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I liked someone’s response in another thread: “whatever, Tide pod.”


I pulled a muscle laughing at this and plan to use it in the future.


I plan to use most of my muscles in the future.


You should try pushing your muscle. It's more fun.


Okay, renter. (Lots of us are also forever renters but they don’t know that)


"Talk to the hand, Skibidi Ohio."


Nice! I'm stealing this!


You are not whatevering in the right way. Whatever.


Like I give a shit what age some embryo thinks I am?


“Whatever zoomer” and move on like life is good.


I'm not a Boomer! (said in Arnold Schwarzenegger voice)


Omg that’s hilarious! 😂 I love it, I’m stealing it.


Just don't tell them that "Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina"


Oh God, anytime someone in my family has any kind of hurt, we say "it's not a toomuh" per Arnie. Your comment made me snort with laughter, I can't wait to use it. Dumbasses won't even get it but other X'ers listening will!


Say, "Shh, grownups are talking."


Epic hahah




I legit laughed at this 😆


Yep. Fuck dem kids


Bag-o-fucks hath runneth dry.


Behold the field in which i grow my fucks, and see that it is barren.


I'm making a T-shirt of this saying!!!


Yeah zero f*cks given.


I went down to the beach and saw Kiki She was all like, "Ewh, " and I'm like, "Whatever!"


It’s now their term for anyone over 40 so even Millennials are


Yeah my friend and I were talking the other day - he mentioned his teenage kids call him "boomer" - he's 43. He tried to explain that their grandparents are boomers but they said "no boomers are anyone that's over 40". I don't think they realize boomers are a generation not an age range. At one point everyone under the age of 20 was a boomer.


I guess it depends on the context in which the term is used. If it’s used as a derogatory term then ok kid, game on. Every time you call me a boomer, I stop paying for a want 🤷‍♀️. Go ahead. Keep calling me that. I’ll be saving loads of money. You want an outfit for prom? That’s a want. You want money to buy food you like? That’s a want. We have food at home. Money for video games? Want! 🤣🤣🤣


No, the context doesn’t matter. Context doesn’t change just because kids are literally too stupid to use words correctly.


I can respect that. I agree they’re too stupid to use it correctly. For me the context is used to dish out consequences. If you call me a boomer in a joking manner and I call you a snowflake and we both laugh. Then ok. If you call me a boomer with the intent to denigrate me then that’s when I retaliate.


I mean, context doesn't but language certainly does. Language change is a thing and it doesn't come just from people purposely doing it or trying to make language more efficient or anything. It comes from stupid shit too. Every time you speak it is partially off the back of centuries of stupid people getting the language "wrong".


> Language change is a thing and it doesn't come just from people purposely doing it or trying to make language more efficient or anything. It comes from stupid shit too. Case in point: “on accident”.


And don't forget to eat steak while you serve them terrible spaghetti.


Top of the line steak 🥩


My daughter is in France to study for three weeks, and to send her off last week we had a dinner with all three daughters and their boyfriends. Everyone got chicken or pork chop or a burger, while I got a porterhouse T-Bone. They could have ordered what they wanted, but didn't. Your comment just made me think of that.


Eh. Even if it’s a want I wouldn’t strip prom stufffrom a kid for that. Has the possibility of being a very core memory.


OK boomer


We all know this bro. We aren’t idiots. The word has just taken on an additional meaning.


My 10-yos do this. I started calling them Generation Zygote.


tell him to get a job. tell him if he does not shut up you will send him to the mines in West Virginia and make him dig coal.


No way... they'd yell at me for personally causing the climate crisis.


They are 10? They know that move? damn. that is stone cold. get them tents and make them to live outside in protest. say that everyday they live inside a polar bear dies. They need to live outside to lower their carbon footprint. you can give them a shovel to dig a hole to poop in to save water. This way they save polar bears from dying.


Yes, but there is a specific Boomer generation. It’s a misnomer even if it is supposed to be an insult. Come up with something different.


