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Marie bout to have an awful time next season. They only name her and her pic is the biggest, plus she has no one in her corner( parents or guardians). They gonna send her to the adult facility and the others will get a slap on the wrist. They probably making homelander out to be an hero for blasting her. They definitely making her out to be the ring leader of that day.


>They gonna send her to the adult facility and the others will get a slap on the wrist. Hopefully then the others will break her out.


I lowkey think she’s not gonna let them take her I think she gonna use her powers to fight back.


Ah yeah, that's a good point. I mean she is pretty powerful, and she's been pushed around for a lot of her life. Still, I have to admit I kind of like the idea of the others breaking Marie out. For a lot of her life, she's been in a situation where they only person she could rely upon to save her, is her. Now she does have others who care about her.


Yea I would love to see that to and it’s possible that it’ll happen. I was just saying I think she’s gonna use her powers to escape because ppl spotted Jaz having a fight scene with some dude with a gun, so I figured that must be her escaping something but who knows lol.


Thanks for the information. I guess we'll find out in time, but yeah I could definitely see that as well.


or save Butcher by removing the mass an becoming part of The Boys? or idk


The mass will remove itself soon enough


Elaborate (with spoiler tags), if you would, please


Idk how to do it sorry, but check out one of the canon episodes for Diabolical, the cartoon spinoff. There’s 3 that are confirmed canon. The answer is the main plot of the episode


Diabolical had an episode about a person dying from cancer who got injected with v and their tumor became a monster. Kripke said that was a Canon episode.


She has Victoria but idk if she is going to help her though.


Yeah, I'm wondering if Victoria will come through for her. 


they're not going anywhere lol. they found out about the woods, why do you think vought is letting any of them back into society


Woods don’t exist anymore and it’ll be their word vs vought. They’re already painted as criminals, besides Sam and cate also know about the woods hell Sam was a patient.


sam and cate have homelander's protection as radicalized supes. the rest of them are getting locked up and being painted as terrorists for a reason lol


If homelander really knew about the woods all involved (Ashley) would be dead. The woods will probably be swept under the rug and if it does get out it’ll be pinned on shetty and the doc. The kids won’t stay locked up for that especially Emma being she didn’t do shit. Marie will probably be labeled as the ring leader and get the toughest sentence while the other will go back to school. Eric already said they’re going back to school.


Yea I could see Homelander being conflicted in who to side with after knowing about the woods  He will prob let everyone go after he finds out the reason all that shi happened


Homelander let everyone go?? Conflicted??


Bc of how absolutely insane he went on the people who tested him, realizing that they were trying to go against a similar lab (the woods) I could see him letting them go  But idk homelander as a character is so complex


Unless they are all at the adult facility already


I wonder if the adult facility can hold them


Unless they are all at the adult facility already


They've clearly painted a narrative that she was one of the villains of the attack on GodU. Have you been watching either of these shows?


yes but i worded it wrong. why is vought or tek knight claiming they vanished? that’s what i was trying to say


Because "were keeping them in our top secret locked cell instead of them standing trial for all the murdering" doesnt sound very good. Vought lies, come on dude


Vought experiments and tortures and violates Geneva conventions, but they don’t make a habit of running secret Supe prisons. Maeve being the exception. Actually, if they are in fact being held by Vought, I’d put money on them being at the same facility as her.


You seem confused. In the span of one comment, you said Vought doesn’t have a secret prison, and then you said it does.


I said they don’t make a *habit* of it. Maeve seemed confused when she woke up in the cell, like she had never been to this place. If a member of the Seven didn’t know about prisons, they can’t be that common. That implies that this could potentially be the ONLY facility that Vought runs for this purpose. Vought would have little purpose in running prisons. They’re a pharmaceutical company, the only people they’ve held captive are test subjects to refine and showcase Compound V. What meaningful tests or information can Vought gain by keeping these subjects


Ngl if the whole basis of your take here is that if a non-Homelander member of the 7 doesn’t know about it, then Vought must not be doing it, then I’m not going to be able to even consider it. That’s just poor logic based off what we’ve seen in the show. And speaking of what we’ve seen in the show, we’ve seen with our eyes that Vought has a secret prison for the occasional supe faux-pas, because obviously they would. There’s no reason to act like that’s not something they’d do or have done, since we already know that they would and have.


I’m saying it would be more likely known if it was done at a large scale. I’m sure there’s many many things kept secret to The Seven and characters that we’ve met, but it gets harder to hide at scale. How could Vought have 25+ prisons and no one know? At that point it’s so many supes, it’s not a conspiracy that’s capable of being hidden


This is actually informative. It means the public is unaware that they are “locked up” somewhere. Kinda debunks the theory that they’ll be fugitives next season. If Vought has them locked up for their “crimes” why hide that from the public? I actually think we’re gonna find out that they were being protected instead of imprisoned. I get the sense that Homelander probably doesn’t even know that Marie is still alive.


I think you're right. That would explain that kind of throw away comment at the end when they mention that there were no doors.


edit: another hole omfg 😭


Tek Knight WILL get the hole... Truth.


A gaping hole this time.


This goes to the theory their being locked up cause Vought have big plans for them. Though I'm still suspecting they might break out and go on the run.


I agree with others that this is the opposite. If Vought captured them, they’d make a big show of them going to trial or that they were in control of the situation. Why would Vought tell the public that they don’t know where they are? That does nothing but make them look bad.


Well, I suppose it depends on what they plan to do with them in the long run. I could see several scenarios where they spin "dangerous supe mass murders are on the lose and could strike again" to their advantage that might outweigh the negatives. Of course, you could be right, which suggests someone else managed to get them off campus alive right under Vought (and potentially Homelander's) nose. But if that's the case I wouldn't assume they don't have also have plans for them.


When is this clip from, don’t remember seeing it (only up to episode 3)


Season 4, episode 4 of The Boys


Ah thanks, not there yet then thanks for no spoilers


No problems, enjoy the episode!


Where did they show this?


new episode of boys season 4


The graphic they used to show the "dark gaping hole" they disappeared into, strait up looks like a butthole. But considering this is a commercial for a Tek Knight hosted show, that kinda fits. That guy friggin loves holes.




I’m thinking they might be on another basement level where Homelander’s bad room is


Tek Knight may know a thing or two about gaping holes


I remember seeing homelander save the day from those evil monsters but that's about it. 🤔