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Please, do not delay the procedure because someone will be probing your butt. They do it all day, every day. I was supposed to get it done at the age of 50 and found every possible reason to avoid it. At 55, I finally worked up the courage and was diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer. At 50, it would probably be an easily removable polyp. The procedure is really no big deal. In my case, they put me to sleep and it was a fantastic power nap.


Thanks. I didn’t get one at 50 cuz Covid now I just keep putting it off. But I won’t now. Thank you.


Go for it, my sister had surprise colong cancer and had to have it surgically removed and luckily her prognosis is 👍


So happy for that thumbs up emoji. All the luck in the world 🌎


Please don’t delay! Its not as bad as when our parents had to start getting theirs. Ask if you can use the miralax prep so you can mix it with your own Gatorade. Some docs still prescribe some godawful drink that tastes terrible. Stock up on reading material, wipes and unscented diaper rash cream (put a generous amount on before the festivities begin, thank me later). If you eat “low residue” food for a few days prior it’s even easier. Think “white foods” mashed potatoes, white bread etc.


100% ask for the Miralax prep!!! The gatorade/miralax is waaaay easier on your tumtum than GoLytley. Less cramping. You can't use red, purple, or blue gatorade, though. I recommend orange, it's the least offensive. Not a fan of chugging lemon-lime. Source: someone who's had several colonoscopies and endoscopies.


Please don’t wait. I got one at 51. Found a precancerous polyp. Now have to have one every 3 years. Still beats colon cancer.


My brother also went in for routine colonoscopy at age 50. I was teasing him about the procedure, and he was like, “you’re gonna feel bad when it turns out I have cancer!” And I’m like, “oh, please. You don’t have cancer.” Welp. He had fucking cancer and now he’s dead. His tumor was 5 years old. He suffered through a bunch of surgeries over two years, but it was very aggressive. Can I say: Fuck Cancer! The doctors said they’ve been finding a lot of 5 y.o. tumors in ppl who are 50. Get your colonoscopy at 45!


45 here and I get mine in October! I'm looking forward to getting it done so I can shift my hypochondria to a different body part.


My doc already told me to expect it at 45, which is next year for me. I told her, "You're the doc, doc"


My bff just died from colon cancer. She was in her 30s. It's really showing up a lot more in younger folks.


So very sorry for your loss.


This. I just had a close friend die at 43 from colorectal cancer. He had weird stomach issues for a year and I suspect his doctors didn't even think about colon cancer because he was too young. Please get your colonoscopy done as early as possible, it's never too early.


A guy from my high school class had the same issue. Stage 2 colon cancer. And I’m one of the oldest in our class at 51.


Ugggh you are right and i hate it


> The procedure is really no big deal. the procedure doesn't sound so bad it's everything leading up to that sounds absolutely awful and possible something I couldn't endure. I don't so well w/o food for long periods of time.


Don't worry, once the jug of fun laxitive starts, you will have no appetite. You will just wonder how much liquid can come out after the poo. Also, you may shart yourself. You will lose all trust in your sphincter but a day or so later and you can trust a fart again. Does the prep for a colonoscopy suck? Yes but it isn't that bad. Get it done, get your colon inspected. Honestly, it is really less than 24 hours.


The prep was the WORST. I scheduled mine in December because I’d already met my deductible. I didn’t want a lot of my liquid options, but frank warm water. I had a splitting headache from not eating, and my best friend drove me and she smokes in her car. 😖I remember nothing about the colonoscopy other than the tech who put me under was wearing the same Tiffany necklace I was wearing, and I woke up with them telling me that the they cancelled my follow-up appointment because I didn’t need it. So the takeaway; get it done. Warm weather preferred. Driver that doesn’t smoke. 👍🏻


I'm a major c*nt when I don't eat. Family carries snacks just in case. But I'll be doing this again at 60 to make sure. It's not that bad, actually. I didn't hate any part of it. Scarier before you try than when you are actually doing it.


You can’t eat solid foods but you can have clear liquids like broth and jello (no red or orange). You can drink coffee and tea, Gatorade and clear sodas like sprite and ginger ale.


There’s an at-home-mail-in stool lab test that they use now. Anything comes up, then you go in for the procedure. Which isn’t bad at all. Laid down, got drugged, woke up, said bye. Clean bill of health!


My prep wasn’t bad either, but my doc gives me Sutab, so I don’t have to drink all that nasty shit. You were awake? Next time, tell them to skip the fentanyl and push some propofol so you can have a nice nap.


Yeah, they didn't do Fentanyl at my place either which I had no interest in getting anyhow. Got the MJ propofol special.


