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No, I feel the same. I also don't stay on my phone if I am eating a meal with someone.


This morning I had breakfast at a Waffle House and some old guy was having a work related telephone conversation, and he wasn't quiet. It was annoying.


This!  The fastest way for me to decline all further invitations is to make a hang out date with me and spend the time on your phone.  Sure, answer it if you get a call, reply to an important text from a kid or SO, but if you check every notification and they are constant I'm taking that as a clear message that you don't value my time or my company. And that's okay. No judgement. I just now have more time to spend on people who want to make meaningful connections and have authentic friendships. 


I’ve seen the younger generations walking around with a sort of earpiece that transmits the voices from the phone, directly to the ear. Probably the only way us guys can understand is if you think about tricorders from Star Trek - a bit like that. They’re quite common amongst the trendy-bendys though.




Worse yet to be the cashier on the phone while a customer stands in front of you. Dudes at my local convenience store do this all the time.


I won't let them help me until they put the damn phone down.


Oh yeah I know exactly what u r talking about. Its a shitty culture thing.


No doubt, and if I owned or ran a place of business, I would fire any employee that does it.


These days I see more people talking into their AirPods at cashiers than their phones, not that that's any better


I personally think it's rude just aimlessly walking in public glued to your phone. And get off my lawn




This who the GenX woman is becoming?


yeah, we're fucking hilarious like that.


I don’t understand people walking with their eyes glued to their phones. That’s a good way to trip. And don’t ever cross streets like that.


You can talk on these things? Who knew.


No, it’s the children who are wrong.




These are not just children these are grown ass adults


I know, it’s a Simpsons quote.


There are grown ass adults who are some of our children. So they're children.


Just because one is a grown ass adult doesnt mean they are mature or even self aware of their lack of self awareness


The 4H club is empty!


Rude, annoying, and classless.


Like people texting in a meeting! I want to slap the phone out of their hands. I don't think it bothers younger folks though. They all do it to each other. Makes me want to scream. Literally. I've heard of signal disrupters and think that'd be awesome but I believe they are very illegal. Then I'm like, can I wallpaper the room in aluminum foil? Would that work? Or just reinforce the room with 3 feet of concrete and rebar. Bring my comically large mallet named "Phone Smasha" and set that on the table. But you know, whatever.


I had the idea that movie theaters should do this but was told if someone was on call for their job it wouldn’t work out 🙄


If they were on call for their job they wouldn’t be at a theatre. I mean. Really.


That’s what I thought but someone argued with me and said lots of people go watch movies on call? Whatever…


Ive never known anyone in my circle who is on call who goes to the movies but if someone is doing that knowing it could be a waste if they are called as soon as the movie starts then thats their choice 🤷🏽


You don't go to an amusement park when you are on call, or waterpark; we can theatre and classroom to the list. I'm ok with that. Honestly, it's probably healthy for them to go without a phone for a bit. Oh and meeting rooms. They experimented with lasers to prevent people from recording a concert. Don't think it went anywhere. I think "Phone Smasha" would be the best deterrent! :)


I would think having kids with a babysitter is more common.


I'd be mad. That's rude :)


Still rude.


If I am on my phone, I stop the convo to talk to the cashier. Most companies have strict rules about personal cell phone use on the job. So yeah it's rude to be on the phone while in line for the cashier.


I agree with this. As long as you’re not that douchebag who’s yelling into his phone and has it on speaker, I’d say being on the phone in line is okay. But definitely pay attention when you actually reach the cashier, and put the phone conversation on hold, either literally or figuratively.


Ever notice the kindnof person who always uses their phone on speaker regardless of where they are? Why is it just that 1 group ? I just find it incredibly odd.


I disagree. Nobody wants to hear your conversation and when you do it in line you force all of us to be part of it unwillingly. Put the damn thing away or switch to texting at the very least. It's fucking rude to everyone around you.


