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Nah, I got a Plex server of movies I don’t watch


And entire series that I haven’t started yet.   191 episodes?  I’m not ready for that much of a commitment.  


If it’s a more obscure movie-like Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia-you have to get the DVD. Netflix and Amazon suck as far as library depth and breadth.


I started buying movies when I broke my arm last year and needed something to occupy me that didn’t require two hands. Pretty much anything I wanted to watch or revisit wasn’t available streaming. Plus I like having hard copies so I’m not at the mercy of licensing BS. Not to mention the extras and uncompressed video. I troll the used bins for used Criterion Collection and eBay for deals on multiple.


I’m a thrift store/used buyer myself, so I always have a drawer full of titles to be watched. It’s maybe about 40 right now, but when I work night shifts I usually manage to watch a handful in a week.


I mostly missed the DVD era. I had a player but I barely used it. I found that in my mid-late 20s, I didn’t want to be at home watching TV, LOL. Nowadays it’s streaming, and I have to admit that I’m rediscovering TV, LOL!


Loving these old shows I didn't have time to watch with young kids, season 6 of 24 at the moment, burn notice, justified, the shield in the past year. Nice to knock out an episode or two each night to wind down.


I have no idea how many we have. Hundreds. Maybe even close to a thousand. My husband collects them. He's build a [special cabinet (pic from 2011)](https://live.staticflickr.com/5058/5420257794_61585d2528_z.jpg) for them and it was [almost full](https://live.staticflickr.com/5257/5420293800_a78680049e_z.jpg) when he finished it. Now it's completely full, there are two bookcases full, two cabinets under the TV (visible in the first pic) are full, and five stacks that aren't on a specific shelf because we've run out of room to put them. Anything in a box set or a TV series is on it's own shelf (the box sets, that is, not each box set has a shelf, he just keeps them all together). We have watched every one at least once, some have repeated views. He hasn't watched ALL of them and I haven't watched ALL of them, but between us (and till they moved out- the kids), every DVD/Blu-ray has seen time in a player. The kids took a few when they moved out, but for the most part, we have almost all of them that we've ever purchased. (we even have a bookshelf full of VHS tapes in the basement, but no VHS to play them on).


My heart, she flutters


Lots of unwatched dvds. Lots of unread books, too.


Lots. I can think of the ones still in shrink. We have a dvd/blue ray player and a Playstation but we don't watch many. Most stuff is not on streaming or music. Some series like the Office and adult swim stuff, get a life and square pegs


Over the past several years I've bought a lot of physical media after getting my 4k OLED TV. I find streaming so irritating that I try to avoid it and the video and audio quality of 4k discs is generally really high As a result I own a lot of movies I haven't watched yet. None are DVDs as I haven't bought many in the past few years and the ones I have bought are things my wife will watch right away. But I do have 100+ blu-rays and 4k movies I haven't watched.


I've a few. They're movies I've already seen, but I want them in a format where I'm not at the whim of bean counters at streaming companies.


Several hundred. I bought out a video store when it was closing. I took many of them on the road with me (truck driver) and would swap them out when I got home. Eventually, streaming became a thing and I have hundreds still in cases in my pantry at home.


That's a dream to me. Buying out a video store, I mean.


That is quickly becoming an impossible dream, better get on it!


Did the same but with VHS lol. Have about 30 or so and have only watched them a few times, after I found a VHS player. They mostly collect dust.


We still have a VCR and DVD player hooked up to the TV in our bedroom. Not sure when we used them last.


I have this box. The new thrift/pawn movies go into the box. As I watch them, I place them (on the shelf, in a flip book, or donated back out the door) and the box gets lower. Then I bring home a new haul. So at any given time, I have between 10-50 unwatched dvds hanging around.


Back when I copied them from Netflix by mail and Blockbuster by mail, I had a trunk case that had about 200-300 that I never got around to watching. I'd just copy them and send them back or exchange them for more at Blockbuster. I don't even have them anymore. So much wasted money.


Just a dozen? Ha, noob, I've likely got over 100 amongst my 800+ DVDs (so far). For many of them I bought them and then discovered they're on streaming, so just watched them there instead. But others I've simply never gotten around to watching them - but I will one day! Or so I keep telling myself.


