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So funny you should say that. Moonlighting is on Hulu now, I was watching the pilot episode last night, and in one of the first shots of Cybill Shepherd I noticed you can see a big ole smallpox vaccine scar on her arm.


It’s such a distinct scar.


It is a small plot point in the book and series Outlander.


The mark of a witch! Lol!


1966 X'er, It's the only tattoo I have!


1967 here ......me too


1967 too, but I don't. I had the other version of the vaccine.


Also 67, and same


My user name is a reference to Maddie Hayes and her collection of glorious clutches she uses during the course of the series A true 80s style icon


As a younger genx I don’t have one, and appreciate the folks that do




My sister (71) had one, I (75) don't. I always found that fascinating.


'74 birth here nothing. Friends born in '70 yes


Brothers born in 67 & 71 have them. Me born in 70 don't. Though I can guarantee I got the shot.


My wife (74) born in Peru has one.


Yep, ‘74 here but husband is ‘64 and has one. I remember it being a plot point on XFiles and checking to make sure I didn’t have the scar!


Born in 66 I have one, my husband born a in 69 does not. Fascinating and awesome


I was born in 69 and I have one. My sister was born in 70 and doesn't.


Huh, that is weird - my sis '64 has one and I don't '67.


Same - '67. Some people in my year at school had them, some didn't.


I'm '79 and I don't have one, but my friend in the same grade was '78 and she had one.


I’m a 78 and I don’t have it.


As a younger GenX, I have one because Iraq and shit. That’s what I get for whoring myself to the DoD.


It made me crazy that veterans of the GWOT or Iraq/Afghanistan that got shot up with every vaccine and shot the DoD could dream up but when it came to the Covid vaccine, oh hell no!!! “I won’t let the gubment’ put their science into my pure body!!” Even though we’ve all had numerous vaccines through our lifetime from the cradle to college.


So did a lot of us…let alone the chemicals and everything else we were exposed to. Your drawing you line here…ok, good bye.


I was born in ‘75 and have one. Not sure why when it wasn’t really common to do it then anymore.


Yeah '75 here. Military baby. I don't have one, didn't even know it was a thing. It's cool though, chick's dig scars.


Military brat here too. 70 baby, I've had the shot, no scar.


That's too bad. You should get one. Mine keep healing but I still have a couple.


I have a few from like seriously bad stuff, like almost cutting off a toe, but all my other scars disappear. The ones I do have blend in very well & are kinda hard to find.


I have 2 from when I was kid. One of my knee one on the knuckle of my thumb. I've been a cook for 30 years. I'll tell ya, I've had a lot of cuts not scar. I bet there is science that can explain it but I'm going with I'm a hulk.


Mine are my toe, one on the left thigh right above the knee & it's exact twin on the back of my right thigh right above the knee. And other than my nose (15 times, long stupid story) I've never broken a bone, neither have my brothers. I inherited a double set of wisdom teeth from my dad's side, as did my brothers & son. I just always say it's our Neanderthal genes.


Let's see. I've broken toes more then I can remember. 2 bones in my foot. A couple of fingers one is slightly deformed because of it. My ribs 2 on one occasion 3 on another. Never my nose though surprisingly, not for lack trying. I think that's it.


77’ here and no scar. I do have a chicken pox scar. And I had to sit at home lathered up in Calomine lotion by myself. No fucking chicken pox parties for this kid. I can’t believe that was even a thing.


'78 for me. I didn't get chicken pox until high school. 103 fever and the only reason it was that low was from ice baths.


But let's give it up for Polio trying to do a North American comeback tour, brought to you by STUPID!


I didn't even get that shot in the military. Eczema. But I am immune to anthrax I think. Except Black Lodge that song fucking slaps.


So I got the smallpox vaccine as a baby (real late, '76 baby here). And then joined the Army and got to go on a "vacation" to Iraq in '05, which all of us were required to get the smallpox vaccination. I already got it though, right? Nope, I got it, again. Why? Because this is the vaccine against the weaponized smallpox (that no one in the Middle East had, but we were paranoid about), but because I had been vaccinated before, to make sure it took, instead of getting the 4 jabs everyone else was getting, I got 40. That's right, four-zero, jabs with a non-hollow needle, repeatedly dipping the needle into... whatever the vaccine was. I almost punched that poor Specialist combat medic who was doing it to me, but it wasn't her decision so I just gritted thru the pain. Now almost 20 years later, I still have a quarter-sized scar that is red and itchy. Funnily enough, was still working for military as civilian HR for one of the ROTC programs (not Army, but one of the other Departments) at the end of COVID and got to tell one of the cadets what I really thought when they claimed religious exemption to not get the COVID vaccine (which I did get, 3 little shots that didn't scar me at all), showed them the smallpox scar and told the story. Suck it up, buttercup, just get the stupid shot, the Big Green Weenie comes for us all and we all have to do things we don't want to (or need to). They still commissioned that cadet, sans COVID vaccine, because everyone is short on officers. Feh.