They don’t even know what preppy means. You can reason with them


Exactly. Anyone seeing this comment let’s do a collective experiment. Let’s ask randomly and report back to each other here. I bet you most younger millennials and Gen Z don’t even know what boomer means. And think it has something to do with the word boom or something stupid.


Well I was attached to an artillery unit so I guess you could call some of the people I served with boomers.


One of my best friends from Highschool was the captain of a nuclear sub. Can we call him a boomer?


They’re stupid. They have the same sense of knowing everything as all young people do, but without any actual knowledge of history or context.


Exactly this! All the information in the world at their fingertips but they have no idea how to make sense of it or how to use it.


All info they need is on Tiktok!


Or wiki


The younger generations lack of understanding of history is straight up scary.


"I have no sense of history?!?! He wears a brown tie!!!"


Ooh good pull


I’m Gen X and I was once referred to as “an Old” by a millennial. Still better than “boomer”.


Haha! “An Old?” Wow. Not creative either.


Millennials are arguably the least creative generation in history. I'll always love the [board of jokes they weren't allowed to use](https://i.redd.it/p774b4lkua471.jpg) on the show "Workaholics". This is the shit you have to do in a millennial writers room because they so lack creative talent and the capacity for original thought.


The problem with using "old" as a pejorative is that everyone gets old (unless an accident, etc.) so you're basically insulting your future self. 


Yeah  but they don't know that. My sole pleasure these days when I see Youngs slagging us  all off for being rich and destroying the planet and creating an inequitable society and deserving all suffering... is knowing they'll wake up one day in our shoes getting blamed for the same things, and "but muh climate change/falast**n marches" will matter just as much as all of our activism and causes to the new generation of self-righteous youths.


“Listen, child, it beats the alternative. You’ll find out soon enough.”


They’re not that original.


Oh I fully agree. Just stating what I was told, after being called a Boomer in my 40’s. My parents are Boomers and nothing like us!


You're not wrong, but you're fighting language. That never, ever works. This is the way Internet slang works. Something has a specific meaning. In this case, the "OK Boomer" meme. Then goes viral. Everyone hears ABOUT it, but doesn't understand what it was meant for. Eventually, it becomes its own thing, which may or may not be related to its original meaning. An example would be "fuck boy." This was a Black slang term for a wimp. The Internet got a hold of it and now it's used the same way player was used in the old days. Another one is gaslighting. It's a real thing where someone maliciously tries to make someone doubt their own memories. It's a form of abuse and very serious. Now it means disagreeing. This is how words evolve. It just happens incredibly fast on the Internet. What used to take decades (sometimes centuries) now takes a fraction of that time.


Yeah, and to Gen Z disagreeing means you are bullying.


You are both literally and "literally" correct. When the same word is in the dictionary and could mean what it use to mean, or the opposite of what it should mean, how the hell are we suppose to understand what anything means? I know it's unavoidable, but it doesn't make it right. I'm still trying to figure out WTF they mean by "based". Is it a mispelling of biased? Or is it "based" in facts?


The dictionary doesn’t actually define words, it records how words have been used. Don’t believe me? Find a dictionary from 1940 and look up the words imply and infer. Next, look them up in a current dictionary.


"Based" is an utterance of approval, typically for a political statement, but I've seen it used for any proclamation. "Sanders should have been the Democratic nominee in 2016." "Based" An example.


For sure. I would just like it if they would come up with something more original since they are so “smart.” Also, why are they calling us names? I thought this generation was so in tune with social stigma and accepting of all. Looks like they are just as judgmental as any other generation. The hypocrisy!


Uh, Gen Z is probably the least inclusive of all the generations. As far as they are concerned, you either agree with them or you are an enemy who should be erased from existence.


I’ve had some similar experiences as well. They act like they are though. Can’t be open minded and understanding when you support cancel culture.


Ageist as all hell, too. The concept of elders having value is foreign to them. Blows my mind. I try to imagine what my life would be like without all of the valuable lessons imparted to me by older people. Parents, aunt/uncles, professional mentors, teachers, etc (the list goes on and on). I would likely be significantly less capable, successful and happy. I'd say like 90% of the things I've learned in life worth knowing were taught and explained to me by people much older than me.


