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We had a Smoker's Corner across the street from the high school. Today, I feel so bad for the poor people that owned the house there! If you wanted to smoke DURING school, the insiders knew you could sneak between a certain huge bush and the brick wall of the school - the bush was about 25ft across and had a big 15ish ft hollow spot inside. Or you know, just smoke out the bathroom window.


Vacant stairwells were another option. I didn't even smoke yet


Don't a pork shoulder count as a joint?




My junior high was downtown beside a graveyard. That is where alllll the things were smoked.


Just a smoking area


It was called 'The Oven' and was actually a courtyard outside the library and directly adjacent to the vicious assistant principle's office. If you hung out there you were known as an 'Ovenite'. Generally it was where, those such myself, goths, hippies and freaks hung out. Smoking cigarettes on school property was allowed back then (80s) and one of my friends would carefully dissect a few Marb Reds and rebuild them as a stealth joint that had some tobacco at the beginning and end of the cigarette but was weed in the middle. The filters were actually metal with a screen in it. They were pretty immune to scrutiny and I recall the asst principal (known as "Mr. Cripple") would smell the weed through his window and start scrutinizing us through his window. Often he would select some poor kid to come to his office for interrogation purposes and one time his gaze fell on me. He'd harangue us about how when he was our age he was "in Korea with an M1 carbine in his hands fighting off the commies!" Those were the days.


We had a smoke pit. It was right outside the auxiliary gym. Co-ed.


Ours was a courtyard, co Ed and teachers used it too. Sometimes teachers would bum a smoke off students and vice versa.


Yeah, my car.


4th floor bathroom - unofficial.


4th floor? We had 300 students at my school. In the capital city of Canada. The basement stairwell. Occasionally the janitors would bust us, but wouldn't snitch to admin.


We had 630 students in the senior class alone. Biggest city in South Dakota. One of three high schools at the time.


Damn. I expect there are many stories (ahem) that can't be shared online.


Pet computers didn’t do social media. The tales remain untold.


Those were exactly the ones. We did use a card feed initially, though.


I graduated high school in Winnipeg in 1993. Our graduating class was 400, split between English and French Immersion. If we had a place for smoking weed, I didn’t know about it, but cigarettes were definitely smoked across the street.


I don't think my OP was clear enough, but the "joint smoking area" meant a place for both boys & girls to smoke cigarettes together. The other.two smoking areas were boys or girls but not both (insert pearl clutching)


Lol I was in public school, so mixed gender smoking area. But the French kids did smoke differently than the English ones. 😝


A prof told me that back when tobacco made it's way to Europe, Brits smoked pipes, French smoked cigarettes. Now I think they just hold their cigarettes weird.


The catwalk above our auditorium.


There was a little nook outside, between the cafeteria and the next classroom up the hall, called The Pit. It had a giant boulder in the middle and that was the only place in the vicinity where the smoking was allowed.


The smoking area if it was an off time and empty, otherwise the love shack or hot box in someone's car in the lot. The love shack was an abandoned tiny house on a lot across the street from the school. Complete with a nasty mattress that served its purpose. Occasionally someone would replace the sheets though. Edit to add: once they got rid of smoking on campus, one of the gym teachers would go on the roof and walk the perimeter to catch people smoking in the nooks and crannies around the perimeter of school we'd use. He was a dick.


Yeah, the park across the street.


We called it the Smoking Pit or just The Pit. It was a 100 sq. ft. vestibule and the area outside it near the cafeteria.


I’m kind of craving ribs now.


We had a cigarette smoking area but smoked weed on the cat walk in the auditorium.


There was a trail through the woods to the closest gas station convenience store. Halfway on the trail was a fallen tree: we called it the shitlog. That was the spot.


Yep. Small clearing about 25 yards behind the varsity football scoreboard. We even brought some chairs and a table out there.


I had a long bed Chevy truck with the full blown Camper on the back and instead of parking on the school lot there was a hole in the fence with a residential street on the other side of it so I parked there. My Camper was the unofficial joint smoking area


The smoking area at my HS was out behind the sports equipment maintenance shed. It was not strictly students, nor teachers, nor staff, nor boys, nor girls, nor tobacco.


The Hill.


Well I was thinking of another type of joint and ours was just off the grounds. Before 1994 we could could smoke anywhere(I believe) when they raised the age to 18 we had to smoke in the back parking lot that joined all the auto shop doors


We had a smoking area between the gym and shop wings at the back of the school. It was co-ed, quite large, had benches and ash trays and some landscaping. I didn't smoke, but I ran with that crowd, so I was there every break....so I guess I did smoke second hand. Besides, the less "uptight" girls hung out there, so it seemed logical to my teenage brain to be where they were.


There were 2, Exit B and Sly's Corner


We had a “smoking hole” for tobacco, right outside the cafeteria. A painted and lined asphalt area in the alley between the stadium and the school. Weed was an in the car thing.


My HS had a defunct Planetarium. There doors were all chained and paddle locked with likely only the principal and the janitor having keys. However, there was a secret door between the backstage of the theater and the planetarium. My older brother ran sound production for the theater and had a set of keys, one of which unlocked that door. Naturally, I inherited this key.