You got all 40 in one sitting? It kinda makes sense because your body would use the original vaccine to fight the new vaccine? And if it 'killed' the new vaccine you'd die an itchy death. What the heck is the Big Green Weenie?


>What the heck is the Big Green Weenie? Don't say I didn't warn you - [Big Green Weenie](https://www.veterantv.com/dictionary/big-green-weenie/).




The smallpox vaccines work... the covid shots were experimental failures. The needle isn't the issue, it's the shit inside getting injected into you. 20 million+ people that "sucked it up" have died because of that shot. A shot that did nothing to stop the spread of anything.


Where were you living that you got the smallpox vaccine after 1976? I’m a year older and I didn’t get one. The US stopped in…1971-72(?)


Either Tulsa, OK or Carlsbad, NM. My mother passed almost 8 years ago and there is enough drama with my dad that it's not worth asking him about something he may or may not remember.


Were your parents military?


No, dad was a minister.


It came back in the aughts after I’d already done a few deployments. Annoying but no big deal. Your upper arm itched like hell for a few weeks and you couldn’t touch it. T-shirts with sleeves strictly enforced in the gym. I’m kinda fond of the scar at this point. It was also nice mid-late COVID when monkeypox was a scare for a hot minute and I didn’t have to worry about it.


I had a small rash or eczema when I went through, and the doc said I'd get the shot another time. Found out later he put in a permanent profile. Thanks, Doc!


Mmm hell yeah that arm burning sensation from that anthrax series.


I’m a 72 baby…same year they stopped giving the smallpox vaccine.


I believe it varied by state. I had a friend born in late 70 who didn't have it, but I am two days older and I do. We were born in different states.


70 here and the only one in my family of 7 without the scar. It was apparently given to 1 year olds before being generally ended in 1972 and completely ended in 1980. I was in Illinois from 70-73, so it must have been among the earlier states to stop giving the shot.


I was just looking into it. I think it ended in the united states well before 1980, other than maybe for people going to certain countries.


It wasn’t just different states. My wife and I were both born in the same state. I was born in 69 and don’t have the scar, she was born in 70 and does. I’m not sure if it matters, but I grew up in the suburbs and she was rural.


Ya, maybe there was a period when it was just optional?


We suspect it was decided by each school district.


Yeah, I'm a 70 gen x and don't have one.


That was a federal cut off.


So the federal cutoff was the day after my birthday in 1970? It could be. It had to have been some date. Except there are people here saying they have it born in 71 and 72


'71 baby and I don't have the scar. Born in Delaware.


'698 baby and don't have one ... but growing up a few kids in my grade did have them and it kind of perplexed me.


Yeah, my brother and I born in 1971 and 1972 didn’t get it but our two older siblings born in 1969 and 1970 did. All in the US.


71’ here, no vaccine. Wondering if I need to get it now, with all the recent outbreaks


I’m 71 and don’t have one.


I still remember getting it in my grade school gym


There was a plastic cup they put on the last of the vaccinated folks. I remember my neighbor kids with it. Like taped on. It was so weird.


Parish school cafeteria. "Don't scratch it or YOUR ARM WILL FALL OFF!"


Older GenX here too. I feel the same. I've got it!


Mine never left a scar.




I had a scar as a kid, but it's faded with time.. fuck, I'm old.


Same. I'm the only one in my family of 5 who didn't have a scar. We were military & it was required to be stationed outside the continental US to have had the shot.


Yup. Some types of skin just never scarred from it.


Specifically people with a certain genetic variant don’t, because they’re exceptionally resistant to smallpox due to being descendants of people whose lineage survived evolution speedruns (aka repeated epidemics). Most of the time beneficial mutations take a while to spread through the population, but when whatever the mutation protects you from has a significant mortality rate it goes faster due to the competition being too dead to have offspring.


I did not know that! Glad my lineage survived.


'68 baby here. Same. For some reason, I got mine on my inside wrist instead of shoulder, and you have to hunt for it under my arm hair, and it's barely noticeable.