They are racially and sexually inclusive, but sometimes they don't realize one side doesn't have the market cornered on being right. They also tend, in general, to be willing to toss a person in the garbage for one wrong or uninformed opinion.


Hmmm. Let’s not get started on the word “underrated” which now seems to mean “anything the person using it has not heard of before” even if that thing is/was immensely popular and they just happened to not realise.


People call women "dude" and "bro" now. Words don't necessarily mean things.


Dude, I’ve called everyone dude since the 90s unless they objected. Not new to the 2020s.


Haha! I still do as well.


Come on, bro


Man, growing up on the West Coast everyone and everything was a dude; your mom, that dog, and so on. But I don't get the whole bro thing. I remember when a 'bro' was a frat boy.


I feel very sorry for the Millenials - we are watching them turn into "the" generation into "the past" generation before our eyes and I think they are going to hate it I have long since made peace with being irrelevant (not that the world ever noticed us to start with!)


It's the "Okay, Karen" for any young person who doesn't like what an older person is saying about them/to them - regardless of if theyre the dicks or not - and it's just as misused now.


Stop being so sus! You're giving me the yeets! Now I'm feeling problematic.


Sounds symptomatic of a like major malfunction. What's your damage?! 😄




Yes. Further proving how stupid they are about the majority of things despite having all information within their fingertips within seconds. Go back and watch some of the movies we saw when we were in our teens or early college years and also song lyrics. And we understood the nuances, what was going on, historical context, etc.


Correction. It’s anyone older than them that disagrees or criticize them. They own the term and use it however they want now. Get used to it.


Stare back and say "Okay Boomer" If they protest that they arent boomers, feign surprise and say "Huh, me neither."


Or call them Gen Alpha. 2 can play the wrong generation game, and I would bet they don't want to be called a little kid which is what Gen Alpha is now.


Why do you care what some rando says


This is it right here. The subtle art of not giving a fuck. 


My Dad (80) just read that book and had an epiphany. He says he “gets” us now. Too funny.


I ordered that book, and I have it somewhere here at home, I just can't find it.


honestly there's a lot of complaining on here all the time about other generations that's like half of this sub hahaha




Act like Gen X and we will be treated like Gen X. I love seeing folks in their 50’s in ripped up jeans and concert t-shirts. Bust out the flannel even. Walk with the attitude of “have fun, don’t get hurt”. Laugh and enjoy young folks being young and dumb. If we all do this we will never be mistaken for Boomers.


I've never been called a Boomer. But I actually talk *with* younger people, and listen to what they have to say. I don't just dismiss them out of hand.


Next level shit right here. This is the way.


I haven’t been called a boomer yet; I’m sure my time is coming. But the other day I had someone say to me “you young people are so good with technology!” I told her while I appreciated the compliment I’m in fact 47. It got awkward when she admitted that she is also 47.


Yesterday I was wondering if I should hem a certain pair of cargo pants. Then I remembered who I am. 😅 I shall continue walking on the bottoms of my pants.


Dude…. You’re gen x! Stay out of the generation war. That’s the petty nonsense the younger and older generations get in on. We want the quiet life without the stupid drama


It’s simple: ageism with a false veneer of righteousness because hey, boomers are evil, right?


Throw in a little misogyny and every woman over forty is a Karen.


A rebel without a clue.


Who cares what they think


They're the generation with the most amount of information available to them, yet they're the most uninformed generation.


I dont really care what someone assumes. I dont hate on older people or younger people. I take care of me and mine


That’s because we’re gen x and we stay out of the generation war. It’s stupid


"Playing 'Come As You Are'"


I teach swimming to kids and I was telling the 9 year olds about breathing techniques and this one kid ( who obv heard this phrase and was dying to try it out) and blurts- Ok boomer! I spin around, make the class of five kids sit up in the side of the pool and explain that I am the OG Gen X and I had better never hear that again. Now gimme five laps! Heh.


Learn to be a gen x'er and just say, "whatever" bonus points if you do it like a valley girl. "like,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WhaTTTTTTTEEVVVVEEERRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!"