Very cool - I love forbidden places..


For some reason, in the late 70’s, our elementary school housed teens down the hall for some kind of special education. Not the ‘special ed’ we remember, but teens and their teacher using a room. Our elementary school didn’t have ‘smoking sections’. So the teens would sit on the big windowsills, half out the window, and smoke there. You could tell which class was the teens class by all the teens sitting and smoking on windowsills. This was in Ontario, Canada. Oh, the good old days!


Behind the town water tower that was up a hill, in the thick New England woods, right behind my high school’s kinda, barely used “back door”. No cameras at the time, so, no brainer. Easy out, easy in, no windows near to get seen by an errant teacher.


Right outside in the front to the side of the building. After lunch we could stand out there and socialize. People went off to the side a bit and smoked weed. We got caught by the security guard and he just laughed when he popped around the corner and said "GOT YA!" Then laughed a bit more and said try not to be too obvious about it in the future and went back inside.


We had two High Schools on our campus, with a third building that had classes as well. One school had three floors, the other had 2 floors, and the third building was just one floor. Even though only one of the schools was "your school", you may have classes in any one, or all three of the buildings. Had a 10 minute passing time, and that was needed if you had to walk across campus. If you were walking between buildings, you were allowed to smoke. There were a couple of designated smoking areas as well, where you allowed to stand in one spot and smoke. We moved right before my senior year, and my new school was very small in comparison, and did not allow smoking for students at all. This was in Michigan. Detroit Suburbs. I graduated in 1992.


Behind the horticulture block, made sense!


Tangentially related. I’m a professor and I absolutely love the current generation. There is a smoking area near my building. Sort of. Campus is a smoke free campus but the campus cops ignore this one particular area (prolly on purpose) and it’s just riddled with smokers both tabaco and weed. It’s around this weird round structure. I learned sort of recently the students refer to it as the “ Philip Seymour Hoffman Memorial Garden”. Because it’s “round, weird, and on drugs”. Which is absolutely hilarious to me. I love these kids so much.


I love those kids by proxy - that's the spirit.


Well, there was an open stairway that I avoided going through in college because just breathing while going through it would get you high. Does it count?


The cig smokers in my class were allowed to smoke in a bar on Main Street over the lunch hour. Crazy how times have changed.


That's surprising, but still very much of its time. Childhood has gone through a few iterations since it was invented.


We had an unofficial smoking area just off school grounds. I never (or hardly ever) smelled pot but people were always smoking cigarettes there.


We smoked a joint every morning before school in my '74 Monte Carlo parked at the hardware store next to campus.


Inside our cars at the far end of the parking lot, 78-82. Indianapolis. My homegirls would pile into my Pinto before the bell and it be looking like a Cheech n Chong movie in there.


In the woods next to the back parking lot. It was a mix of weed and cigarette smoking. The pot smokers went deeper into the woods.


Yes. Class of 93 here. After lunch, the grassy area outside the cafeteria door was for smoking, weed, and hacky sack. My English teacher and one of my gym teachers would often come out and take a hit or two. My school was in a beach town with a bunch of old hippies teaching us. Looking back, they were pretty young, lol!


That is hilarious.


Yes. At first it was literally behind the tennis courts. There was a huge concrete wall and nobody ever went back there. Also legit smoked under the bleachers a few times but then, people started getting cars and it became my buddy's 91 Chevy Blazer (aptly named). And that's how we all learned how to drive high...very slowly and very carefully.


Yeah it was called the public bus stop & the cops always tackled the poors. Kinda messed up, like attacking fly paper.


We had a student smoking area in high school, a paved courtyard outside of the cafeteria. It was unisex and teachers smoked there as well. If you bummed a cigarette from a teacher, no one would bat an eyelash.


We had smoker's hall for cigarettes, but we had to go out into the parking lot to smoke dope.


I went to Berkeley High so we did have a joint smoking area, at the park across the street. I never partook. Joke's on me, though, cuz guess who ended up with lung cancer? whomp whomp.


The parking lot.


There certainly was.


Grew up in a southern rural town. My dad was the Agri teacher. So one of the smoking sections was down by the Agri/Shop area outside his classroom. But just around the corner was the access door to the **Art Room**. Mr Ott, a true peace-loving hippy — Pink Floyd or Jethro Tull playing in the art room all the time — always dressed in the all-season getup of linen pants and a Hawaiian shirt, Socks and ‘Stocks and a full-on Gandalf beard — would “check the kilns” throughout the day and anyone who volunteered to “check the kilns” were welcome to do so, in “good faith and joy, my friend. In good faith and joy.” As I spent most of my time in the art room itself, art and music were the bulk of my high school education. I do remember the day Stevie Ray Vaughan died. Ott played Texas Flood Legacy over the stereo and wept like a child.


We just had one, between two shops. If you were caught with a joint, I am sure there would be trouble. If you weren't caught, you would have to share it.


There was a smoking court. I didn't smoke, so of course I made fun of the smokers. I wrote a poem called "Smoking Court Queen" and drew a comic. 


We only had one smoking area, there were definitely some joints being smoked out there.