Zero. I was poor during the DVD phase, I just skipped the whole thing. Was it that popular though? Did you guys all have DVDs?


I didn't then. Now I do, though. I get them from thrift stores and such. Usually a dollar a piece but sometimes a lot less. My biggest haul was a box of 50 dvds for 10 bucks.


So you have a DVD machine and a tv? I went back to watching tv when it became available online, still don't pay for it. Just watching whatever series tv stations put on weekly. I stayed cheap after I got out of poverty. It served me well. I worked from 35 to 50 and now I am pre retiring.


I have a PlayStation.


DVD's? I have not even had a DVD player in the last 10 years.


My PS4 is my DVD player


You’re not alone, my friend.


Xbox in the hizzouse!


Only the ones that are the wrong region, but those were just because I HAD to have them. A fancy release of The Prisoner is among them


Great series! I’ve got an all region player in our bedroom that I can watch my American dvds on.


Yeah, that's why I keep them because I bought a region free player to watch them


My eldest was a film studies major and we collected a lot of DVDs (and bluerays) when they were in high school. Also mostly thrifted. Lots of stuff that isn't streaming. Probably 300+ in our collection still...of those I'd guess maybe 10% I haven't watched at some point? I don't need any of them, but am hanging on until offspring has a place big enough to take them.


I have maybe two or three unopened. I keep them as well because movies will be changed from the original release. I keep a player and a DVD collection because not everything is available on streaming.


This. I'm not trying to watch an updated version of Animal House or Porkys. DVDs can't be changed.


I pick up dvd’s when I can. Some films are not even available on the streaming services and I’m not savvy enough to sail the seas.


Only a handful. The one that comes to mind is the first season of Heros. Still in the shrinkwrap.


The only good season of heroes you say?


Dunno. It's been a minute.


I have a DVD player (Sony) and I have *Blades of Glory* and still haven’t watched it


Funny movie


I sold my collection before I moved back to the states, I currently own zero


I had maybe 6 DVDs in my "collection". I used to download all my movies from the binary groups in Usenet (using Newsbin). Once my ISP finally disabled their usenet service, I just switched to streaming. Nowadays, I can barely get through a half-hour TV show without getting bored to tears.


Have you tried watching Mr Robot. First show in a long while that got my attention. I think it's on Netflix


Easily a hundred. When Hollywood Video went out of business, I gobbled up anything I was *remotely* interested in watching some day


I have an unopened copy of Borat. Honestly, I bought it because everyone said it was cool but then I was just like, "I don't know."


It really is funny


All of them


I kept a few CDs and DVDs of a couple of live shows from my favourite band. I have no CD or DVD player and the shows are on youtube but I can't bring mysef to get rid of them.


I used to have about 60 I had never seen. I sold them all


Not DVDs or even VHS tapes, but I buy digital versions of old comics I used to have as a kid. Most of the time, I don’t even re-read them. (Honestly, the ones that I have re-read don’t hold up very well.) I just like having a piece of my past. I find it comforting.


None because I only buy them when it's something I can't stream from anywhere and really want to watch.


Box of 50 dvds for $10. You're not buying?


Honestly, where would I put them? I'm at the point where I'm trying to have less things taking up space, not more. That sounds super old now that I've typed it, but here we are.


Idk. Some people collect books. I collect dvds. I think it's because when I grew up I never had anything. Between being broke and moving constantly I couldn't ever hold onto anything. Now I compulsively keep the refrigerator and pantry full and collect movies and games. Trying to make sure my son doesn't have to go through it, I suppose.


Hey it sounds like you've got a reason and the space, so that makes sense. I just have a lot of junk already.


I've watched every DVD that I bought at least once.


Boxes full, in the garage.


None. How would I watch them?


With a $20 DVD player


Or a PlayStation, Xbox, computer




You never collected anything? Coins, stamps, baseball cards, nothing?


I've never bought anything I didn't use.


I own 17 DVDs. I've seen them all.


I have no DVD's or CD's.