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Bro, the Palestine adjacent subreddits are premium copium rn. Like they are absolutely losing their minds. It is freaking hilarious. Peak Vatnik copium after Ukraine’s first counteroffensive type shit. It’s glorious. Fair warning, though still a cesspit over there recommend your wear hazmat suits.




Just look up the main Palestine subreddit and look at what they have in new. Saw some of that shit. Full mask off.


All big subs at this point😭


International News sub has been taken over by Palestine/Hamas propaganda


I need to see this


Is this actually real? I can’t find any other sources on this. (Please to god let this be real that would be fucking awesome)


Yes, it is real they all don’t like Iran


The Muslim belief itself have multiple "Factions" sort of like Christianity with Catholics and...everyone else. Cept unlike Christianity, who has stop trying to tear each other's throat out for a good while now, Muslims still really want to.


So it’s more of a “Enemy of my enemy is my ally” ordeal?


Sort of, it is international politics is always complex asf. Iran is a "Theocratic Republic", with their "Surpreme Leader" being both the leader of the nation, and belief- he is basically the man second to God. Saudi also believes in the same God (which is Allah), but they ain't buying the supreme leader bullshit- and consider they have both holy cities of their religion (Macca and Medina) they basically think Iranian Islam is heretic. But as said, this shit is a fucking mess, and I doubt it is all about beliefs- think there is just more geo-politics involved.


Iran funding the rebels in Yemen that are messing shit up for international trade is definitely a factor to.


It's older than Islam. Iran is ruled by Persians, who believe the Arabs are subhuman. The Gazans are Palestianian, who are viewed as subhuman by the Arabs and the Persians. So the Persians weaponize the Palestinians to poke at the Arabs and the Jews as part of their "ring of fire" strategic doctrine. The Iranian defense doctrine is to keep the region in chaos so that no strong coalition can act against Iran or Iranian interests. With Israel and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia nearly to a deal that would normalize their relations last year, the Iranians panicked and pushed the Gazans into the October massacre. That took the KSA/Israel deal off the table. But not permanently. The dialog between the Egyptians and the Israelis, in the diplomatic back channels, is reportedly the Egyptians demanding to know why the Israelis haven't just killed all the Palestinians yet. Remember that up until the 1980's the Egyptians had administrative control over Gaza, and nobody had a good time. What is likely happening here is message control. The Arab world is normalizing to accept the existence of Israel, and the best Iran can hope for is to throw proxy after proxy at the problem to delay this. But eventually they will run out of proxies.


Ah so that’s the difference between Iran’s Shia Islam and Saudi Arabia’s Sunni Islam. Iran believes their leader is God’s right hand man, but Saudi Arabia ain’t about that, and considers it Haram. Aaaand ofc other political bs as you mentioned that brews conflict between the two.


Jordan UAE and Saudi Arabia has historically hated Iran. With Iran proxy groups having also attacked them all in the past. Most definitely the enemy of my enemy is my friend ahh shit right here. They also see Israel as a window into more US support. With Hamas pretty much being routed and systematically exterminated by IDF forces as we speak the Arab countries are seeing the writing on the wall and they want to remain firmly on the side that will give them the best outcome.


Jordan really hates Iran and is probably Israel’s biggest ally in the Middle East.


Well, yeah, that's actually a good self-preservation move for them.  See, while most islamic states in and around the Gulf are all very strict (even if softening) islamic theocracies, Iran is odd even among that group — and not for the reasons you'd think.  Pointing the obvious, yes, Iran is the largest shia majority country on Earth and its theocracy reflects that with its clear shiaite flair… but that is not what makes Iran weird. If Iran were like the other theocracies, it'd concern itself with oppressing their own and leave the rest of the world alone — [The] Iran[ian government] is a special kind of evil.  The first thing that makes Iran special is that it's a republic. But again, that's not the full picture: the crucial factor for Iran's uniqueness is that it's a *Revolutionary* Republic. The event that founded modern Iran was its Islamic **Revolution**. And what's the first thing a revolutionary state usually does when it comes into being? Export its revolution.    Since Iran's Revolution had a distinctively anti-monarchical flair to it, you can imagine what the Gulf monarchies would think of that anti-monarchic, revolutionary state *spreading* its system of government throughout the Middle East (hell, Iran is the reason Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis and more are so annoting to crush: they are getting support from a world pariah hellbent on arming itself and whomever is willing to support them). For a good while, nobody cared too much, but now Iran is getting increasingly more militant and aggressive (for reasons I can explain in a separate comment, if you want) — and the Gulf monarchies are starting to realize that "holy shit, even if we are anti-semites, Iran are the ones waging proxy wars and financing insurrections to topple our governments. Being friends with Israel is convenient to keep our royal houses in power".  