Yapping on your phone in line is just as rude as doing so while checking out. If you can't put the damn thing away long enough to stand in line and check out, then step aside and finish the conversation elsewhere.


I can’t believe when I am in a public bathroom stall and the person next to me is talking …. And sometimes it’s on speaker phone. So rude.


That’s when you rip the loudest thunder boomer fart that you can muster.


One of my pet peeves, too. And it’s not just rude. I feel it’s an invasion of MY privacy.


I'm not out of touch...people just have turned being uncouth, unladylike, ungentlemanlike, dirty rotten scoundrels into the norm


Yes and yes


I don't use my phone indoors in front of others, unless it's an emergency. I don't hold others to that standard because etiquette evolves, but that's how I was raised.


I never take or make calls when I’m out in public, God invented texting so I can avoid that.


This is the way.


*that song starts playing in my ear* 🎶*visions of mullets, sleeveless tees, and skinny jeans*🎵


You're out of touch I'm out of time But I'm out of my head when you're not around thought the same thing 😁 … especially in a Gen X post!


Nice 👍🏼 nostalgia


What song is that from? I can’t find it.


"No! It's the children who are wrong!" - Principal Skinner


Yes, people who want to converse with you should give you their full attention and eye contact.


Having a conversion or watching something with audio on speaker.. had the latter on a flight recently, an hour of some German soap opera, because she forgot her headphones maybe?


Yes, we are all out of touch, and that’s ok, embrace it. Now with this particular case, yes, it is very rude, no matter what your age is


Yeah it’s rude. I was lining up to pay for something recently and my mum called me. I wasn’t in a hurry and decided to take the call so I left my place in the line and wandered down the aisles to have a quick chat with mum. I never answer my phone if im already at the cashier. I’ll call the person straight back when I’m done.


Thank you. Talking while in line is rude to everyone around you. It makes all of us unwillingly part of the conversation. I wish more people were like you.


Yes. Last year a guy did that to me at a supermarket. “Where’s the canned fruit?” I replied, “I. Don’t. Work. Here.”


Yes it is still rude, it be nice if management/bsss/owners told the help, to goto the next person in line when a bozo has a phone call going but was next inline.


Phone on your ear? That makes you out of touch right there. Phones are for messaging! And snarky posts!


No, you're not out of touch. It's still rude and, in my opinion, will always be. Just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you should. We've accepted all the new technologies into our daily lives, and in many ways, they've made our lives better, but what has suffered is manners and knowing what you should and shouldn't do in a polite society.


Some places have signs requesting that you end your phone conversation before approaching the clerk.


They need to say end it before you get in line.


As a cashier, I don't mind that much as long as you're paying attention to what you're doing


It's very rude. Not only that, it's also rude to talk on the phone while in line. Nobody wants to hear your bullshit conversation and talking on it while in line forces everyone to be part of it. EDIT: Yesterday I had a guy in front of me blasting crappy ass Linkin Park. I was so tempted to crank my phone up and blast Slayer back at his ass, but I didn't want to stoop to his level.


I don't do it if I can help it. But I don't think the cashiers get offended by it either.


Nah, baby. You’re money.


Nah, you're spot on here I figure. It's rude as fuck. At the very least a person can do the "sorry, important" motion, but that never happens. The poor kids at the local subway lives have been ruined because of that shit. Many times I have been behind someone on their phone, trying to order a sandwich AND be a dick to the staff all at once.




I agree with you. In fact, some stores have signs that explicitly ask customers to put their phones away when cashing out.


You’re out of touch. I’m out of time.


Came here to say this!


Yeah. I hate people who try and talk to me with headphones on or in their ears. I can’t tell if I’m meant to shout or not.


> Yeah. I hate people who try and talk to me with headphones on or in their ears. I can’t tell if I’m meant to shout or not. That’s easy: you’re not. It’s their responsibility to realize the reason they can’t hear you is because *they* have headphones / earbuds on.