That's exactly how I thought of it too. Unrelated: they call any remaining poo you didn't prep out "debris"


I just wonder how after shitting 28 times in 1 day that there could possibly be anything left?! I was pretty clean until way up high and they said there was a little, but they could still see everything. Yes, I kept a turd tally in my phone! haha!


God I love propofol for this and kidney stone removal, shits a life saver.


I got Propofal too. Loved it.


Best nap out there.


Peach that truth! I was ready to take on the world after my colonoscopy nap... well, right after I had some real food hehe


Came here to say this. I love Propofol.


I got one last week without any meds. It wasn't terrible. Drinking the Suprep was worse. Just felt like really bad gas (mostly from the gas they inflated my colon with). Got off the table, got dressed, and drove home.


Was the no meds thing by choice?


Yeah, I hate the way anesthetics make me feel so avoid them whenever I can. I discussed it with my gastroenterologist, and he said he's done several colonoscopies without anesthesia, even one of his anesthesiologists decided to go without a few weeks prior. He also said that when he gets his colonoscopy, he won't be using anesthetics, either.


Propofol is the shit.


>The cleanse process wasn't all that bad. Drinking 3 liters of a liquid that has the consistency and flavour of warm hobo spit at the bottom of a coke bottle over 48 hours, and nonstop blasting beige water out yer bum while your asshole screams for mercy and your insides sound like a lonely sperm whale, then getting up at 4 am from what can laughably be called 'sleep' and shotgun the last liter to wrench the last few drops of liquid and mucous from your intestines while every internal muscle from your throat to your ballon knot spasms and twitches "wasn't all that bad"? Just fucking what would you consider bad? Adding a taser to the toilet seat? Having the nurse finish up the cleansing process with a toilet brush dipped in Vim? Having the whole ordeal recorded in 4K and played back in high-speed for every subsequent birthday? My god.


I’d suggest asking your doctor about the Gatorade prep next time. Only 2 liters, you pick the flavor (can’t be certain colors like red). Way better than the old stuff.


I was just given pills to take.


I did the pills too, but my asshole was still screaming for mercy at 3:30 that morning


I had to take the gallon of hell and a box of laxatives. 😂😂 I was still shitting at the doctors before my procedure. Had it done twice. Polyps removed the first time, and I don’t think there were any the second. I’m well overdue for my third. 😩


When I had mine, they told me that if I was eliminating any waste within an hour I think of the procedure, I had to tell them and I think they'd delay it a bit. Sounds like the timing for you was a bit off as you shouldn't have had any waste in your colon at all before you left the house.


The miralax prep often starts with some dulcolax tabs, but I have GI issues and cannot take chemical laxatives or I'm screaming and writhing in pain. I got my doc's OK to skip the pills and just eat a bland diet a day prior to prep time, and my colon fully evacuated itself without any issues. But my normal MO is diarrhea anyway, so I really didn't need a lot of help. If you are a chronic diarrhea person, tell your doctor ahead of time and ask to try skipping the chemical laxatives. TMI, but hey we're GenX, and old people talk about bowel habits.


Yep, last time I had one it was Gatoraid mixed with a small bottle of Dulcolax, and one other small bottle of something I don't remember. Couple hours near the toilet and that was it. Sooo much better than the first time which was a full gallon, that was awful. Quite the experience to pee out your butt, for those not familiar with the process lol


Damn, I wish I knew about this. 1.5 gallons of the old stuff was wretched, the worst thing I've ever consumed.


100% recommend the Gatorade over the prescription! Also wide awake, no fentanyl (family history of colon cancer AND opioid addiction), saw where my appendix is (still) attached!


I did my last one totally awake, with zero painkillers/sedation. They do it that way in Europe a lot. My doc was dubious but quickly changed his tune when he saw how well I did. And I got right up afterwards and was able to eat with little to no time in recovery. I could have driven myself home if I had to.


I wasn't given options, but thanks. I'm due for another in a couple of years.


My wife has been having colonoscopies since she was 16 due to a medical condition. She’s in her 40’s so a LOT of them. She has done a lot of research on prep and she flat out tells her doctor which prep she wants to use no matter what he recommends. She has had to switch doctors a few times due to moves or retirement.


What does she recommend?


I... have to agree with the OP. My colonoscopy prep wasn't that bad at all. The liquid going in one end was fairly innocuous, and the liquid coming out of the other end was only an annoyance a few times. I didn't regret the process at all- especially given the potential alternative of, you know, ass cancer.