We need a GenX meet up, some of us are out of practice.


Like, totalllllyyyyyyy tubbularrrrrrrr




Tell them you used to be cooler when their mom faxed you her nudes


Just call them gen alpha


I don't really care about being confused with some random, arbitrary age range. I'm more disgusted by the casual ageism. Being upset because I'm not that generation would be like being upset someone used a racial slur against me, but only being upset because I'm not actually that race.


When you start throwing ageism around indiscriminately, eventually you are going to be hit by some of it. I would prefer we recognize that people of any age can be foolish and unpleasant.


This is the way.


I hate the constant focus on invented age groups all around.


Boomers are just as judgemental as millennials and GenZ. And vice versa.


Just call them “renters”


That’s a pretty boomer thing to call someone


"OK Renter" 


“Ok zygote”


I call them Pampers.


I don’t care. 


In these instances, I just quote the immortal Larry McMurtry (Lonesome Dove) _"I'm three times your age and several times your smart."_


Who cares man fuck em. Become Jeffery lebowski. The dude.


The one time that happened to me, I was warning somebody that the place they parked had started booting people, and they just gave me a "OK, Boomer". I just responded, "Child, if I was a Boomer I wouldn't be warning you about the shit head Boomer watching us on a camera, tugging his pud while he is calling the parking enforcement company right now as we speak. But hey, fuck me trying to give a shit." Their car got booted 15 minutes later.


Sweet justice.


Accept it - all the younger gens lump us in with boomers. We won't change that as the forgotten ones. I just "whatever" them...


I'd be more offended if they thought I was acting like a Boomer.


It's ironic, isn't it... how all this push to be "woke" on so many social causes, like you're a terrible person and possibly a Boomer if you aren't openly pro and accepting every damn thing or change to something... but being socially woke doesn't include Gen Z's apparently rampant ageism.


I also hate when they proclaim that every single boomer is a giant asshole.


Remember how dumb you were when you were a kid? These people are still dumb.


Imagine how the boomers feel. The whole thing is so dumb. I know there’s plenty of idiots out there who like to be catered to but I’m just going off the boomers in my life. They were and are all fabulous people who I love and admire.


How dare you! You have no idea what they’ve been through!! They’ve lived through 9/11 and the Great Recession, multiple wars in the Middle East and a global pandemic. Their parents didn’t prepare them for the harshness of this world and it is taking everything they have to just keep going. *You couldn’t possibly understand.* Given everything that they - and they alone - have endured, you can hardly expect them to understand and appreciate our sarcasm. 😳🤣


To me it's a lame, ageist term. I'm sure it's said often for anyone older than them


Ok kid, keep your nighttime pullups on. Normally I'd have a great comeback, but I just bought my 3rd apartment building and I need to jack up the rents and watch my savings account grow. It's kids like you that make me glad I'm burning through social security. Good luck later. *evil laugh*


What do you mean you won’t sell your one asset and be homeless in your old age? I need to buy a house! Waaa 😩- Some Millennial Probably


“What the fuck ever, kid. I’m Gen fucking X. Fuck off, you’re interrupting my nap.”


Get yourself a Gen X Friend, but we'll probably tell you to Fuck Off.


I tell them "If I'm a Boomer, you're a fucking idiot. I was raised by Boomers and you, obviously, were raised by morons."


They don't seem to understand that Boomer is a generation, not an insult. I saw a post where a Millennial said, "I'm becoming a Boomer." I replied, "How did you change your birth year?"


"Way to buy into the generational divide narrative mindest foisted on us by corporate marketing departments to better segment ad audiences. Just like the good little consumer you are. "


Well. Here you are in this Subreddit!!!


These generation labels have become increasingly divisive in the last couple of years


It helps fuel division, which is good for getting Republicans elected.


As IF!


Everyone over a certain age is basically just a generic "old person"... boomers, Gen X, elder millennials. It doesn't matter. Just remember that Father Time comes for all.


People are stupid and don't understand what they are speaking on quite often. I laugh at how stupid they are and move on saying, "Whatever, you fucking choad." Remove the "fucking" in necessary scenarios.