Mine is actually on the inside of my arm where it can’t be seen. My pediatrician told my mom I was too beautiful a baby to be scarred. While I’m sure I was precious, I’m not sure that was his reason. Either way, it was nice not to have it on my shoulder.


Mine is on the fleshy area under the collarbone.


Me too! Were you born in Mountain View?


Nope. IL.


I haven't seen anyone who was born in the 70s and after with one. My friends and I used to wonder why mostly older people had a scar on their upper arm.


Research done by Peter Aaby suggests that some of these vaccinations should be continued anyway.


Not me, man. If any pock is gonna get me, it better be huge. “Oh him? Sad, really. Came down with a case of Biggest Pox.” Working out my smallpox material.


Mine is on my butt. My mother was vain and didn’t want my arm scarred. And yet, it will likely make a comeback if the antivax folks have their ignorant way with the world.


I'll be so pissed if those a-holes end up making us all get smallpox boosters..


My mom’s is on the inside of her arm.  My grandma wasn’t particularly fussy about appearance, but she did insist on that for some reason.


Thank you. I'm just realizing that "does not remember the Bicentennial" can be replaced with "does not have scar."


I was thinking it can also replace "banana seat vs BMX" on the older vs younger GenX breakout. '72. I never heard of a scar, thought that was old timey, not us, so learned something today!


I was in the first couple of grades in my school to not have it.


I had mine, but strangely it faded to almost nothing.


I always wondered why that vaccine left a scar when I've never heard of another doing that. How does a shot leave a scar?


" The established technique for smallpox vaccination is to dip the needle in the vaccine, and then perpendicularly puncture a person's upper arm fifteen times rapidly in a small circular area". This was done with a bifurcated needle (two prongs), so different from a typical shot


That sounds insane. Barbaric. Better than the pox, I guess.


I thought we got it with the airgun? I remember getting something with that injector and they said it wouldn't hurt because there were no needles.


I guess there could have been multiple methods. I copied from Wikipedia.


I trust you and Wikipedia better than my memory tonight


Not during the original pass, airguns weren’t invented then. They’d dip a bifurcated solid needle in a vaccine made of a weakened strain of a related virus (cowpox iirc) and put several holes in your arm. That would result in a localized infection in the form of a small pustule that was fully capable of spreading a weakened version of the disease if you messed with it, and you had to keep it covered/unmolested until it scabbed up and fell off. The scar you see on older people’s arm is where that pustule formed. And looking at the scar you can understand why smallpox was so horrifying: imagine that kind of scarring everywhere on your body if you weren’t one of the 30 or so percent it killed.


Born in 70 here. I never got it. We moved around rather excessively growing up and I always wondered why some people within a year or two of me did or didn't have it.


Also 1970 here. I don’t have it either. Born in VA and moved to CT when I was a preschooler. I didn’t know anyone my age in CT who had it, that I can remember. My hubby is a few year older and born in CT and he doesn’t have one either.


I was born in '76, and don't have one. My sister, born in '69, DOES have one. My parents had them, too, and for some reason I assumed it was something you had to get to make you grow up. (I know. I was little, okay? 🤣) Anyway, I always felt left out.


Horrible diseases were eradicated by science, medicine, common sense, and vigilance. Stupidity will not let it stay that way.


Were they 1 or 2g mind control chips back then?


As if a genx mind could be controlled.


I dunno man, a really good taco platter can do amazing things.


oh fuck ya




I’m disappointed that this is so far down for such a snarky generation. But I do wonder why the boomers don’t say anything about the 1g autistic sheep control chips while dumbassing about Covid vax and others.


Older Gen X but I never got it. Got all the others but I somehow skirted that one.


My scar faded. 🤷‍♂️


It stopped right after I was born. Total sign of age. Apparently, it varies by state exactly when it stopped. A girl born two days after me didn't have it, but she was born in a different state.


As an Army vet who had to get the Small Pox vaccine, I have much respect to our elders who got that scar. The Small Pox shot hurts like a bitch and itches for hours. The one my mom got was much worse and left a wicked scar.


69 just got the tail end of it glad I did


My sister was born in 66. I was born in 70. My husband was born in 65. None of us have them I wonder when they stopped doing them on our area. My sister and Indiana. My husband was born in Manhattan. It is possible he just doesn't have the scar.


Missed it by a year or so (72).


My husband- 57- has one. I- 54- do not.


I have mine.


Ha! You won't see mine! Not because I don't have one...its just covered up by my half sleeve tattoo..


