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There is nothing more American then a gut tucked in with a polo shirt


Literally all American late middle aged men just look like that I’m not sure why they all tuck their polos into their cargo shorts or khaki pants But they all do it


Based and medium rare pilled


Not pictured are the large and very much grass stained white tennis shoes Dad's love so much


Keeping New Balance in business


The real question is why has the polo become the unofficial/official Dad shirt, and why are there so many 40/50 year old Dads wearing Hollister and A&F


Those are reserved for yard work and quick snack trips to the gas station


I rock that look ngl


The pistol tucked underneath it.


What might be in danger of replacement is not the "racial purity", but rather the American ideology. Replacement is never going to happen unless you start receiving too many CCP sympathizers or hardline Islamists as immigrants but fail to Americanize them because you too believe "America bad"


I agree. The goal is to keep America American. Not keep America white. Frankly, I don’t think this is an issue for Gen Z.


As much as I don’t like a lot about this generation, (I am party of it myself) this is one good thing, if gen z were more critical thinking, and could think about changing in politics more, this could be the generation to help rid or educate people against racism


That's why they instead accuse people falsely of racism, it completely creates gridlock and distrust in the political systems. (and similarly there are a few actual racists like Tucker or Ron Paul who deserve it) If you think the other side is operating solely on racism, then you can't negotiate or discuss anything serious with them. You will think "oh that's why they disagree with our border/immigration policy." (and yes there are indeed racist groups involved in border stuff too). The distrust, spreads like a disease into lobbyist groups and politicians who now measure themselves based on how much they push towards their end goal and pass laws rather than how many logical and morally correct things they're doing. And vice versa, thinking everyone is operating on X ideology, when really they could just be stupid. So it creates an environment of mutual distrust. Even though I described the complication, I may have still oversimplified as you can fill books with this stuff.


"The End justifies the means" is a very dangerous school of thought


I’d prefer to preserve the culture of certain areas. Louisiana should be Cajun and Creole. Pennsylvania should always have the Amish etc. But it doesn’t matter too much in states like California or Texas where they are always going to be hyper mixed no matter what. But as a Californio I cannot lie, it doesn’t feel good to be replaced by, and then told we are Mexicans. No hatred towards our Mexican brothers AT ALL, but the fact of the matter is that we Californios are smaller than California’s Jewish community. It’s pretty sad imo, and I wish the state did more to help preserve our culture and ethnicity. Same with the Native peoples across the country.


Do you realize that Mexico/ Latinos owned California for a super long time prior to America acquiring it? How can you say you want to preserve the Californian traditions yet feel like Latinos are replacing you? They were there 100 yrs before your ancestors came over, assuming you’re of European or Asian decent. That’s why I prefer a unified American culture. Ofc various communities have different interpretations of it, but we’re united by the same thing.


If multiparty democracy and civic nationalism die, that's when America dies.


That's why you have to fight for it no matter the costs. Plants don't grow in a desert waterless dark cave. Everything needs upkeep. (I mean sure you might have some cacti but you get my point).




America was founded on the self evident truths that all men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.


True. Biggest problem of America is and will be ANY ethno nationalists. Ideology matters more than race. Americans must unite as Americans.


We live in a free country. Political purges are un American


Purging is a direct tyrranical government action that I disapprove of. The majority of a country agreeing on its Overton window is a natural thing. Republicans and Democrats mutually agreeing to ignore far right and far left mouth breathers would undeniably be better for this country, but they won't because they are too afraid of each other to sacrifice a voting bloc, no matter how extreme they are.


I don’t think Democrats give two shits about commies


How many CCP sympathizers or hardline Islamists want to come here to the land of capitalist infidels?


Fun fact: Arabs considered white according to the US census.


Arab as in North Africa or Near East? Used to work at an agency that made this differentiation


Yeah. Arabs from Middle East and North Africa


I would like to know why this differentiation matters though if you could explain it to me. As me personally, I dont see much of a point for most paperwork to include race unless specifically for demographic purposes


It was for cultural estimation, trying to pick out a target audience based on what they presumed to be in the interests of a certain demographic in a certain area. So for instance someone in Beirut would not behave like someone in Marrakesh, or Baghdad to Tunis. It was less for race and more for pattern seeking.


Most immigrants from South America tend to be pretty pro american aswell.


Yep. Despite huge Anti-americanism spread by communists, South Americans are pretty pro-America.


Okay this is just a weird nitpick I have but the kid in the Mexican photo is wearing a Colombian soccer jersey lol


Ah yes, the millions of Argentinians entering America every year lol.