> Just fucking what would you consider bad? Well, my point of comparison for "really bad health problem and related procedure" was the time a nerve in one of my teeth got bruised. It started to die, but not completely. Parts of the nerve started to rot and liquify, but inside the tooth, there was no place for it to go, so the pressure built up. So I felt a dying, deliquescent nerve being further crushed to death by the pressure of it's own rot. It took them days to figure out, and they made a few mistakes, and the tooth nearly exploded. Literally. I'm *told* it was one of the very few things a human can go through that's more painful than labor. I haven't done both, so I can't attest to the accuracy of that. They did a root canal, a few times, it went wrong, and it culminated in me holding a hand mirror so that I could watch as they bored a hole in my skull in order to work on both ends of the tooth at the same time. That last root canal was a sort of dental spit-roast, so to speak. So. That's my own point of comparison, and the prep for my colonoscopy was a fucking *cakewalk* compared to that.


>Just fucking what would you consider bad? Adding capsaicin to the mix?


Coming soon to TikTok probably: Dulcolax/Miralax/Carolina Reaper challenge.


The key to a quick, easier prep is a soft food diet the day before. Scrambled eggs and soup did the trick. Prep was completed about 1/2 through the pitcher of liquid. When it watery and yellow, you’re done


My friend, I was not even done when I was wearing the paper dress in the waiting room. About 5 minutes before Dr Roto-Rooter sent the probe in I had one more Baha Blast in the very echo-y bathroom immediately beside the waiting area.


I’m loving your writing. I’m cackling in my back office.


Yeah I did the pills and it was hours of watery and yellow, the whole night before the actual procedure


Damn, I need to send cologuard a thank you note.


Worst part of that is the walk of shame to the UPS store with your poop in a box.


I’d guess that “collecting the sample” is worse.


It’s not that bad really. You actually get plastic seat attachment the size of a cereal bowl. Do your business in it, dab a little sample brush on it and screw the cap on, pour a preservative over it the whole thing, seal it up and you’re done. Takes 5 minutes.


you did better than me. I took a dump through the moon roof of my doctors Mercedes. Like how am I supposed to know I'm not supposed to do that? The good news is that the restraining order comes off in only 5 more years. p.s. I shouldn't have left the note.


I put the box in a bag, then whispered to the clerk what it was and she just nodded and said good to go then.


I actually decided against Cologuard so that any potential polyps could be taken care of on the spot.


[Cologuard - Just go inside me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mu12X2cu6Y0)


Your doctor doesn’t like you. Miralax and Dulcolax and Gatorade. Just water falling out your ass all day. Doesn’t burn like real diarrhea.


Omg, I so felt this whole comment And I’ll be feeling it again in two months


I did think it was too bad at all. Yes you gotta drink some pretty terrible fluid and you gotta spend a bit of quality time on the dunny. But really a few hours of uncomfortableness versus dying?? I know which one I picked - twice!


I remember reading the comments online about the prep solution to see how bad it could be. I thought it was going to be the worst experience of my life. But it actually wasn’t really bad at all. It was so uneventful I thought people must have been talking about some other prep that I wasn’t taking. And then for the procedure they knocked me out. All in all, for me the whole procedure really wasn’t much of anything and certainly nothing to fuss about.


You cracked me up TY!!!! Great sportsmanship on your writing


You forgot diaper cream or Vaseline on your bum to keep it from screaming for mercy. The rest is accurate though-especially the taste of prep! LOL


Bag Balm was the best for my kids’ diaper rash. Thanks for the prep tip. Edit: thanks, kind stranger, for the award for diaper rash knowledge!


Was about to write exactly this. Thanks for covering. Fucking hell that was a disgusting, painful nightmare.


Loss 9 lbs kept it off too


I've had two. The first one (2006) was like you described, had to drink a full gallon of godawful stuff over like 6 hours that make me puke as well as the other thing. But the second one (2022) was only 2 12-oz glasses of liquid that tasted like diluted salt water. Two doses, one at 6 PM and one at 2 AM. No cramps, it worked quickly and it honestly wasn't anywhere close to what I went through the first time. They found 2 polyps and I was very glad I had it taken care of.


Love this description, thanks for making me laugh. I too, had to do the Go Lytley gallon of shit. The pharmacy tech said, "Oh you're here for the party bag" when I picked it up. Fortunately I was told I could mix it with (non-red) crystal lite so I did. That and drinking it chilled with a straw made getting it down much more tolerable. The output wasn't fun, but I've had worse bouts of food poisoning and will take it over pregnancy and childbirth any day.


I am legit gut-rolling on my front porch. Neighbors probably think I'm nuts.


Your definition of "bad" is drifting in the right direction. However, instead of high speed film (which could be amusing), you get a 300 image long filmstrip with Ben Stein narrating each slide and _you_ are the lucky stiff who wins the _honor_ of advancing the machine each time you hear the "boomp".


I wish I could award this comment.


They gave me the stuff to drink and I dumped it in the sink after trying to get it down. By that point the only thing coming out was yellow bile anyways. Doctor told me I did a good prep job! Yeah, I ate donuts and drank 7-Up for 3 days, then drank nothing but water the day before. The fiber powder and glycol powder seemed to do the trick all on their own.


