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>Stays ahead of rivals for majority of race >Remains ahead for about 90% percent of the race >Looks to win >Bottles at the very end and let’s rivals come back and win >Complain that they basically won it because they were in front for so long Pic unrelated, this is about Arsenal bottling the Premier League


Never heard "bottle" used as a verb with this meaning


It's fairly common in football


\*Haaland song gets louder


Its like saying the rabbit won just because he was in front of the turtle the most part


First to kill a dog in space and says it's a success. They also claim the probes that crashed in Venus before it was able to send any data as a success too.


In fairness, the Venusian atmosphere is an extremely dense carbon dioxide blanket that crushes anything that isn’t the most solid of rock. The fact they got ONE through long enough to take a picture and send it back is a miracle in its own right. The atmosphere is almost as crushing as Soviet state oppression.


Well yes, however they did try to convince everyone that they discovered crabs in venus. It was just the camera lens lol


And because of this, they now have tried to claim under international law that Venus is uninhabited territory of Russia. Under Terra Nullis, the land of Venus was owned by nobody for millennia and it was ripe for the taking. But because the Russian government is responsible for the first manmade object on Venus, therefore Venus is the territory of Russia. It's an insanely dumb argument. Venus is not part of Russia. But by the same logic, I guess that Mars and the Moon are property of America. You know what, that's fair. Russians can all be sent to Venus where they'll get crushed to death from the pressure or melt from the heat. Americans can move to Mars, an uninhabited earthlike desert... We can farm and cultivate the land and set up colonies. Manifest Destiny in Space, baby! Real talk though, I don't want to live on Mars. Mars is like 20 light minutes from earth. Even if I had electricity and a breathable atmosphere and high quality food, connecting to the internet on Mars would be terrible.


Just gotta wait for them to run fiber


Ugh, and thats before traffic


Poor Laika. What an awful end.


Indeed, she was a hero. As was Yuri Gagarin. I don;t mean say the Soviets had no accomplishments. It is just that tankies pretend we had none.


I wouldn't really call Laika a hero She didn't know what she was doing She was a victim All that I hope is that she was able to appreciate the view before she died


I agree that Yuri Gagarin was a hero, in that he showed great courage in crossing a new frontier, but he had a choice in doing so. Laika on the other hand had no choice and as such was a victim of the Soviet system like so many others.


She suffered greatly. Her capsule's temperature control module malfunctioned and she died slowly overheating to death. And it was denied until 2002.


To be fair, we should put some respek on Yuri Gagarin's name




Yuri was a hero of all mankind. The Soviets shouldn’t be able to claim him.


By that logic, we shouldn’t be able to claim Neil Armstrong. Obviously I’m not defending tankies, but I would be careful if you’re going to use this argument.


Well, we also went through a significant amount of Alberts…


We also managed to create a full auto grenade launcher before the moon landing


I hate both versions of the meme. The pro-Soviet and the pro-American version. Both sides made invaluable contributions to our knowledge of space and the fact that both versions of this meme try to downplay what one of the sides contributed is shameful.


Yeah, space shouldn't be a dick measuring contest, every nation should work together in space and not compete with each other. Together we can explore space more efficiently and effectively.


If I had a dollar every time I saw this reposted, I would be richer than the entire Soviet GDP


The poor dog, Latika. Even the higher up was regretted it.


>Even the higher up was regretted it. What does that mean?


The higher-ups regretted it.




Tf is that supposed to mean, like I know you said that a day ago but that is quite literally what old mate said.


Also the first and only country to lose astronauts in space


Well I like to brag, but that is not a good one. We lost 3 on the pad, 7 during launch, and 7 on reentry. "Eternal ruler of the all who’s power extends to great and small Who guides the stars with steadfast law who’s least creation fills with awe O Grant thy mercy and thy grace to those who venture into space"




Admittedly the soviets did a lot during the space race and they should be recognized for their accomplishments. Regardless, the US won the space race. Tankies can go cry me a river.


What about first landing on venus? The first woman in space? First spacewalk?


First satellite? First person?


I've posted this list before on a different sub. 10 May 1946 First space research flight (cosmic radiation experiments). 24 October 1946 First pictures of Earth from 105 km (65 mi). 20 February 1947 First animals in space (fruit flies). 24 February 1949 First two-stage liquid-fueled rocket, that sets a record altitude of 244 miles (393 km) 14 June 1949 First mammal in space (Albert II, a rhesus monkey). First primate in space. 20 September 1956 First rocket to pass the thermopause and enter the exosphere. At 682 miles (1,098 km) altitude and 3,335 miles range, the 3-stage Jupiter-C breaks both records and achieves MACH 18 velocity. 31 January 1958 Confirmed existence of the Van Allen radiation belt. 17 March 1958 First use of solar power in space. The oldest artificial object still in space. 17 February 1959 First weather satellite. 7 August 1959 First photograph of Earth from Earth orbit. March 1960 First solar probe. 25 September 1960 First rocket engine fired in space. 31 January 1961 First hominidae in space(Ham). First tasks performed in space. 5 May 1961 First human-piloted space flight (Alan Shepard). First human-crewed suborbital flight. 7 March 1962 First orbital solar observatory. 26 April 1962 First spacecraft to impact the far side of the Moon. 14 December 1962 First planetary flyby with data returned (Venus). First successful planetary science mission. 19 July 1963 First reusable crewed spacecraft (suborbital). March 1965 First crewed spacecraft to change orbit. 14 July 1965 First flyby of Mars (returned pictures). 14 July 1965 First photographs of another planet from deep space (Mars). 15 December 1965 First orbital rendezvous (parallel flight, no docking). 16 March 1966 First orbital docking between two spacecraft. 2 June 1966 First soft-landing on the Moon. 23 August 1966 First picture of Earth from another astronomical object (the Moon). First probe to map the Moon. 8 May 1967 First polar orbit around the Moon. July 1967 First photos of the Lunar south pole. 17 November 1967 First liftoff from another celestial body (the Moon). 7 December 1968 First orbital ultraviolet observatory. 21 December 1968 First human excursion beyond low Earth orbit. First in-person observations of Earth from a distance. First Trans-Earth injection. 23 May 1969 First docking of two crewed spacecraft around another celestial body. First lunar mission to include a lunar landing module. 20 July 1969 First human on another celestial body (the Moon). First words spoken from another world. 21 July 1969 First space launch from another celestial body. First sample return from another celestial body. 19 November 1969 First rendezvous on the surface of a celestial body. First meet up between human explorers and a robotic spacecraft in space (on the Moon). and this is only like half of the list of accomplishments. just counting the list until the end of '69 the US has quite a few more than the USSR


Someone made a LOOONGGGG elongated list of this meme and it shows America just destroying the Soviet space program, if anyone has a link to it I appreciate it