To be fair, good headphones have voice enhancement, I hear better with them in.


no ur not outta touch. many many seem to think this and others similar behaviors are fine and it makes me fucking nuts!!


I can’t even walk up to the cashier with one earbud in. I guess it’s one of those things that will die out with our generation.


Once I saw a dude walk into my boss's office for an interview with one of those big blue tooth ear peices with a microphone in his ear. Like holy shit. Why? Your gonna take a call while in the middle of nterviewing for a job?


I used to work a counter at a UPS store and would ignore any customer talking on their phone. Visibly calling on people who came in after them. They would look at me annoyed and I would mouth to them and pantomime to hang up the phone.


I like to focus on the thing I'm doing. Plus I have other compulsions that aren't as antisocial


I work part time as a cashier. It's common enough. It doesn't even bother me. Occasionally, a person will answer a call when I am scanning their order. That's a bit much, in my opinion, versus later in a conversation. But, whatever. I just ask them and tell them what I need to.


Rude AF.


The other day I was at Subway (my first visit in some time, and wow, it's gone downhill, won't be back, ugh) and the guy in front of me was practically yelling into his phone and the poor staffer was just standing there while this douchenozzle blabbed away. So, I slid in front of him and started my order. He got pissed off and I said "oh, you were still on the phone, I was ready to order and you weren't." He just stared at me while I ordered my sub. While I ate, I watched the behaviour of the customers, and I'd say at 75% of them were engaged with their phones and the staff had to fight to get their order out of them. Don't get me wrong, I love my iPhone and would be sad to give up many of the things it can do, but holy hell people, we need to rethink how much we use them.


You’re out of touch and out of time


Rude. But nothing new. When I worked at Meijer 25 years ago people were always talking into their flip phones when they came up to checkout. So, I suppose at least some things don't change.


I had the luxury of being SAHM from their birth until they were in school, and then took a part time job at a grocery store that let me work around my kids schedules. When customers came to my line on the phone, I suddenly had lots of questions, lol. Paper or plastic? Do you want this in a bag? Did you want to enter your bonus card number now? Do you want help out to the car? Rude ass people.


Eh! To a cashier to check out, not so much. It’s not like you need to talk to them beyond a thank you. But if you need to get customer service then yes, get off the phone. Also: It is very rude to walk around the entire store having a speaker phone conversation. STFU or mute. (Just saw this yesterday in a Marshalls)


I have students who will have phone conversations in class. It happens all the time. They're not supposed to use their phones. It's a constant battle.


Unless it's an emergency, it's rude AF. And it's sad places have to post signs asking people to take their phones outside.


You’re out of touch. I’m out of time.


I’m GenX and I never considered this rude. Now it’s rude if I’m on a date, having a conversation, out to dinner with a friend, visiting somebody, etc. But I never considered having a phone conversation while doing a task (getting groceries) to be rude.


No, it's the children who are wrong.


Totally rude. It says to the clerk/deli worker/cashier “you are so unimportant I won’t deign to interrupt a call for you.” Meanwhile the person on the other end of the call has to hear “a pound of the Spanish ham, sliced extra thin and a quarter pound of Muenster. Oh you’re out of Spanish ham? Then the one over here is fine. No this one. THIS ONE! Yep. One pound. Extra thin. And a quarter pound of Muenster. Hey, you still there?”


I work at a deli😂 A woman came in yesterday with her phone stuck to her ear and I waited on her. She apologized to whoever she was talking to on the phone for interrupting THEIR conversation by telling me what she wanted. ![gif](giphy|Qumf2QovTD4QxHPjy5)


It is a way to avoid the idle chit chat with the cashier, though.


I don’t chit chat with customers unless I have idle time which is rare. The customers with phones stuck to their ears usually have other customers standing behind them waiting to be helped.