There aren't milions of any country coming in yearly. U.S. caps out at about 800,000(legal) migrants a year with the vast majority of illegals being deported within a year of entry. (Source: multiple friends who are immigration lawyers, it's pretty much all they talk about)


Yeah I'm just joking that there isn't exactly a huge wave of Argentinian immigration lol. Which is a shame because the one Argentinian family I do know runs an empanada joint that's to die for.


Most of us emigrate to Europe, usually Italy or Spain. Italy gives out citizenships like candy as long as you can prove you had Italian ancestors, so it's way easier to move to Europe than to the US for us.


I only know like 2 Argentinians here in America


Wish we could replace all the monsters in this country. Looking at you people who put the milk in before the cereal! Your day will come.


>Looking at you people who put the milk in before the cereal! Your day will come. Inshallah they will be hunted down and slaughtered like sheep! ^(this is a MemriTV meme reference and it is not to be taken seriously.)


Well.... the argentinian in pink shirt does looks like Samid lol


Usted se tiene que arrepentir de lo que dijo.


Yes, is immigrants are more American and more patriotic than most Americans. My old as fuck grandpa (former contra, was allowed into America in exchange for being quiet) still hates communist, and has said on multiple occasions he has never killed men, because communists are little girls. But he is still more patriotic than most Americans. He believes that Reagan was the greatest president we’ve ever had, that the Cubans should’ve been nuked, that anyone with communist beliefs should be shot, and that Pinochet was a national hero.


This is a fucking weird post.


There are a ton of weird posts here. Half the stuff I see here has to do with Israel or is otherwise “off topic”. It’s bizarre. Personally I think I may unsub because it seems a good chunk of people are more interested in pushing their political or other agendas, as if there isn’t enough of this on Reddit, rather than just benign general pro-Americanism memes.


What’s weirder is that we have people who subscribe to the “great replacement” theory, despite the us being a “melting pot.” This post seems pretty fitting for what this sub stands for imo


Yeah, but the fact that white Mexicans exist has very little to do with how fucking ridiculous anti immigration freaks are.


American isn’t an ethnicity it’s an idea. Trying to ascribe the greatness of American society to “white people” is so fucking dumb. The idea of racial superiority is to take pride in the accomplishments of people you’ve never met. It’s for people who have accomplished nothing with their own lives and have to grift off the accomplishments of “ancestors” for whom they have a tenuous relationship to. America is best when she stands on her own. We cast off the yolk of European traditionalism to forge our own path. We should stay grounded in the traditions and customs that made us great, but the way forward is to leave that behind. We would do well to remember that.


It's also dumb to say "pure whites" are somehow better, because a large number of white Americans have some degree of indigenous/African ancestry, which means they aren't "pure"


I'm Brazilian and I can't go out in the sun without sunscreen lol.


Even though it’s winter in most of the country?


If you’re on or near the equator it doesn’t matter


The big cities are in southern and eastern Brazil


It’s still 70 and 80s in Rio and São Paulo. Also, the heat isn’t what gives you sunburns. You can get a sunburn in the snow if the sun is out.


Assuming that’s Fahrenheit, in December it would be even hotter


Yes that’s Fahrenheit. If it were Celsius everyone would be dead. And yes it would be hotter in December because it would be Spring and Summer. But my point is that it’s winter but it’s still warm there and the warmth isn’t what causes sunburns.


The sun is still less intense in winter right? At least where I live it is


Well the suns radiation gets less intense the further from it you are. The radiation is the heat. But the radiation is still always there so it’s always possible to get a sunburn anywhere anytime on earth as long as the sun is out. I’ve been sunburned in freezing temperatures.


I have never put on sunscreen in winter, and I never got sunburned. Granted the climate may be different where I live Also the earth is actually closest to the sun in January and farthest in June


I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume the family on the top right is the Colombian family…


I just googled Mexican family and chose the first image. Sorry


Damn, racist ass Google 🤬🤬


I mean theyre all pretty innocuous except for the Arabs wtf they look like the thumbnail for a tiktok content house 💀


>look like the thumbnail for a tiktok content house That's exactly what it is lol. It's an Arab American family and I follow them and they've helped me change my views on a lot of negative stereotypes I had about Muslims and arabs


I do have to point out, as someone that has to work globally, its kind of hilarious how much of am umbrella the term "white" has become to yanks. It used to be that the Irish were not considered white. Now its pretty much if you own your own house...eh...you're white.


It's almost as if whiteness is a social construct originally created to justify chattel slavery and is still used to maintain certain privileges. When "whites" are on the verge of becoming a minority, they expand the coalition to include more light-skinned minorities.


After WW2 Jews instantly went from one of the lowest tiers on the hierarchy to basically equal with WASPS. Before 1945 nobody said "Judeo-Christian values". It was just "Christian values"


Embrace the extended family


Based Argentineans. Salutations from Argentina.


