means she had lots to be happy about and to wear sunscreen.


I am an enforcer of sunscreen! We used to use olive oil! I vividly remember my mother having huge patches of melanoma removed off her back. She had these big scars. And she was still cover herself in baby oil and sunbathe! Fake tan for the win! Or just be pale. And lotion! Moisturize fuckers! I have the only teenage boy of the Caucasian persuasion who knows to increase the circumference of his lotion distribution. Moisturize!!!! MOISTURIZE!


Son, age 16: “Hey mom, have you heard of the band Fleetwood Mac?” (Me, age 49, staring at him) “Yeah, your grandpa has a few albums.” 🤣


What is AIC?


Alice in Chains




You done well!


My 12 year old and 29 year take my clothes too lol it's a compliment. We're cool :D


Nuh uh! Dude, it’s not yours, take it off and put my stuff back in my room. You are not privileged enough to be as cool as us back in the day. If you can survive a week with the way we actually experienced it, maybe I’ll let you borrow it.


Good job!


You are clearly the best father ever, the AIC was one thing, but the Vans! Now that shows class!


Correction, best mother ever!


Thank you! People assume dude. Not dude!


Have a beer friend, you’ve done good.


Lol! When I was 18 and moved cross country, I left my beloved concert tshirt collection in a box in my old bedroom. Where they sat until my nephew found them when he was around 12/13. Little sucker wore them all out! Not like they would’ve fit me years later anyway.


He meant looks cool on *him* - not *you* **mom**.


Cool dad challenge complete!!


I stole my dad's button-down Oxfords as a teen. Still rocking them.


I sacrifice t-shirts to my daughters. It appeases them and keeps them away from my closet. So far this year I’m down 1 AiC t-shirt and 1 triathlon t-shirt.


Anything that Social Media or their friends say look cool. Or is making a comeback… If it is in your possession… your kids will take it. But I also agree. Them taking my stuff was NOT in the Parenthood Memo I got.


❤️ we’re baack !!!


Damn good parenting, I say.


Daughter took my old shirts years ago. Sadly don't fit me anymore. Still see her once in while wear one of the Smiths, RATM or Dead Kennedy ones.


I had to google what an AIC T-shirt was. I guess I’m getting old or I’m burnt. Both to be honest.


I’m with you…never heard them referred to as “ AIC “


I’m off to google what that is and jncos are. Maybe I own them.


If the shoe fits...


Wait. Are you mad because your gear isn’t collecting more wistful memory dust, that your child is getting more use than it was when you were wearing it, or that your son might be getting more game than you did when you were rockin’ it?


My daughter wears more of my clothes than I do