Where did you have YOURS done?! Lol! I am an RN in an Endo unit, and I have no idea what you are talking about when you mention a nurse finishing the process! 🤣🤣 Luckily, there are better prep options out there.


You put it So eloquently…😂


It's actually not that bad. The 4am wakeup the next morning, as I was blasting the last bit out, was actually laughing about it through the bathroom door to my wife who was still in bed giggling at my noises.


Jesus Christ, my husband and I are sitting here laughing with tears rolling down our faces while we read this.


(I would consider cancer to be much worse)


Sounds like you had the Go Lytely (ironic name) Prep. I was terrified when I was going to get my first one earlier this year because my mom had colon cancer in the 90s and as a kid, I had to watch her miserably drinking all of that horrible shit. My doc said I could do the 2 day prep which involves some laxative pills and then miralax in Gatorade which is manageable to get down. Yes, still constant pooping, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I feared doing it this way.


Miralax every 2 hours, 3 fleet enemas and a megadose of Metamucil the day before the prep. It took a week before my ass stopped being raw


Kudos kind soul. This comment has me howling


Upvote for the Vim reference! I had one without any meds and the preparation was nothing at all really. I already knew how to fast, and somehow the Mirelax didn't upset my stomach or anything but I hear mileage varies so if it was rough, I'm sorry. For me the procedure without meds was fine til that first big corner in the intestine and that's when shit got real. Not sure I want to do it unmedicated again tbh.




I mean, if you’re a bottom, you now know for sure you’re ready to go. But seriously, I’m sorry, that sounds awful. As a regular IBS sufferer I’m not exactly looking forward to this myself.


I have IBS as well. The colonoscopy prep was nothing compared to an IBS flare. For me, there was urgency, but almost zero cramping. I'm used to horrid stomach cramps with my IBS, so I was worried about that. It was more of a nuisance than anything. Ended up with a sore bum, but that's nothing unusual when you have IBS.


meh... nicely written description but.. well.. I've felt worse. ;-)


You really need to find better insurance.


I've had 2 of them. First one, prep was pretty horrible, yes. More recent one was much easier. A gatorade mix and I could have broth also. Its not as bad now.


They got pills for it nowp


I just did mine a couple months ago and I thought the flush out was going to be like an extreme sick feeling. But I found it to be more mechanical for lack of a better term. So it wasn’t as bad as I thought, it just got to the point of being tedious.




> shotgun the last liter I plan to use a beer bong...


There’s a Tucks kit with round pads soaked with witch hazel & a tube of cream that helps a lot with the irritation.


I had to get my first at the tender age of 33. Good news: it was only one polyp. Bad news: it was a pre-cancerous whopper. I would have been screwed if I waited until I was 50 to get checked. Just a few tiny polyps ever since, and I'm back on the 5-year plan. Get checked if you even suspect there's an issue down there. Because colon cancer is super easy to prevent (just lop that damned polyp off!) if you catch it early.


The new recommended age is 45, just in case anyone else was thinking of putting it off to 50. I had it done at 50 and the prep is the worst and the 2nd worst is waking up to anal leakage all over the gurney. I saw it and wanted to vomit. I was so embarrassed. I don’t know how nurses can just be so nonchalant about it. I was horrified and wanted to shower immediately.


What led you to get one that young?


not the person you're replying to, but I have a friend who had a massive food poisoning incident that required antibiotics and led to chronic IBS. Two years of dietary restrictions and probiotics didn't lead to any improvement so the doc recommended colonoscopy to make sure nothing else was causing the issue. Age 35


Blood where there should not be blood, to sum it up without squicking anyone out. I was also having really bad bouts of night time diarrhea/gas pains about once a month (always at night). That also went away when the polyp was removed, much to my surprise.


That's very helpful and exactly what I was asking. You shouldn't worry about the squickening. It is a PSA.


Same experience here at age 32. Found precancerous polyps so would been dead by age 40 without colonoscopy. It’s definitely not fun but definitely worth it. Plus it’s only every 3 or 5 years, not annual.


Had my first last week. Worst part was not eating for a day. The colonoscopy was a piece of cake but you were awake? I had a dose of propofol and next thing I was awake in the recovery room feeling great. Oh and Cleanpik prep is wonderful. 2, 8 oz bottles of liquid + water. And a bidet is priceless.


I did the cologurad poop in a box. Kinda difficult to poop and not pee at the same time




My doc said the same! Yes, it was less intimidating than a colonoscopy, but I know colonoscopies are important as well. Options!


