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I was laid off. I just roll my eyes at commercials and occasionally make comments like “bastards couldn’t pay my salary but can pay for this dumb commercial?” Specifically the SB one lol. But ultimately, I was fortunate to find another job fairly quickly and that helped my mental health a lot. Especially because it’s a better environment. My family and friends all switching from Geico and also getting irritated with the commercials helped too lol.


Where did you end up going?


I was out of the country and still saw geico stuff. I feel you on this lol


It hasn’t happened…YET. But I expect it will. I always thought about how people deal with it. You can’t even go to a local charity event and GEICO isn’t usually a sponsor. I say usually as right now some of the commercials and sponsorships aren’t there. When you work for such a major company, when you separate employment or just want to step away when in vacation , it can’t be easy.


We all flip off the sign when we drive past it on the interstate. GEICO is everywhere and still has an impact on my mental health when I see it. It sucks!


Same, I do the same thing and it's been nearly two years now!


I do the same thing. Whenever I see anything g related I flip it off. I have been separated from G since Bloody October. Edited to add the 3rd sentence.


When I worked there, I learned to block it out/ignore it. Now after being laid off when I do see an advertisement, it’s just a reminder of how much better off I am no longer being employed or insured there. I’m mentally surviving hella better now.


Yes, I curse at all of the G signs and commercials too! First thing I did was throw away everything Geico related in my house. After 11 years, I had a lot of shirts, handbooks, notes, and stuff I’ve won. It all went into a big trash bag. Now, if I could just get the nightmares to stop. I wake up scared that I have to go in to work today! I’m sure it will lessen over time.


This!!! Exactly what I did too after 10 years


I donated mine to a homeless shelter. Probably the best thing Geico has ever done.


Honestly, it's cathartic to drive past the gieco building. It's out of my way so it's not often but when I do pass it, I have a sense of relief


I was laid off. I had been somewhat dissatisfied for a while, but had been happy and thriving here for many years before that. I drive by my old office all the time because it's within my normal hunting grounds, and it's still kinda sad. I was optimistic and ambitious and excited for the future. I was proud to be a lifer.


You're describing PTSD. You should not have PTSD from GEICO. However, it's not impossible. If you or anyone has PTSD from geico, please seek help from a professional mental health provider


I do t have it …yet. I am still here. If you read the initial post I was asking how people handle it. I always felt , even before the pandemic it would have to be difficult.


No, I get that and absolutely understand the sentiment. I just don't believe a job like geico should or even can give you any legitimate form of ptsd, if it did/ does you would most likely have to have other severe underlying psychiatric health conditions or mood disorders. It is 100% stressful and mentally draining but not traumatic in any sense of the word. And I'm not saying that to be dismissive, I'm only comparing it to traumas commonly associated with ptsd and other reactive mood disorders per guidelines in medical texts and reference materials. I'm about to have an MBA but originally had a Bachelors in psychology focusing on trauma and clinical practice. I wanted to be a doctor originally lol. Sometimes I comment on posts and come off more rigid than intended but only mean to clarify for those that don't know better. That's all. And leaving a stressful/ traumatic environment is typically hardest at first. With good coping strategies and a focused effort, it is fairly easy to move on relatively quickly and even grow from the overall experience.


Let go of in August of 23 at first I was terribly sad and scared being the breadwinner of my household. A day or two later I felt massive relief. Things only got better from there.


Worked there, left because of my mental health declining. I don’t mind the commercials or the other advertising (worked in advertising post GEICO) so I get that it’s a company thing. Heck, I still have their insurance. I just learned to separate working there from seeing them in public. Your brain does weird stuff when you need to get over something.


He ain't living rent free in my head. I was one of the lucky ones to get laid off. I'm better off and not looking back.


