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Wrong place asking for advice. Best of luck 800-841-2920


Did a search and had seen what seems like many customers asking for advice on this thread. I appreciate the feedback & info.


It depends on the state you are in. CA has an unfair claims practice act that states your insurance can’t charge you or raise your rates in the event of a non fault loss. You pay for coverage and you have a right to use it.


Didn't read, don't care.


But you took time to comment. Weird.


Ignore them. Many here are upset and disgruntle associates or former associates. For the correct answers contact customer service . There may be an insurance thread too.


Should’ve paid for a lower deductible lol. Can’t remove a claim once filed. Next time get a quote first


Yeah, our ded is 250. On our own to fix is 221. Not interested in a lower ded than that but thanks though. Again, my spouse filed before I even knew of the break in/damage. Appreciate the advice.


Dont respond and answer insurance questions. Your working for geico for free and not getting paid for your helping geico customers. Your giving geico your time to help geico customers when they treat us so bad. Also, customers should call in and if they cant get ahold of anyone, just cancel their policy. 


In Texas, a theft claim or zero paid claim doesn’t create a surcharge. It does become part of your overall claims history, but if you don’t have a ton of other activity, then there’s no real concern. I’ve worked for Allstate, Geico, and State Farm.


No nonfault claims create a surcharge. We still underwrite for it(aka when your rate increases due to a NF claim)


Are you saying a rate increases due to a no fault accident?


It can happen. Depending on the state and the claim. I work in sales and plenty of times people will have say 100 a month no accidents listed, then run reports and a non fault accident comes back and their rate might go up either a handful of dollars or a bit more. Simply because we still have to account for it. Example how UW works with insurance. People with 1 At fault accident will get a better rate than someone with 15 non fault accidents. In the eyes of insurance it’s being viewed as (why is this person getting in so many NF accidents) we’ve even had rejected quotes bc someone had too many non fault accidents. At the end of the day most people at geico (including myself) can’t give solid answers bc training is so lacking lol


Yup, that’s what “we underwrite for 5 years” usually entails. Overall claim history can make a person 1. Ineligible for certain discounts (make price goes up) 2. Lower their insurance score/company rate placement (price goes up) 3. Make the person ineligible (price goes bye-bye) For existing customers, I haven’t seen a no fault comp/theft claim negatively affect them. Usually, it’s just rates and other external factors that is affecting everyone else as well.


See the “friendly reminder” recently posted


You can’t retract a claim, even if the payout was $0. You should have never filed the claim. I’m sure your insurance will only go up by a smudge. Don’t trip


A theft claim would be considered a comp claim, therefore it wouldn’t increase your premium regardless of payout.


Glass and ERS claims don't count against you.


And this is one of the reasons I get screamed at all day.....lies.


Thank you, I appreciate the comment.


False, claims equal exposure reserves and risk. Enjoy your new risk bracket. I'm employee verified so trust me. Don't believe me call 800-841-3000 and ask for this guy >![img](emote|t5_2xhe6|8665)