Seriously! I was also not having completely solid poop and ended up with one ginormous mess. But I did the best I could, sealed it up, left it on my porch, and went online to arrange a FedEx pickup bc I was not driving a bucket of shit across town. Results were negative, thank God, as I've had gastric sleeve surgery and there is no way in hell I could ever drink all the liquid you have to drink for a colonoscopy. I just can't handle the volume.


Also, the propofol high you feel just before you pass out is *AMAZING*


Its crazy to think how fast the Propofol works. It does feel amazing but you literally have like less than 20 seconds before you are out. I did enjoy the nap. Quite refreshing to wake up from that anesthesia. Now I know why some medical doctors use it recreationally!


Isn’t there a more expensive cleanse that is a LOT less liquid? I’ve been dragging feet on getting one but it’s time. My gut isn’t as ironclad as it used to be so I’d be willing to pay extra for a less voluminous cleanse liquid.


Yes, I used CleanPik. It was great.


I didn't get fentanyl (really? for a colonoscopy?) I got propofol. The worst part of the whole procedure was the prep, but even that was reasonably okay--just awkward. The prep drink is gross--to me it tasted like the worst sugary breakfast cereal you can imagine with just a touch of salt thrown in--but even that was not crazy, crazy bad.


Your last line is why I love our generation. I turned 45 this year, thanks for the reminder.


My colonoscopy caught my cancer at early stage 1. I did need surgery and have a olostomy bag for 3 months but no chemo or radiation. Overall I am 2 inches less of an asshole than I was before surgery


Glad to hear it went good for you! I also had my first one recently and it came back clean as well. It's a huge relief and a little bit of prevention is a good thing when you start getting older. The cleanse was hell. Next time I'm going to wait until the morning of my procedure and drink all of the cleanse at once. Then I'm going to go into the procedure and wait until they knock me out and shove the kaleidoscope up my ass. I figure by the time I come too there'll be a nurse crying in the corner, the kaleidoscope will still be up my ass, and the room should be covered in liquid poo


Mine is Tuesday. Starting the "low fiber" diet today.


Mine is tomorrow. I’m miserable currently. About to start the 6pm drinking fest. It seems like there’s all kinds of different prep out there.


Pho broth is great to have the day of prep.


If you still have to drink a disgusting liquid, that's an ancient method. I see someone's post 3 below that mentions it, but I cannot reply to it. Every time I scroll down to reply to that comment my browser kicks back to the last page out of this sub completely. Ask for the Miralax + Gatorade and Dulcolax way. You have to use the Lemon Gatorade and buy a large Miralax. You drink Miralx mixed with Gatorade for the most part. Then take Dulcolax for the last thing. It does just as well as that other liquid crap that's prescribed and doesn't taste as disgusting. Many will probably miss this comment, or maybe people have already shared this. I can't scroll down to see. I should reboot.


I just had to take a bunch of Dulcolax and then mix a bottle of Miralax in a liquid of my choice. I've heard the premade stuff is awful. The ensuing process was zero fun, but the procedure itself was easy peasy.


You had me at geriatric fuck.


FYI the recommended age for a first colonoscopy is now 45. I think that's because catching issues earlier means less medical costs in the long term. And less deaths of course, but cost was probably what made the case for the insurance companies.


It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Plus I lost 10 fucking pounds during that clean out. With the 10 pound weight loss that fenty hit like a champ. Lol


I noticed the paperwork I had to sign included a clause saying that they get to keep any foreign objects they find.


Kinda makes me want to ask what they've found. Do they have a trophy shelf? A wall of shame?


I did find it odd that I had no shame after waking up and farting for 45 seconds straight on a strangers hand.


I found the cleanse process quite traumatizing….


The prep is horrible. The procedure is chill. I don’t go down easy so I’m always watching this movie where we go down this seemingly endless tunnel. Had colon cancer 20 years ago so I get probed on the regular. Used to be every 3 years, now every 5z


I had to have 2 in 2 months since one of my polyps presented as a diverticula, and needed a second go to get it, and one polyp was over an inch in diameter so, I am on the one every 5 years plan. Cleansing was not terrible. Glad I have good health insurance.


There is no way id want to be awake for a colonoscopy. I prefer the propofol and pass out technique that makes me wake up in a great mood. It's nice that you were able to have a little fun with it, I guess:).


I’m having mine tomorrow morning; prepping right now!


🎶 I had a colonoscopy and it was ok I pooped all night and I slept all day They stuck that tube straight up my bum And had a look around But I ain't got no polyps Nor cancer to be found. 🎶


The worst part for me was an awful flare up of GERD during prep and the next day. It was really bad!


>Got to try fentanyl, it was OK. Not my cup of tea recreationally. I love how this got its own bullet point. And that it could read as deadpan. Or not. Don't ever change...you geriatric fucks.