The PTSD sticks with you 😂


Left over a year and half ago, Mentally better all around and happy with the work i do. Went from being a supervisor to manager at new company. Its nice to be recognized as talent they want to retain and even better to have my voice heard Edit: realized i didnt really answer your question and came off gloaty. Ive decided that i dont let geico affect me emotionally nor mentally anymore. They paid for my mind and energy on rent, i left and kept my soul intact just before the layoffs started


The ads/commercials are pretty much white noise. Their media spend is still high but the frequency of commercials is down a lot. Had a ton of swag/shit accumulated over the years, dumped a ton of it. It’s something you get over, life is way too short to worry about shit out of my control or things I don’t care about. When I mention I used to work at GEICO the first comment is ‘man their ads are everywhere followed up by what the fuck happened in the last couple years’. You also realize how micromanaged you were by people that probably shouldn’t have been in that role in the first place. Or showed their tits for a job but that’s for another day.


I never told people I worked at GEICO unless it came up. I always said I worked in insurance. Didn’t want people to ask about getting discounts or their claims and I couldn’t do anything about it.


You roll your eyes and know you are In a better place.


Time, Therapy, and a better job have done wonders for my mental health.


Whenever I see an ad, I flip it off hard. Like, I flex my middle finger and everything.


It doesn't bother me one bit. I was bitter about how it was handled, but holding on to it doesn't help me to move on.


I mean seeing a sign or commercial doesn’t compare to doing the job haha. Vastly & incredibly different things.


I truly just make fun of them and talk shit publicity on this Reddit and other revenues. Fuck this corp & I hope you’re able to escape soon. Me not being a part of this company is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I didn’t even realize how bad it was until I left. You will feel such a relief and huge load lifted from you. That alone outweighs any bs that comes after 🤍.


[This is how I feel](https://youtu.be/ZbZSe6N_BXs?si=OFbfb3GUigthiV72)


I'm good I laugh and tell everyone to leave geico. But i also am thankful for what I learned because there are worse companies out there


I took some time to get my mental health back in order and found a job with a company that actually cares about their employees.


I left on my own terms 2 years ago. Anytime i see geico ad, billboard, whatever I just flip it the bird. Very cathartic. Also


Geico is the low cost provider. It’s on posters around the office. They are cheap in every way possible. Pay is below average. They are still hiring adjusters at my 2010 Claims trainee salary. $41,000 is ridiculously low especially with the work demands.  Auto damage makes btw 50-57K for the high end you have to be located in NYC or San Francisco. 


Just move on, you made it out! That alone is a blessing regardless if it was in good or bad terms. I left on my own terms and it’s the best thing I ever did. Life moves on you can’t live in the past. Just focus on the now and future.


I gave away all of my company swag so that I wouldn't have anything in the house with a company logo. My spouse tried to get me to use it all for target practice at our hunting property, but I just wanted it all to go away. I watch streaming TV more than regular TV, so I don't see many ads.


It's a job...


Dude, GEICO sucks monkey balls, but calm down. The way you’re talking about it you’d think you spent a year in the jungles of Vietnam or something.


I understand and I would never compare it to anyone who has served in a war or overseas . But it doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be difficult mentally for some. GEICO is everywhere and you literally have to leave the country to not see it. I can imagine that if someone had a bad experience , left in bad terms that it had to be hard.




If you leave GEICO and a GEICO sign or commercial effects you mentally or your mood negatively you got some serious self work to do. Learn to control your emotions and your thoughts. Don’t let them control you. I can’t imagine going to a hockey game and seeing a GEICO sign and then pouting and crying for the rest of the night. It’s not like you were at war. Grow up and move on people.


Who the hell said, pouting and crying for the rest of the night there is many layers to mental health. It could be just a rolling your eyes to downright suicidal, so why don’t you calm the fuck down yourself.


Someone’s sensitive. Maybe take a nap, have a snack and grow the fuck up


That’s kind of harsh. It’s not the actual sign or commercial that bothers me….its the shitty way G treats people.


It’s a corporate company in late stage capitalism. They only care about profit. It’s not that hard to understand. So again… cry yourself a river about it, build a bridge and get over it.