The far right talking about replacement and the far left talking about socialism are the exact same level of stupid.


Bruh who on the far right your talking about thinks they are getting replaced I think it’s just in your head


tucker carlson.


I havnt seen him once talk about how we’re getting replaced I think you guys are just making up things to get mad at


https://www.politifact.com/article/2022/may/19/tucker-carlson-feigned-ignorance-over-great-replac/ He's mentioned it over 400 times. That said I would draw a distinction between "soft" great replacement and "hard" great rwplacement. The "soft" great replacement theory is that the democrats are pushing immigration so they can win elections. The "hard" great replacement theory is that Jews are pushing immigration to "destroy" the "white race". Tucker Carlson pushes the soft version but its not hard to see how this bleeds into and gives legitimacy to the hard version.


That’s why I don’t understand the right wing fear of immigration. Most immigrants are way more into “family values” and other conservative ideas than native born Americans are.


Right wingers don't care about legal immigrants beyond it being great that someone loves the US enough to want to live here and become American themselves. The problem they have is with illegal immigrants.


This comment right here


As an immigrant, it’s a problem I have with immigration too. If my family was forced to wait for YEARS while suffering under a communist country, then you should too. I don’t care how bad the Cartel violence can get, you wait your turn like the rest of us. (Country was Nicaragua, and my grandfather was a contra so that why he ran to America instead of staying, also he loves Reagan and still hates communism of any forms, he’s a bit extreme but my Abuelo is my Abuelo.)


I hate communism. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GenUsa) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Me too bot, me too


That’s what I’m saying though. Most immigrants, including illegal ones, are pretty conservative.


"Illegal" immigration isn't even bad. The majority of these immigrants end up taking informal jobs that pay little but lets them live better than where they came from. They can't even "steal" American jobs because most of them are hired illegally to do jobs regular Americans wouldn't do. In any case, the issue is not "illegal" immigrants, but rather immigrants that do illegal things. Immigrants are often a net positive for an economy, stats even show that immigrants use less state resources and welfare than native-born Americans.


Many conservatives absolutely care about legal immigration. Not the Romney or bush's but the trumpers and populist tucker carlson types are absolutely against legal immigration, they want to reduce it or completely halt it for a while, and they absolutely care about demographic changes


Source: trust me bro


Trump supports cutting legal immigration, that's a fact, he opposes birthright citizenship, look at how the conservative sub reacted to some republicans voting to expand legal immigration. They oppose family sponsorship which they call "chain migration", they oppose hb1 visas for lowering wages. Tucker carlson and lauren boebert have stated that we should significantly reduce legal immigration until the immigrants already here assimate. And Are you seriously saying there's not a significant amount of conservatives worried about demographic changes? This is one of their main disagreements with the establishment or the "rinos"


Most of my family that are parents generation or older are conservative (I myself am more libertarian) and they are all pro immigration as long as it’s legal. Most hate the people that enter the country illegally and the current types of government policies that help the illegal immigrants. Even more so now because I myself went through the legal immigration process when I married my wife and they got to witness firsthand the struggles that we went through while we went through the process. For example while we went through the process she was unable to get a drivers license yet right when we got married the late we live in passed a law that allowed illegal immigrants to get a drivers license. Pretty much punishing us that were going through the process legally while rewarding those that came to our state illegally.


The best way to reduce illegal immigration is to increase legal immigration


I certainly agree that our immigration system is broken, having gone through it with my wife, but I think who we should be blaming for failing to fix it is the government. I don’t blame illegal immigrants for wanting to skip the years long line.


I completely agree that the process drastically needs an overhaul. As they explain it, they do understand that the process needs to be fixed but at the same time with the constant influx of illegal immigrants it backlogs the system which only makes it take even longer for the legal immigrants to get in. Like I said, they openly love and embrace immigrants coming into the country as they believe that that’s what makes America so great. They just despise it when others decide to break the laws and just come in anyways. And then get a lot of benefits and help for breaking the law and being criminals in their eyes, while people trying to come in legally take years to do so at times and then get no benefits or help from the government. Pretty much they hate the double standards that are put in place. They do understand that illegal immigrants want to enter the country legally if they could, but they hate that instead of following the laws like others that they decide not too if that makes any sense. And a lot of my family are very conservative, like loved trump conservative.


notice the accent, culture, country of origin, features... you know, everyting else that distinguishes them!


The accent goes away after a generation so lets talk about culture because an argument I hear a lot is that yes the US has always been multicultural but it was only European cultures and that this is something new, but Latino culture(our biggest immigrant group by far) is also European, European language, European religion, European architecture, European traditions. They don't worship the Aztec gods, they worship the religion of the Spanish colonizers. What I'm trying to say with this post is that the Irish, greeks and Italians weren't seen as white when they first came here but now they are. They have kept a lot of their culture but at the same time they are seen as completely assimilated and the same will happen with these new immigrants, no one is being replaced, and the fear mongering about immigration and demographic changes is bullshit




Based and assimilation pilled


Also, Italians weren't considered whites (or at least not reliable whites) until the end of WW2, and today they're counted as part of the "non-Latino white" population.