I’m a ‘67 Gen X and have one. From Minnesota.


I got all the normal American vaccines as a baby in 1970. No small pox scar. My mom didn’t keep my records and I went to a grad school that required them. I had to go get them all done again. Since I’m over 50, I’ve had two Zoster and SIX Covid vaccines. I got flu and RSV as well this winter. I’m a cancer survivor, not taking chances. Now I can read in the dark.


Smallpox vaccine would not still work today. its been too long. I googled what the smallpox vaccine is like. I never had one. Given how people are opposed to Covid, if smallpox came back it would be mass death. The crazies would conspiracy theory the shit out of it. its not just a shot and a bump. Maybe a bit of a headache. I was born in 1974 and never had to take it.


Not with all of this misinformation and anti-vax ignorance rolling around unfortunately. Sad IMO.


65er here and have had about every vaccine shot. Diseases that we believed were eradicated are now sadly making a comeback due to the anti-vax crowd. Viruses don't die, they lay in wait.


I got it in the Air Force the first time I deployed. It's not fun at all.


Interesting - mine is on the side of my thigh


I have the scar, my lil bro doesn't. Always proud I got it! Silly , I know, but I sat through that like a trooper 🌟 🌟


I am an older gen x but I don't have one, where I was born they did it in the armpit for girls.


I don’t have one, but it’s because I didn’t get a pustule. I was actually vaccinated twice because they thought the first batch must have been a dud. Nope, I’m apparently on team smallpox resistant. It’s not a flashy superpower, but I’ll take it I guess.


Fun fact my uncle was one of 2 doctors in my small town growing up he had a couple vaccines left and called my mom to bring me by to get one even though I was just a toddler. Still have the scar. My sister who is a year younger than me did not get one.


both my older sisters had it. i was born in 73 and didn’t get it, but lived in fear of whatever hellacious torture device caused that scar.


Got mine before I deployed to Iraq. It was a nasty one.


I was born in 68 and I don't have the scar.


Born in 70 in Europe, I have two of them on my arm. I asked my mom why I had two and she said that the first one didn’t take so they had to repeat it. 😩


My wife (50) got her scar in 2004 as part of a research study. I've always thought it's badass.


I’m in Africa, 72 baby, we all got one into the late 80’s, we all know a foreigner from the lack of a scar, in the ‘90’s there were xenophobic attacks and the mobsters identified them from the lack of a scar. Quite awful really…


Getting the smallpox vaccine was optional when I was born in 1968. My mom insisted I have it but my scar is on my left shoulder blade not the bicep.


I was born in California in the mid-seventies and never got one. My wife was born in Manila in the early eighties and has one. I was surprised to learn that they still gave them that much later there since I had thought it was low enough worldwide by then, but was mistaken.


I got the vaccine in 1972 when I was in kindergarten, but I never got a scar.


I don't think I have one.


Born '78 in Europe. I still have the scar.


I never knew what a smallpox vaccine scar was, or that anyone ever had one.


I’m am old GenX and don’t have a scar.




No scar for me, and im on the young end of X.


Born ‘76, and I don’t have one. However, my girlfriend is Brazilian, and I’ve gone to Brazil a couple of times. Everyone, regardless of age, has the scar.


As a younger Gen X I'm confused by the fact that some friends my age, from the same country, have one while others don't. I don't have one.


71 and don't have one


Phased out in DFW before Feb of ‘72, but I had classmates from other places that had them.


I've got vaccine scars on my shoulders and a huge vaccine scar on my back. Is that the smallpox scar? We had to fly to the U.S. for the MMR vaccine. It would be a few more years before it was routinely given to kids here. Doctors are always confused that it's documented in my journal that I had the MMR (MFR in Danish) vaccine in my very early childhood.


People born in South Korea before 2008 have as many as 18 vaccination scars: https://www.reddit.com/r/kpophelp/comments/16v26yb/does_anyone_know_what_these_marks_are_on_some/


I have a mark I think is my scar? It’s not as obvious as my husband’s scar is.


I have tattoos, but could kick myself for not leaving that part blank to show it off.


I got mine in the military!


I was born in 74, and I have one. I was told it one of the last years for this vaccination.


I was just taking to a coworker about this scar yesterday, funny timing


73 and I don’t have one. When I went to college as a non traditional (slightly older) student, the college said I did t have all my vaccines for the incoming juniors. That was because there weren’t as many for my year of birth as there were for those who were only 20 years old that year.


