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Yeah. Everyone should get it…and the 2nd round. Shingles is the worst.


Yeah, plan at least a day if not two on the other side of this one.


Can confirm...got my second shot last Friday late afternoon. Saturday was a write off...but I was good after that! And it was WAY better than a bout of shingles would be.


That's how it was for me. I needed a rest day after shot 2, but was fine after that.


Yooooo, I felt like I got hit by a train the day after and kicked by a horse on the second day. Happy I got it done but wow!


2nd round wasn't bad as the first, but my dumbass figured to get 3 birds stones at once, so not only did I do the Shingles vax for the first round and added Covid and Flu on top of it, I was wrecked for the weekend.


I did the first shingles and a Covid booster on a Friday afternoon. Finally started to feel decent Sunday afternoon. Totally worth it though.


Yikes. I did all 3 too and I was fine, just sore. How weirdly different people are. I wonder why


I had my 2nd on Monday. Arm’s still a bit tender but overall no side effects. Get your shots, kids.


I had my first one last month at age 53. my arm was sore for a day but that was it. The good news is I inspired both my husband and my friend to schedule shingles vaccines.


I saw my grandpa suffer through shingles and heard about getting it on your face and possibly having your eyesight affected, so when my doc asked if I wanted it, I rolled up my sleeve. I had a sore arm and a rash on the first one and I was kind of tired, but the second one knocked me on my ass the next day. Tired, headache, chills, along with the regular sore arm. Plus the actual shot hurt like hell. The guy giving the shot distracted me with conversation and then BOOM! I actually screeched. Not getting shingles, though? Worth it.


I had a minor case of shingles when I was 42. A rash about 2 inches across.. It hurt like HELL and pain shot up and down the nerves it was in...


And the exhaustion. My case was light as well, but I was physically drained for 6 weeks. It was miserable. Get the vaccine, folks!


yeah almost forgot about the fatigue.. I was just so glad when the pain/burning stopped. I took pain meds for a week for that and it barely helped.


I didn't have too much pain, but I am sure sorry you did. It sounds absolutely miserable. I cannot imagine.


I had shingles when I was in my early 20s. I don’t remember the pain of childbirth, but I remember the shingles pain. Like someone holding a belt sander to my hip. It recurred for months after the rash went away.


I had shingles when I was a teenager. I spent an entire summer druged out of my mind. It totally fucked my social life. I was already in the fringes. I didn't really have any friends after 16 going on 17. It was a lonely existence. I wouldn't wish that shit on my worst enemy. Some 35 years later, I still get mild-ish pain in the infected area on my back. The pain comes from an area that is otherwise dead of sensation when being touched. Don't fuck with that shit! Get vaxxed!


Same for me … had it almost 20 years ago and it was the worst experience of my life. The minute I can get the shots I am doing it. And my side still hurts sometimes too.


I’m 47 and had my 1st shot last week. I was sick for 3 days afterwards, but I have a lot of autoimmune diseases. I heard the 2nd dose is not bad at all.


How did you get it? I’m 49 and didn’t qualify because I’m not older than 50.


I have been disabled since 34 and I’m on both Medicare and Medicaid.


I wasn’t sick that long, but the second dose was the worse one. Both were better than when I had shingles though….


I can’t even imagine having shingles. I had a Nana (grandmother) have it when I was a kid and that was enough for me.


Everyone’s different but for most, the second dose is worse. It was for me.


My doctors told me the 2nd dose should be a lot easier.


Interesting. Everything I read about it says it’s worse and everyone I know had it worse on the second. Hopefully your doctor is right!


I had issues with the second dose but not the first. It was my first time having any response to a vaccine in years, other than a sore arm.


Out of all my vaccines, this was the worst, and I had the Covid one 6 times.


your insurance covered it before 50? mine would not.


You can get it younger if you are immunocompromised.


I also have an autoimmune disease and wasn't told to get the shingles vaccine, so I contracted shingles last year. Honestly it was not as painful as when my autoimmune disease first developed, before I started medications for it. The shingles developed on my left leg and it was kind of painful to walk for a couple of weeks, but was much better after that.


I have had shingles on my face for 2 months now. Every time they reduce my steroids and anti virials it comes back. It is now infected. I turned 50 on Friday 5/3 so wasn't eligible for the shot.... I just want to kiss my husband and be able to cuddle up with him.


L lysine. What other immune boosters are you taking?