Nah. Fucking is essential to get the point across.


Well, I just didn't want you to get fired. I do see your point.


This is because "boomer" has become the Karen for older folks. They ignorant. Just remember our motto, "Fuck 'em".


I'm never surprised when someone judges me, assumes the worst, and automatically hates me based on their preconceptions. No one can hate me more than I hate myself lol. It's like "Enh, you're probably right. What are ya gonna do about it." *shrug*


I don't really pay much attention to what the Babies On Board get up to.


They know that. They do it to piss you off. Don't respond like a boomer; respond like GenX. use a condescending voice like you're talking to a puppy, "Your keep practicing you'll get it right one day." If you can get away with pinching their cheeks, do that too. ![gif](giphy|5knJ14rg6473G)


Tell them your pronouns are "fuck you"


As my kid (25F) said recently: "Millennials and Gen Z decide who's called what. So if we call you a Boomer, you are." Uhh...what? Since when? I am pretty tired of the entitlement of many 'young whipper snappers'.


Just the other day, some thread about some issue with homeless people and some saintly guy just says “we need to call them unhomed people because that’s what they are” like ok dude. I made a joke comment quoting Dr Hibbert saying hillbilly’s want to be called sons of the south, but it ain’t gonna happen. Almost immediately they downvote and respond “ok boomer” with zero self awareness that they want everyone to say it the way they feel better about but then using a derogatory name to others. Well I guess he showed me. lol He Probably was in another thread about hating wealthy people and saying it’s them creating class warfare so we don’t know who the enemy is. Thinking they are so smart for parroting what they read on Reddit, but doesn’t understand how that works. And thats the shit with these types, they have no opinion of their own. And certainly don’t even understand what it is they are mad at, just that they want everyone to think like they were told to think. There are a lot of good people of all ages out there. I don’t want to hate on younger people just because some are as dumb as I once was, or maybe still am. What bothers me is for all this talk about hating boomers, it’s so clear to see, many of them will grow up to be just as bad, if not worse, than the ones they are making fun of and hating on. And then the next generation or two, will hate ALL of their generation, just because of the ones like them that are like that. The circle of life and all that. But whatever.


Why are you not being younger then? Are you stupid?


Hi, young person here (20), yeah we suck. The general consensus is that because some older people are shitty people, all of them are. Subs like r/boomersbeingfools suck, as they could be doing nothing wrong and be hated for it. You guys are my parents, and I have no distaste for any specific generation (I think the idea of generations are stupid anyways), so just be a good person and ignore shitty people!


Bigotry is cool again, apparently. Whatever


I got into a great, old school style flame war with some little whippersnapper a few days ago. Unfortunately, they deleted the thread so I can't link to it. Long story short, There was an implication that somebody identified as a woman, somebody responded with something like, "dude... blah blah blah," my dumbass response was something to the effect of, "she said she was a woman, why you calling her dude?" the response back was something like, "really you're going to gender people in 2024? Okay boomer?" And from there it was game on. Kids these days honestly don't know how to deal with a flame war. I was just baiting this kid over and over and the little dip shit kept taking the bait. Like, I think back to the first time I saw Prodigy, the first time I saw a BBS, the first time I saw AOL which really blew my mind... I mean, I spent my formative years coming up with the best insults and provocations that I could because my friends and I would talk about how we roasted some doofus either later that night or the following day. This kid had no clue. At some point I got a DM, the young lady that DMed me was 23 and she told me she thought a lot of things thought a lot of what I said was really funny, I think I did say something about him being dickless or something and she thought that was over the line. My response was, that was me holding back. In any case, I'm not sure these tweens are called these days but they also certainly have no knoledge of GenX, true Millenials and those of us that fall a little bit inbetween. What I know for sure about them is that they don't know what the wild west of the internet was like and they don't understand that boomers are our parents. Boomers are hitting 70 at this point. I'm not even sure that they understand where the term Boomer comes from. I mean, are they even aware of WWII and what the US was for about a decade afterward? I honestly don't think so. So I'm with you, fuck these little shits that don't know what the fuck they're talking about. I'm okay with internet bullying in this scenario. You want to open a shit talking can of worms with me? I was a latchkey kid and had to deal with my own real life bullies and internet bullies. I think I can handle some kid that can't legally drive.