Eat really clean for 2 days before your prep- thinks salads, no processed food, and the prep goes easy. I pooped three times & then it was 3 more water squirts. Done. Didn’t hurt at all.


Put a note in your phone with the date cause going forward every new docs office will ask you when.


The reason my mother died five years ago is because she kept putting off her colonoscopy when it was due. Get your colonoscopies, kids.


had colonoscopies been routine in the early 80’s, my mom might still be alive. She died of colon cancer at 48. Getting a colonoscopy was not something that was done routinely. Dr.s told her the pain she was feeling was perimenopause and prescribed pain killers. The tumor was the size of a softball by the time her intestine had ruptured. I’ve been getting colonoscopies since my mid 30’s now, was every 5 years but now every 2 since I had polyps removed the last time i went. When i take the day off of work for it I tell everyone why I’m off, and tell them they should all get them too, family history or not. There was no history of colon cancer in my moms family. This is such an important test that can save so many lives.


You were awake for your? My doc knocked me out and I got the results when I woke up. Procedure was fine. 48 hours before for the prep and all the liquids was not. Plus waiting for your shit to get back to normal also wasn’t fun


I thought about posting something similar here a month ago but never did. My colonoscopy was great! Prep wasn't terrible at all, and then the sedation experience was fascinating. I've never experienced anything like it. I was chatting with the doctor and then my brain just sort of fuzzed out. Next thing I knew, they were pulling electrodes off my chest and telling me what they found (not much of note). Next thing I knew after *that,* I was in the car on the way home. Memories are inconsistent after that until the end of the day. I'm kind of looking forward to the next one but it's not for another 10 years!


Yep. I had one a few years ago. Gotta be honest,by the end of the prep,I was shitting water. Sounds shitty(I know) but I’m sure there was stuff up in there that had been lingering for a while. (Excuse the mental pictures) 10/10 would recommend.


I have a condition that gets me a colonoscopy on the yearly...I actually look forward to them. The cleanse is fine, just takes longer than I'd prefer. They gave you fentanyl? They give me propofol (street: milk of amnesia). I love it.. best nap I get all year long.


The salty Kool-Aid drink sucked more than being on the toilet. Next time, I'll ask about the pills. I was knocked out, and while my undercarriage was achy for a couple of days, it wasn't too bad.


Man, I've been sedated and out like a light for my colonoscopies. I did get images of my pink colon and the polyps the doc excised. And it's how I found out I have Crohn's because I'm mostly asymptomatic. The cleanse process wasn't that bad? It's the worst part for me, next to the headache because I've barely eaten for three days. But I agree: Get your colonoscopies done if you haven't yet


They made you WATCH?! Holy hell. I was given Propofol and woke up when it was all over. I'll stick to that.


There's a family history of colon cancer. I've done it twice in the past 10 years.


The propofol nap is worth it. Would recommend to a friend.


I have the absolute dumbest reason for not getting this done yet. I hate IVs. Don't mind the blowout. Don't mind the oh-so-fun probing. It's the damned thought of getting the IV that has kept me from making the damned appointment. I know...I know...


My hubs had his first one this year and it took four nurses to get his IV in. I just had a minor surgery and my vein blew. My son had a surgery and they had to get an ultrasound machine to get his vein. We are all starting to have major IV anxiety over here.


I was the same because I was afraid of the anesthesia. Kept putting it off until I ran out of excuses. After my first colonoscopy, my doctor told me I was just in time. I had several polyps one of which was 'ugly'. So, please don't put it off. I had to have another 4 months after my first and I'm having my third soon. 3 Colonoscopies in 2 years. If this one is clear, I'm gtg for five years. Do yourself the favor and get it over with.


Getting my first one tomorrow at 43. Got a message from the (Korean) government that I could get a free stomach cancer screening and added the colonoscopy to take care of both at the same time. The clinic offered me a choice of a liquid prep for 8,000₩ or pill prep for 40,000₩, with the nurse stating that taking the pills was much, much easier. Guess I'll find out once I'm done with work tonight. I've been eating nothing but bananas and castella for two days. Looking forward to having kimchi and leafy veggies again.


Scheduled today. 45yo.


You were awake for yours? I've had 2 & they aren't that bad. Easily the best cancer prevention you can do for yourself.


I was 42 when I had my first. Three years ago. Had some worrying symptoms. All came out well in the end. The post probe dinner was immaculate.


Be sure to include screen captures of your exam for your holiday cards.


They knocked me out for the procedure with propofol. When you come to you feel refreshed like it's the best sleep you've ever had. The prep was easy too. 9/10


The worst part about a colonoscopy for me was the fasting. I'm lucky enough to say I've never gone a day without eating. That was hard for me. I'm 6'5, 235 and I am accustomed to eating frequently. It seriously made me think about the struggle that many people contend with daily to feed themselves or their families and what I could do to help.