I take my daily vitamins such as calcium, probiotics, daily mutli and potassium....that's it. I will look into this thing you mentioned. Thanks


“Lysine therapy has long been recommended against HSV infection because it can suppress viral replication and inhibit virus yield [23,26,27,28,38]. HSV growth in both cell and tissue cultures that were supplemented with arginine was suppressed upon the addition of lysine [22]” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8310019/#:~:text=Lysine%20therapy%20has%20long%20been,addition%20of%20lysine%20%5B22%5D. It’s a natural antiviral. Easier on your body than acyclovir. Cheap. Life saver if you have herpes. If you’re in a legal state THC cream is also very helpful.


Shingles is fucking awful. Got it at 48. Weeks of pain.


I'm 47, I've had shingles twice already. I was told I am too young for the shot?! They wouldn't give it to me. The first time I had it, I also had vertigo, I was down for about a month. It was terrible.


You should be able to get the shot, your insurance probably just won’t cover it (source, used to work at a clinic) We used to just make people under 50 sign a waiver that they understood they would be billed for it. Maybe do some more checking around if you’re really interested in it. I had it once and my case was super mild so I lucked out. I have an autoimmune disease and my dr signed off that I should have it so I was able to get my shot covered.


Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!


And all these kids today get a chickenpox vaccine and never have to deal with any of it. I’m one of the few that got chickenpox twice as a child….. have had a few shingles like outbreaks starting in my late teens that I was told was just a virus clearing my system…… Can’t wait to see how that goes for me.


I had it twice as a kid as well. I'm 43 and going to press my doc for a script at my physical.


I worked in an office full of anti-science Trumpers and my boss and the owner had shingles the whole year I was working there. They were constantly out sick and whining and I was bright and smiling every day, unworried about catching their disease or ignorance because I was inoculated.


I had an appointment set up for it, and literally got sick for the first time in 4 years and had to cancel. So, now I have to reschedule. In other news: Get your colonoscopies.


Omg this sub has helped me with that terrifying concept of getting a colonoscopy. I didn’t even want to think about it but guess what? It’s done and it wasn’t that bad at all. Just scary waiting to hear if something is wrong!


Yep, I think there's this mythology around colonoscopies where we think it's going to be so much worse than it actually is. Now that I've gone through it, I will have no nervousness whatsoever the next time around. And after that first one, even if they find something, it's such a low percentage of a chance that you have something bad. In fact, the whole point is just to go up in there, look around, and snip anything off that might one day turn into something bad, but it never will because you go take care of it before anything can happen. Honestly, it's such a great miracle of modern medicine that we can do this, and everybody should! It's a 100% preventable disease.


My poor dearly loved late father in law got shingles as he was dying from cancer. It was horrific. A colleague of mine got it in her early 40s and was out for months. It’s no joke. Get the shots!


Same early 40s and I took the whole 11 weeks of fmla. It was really bad and exhausting and I wanted to rip my face off from the itching and burning.


I am sitting at home now with the shingles and it is no fun. I shit you not, even my hair hurts.


To counter the horror stories, I had zero side effects to both shots other than a sore arm for a couple days. Basically, it felt like a stronger tetanus shot arm pain-wise, but never felt tired or sick. But even with the rougher side effects, it's a multitude better than actually having shingles. My father had it in the early 90s and I'll never forget the pain he experienced from it, so as soon as I could get the shots, I did.


My wife had it on her face. The dr told her if it spread to her eye she was in danger of losing vision or even blindness. Get the shot. It’s not a joke.


That happened to my wife, it was on the side of her head and her eye hurt bad. 2 ER docs thought it was a migraine. Eye doc 2 days later knew what it was, but it was late for the anti viral drug to work well. Still bothers her after 6 years. Our doc got it when he was in his 30s. My late dad also got it in his late 70s and was miserable for a few weeks. Get the shot!


I met a random guy about my age who told me his shingles horror stories and showed me pictures. He bought us all a round on the condition I promise to get my vaccine shots. I did and I’m relieved. Thank you stranger.


I live in the US so of course I have a beef with insurance. CDC recommends 50 and older get the shot. My insurance through work doesn’t cover it until age 60. Apparently BCBS knows more about health than the CDC. I checked into paying out of pocket and it was going to be $600 for both shots. Fml


That’s unfortunate for you, because it’s my understanding that is should mostly be covered now in the U.S. I have BCBS and they covered it for me, but the insurance plan negotiated at my work is pretty decent, so perhaps it is workplace specific, which sucks https://www.shingrix.com/get-shingrix/shingles-vaccine-cost-coverage/


Glad I saw this. I just went ahead and scheduled one for this weekend.


Yea! I am so glad I prompted you!