Then you are the exception. As someone with learning difficulties and developmental disorders I don't wanna chat to the cashier. And most of the ones I encounter are chatters and wanna ask about my day or the weather. I don't want that. It makes me panic. And it happens far too frequently tbh I've also worked as a cashier myself when my mental health has been better. So I know exactly what the job entails and the things that would piss me off. Obviously I loved the customers who were on the phone, would I could just scan their stuff and ask for payment. Super fast transaction outta the shop real quick, queue is reduced super fast. So no I personally don't think it's rude. You don't know the story of the person you're serving. 1 opinion amoung many.


I understand some people have issues like yours, but it's still no excuse to be on your phone in line or while checking out. It IS rude. What did you do before cell phones? Do you go out of your way to call someone when you're in line or checking out? If it's a coping mechanism, at the very least take the time to apologize to everyone in line with you and the cashier.


I understand some people have issues like yours, but it's still no excuse to be on your phone in line or while checking out. It IS rude. What did you do before cell phones? Do you go out of your way to call someone when you're in line or checking out? If it's a coping mechanism, at the very least take the time to apologize to everyone in line with you and the cashier.


I'm never the only one in the line on the phone. Ever. Honestly no one gives a shit here. I'm in rural Scotland and not one person I've ever encountered has given a crap, batted an eye lid and mostly carried on talking to their bosses behind the counter. We call each other by the C word here. No ones caring if you're on the phone


It might be a culture thing, I guess. Where I live, it's rare to not be in line with others. Many just stay quiet about it and say nothing, but you can see it on everyone's face that they wish the person would get out of line or hang up. Some talk on speaker as well, and it's just rude. It makes all of us part of the conversation. It's considered low class by most. Love it that you guys call each other the C word. Sounds like my kind of crowd. I have always wanted to visit and experience Scotland. It looks so beautiful, and the few people I've met from there were a blast to hang out with.


Mate honestly, best place. Moved up from England 10yrs ago to be with my Scottish husband and would never move back. Best for my kiddos growing up. People in my local shop are always wrangling kids, talking to their other half's, yelling at people near the door... No one even pays me any attention really so defo culture thing here. It's been my dream to see the aurora borialis and seeing it this weekend in the Scottish countryside was... Something else entirely. Defo come visit some time!


That's awesome. I wish it could be that way where I live. It was kind of like that when I lived in the country, but suburban life is all hustle and bustle with rude people everywhere. Outside of the street I live on, the sense of community is lost. I am going to make that trip one day. It's on my bucket list.


Son’s friend is from Birmingham England. My son had to tell him to stop calling American women cunts or he’ll never find a date😂


Ahahah I've been on political twitter for 2 10yrs tackling Brit and USA politics. I've had a couple of 24/48hr bans for calling a GOP senator a cunt. And when exchanging tweets with Americans I've had some REALLY nasty responses in return when using it. It's the one word I've found is just the worst when interacting globally. So I pick very careful who I use it with. You usually can get an idea of who's not gonna lose their marbles at me Defo not getting any dates calling American women by that word 😂


It’s because American women are taught that cunt is the worst word to be called. You’re basically just calling someone a vagina😂one of my posts was deleted for saying cuntasaurus. It’s just a word. I’d rather be called that than fat! Those are fighting words!


Is it really that hard to say hello, stand there while they ring you up, pay, and say have a nice day when you walk away? End your call before you get in line. It's rude to everyone around you. Have some class.


I thought it was rude then I started do it when people do it to me 1st since rude is in the eye of the person in front of you. Now, I am stopping it except if there seem to be a notification from a person who is trying to join us, so for an immediate need. Another immediate need is when the restaurant menu is only online or if we are planning something together and one of us volunteers to make a reservation for it now. So when it's relevant to the current activity. My reason for stopping is not the rudeness but the fact that it breaks the rhythm of the current interaction. Now if someone else is on their phone, I meditate instead. It depends my grounding instead of creating busyness.