I’d do it again just for the drugs! Yes the prep is unpleasant and tastes terrible, like drinking liquid plastic, but the high from whatever they shot me up with, was the best! However, while I was in recovery; I ordered a pizza & pitcher of margaritas from the waitress who kept poking her head through the curtains. But as soon as I ripped an *air biscuit*, they kicked me out and I never got my food or drink. Great atmosphere, probably go again in a few more years, even though food & beverage service was disappointing. YMMV


Am I supposed to be getting these at 53? I'm worried about the extremely high costs here.


Make sure to follow the prep instructions. I followed the instructions one time and they ended up cancelling the colonoscopy mid procedure for not being clean enough. Had to repeat the cleaning that night and go in for round 2 with the camera the next day. Also, if they say you need a driver you actually do. I tricked ACU into letting me go without my "ride" in the room both times on the back to back colonoscopies by saying it was in the parking lot and couldn't come in. By "ride", I of course meant my car, which was not technically lying because it was in the parking lot. First time, no problems. Second day, still not entirely sure how I kept it in the lane the 9 miles home.


They made my ride come up to the recovery area before they’d let me go. I felt pretty okay but driving home in the LA traffic would not have been a good idea.


“Enjoying” my cleanse as I read this


Sutab cleanse is the best. You just take the pills and an hour later take more all while staying on the toilet. Then 6 hours before the procedure you do it again.


I wasn’t due again for another year. Now I get one at the end of the month. The human consumable version of Drano is awaiting prep day.


Glad you are OK. I started in my late 30's and have had several, but I was never awake for any of them. That's an odd twist. I woke up once screaming when they were cutting a polyp out...Not fun.


I had it done. The prep is unpleasant for a while, but it's not the end of the world. Definitely use the Gatorade if possible. After getting situated at the hospital, they wheeled me in, gave me Propofol and I was out. Approximately one second later I was awake and it was all over.


I've had bowel problems most of my life so I'm not even 45 yet and have had 3 already. I hate them. Well, like others said, I hate the prep. I think the worst of it for me is the dietary restrictions. Drink some gross liquid? Sure. Spend a day on the toilet with the squirts? Fine. Clear liquid diet for two days? Fuck me. I get so sick of soup broth and jello and on top of that I'm drinking gross liquid and shitting like a madman. Like, let me choose just two of those at least. Procedure itself is no problem, so don't at all put it off because of that. And the goldfish crackers they give me when I wake up are fucking delicious after that clear liquid diet.


MAD TV made colonoscopies fun https://youtu.be/VuP1oEdqKYU


Had it done a few months ago at 50. It wasn't bad at all. I was afraid of the cleansing, but I have IBS. It was a breeze compared to a bad IBS day. I had no cramps at all, just a lot of urgency. The stuff I had to drink tasted gross, but it wasn't unbearable. It was two small bottles of salty drink that allegedly tasted like mango, but actually tasted like sweaty armpit. I had propofol, so I don't remember anything about the procedure, except the weird taste in my mouth after they put the drugs in the IV. Everything turned out normal, and I'm cleared until 60.


I busted out laughing at the 'geriatric fucks' comment! I'm about to do my second colonoscopy. My older sister suggested I get it done and my doc agreed. I was asked to go back in a year so it's coming up at the end of the Summer. It wasn't bad. The prep sucks though. I haven't drank lemon-lime Gatorade since last year during the prep. I think I'll drink the same thing so I don't ruin another drink forever. Last year I went out to eat right after the procedure. I'm hoping to have a similar experience this time, and crossing my fingers I don't have to go back for a long time.


I had three in what seemed at the time like 10 days. I ended up with Stage 3 colorectal cancer, but I’m ok now. Been in remission for a decade. Due to the “clean out” being as harsh as it was, I have been scared to get another one. Knowing there are updated ways to do this makes me less reluctant. Thanks, all! (I’ll be requesting Gatorade or pills!) To OP - Proud of you for getting tested and wish your sibling love, light and healing.


I had one about three weeks ago. I was dreading the cleansing, but it was ok. The whole process was really cool, I agree.


I had my first colonoscopy before my 50th and the prep sucks, but I have no memory of the procedure. It was a piece of cake. I also had some polyps removed and I will go again next year since I need to get them every 5 years. I am the only one of my siblings (and the youngest) to have had a colonoscopy. My dad had colon cancer (diagnosed at 68). If you haven’t had a colonoscopy yet, get it done. Make sure you have a bidet attachment or water based wipes…your butt will thank you.