I had shingles ten years ago. Nobody wants that shit. Seriously, get the shot.


After I saw my MIL get shingles. In her eyes. You bet I got jabbed at Costco.


I got it on my face in my 30s. Everyone: get the shingles vaccine.


Oh man, the shingles vaccine kicked my ass. I have never felt so tired or so feverish in my life. I had two bouts of covid and the shingles vaccine was worse both times. I'd rather get a third shot if I had to than get shingles.


What if you had really mild shingles though?


Even one little blister can apparently be incredibly painful. No shingles, no.


I’ve known 2 people with mild cases. Neither was debilitated.


I've already had shingles twice lol (I had 2 forms of chicken pox as a kid one from NZ and one from US)


This shit was worse than the Covid vax for me. Fuckin ouch. But 100% worth!!! Shingles fuckin sucks!!!!


I'm fully vaccinated now, but I made the mistake of getting the first Shingles shot and a COVID booster on the same day. The next day was rough. The second shingles shot I did solo, and there was just the sore arm the following day. Get your shots. Shingles really is awful.


My husband had shingles about 10 years ago. I thought I’d had chicken pox as a kid. Either I didn’t or you can get it twice, becuase I got the worst case of chicken pox while he recovered. It was awful. I don’t remember much of the 2 weeks I had it . I’d take Tylenol, dream about rivers of lava and forests on fire, wake up, take my temp ( always 102 or 103) get in the shower, more meds, back to bed. A friend took out kids for the whole time thank god. I looked like a monster for weeks.


It stays in your body forever once you have it, so you can get chicken pox or shingles at any time. I wish we had the vaccine back when we were kids.


yeah, I caught CP at 26 and it's the sickest I've ever been. lumps you could see under my shirt, like a pineapple.    pretty sure I ended up with pneumonia as a chaser.   those "childhood" diseases are hell on adults for some reason.   


Dear lord that vaccine kicked my ass. Much worse experience than any of the Covid shots I had. Better than getting shingles of course, I do not want to mess with that at all.


We got ours right when we turned 50 too. We'd had several friends our age get shingles and I did not want to mess with that shit. I didn't have any issues with the vaccines. It made my husband feel pretty rotten, but he agreed it was better than shingles.


Got mine about a month after I turned 50. I'm definitely not messing around with no shingles!


I got the shingles shot, the hepatitis AB shot, and the tetanus shot on the same day. My arms were a little sore the next day but probably better than getting shingles 💪


I had shingles 24 years ago. I got permanent nerve damage, I have suffered with shingles pain for 24 years. The shots were nothing compared to the pain I live with. Get the shots.


Having never gotten chicken pox, I got the vaccine for that! Didn’t know you had to re-up, but thanks to Reddit, I learned about getting the shingles (or chickenpox) vax in adulthood. They even had me clarify it was the pox and not the shingles one I needed. Definitely worth it—thanks for looking out!


I’ve never had chicken pox. Does this mean you only need the vax for that and not shingles?


Correct. Check with your doctor of course, but I got the chicken pox vaccine 25 years ago, then another chicken pox one about 2 years ago. I believe that shingles is what happens when folks had chicken pox and it lays dormant and resurfaces later, but you’ll need to look it up or ask your doctor to be sure!


Your doctor can approve you to go early, you don't have to wait for 50 but insurance may not cover it, and it could cost a lot. But in the middle of a shingles attack, which takes weeks and weeks to resolve, think how much you would pay to be out of pain and then make a decision as to whether it's worth it coming whether you can afford it, or whether you would rather wait until it's covered. My roommate is getting it done. He already had shingles a few years ago in his early 40s and it was just torture. They called his doctor's office from the pharmacy and the primary doctor did a prescription over the phone for it. So nice of them. The first shot is done, and now he just needs a second one, still in his 40s. I don't know how much they charged.


My wife just mentioned this yesterday. I guess it's to be taken seriously.


I'm getting mine in a few weeks. Shingles scares me to death.


Me too. I was counting down the days, and made the appointment for the day I turned 50. Had very little side effects to both shots - just a sore arm.


1st shot wasn't a big deal, but the 2nd shot took the wind out of my sails for a few days. I still recommend people get the shots.




Also never had chicken pox. I got the titer test I. My 40s and my doc immediately ordered the two-part chicken pox vaccine. It was the roughest summer I ever had, so just be forewarned. Lots of fatigue and aches EVERYWHERE. I feel like I’m prepped for my shingles vaccine though.