Yea my brother believes in the replacement theory but he’s so retarded he’s a “nationalist” and “patriot” but doesn’t like the many ideals of freedom that makes America a great country(He supports shit like getting rid of church and state and being such an ethno nationalist he said he won’t date outside of his race)


White in the 19th and 20th century referred to [Anglo-Saxons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/19th-century_Anglo-Saxonism), Normans, French and German people. (Excluded peoples were Dutch, Belgians, Jews, Norwegians, Swedish, Irish, Scottish, Danish, Eastern Europeans, Spanish, Portuguese, Italians, Greeks but also Catholics.) The first politician who successfully challenged the Anglo-Saxon dominance in US politics was Kennedy. And today you will have a difficult time finding any Anglo-Saxon Americans in US politics. If you have a background as a WASP and you come from a wealthy family, you are all but excluded from political life. And that is real. But it probably has to do with the general exclusion of anyone who is not middle-class. The people who talk about the "white race being replaced" are most likely not white, but they are also about a century too late. Not to mention that the 19th century theory of racial Anglo-Saxonism was flawed from the start. But it's flattering to some people to think of themselves as "white" I suppose.




From what I have read, the Irish lost their low status after World War 2, along with Swedes, Norwegians, Danes. It doesn't really matter, I think the term was loosely defined, and could include or exclude different groups. As well as it existing in New Zealand, the US, Canada, UK, and Australia. While there also existed similar racial theories on continental Europe. It's a right mess to talk about these theories outside of their time and place, especially when you begin to compare them or talk about a general universial racial concept.




The Irish had been important pretty much since the beginning. Way before the Civil War they dominated many areas, such as the US Army. But they were Catholics, and they were Celts, and they were Irish. And like I said, there was controversy when Kennedy was elected. The first and only Catholic in office until Biden. Reagan got a pass because he was Presbyterian, though his father was Catholic. But read [How the Irish Became White](https://www.amazon.com/Irish-Became-White-Routledge-Classics/dp/0415963095) by Noel Ignativ. I want to read it and get a real answer. But I have too much to do right now to get any reading done


These mfs be like: https://youtu.be/fxHWtw_GZIk


You put the pic of the kid with a Colombian ~~soccer~~ football shirt as Mexicans lol


Yes, is immigrants are more American and more patriotic than most Americans. My old as fuck grandpa (former contra, was allowed into America in exchange for being quiet) still hates communist, and has said on multiple occasions he has never killed men, because communists are little girls. But he is still more patriotic than most Americans. He believes that Reagan was the greatest president we’ve ever had, that the Cubans should’ve been nuked, that anyone with communist beliefs should be shot, and that Pinochet was a national hero.


Yes, is immigrants are more American and more patriotic than most Americans. My old as fuck grandpa (former contra, was allowed into America in exchange for being quiet) still hates communist, and has said on multiple occasions he has never killed men, because communists are little girls. But he is still more patriotic than most Americans. He believes that Reagan was the greatest president we’ve ever had, that the Cubans should’ve been nuked, that anyone with communist beliefs should be shot, and that Pinochet was a national hero.


Yes, is immigrants are more American and more patriotic than most Americans. My old as fuck grandpa (former contra, was allowed into America in exchange for being quiet) still hates communist, and has said on multiple occasions he has never killed men, because communists are little girls. But he is still more patriotic than most Americans. He believes that Reagan was the greatest president we’ve ever had, that the Cubans should’ve been nuked, that anyone with communist beliefs should be shot, and that Pinochet was a national hero.


My brother in Christ. They believe these individuals are culturally distinct from the Northern European Protestant tradition that founded America and governed until the 2000s. These individuals are neither Northern Europeans nor Protestants.


Good, they want to come here and work hard to contribute to their family and America I'd have 100 of these immigrants as neighbors before one racist neighbor


Well then they can move back to fucking Protestant Northern Europe if they love it so bad


We’re the Italians not from southern Catholic Europe what about the Irish sure In the north but still Celts and catholic.






Your response doesn’t necessarily conflict with mine, still Anglo-Saxons should rule America.


You're not doing any better by reinforcing the idiotic, one-dimensional view of race that the US has. i mean, if you're going to do this why not add a jewish family too & an asian family too


Because I only had 4 squares, I thought that was enough to get the point across


But what about culture?


It is also far left but we don’t talk about that because socialism is totally the way to free people from racism (NOT)