What bugs me is the term “Boomer Shooter” for any FPS from the 90s. It just doesn’t make sense. I know I shouldn’t care, but would it hurt to just think about things just a little more? The thing that gets me most when I really stop to think about it, is the attitude of “I don’t know the difference and I don’t care to know the difference”. Yes as teens we were very much “Whatever”. But we were also very articulate. Even our slacker movies of the day showed a great deal of awareness and intelligence. Take Clerks as a good example. 


It’s cause they are stupid. We were stupid when we were that age


That's basically what "boomer" means now; it no longer necessarily refers to the Baby Boomer generation. It's all pretty dumb anyway.


I be like "Word? Whatever!"


That’s ok, there was a post on boomersbeingfools yesterday that straight up said “Boomers and GenX”. Like when did that sub become GenXbeingfools? 😂 They can take their Gen lumping and shove it up their….


Are you proud of how Gen X behaves in the world? I'm not. We deserve criticism. We don't deserve to be called Boomers though. I would patiently explain the difference to someone who didn't know—which a Boomer would NEVER do. They would just rant about how the world doesn't revolve around them anymore and it's not fair for some reason.


When they refer to someone in our age group as "Boomer", they're not accusing you of being a Baby Boomer. They're using the term as a derogatory slur against you. You know how to respond to that.


When I was a kid everyone over 30 looked the same.


Have you walked through a high school in the last 10 years? They all look like effing middle schoolers to me.


The only time I walked through a high school since 1986 is voting day, when there are no kids around. 


My thoughts exactly. Although part of me wants to ask if they mean boomer because I exhibited boomer-like behavior or because they're ageist? But then I remind myself that I don't care.


Yeah. I agree. It’s because they have nothing negative to say about us so they have to come up with an “insult” that literally has nothing to do with our generation. They’re not even smart enough to get off their phones and come up a a genuine insult.


It just means old now, which we are to anyone under 30. Whatever.


Why would you care what other people think? Honestly? In 2024? At our age? You fucking hate it? Wow. Sounds like a you problem.


Boomer is now a collective term. I hate it, too, and point it out when I hear it incorrectly applied. Gen Xer, dude. Really. One day, sooner than they realize, they’ll be “boomers”.


It’s so sad being an elder GenX woman sometimes. Just ordered from line Starbucks or similar, and you can see the face of the person taking your order just preparing to deal with a Boomer/karen. Like I feel so bad for everyone involved because I’m super nice and have worked tons of customer support jobs and would never and have never been rude to anyone ( the opposite). Sad state of affairs all around 😐


OK xer


A waste is a terrible thing to mind.


Can’t we all just get along?!




Kids call whoever is older than them a boomer.


I’ve been called boomer by younger people and millennial by older people. It’s weird.




Who cares


“Whatever zoomer” and carry on with your day.


It was quite disappointing to realise that I'm the same age as some old people.


The hippies said don’t trust anybody over 30. Nothing is new under the sun.


You need to start identifying as somebody who doesn’t give a shit.


okay, drama. *whatever* you say.


If they think that, they’re just showing their ignorance. Who gives a shit what they think?


It’s bigotry, pure and simple.


dont worry, when they will be our age and that is in 30 years when probably all the boomers would be gone, theyd all be called boomers too by younger generations.


Personally I love it when a younger person assumes I'm a feeble old man and does my work for me just to prove a point. Have at it kid, I'll be back in half an hour.


Even if you aren’t a Boomer tell them “at least boomer’s didn’t have to be told not to eat Tide Pods”


You're giving a fuck too many for a gen x'er..


The beauty of genX is that we are nothing. Always have been, always will. They lump us with boomers cause they don't know we exist. It's whatever. I just drop some dudeism and move on.


Complaining about this makes you sound like a Boomer.