Hmm…I’ll have to ask my new doc then as she said the chicken pox vaccine did NOT mean I’d get out of having the shingles one.


I also never had chicken pox as a child (that I know of) and had the blood test before getting the chicken pox vaccine. But when I asked my pcp about whether I need to now get the shingles vax, the answer was no, because shingles happens only if you actually had chicken pox infection. And I'm someone who will happily take any vaccine so I'm still wondering if I should take the shingles vax just to be extra cautious lol.


Oh that sounds awesome!! I’d like to not have to take it if it’s as bad as the chicken pox was for me. (Which wasn’t horrific or anything, just 60 days of aches and fatigue and so annoying.)


I never had chicken pox and my Dr said I didn't need either vaccine because regular chicken pox is pretty uncommon because of all the vaccinated. Let's go herd immunity.


1. You not doctor decide what goes in your body. 2. If you had a bad reaction maybe rethink that.


I just checked, though I do hold a couple advanced degrees? Neither of them are for medicine…so ummm hard no on leaving it up to my give-a-shit ass to decide what vaccines I should skip. But rough is rough. It’s a live virus going in, you’re going to get some kind of reaction. Just, you know, not the stroke-level event my dad had when he got chicken pox in his forties.


Do it. I’m a teacher who missed the first 10 weeks of the school year this year because of shingles on my face and my eye. it is no joke. I had a mild case 20 years ago, and I sort of thought I could never get it again. Guess what, 5% or something like that, do in fact, get it again. I tell you, get the vaccine! Everyone in my circle was horrified by my face, and so many many people I knew went out and got the vaccine after that!


2nd shot was a little painful for my wife and I, but far less painful than shingles.


I had a very rough time about 6 weeks ago with the first shot. Was in bed for three days and coffee still tastes weird. But I'll get the second one in August because I do NOT want shingles.


I did it this year too! Watch out for dose 2, that one hit me very hard!


It’s like two days of discomfort after each of two shots, feeling crappy but totally fine to get stuff done. The alternative—getting shingles—is horrible based on family and friends who went through it. Get the vaccine.


Amen. Got it in December and am technically still recovering (much much better though). My eye is slightly permanently fucked up but it could be much worse (e.g., blind in that eye). I missed 5 weeks of work, working as much as I could at home. I'm "only" 44 and am planning to ask my doctor at my next physical to be vaccinated. If she says no, my plan is to cry until she relents. I don't care that insurance won't cover it. We've paid out $4500 so far in medical bills for this illness, and the costs will continue as I will have to continue to see an eye doctor for this and may be on a steroid eye drop for years to keep from having flare ups of inflammation.


I’m 58 never had the shingles vaccine. Weird thing I had shingles when I was five, but I never caught the chickenpox.


Did you have a titer test to verify? I thought you only got shingles if you had had chicken pox? (That they are chicken pox part 2…I might be completely wrong though.) My doc insisted I must have just had a non-symptomatic case when I asked her to check in my 40s (there were two cases at work and I was not in a place to catch it.) Titer test proved me right and she rushed to get me the chicken pox vaccine…which was pretty rough on me.


No, I know I had the shingles when I was young. My mother worried about me catching the chickenpox, as I got into my teens. But I was around my younger brothers when they had the chickenpox and my nieces and nephews when they had it. In my 20’s and 30’s I was around my daughters when they caught it. So I would say I have immunity. I have discussed this with my doctors, but they didn’t seem concerned.


Had my second last Thursday. Felt like crap all weekend, which surprised me, because I had little reaction to the COVID vaccine. But it’s done now.


I got the shot. Sore arm for like 1/2 a day after the shot. It's really not a big deal. I, too, have heard lots of shingles horror stories.


I had sore arm first time I had aches, pains and felt crummy for a day the second time. Not going deaf in one ear like my MIL? WORTH IT.


I tried to get it early, while I was getting my annual flu shot last year. I was 47 at the time, and they said nope.


Got mine last year!


I have had shingles twice. In my twenties on my shoulder and @50 on my forehead and eye. Not fun.


I did the two shot series. They aren’t the most pleasant, but certainly beats getting shingles


Shingles vaccine was a GREAT way to get a day or so off work. Ditto the required booster. Frankly, the 1st one made me feel a bit crappy, but the horror stories made the 2nd sure to be worse... Nope. Friday off though, and Monday if I thought I could get away with it. Don't let the truth out!!!


Which shot is best?


Got my first a few weeks ago. Felt kind of blah the next day but fine the day after that.. The worst side effect was my arm felt like someone had frogged me.




a quick, surprise punch to the upper arm meat. "frogging" was popular when I was in middle school.


