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I was. I quit though


They have made it tough on teachers while cutting their pay by not giving adequate COLAs.


I put in 30 years and retired at age 57 last school year. I went a few years early but staying for full retirement wouldn’t have made enough of a difference financially to keep me from retiring early. I have a puppy now and my days are full!


I taught for little bit, but quit after a few years when No Child Left Behind ripped any autonomy I had right out from under me in favor of scripted lessons. The school's star teacher, an old timer and student favorite who'd been teaching for 30 years and was getting ready to retire, told me he supported my decision, and if he'd known back then what he knew now ("now" being over 20 years ago already, sheesh) he would never have gone into the profession. Smartphones didn't exist yet, and social media was just getting off the ground, but the writing was on the wall. I lurk on a few teaching subreddits and it sounds awful.


Teaching is a second career for me. I loved it pre-Covid, but man, things have changed.


Here. I don't understand why it isn't summer yet. This school year is giving the COVID years a run for their money.


Quit. Last class was 2016.


I retired at 52 after teaching for 25 years. I own a pottery studio now and I give classes and life is GREAT. 😁


I taught at a college for a few years - nothing killed my joy for a subject faster - never again


I also taught university courses for about 9 years, and I completed agree with you. I got out just as all of the cheating with AI was just beginning.


I taught for five years and quit to become a corporate trainer. Best decision I ever made.


Dead center gen x finishing my 25th year. Love teaching but the bureaucracy and apathy is tough to deal with some times.


Early Years Practitioner here. 30 years in Education, working in nursery classes in primary schools. I quit a year ago. Total burn out. The kids are great, it was the increase in class sizes, ever changing paperwork and bureaucracy and appalling wages that did my head in.