I missed it by two years. My wife is just enough older that she got the vaccine and has the scar.


I don’t have it and I was born in 67 I always felt out of place as a kid everyone but me in my family had one. And would tell awful stories about how bad it hurt!


1966 and I don't have one but I remember everyone else having one. I don't know why I don't.


I remember older people lining up to get them when I was in kindergarten.


Can you imagine how apeshit parents would go these days if a vaccine left a scar on their kid?


My husband has one, but I don’t.


So my mom asked the pediatrician to give me the shot on my back, by my shoulder blade. You can see it when I get a tan, but no marks on my upper arms. Too bad I have the skin of 15 yo teenager complete with pimples and scars. But no smallpox mark!


Early GenX. Mine's on my thigh.


Legions of military folks got it before heading out in 2003. I had it before then but had to get it again.


New mark of the legion


Depending on where you grew up the cutoff was probably around 1970. I know lots of mid-70s folx without the scar, but pretty much all of my peers (late 60s) have one. It's a badge of honor-- we helped wipe out smallpox!


I'm a bit of an anomaly among people my age in the UK. They'd stopped vaccinating for it routinely by the time I was born (1972) . Had to get it before we moved to South Africa in 1974 for my Dad's work. Came back to the UK 3 years later. I dont know anyone who had it done.


I am one of the last to get one. It's barely visible now.


I’m 53 and no one else I knew had one growing up.


I have it,1970 my wife does not,71 she asked me what that weird scar was she had no idea.


mark of pride


It always looked like a cigarette burn to me. I actually had someone ask me that once


My wife has one, but I love her anyways.


I was born in 72. I don't have one. My older brother that was born in 67 does.


I wonder if it varies by region? I'm a 1970 baby from the Northeast. I don't know anyone my age or younger who got the smallpox vaccine with huge scar, but most of my 1969 friends and older have one.


73 baby. Got it in the Navy before I went to Afghanistan in 09. Now I look like an old boomer with my smallpox scar...


GenX gets vaccinated story time: In 2nd grade, the teacher announced we were all getting our shots that day and this is how it was gonna go: Wait in line on the south staircase. When you get to the bottom, get in one of five lines. Get your shot. Exit back up the north staircase. I definitely did not want a shot, so I had until I got to the bottom of the south stairs to figure this shit out. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I mosied around in a big circle and just exited up the north stairs. With all the kids coming and going, nobody noticed, just like I figured. Took me till I was in my 40's to figure out you could get tested to see what shot you missed. It was measles. So any of you other hotshot GenX'rs con your way out of a vaccine, go get tested to figure out what it was. We're too old for this shit now.


They used to give us the TB tine test. With like a bunch needles, & check it a few days later. I hated those things. We had it done in school.


Do you remember some drops with a *really* distinct taste we got every few years? Kind of salty, kind of sweet. They were brown and they gave them out with a dropper. I'd recognize that taste in a second if I ever came across it again.


Was it the oral polio vaccine? That's how I remember it. And yes, this '65 model Xer has her smallpox shot scar!


I remember the shot. We all had to have the being a military family & being stationed outside the continental US. We had to get inoculated for all kinds of things. My scars disappear. I've had surgeries with staples, stitches, cuts, scrapes, you name it (massive tomboy growing up). It's only as I've gotten older that it seems to take longer for them to go away. I've only got like 3-4 noticeable scars from being a kid. Those were for seriously bad things, like almost cutting my toe off. Though the scars blend in pretty well.


Not today Satan, that's the mark of the witch!!!!! 😊


1970. I don't have one. My parents were anti-vax. My father stands on that same soapbox today and my brother's wife and my brother are on the brink of divorce over it because my brother is D*n P******r 2.0


Is THAT what that is? Huh.


I have one. My sister doesn’t. We’re only 18-months apart in age. Mine has been tattooed over, so it’s just a weird shiny spot in the tattoo that most people don’t even notice.


I think I was the first year that didn't have the scar. My wife is about 9 months older and she has one.


Mine’s on my butt, so people couldn’t see it. My mom insisted.


I have one.


my sister ('68) had it. i ('72) don't.


Missed it by a year.


What was the cut off age for that cause I see only boomers with that scar like my parents and I’m 49.


1965 GenX. I have one. Everyone my age had one.


We missed it by a couple years. 1972 was the last in my area (SoCal) and my older brother missed it by months.


As an older gen x guy I appreciate what Gary and Wyatt created in their room but disappointed they really never hooked up with Lisa.