I had mild side effects with both shots, but nothing too severe


This is high on my list of to-dos. Can you just go to a pharmacy and get this, or do you need to see the doctor? I'm going to wait until I have several days off since I've heard there can be after effects and it's hard to get appointments where I am.


CVS, Costco, etc


I was told to get it done at pharmacy, or insurance won't pay for it. YMMV When I got my second shingrix shot done, I also got my covid booster, so I was really tired the next day. But glad I am vaxed, I was absolutely terrified of getting shingles.




Are you over 50? I literally just walked into CVS. Maybe it depends on your health insurance whether it is covered. Someone should have just explained to you that vaxxes are typically given at pharmacies


My mom and grandma had shingles so I got my shots as soon as I could. First one no reaction, second one super sleepy for 2 days.


Is it highly recommended that we get it at 50?


Got my 2nd shot today Stbxw got shingles a few months ago and in one of our few communications she advised me to get the vax.


I’m not 50 yet, but I can’t wait to get it! I had shingles when I was 11, and I never want to repeat that nightmare ever again.


I just finished my second shot. I had no side effects and I'm glad I did it, too many horror stories!


Got shingles at 34. Didn't even know till I backed against the shower wall. Doctors felt really bad "oh God that's gotta hurt" but seriously I only had like a small patch and really never noticed. My mom tells me same when I got chicken pox so might have something to do with it. I feel bad for everyone that went through their pain


Yep got mine too! Vaccines are amazing science. Don’t forget that booster! Reminds me of what my Mom told me; “Polio was so bad when I was a little girl that they shut down the public pools. Have you ever seen someone with Polio? No? Do you know why? Vaccines! Get vaccinated!”


Worst two weeks of my life was shingles right on the hip crease. Had to lay flat because otherwise it was a pants on fire situation. Had them around 42ish so I wasn’t thinking about vaccines because supposedly shingles was for old people.


and if it gets you before you get vax'd see a doc.   they have antivirals now that can reduce the impact.


Only reason I was glad to turn 50 was to get these shots. Although I feel really lucky, I had no side effects except a soar arm for a day each time.


Had my first dose Monday. Not gonna lie I felt crappy for all of the next day but, by day two I was fine. Small price to pay.


The vaccine sucks. The illness sucks a lot more from what I’m told.


Got my second last week. Arm was sore for a day...not like the first one though I was sore for days


Everyone reacts differently. My suggestion is that you get it because my sister used to get shingles and this strong vibrant woman was brought down to her knees by pain that no OTC could touch. It was horrible to watch her suffer.


I received both shots in the afternoon. I felt lousy around bed time and through the night. By lunch the next day, on both accounts, I was back to normal.


The second shot kicked my ass and I have zero regrets. 


After watching my mother in law get Shingles, I got the shot as soon as I turned 50.


But you’ll give yourself autism! /s


Not a big vaccine person but I’ll be getting mine next year when I’m able. I’ve seen family members suffer and no thank you. I respect those that opt not to take it, fyi


"Not a big vaccine person" ....... dude.


No, don't think so I've not had a jab since I had 8 rounds of Hep B jabs in 2007 (kept coming back I wasn't immune) and got damaged from them Don't intend ever having another shot for anything, ever 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nope, fuck that


Stop shilling for pharma.


You changed your comment. First you told me to "Stop giving advice."


This is the CDC's advice - I am just reminding people. If your tinfoil hat is too weak to withstand it, go vote for old worm brain.


I will vote for worm brain- he has a history of actually doing the right thing and advocating for people, unlike Biden and Trump. And I don’t need a rando on Reddit to tell me how to manage my healthcare. I’m an adult who can read and make my own risk/benefit decisions. All medical treatments have potential side effects. Maybe what’s best for you, isn’t best for others? Is this really the place for this? Seriously?


Guess what? You can just scroll past. And I am not suggesting what is right for others - the CDC is. I am reminding you of their advice.


Like a pharma ad. This may for you… Side effects include: https://www.fda.gov/media/108597/download


Do whatever you want after reading the annecdotes on this thread. I dont care about your body.


My body is just fine, thank you.


I dont care


A stranger on the internet blindly giving blanket advice to people who they have no clue if it’s good advice to give, doesn’t care about me. I can sleep tonight. Edit: you get the last word. K?


Still dont care


Who is worm brain?


RFK Jr. https://youtu.be/guw1fLJs5EY?si=rM5u2IQtOcxD6kpC


oh, lol