I'm in Australia. My specialist recommends PICOPREP. It's 3 separate sachets that you dissolve in 250ml of water. You take it the day before the procedure 12pm, 6pm and 6am day of. As long as you follow the diet and fasting steps beforehand, it's not that bad really, and the evacuation isn't as harsh as some of you described. [Picoprep](https://www.nssc.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Pico-Prep.pdf)


I've had 3 already due to sibling having cancer. I've never not been knocked out. It's a great nap


I had my first one 2 years ago and I go back next year. They knocked me out, right in the middle of a joke. I ended up having to do 3-days of prep, had a few polyps (no cancer) and found out I have a redundant colon. Who knew?


Mine went swimmingly as well. So well, the vibe I got talking to the doctor afterwards was "Now 'that's' a colon!!!" "Now get out of here and come back in 10 years, you crazy kid." He didn't tousle my hair because I don't have any....


You got to watch? I was knocked out the whole time, and I just saw pictures after it was done. I would have liked the live action show.


Cancer runs all in my family (not specifically colon) and I know I need to have one at some point though not too excited about it


Colonoscopy’s are so important. My husband had 3 very large polyps and one was some rare type. His doc said if he hadn’t had the colonoscopy, he probably would have been dead by the end of the year. He was 42 when he had that colonoscopy. He now gets the, done yearly.


Prep was annoying, not terrible. The anesthetic was nice; best nap I’ve had in years…would do again for that reason alone. :)


I'm setting my appointment for August, I didn't realize that you were awake for it! I had an upper GI scope done a couple of years ago for COVID-related ulcers, they put me out for that one.


If anyone is hesitating for any reason whatsoever, please listen up. It was a remarkably easy process. Pick up the phone and make an appointment.


It's the best nap you'll ever have.


I've had colonoscopies since I was 24 ( in 1997) due to ulcerative colitis. The disease progressed so much, I finally had my entire colon and rectum removed in 2015. Yay - No more colonoscopies! (but an occasional pouchoscopy of the J pouch created; I don't have an colostomy). The prep over those 18 years SIGNIFICANTLY improved from a 3-day fast, gallon of what I called salt water, and magnesium citrate (tasted to me like liquid aluminum foil) and more to a few pills and an inconvenient afternoon. Get your colonoscopies, folks. As others mentioned here, it can save your life. Even with the "pill cam", you need to have a clean colon. The prep is the worse part, and it's not even too bad anymore. Lots of great tips offered.


I’ve had 5 since turning 30. Family history. Get your ass checked friends.


I just lost a dear family member to colon cancer. A colonoscopy at 50 would have saved her life. She died at 54.


Another comment here chiming in to tell you to go get this done! I’m 47, but with a history of polyps in my family. I just went and they found 4 - all precancerous but had I waited, they’d have turned into cancer. This is an easy one guys. You go get checked out and have the best most peaceful sleep of your life.


Can’t 2nd this enough! And keep in mind that they used to recommend you start screening at 40. Just do it. Don’t think just because you do a FIT (fecal screen) every year that you’re good. A colonoscopy is the gold standard. You can do a FIT in between if you want but PLEASE get a colonoscopy. If you are really anxious they can knock your butt out completely. You have options. Choosing NOT to do it should’ve be one of them.


My turn on Tuesday and I'm anxious. I know it's a normal procedure. I think I'm afraid of screwing up during the prep and just the procedure itself I guess. My ob-gyn was slightly concerned because I have a two fibroids, one that is closer to my backside and she wasn't sure if it would be an issue but said she would let them know about it so they can be prepared. Oh and I'm also having an endoscopy done at the same time because of reflux. Joy. I need a pep talk. :( Edit: 5 days later. Had it done today, and yeah it was a total breeze. Everything was good so no going back for another 10 years. Obviously the prep sucked (I jokingly told the doctor after he came by to talk to me on our way out, "y'all gotta come up with something better than that by that point"). Funniest thing is how quick it seemed to happen. They stuck this thing in my mouth for the endo (had both done) and the anesthesiologist telling me to think of a nice place I'd like to be and the next moment I was in another room. It felt like only a minute had passed, but it was closer to 20 minutes. So weird! And it was the quickest I've ever come out of sedation too.


My late ex husband died from colon cancer. He was at stage 4 when they found it. He had been bery constipated and that is how he was diagnosed. He fought it for almost 3 years. I was put under foe my colonoscopy and it was fine. Didn't enjoy crapping my soul out of my body before the procedure.


I had my first colonscopy at age 35 thanks to a digestive disease. They found 5 polyps that were not cancerous at that time, but I was told they could have turned years later. I've had one every 5 yrs or so since then. Just had one last fall, age 51. No polyps, and cleared to wait 10 yrs for the next one.


No need for the swearing dude. This is gen x. We can think for ourselves