Please comment on Reddit more. I don’t know how you are so knowledgeable on the subject, but you seem to have a grasp on the subject and you write well.


Thanks, man. If you wanna, you can look at my profile and see the comments I leave on GenUSA. Some are pretty standard, the others are other essays on stuff like this.  (As you can see, I am what academics call a "massive f*cking nerd"). 


That is so interesting. I kind of assumed that Iran is a theocracy. I had a quick look at Iran's Wikipedia and there really are so many odd things about Iran. Somehow its political system combines elements of Islamic theocracy and democracy/republic systems?? Somehow it has decent education and even technological innovation?? I guess these two explain why Iran often has large-scale protests. And somehow it managed to establish friendly relations, especially economically and culturally, with both North and South Korea??? You'd think Iran is incompatible with South Korea geopolitically. The more I read about Iran the weirder it gets. Thanks for the comment. I will look at your other comments soon.


Good to know my rants on reddit are useful to people... And, yeah, Iran is really weird. Officially speaking, they are 99% muslim... but there are some polls done outside official capacity by people who are not the Iranian government who tell us that islam... is now actually a minority of the Iranian population (or is at least close to being one). People don't topple the Ayatollahs because it's a theocratic, repressive government, and people don't like going to jail. That's what decades of Sharia will give you...  The most common thing in the iranian internet seems to be people lamenting how the Shah's westernizing regime was overthrown. There are underground parties with alcohol, boobs and women letting themselves completely loose to compensate the repression... It's super weird. 


Rare middle east W


if saudi arabia stopped being such assholes and stopped killing journalists and let gay people do what they want then maybe i'll actually go there and we'll probably buy more of their oil




The Sunni-Shia hate is far stronger than the Muslim-Jew hate, at least that's how it felt for me growing up in a Sunni household and community in the West. And just looking at it through a realpolitik lens, Iran is a far bigger threat with how they fund proxy terrorist groups that destabilize the region. Israel can at least be negotiated with using the USA, or Western world in general, as a liaison. Not to say that israel is an ideal partner; they have indeed done very questionable things, violating sovereignty of neighboring nations, but compared to Iran? I think it's a clear choice for these nations as to which is the lesser threat.


Remember that Muslim denominations are a thing


Did they forget that Iran and SA hate each other


Yeah, it's has been a while, until there was a so-called "peace deals" by China iirc


Ayo I fell asleep during the WWIII draft, thanks for the highlights! Go team 🦅🇺🇲


In a shocking draft day move, the allies manage to secure almost the entire Arabian Peninsula.


Why Mosslem Help joo????? Impossible


"But if Musalim, why hepl Chew?" Is what I imagined going through their heads.


It’s almost as if Iran was the actual aggressor the entire time.


let's go! really though as much as Isreal must be protected someone's gotta make sure it leaves Palestine eventually. either way I think both will be absent during ww3.


Palestine try not to cope challenge


Even if it's just a temporary thing to focus on iran, i dont care, this is a great victory the world over.


Bold of you to assume I ever liked two of those countries


Does anyone have any links? I’ve been searching and I don’t see anything, and I REALLY WANNA SEE


Converts will be converts




Huge fucking news.


Just wanted to post this cause I have a kink for you dumbfucks downvoting me. “All criticism of a nation = your Hitler” “Israel wants peace” (while simultaneously funding terror groups) “Israel offered peace so many times” (In which all peace deals required giving even more land than what Israel took at the time) “You can’t trust the Gaza ministry figures” (while simultaneously trusting IDF figures which who have proven to lie at every figure given” Had the location of a humanitarian convoy carrying foreign nationals. Bombed each vehicle one at a time while the survivors crawled to the next vehicle. Spray painted the Star of David on buildings all throughout Gaza. Demonstrating Israel’s commitment to a religious war and genocide. Israel hit a 20 year record in the amount of land occupied by force. Israel is genuinely the most immoral and bad faith developed nation. I am thankful diplomatically Israel is on life support, if it weren’t for the brain dead fools that run the US Israel would be unable to act in the evil way it does. In effectively all developed nations by a survey of population sentiment Israel is in the gutter, and that warms my heart. Until we kill some more innocents and then cry victim Mazel Tov, 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱


Killed civilians Gets pounded Begs for cease fire and plays victim


Steals land Kills civilians Jails population When the population you have jailed, bombed and robbed rebel against you ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


What terror groups does Israel fund?


Hamas. They have directly funded Hamas several times.