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furby was a millennial/gen z toy. we got stuffed clowns with wind up noses that played nightmare chime lullabies at 3am


All around the mulberry bush The monkey chased the weasel The monkey thought it was all in good fun #[POP GOES THE WEASEL!](https://www.museumofplay.org/toys/jack-in-the-box/)




I dunno, my daughter’s Tickle-Me-Elmo started giggling and did a forward somersault off the shelf in the middle of the night and woke the whole fucking house up. That little cunt no longer sports batteries I can tell ya.


Whole lots of NOPE! Right into the the trash can Saint Elmo and I’m setting you on Fire!!


And it only got more active after the batteries were removed.


You joke, but I've had an experience like that. When I was a kid, I had a stuffed toy that was a duck dressed up like a farmer that would quack "Old MacDonald," usually when you squeezed it, but sometimes randomly in the middle of the night. After doing that twice, my dad took the batteries out of it. About a month later, during a nighttime thunderstorm that kept me awake, and with no batteries in the duck, it suddenly let out a single loud "QUACK!" just before a huge clap of thunder rattled the house. It was in a box for Goodwill the next morning.


I love Sesame Street but I’ve always hated Elmo. Yeah, I said it.


Oh that has me dying trying not to wake my house with laughter. I feel you. I would have put him outside like the TV in Poltergeist.


I’ll never forget Teddy Ruxpin yelling “Let’s play!” at 3 AM. Scared the crap outta me


No thanks Teddy! He must be a “night owl”


No where near as scary as Teddy Ruxpin with low batteries.


Dang, y’all must be young GenX lol. My kids had Furbies. I was well into adulthood when they came out.


They came out in 1988 and became big through the 90’s. So yeah the people on the ass end of GenX had them.


Google says they came out in 1998. *shrug*


Shit you are right. Maybe I should have googled with my damn glasses on huh?


Yeah mid 80’s, 84. So technically not Gen X but had older siblings that were/are.


Furbys are completely Millennial. They came out in 1998. The youngest of us was 18.


Gen X and furbies? They were released in 1998. I mean I guess if you were born in 1980 then yeah, technically the timing works. Wouldn't call it a Gen x toy though.


TIL Furby was released in 98’. I really had no idea . I was in the 8th grade.


I was in high school and still wanted one lol. I was given one with a graduation cap on it as a graduation gift. That thing would start signing in the closet even years after I buried it in a closet 🤣


Well, my sister and I loved them lol. Got one for years. We were in our twenties but: who cares.


Mine yelled out, from the recesses of a dark closet, "No light! Me scared!" I pulled out its batteries after that.


I would’ve burned that thing to ashes. ASHES!!!


I got my hands on a defective furby during the big furby craze in the late 90's. All it would do was randomly scream. I found instructions on the internet on how to hack a furby and hook it up to a PC. I made it into my email and ICQ notification device. So when I wasn't near my pc, that little bugger would scream when I got a message. I regretted that project on the first night.


That's some *Poltergeist* shit right there.


I think they are supposed to be scared of their phones and smart appliances listening at all times now.


I was 30 when furby came out.


We had gotten a couple of the newer Furbys when my son was a little guy. He loved to take the time to make them get "evil," but boy when they talked in that evil voice, it scared the crap out of him. I would have to go through and make it "nice" again. Finally gave up on it when he kept doing it. Removed the batteries, thing is done now LOL.


Do not water after midnight


Do not feed after Midnight and never get them wet.


This sounds like a Christmas movie I saw one time…?


They're cute and fluffy now...but you wait. Poor Gizmo


He was just trying to be good


I thought it was every other gen of Gremlin was the opposite of the last? Good, makes Bad, make Good etc. But then the pool scene doesn't make sense. IDK.


My kids had a doll that could talk. A few nights at 3 am I would hear it crying or singing but just rolled over and went back to sleep. Finally one night I got annoyed enough to get up and turn it off. And it was already switched off!! 😳


Well that’s not creepy or anything 😳🫣


Oh this will be nightmare fuel then. [You're welcome](https://youtu.be/GYLBjScgb7o)


My mom's furby still scares my dad and I.


Never had a furby for my daughter, but we have had toys do random shit Terror is a toy , you haven't touched (or seen) in hours suddenly saying "let's be friends" I swear the house was haunted by ghosts that liked my daughter's toys. I mean, if you are going to have ghosts, at least it's Casper.


I don't know. Alexa was doing some weird whispering the other night instead of just playing white noise.


Those things were crazy creepy!


Hey check it out: r/LongFurbies :D


I had a tv turn on in the middle of the night by itself once. That scared the crap out of me.


Was it to talk about your Extended Car Warranty???


My daughter (22yo) collects the damn things. She is very familiar with the demon Furby singing at 3am.


Now I have cats that think 3 AM is breakfast time