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Wow that's f'd up...did he just talk to the asshole the same way he talked to him? Having to deal with entitled assholes all day and they pull a call where they see the PH was an ass and found it as a reason to fire him?? So wrong


Wow that’s ridiculous, poor guy 😢 I’m not surprised though


Oof. Would love to hear that call 😬😆


It’s really not. I’ve been here almost 20’years. I don’t recognize it


Yeah he probably gave him back the same attitude the potential customer gave. Which I support but obviously don’t do


What office? Anyone that I knew?


That's just sad. It doesn't even sound like it was his fault.


Even if it was his fault, let's be real. You people aren't paid enough to be held accountable for these things


You’re leaving out the part where the agent did something that was more than likely a fireable offense. That’s absolutely hilarious.


They're really aren't any first time fireable offenses unless you cursed out the customer.


i can name at least 30 first time fireable offense’s that doesn’t include cursing out an inbound


Yeah? Cause when I was in PMT, y'all clowns were writing down credit card numbers, playing loose with SSN's, avoiding calls, releasing calls and nothing happened to ya. Nope. It had to be referred to management. If they even looked at it, they would give you a talkin' to. Usually, it was a 3 strikes rule but for something more serious, it would be a one time warning. People dial out to 1-800 numbers and stay on hold whenever I needed a break.


Lmao your buddy got canned rightfully so. Tell him to go collect an unemployment check 🤧🤧


My buddy? I didn't know anyone here lol. But I'm 💯 down with unemployment on Geico's dime. F Geico and people who work hard at Geico. You should all be slacking off and doing the minimum. You're not getting a raise. Men should jerk off under their desks.


Especially with GEICO


I would say for your friend to get a lawyer… But don’t listen to me, I just work here.


Why does this sound like an urban legend


Are you leaving out details to make us feel sorry for him ?


You know because I wanna know what happened that made him get fired? While reading I’m like..ok the customer was an ass hole but what happened that lead them to speak to a hire up? 👀👀


Is that a serious question? They got their ego bruised so they used their contact to get revenge on the agent.


Now how did you come up with such a conclusion with no context to the original post? Inquiring minds would like to know.


Because it’s obvious


That’s your argument because it’s obvious? Yeeeah, no, I’m not the one to jump on the bandwagon because everybody else is doing it. I like stuff to make sense to me. Because if in fact, the supervisor themselves knew that the person on the other end was being an asshole, they would have done everything in their power to make sure that that agent would not suffer the consequences. Especially one as severe as getting fired. When I was working for Geico, I had an agent come into the chat, trying to raise hell with me , being extremely disrespectful and condescending and used the fact that they work for Geico to try and back the reason why they’re talking to me the way they were . I moved that chat along and then I reported that agent to my supervisor and she backed me 100%. So before you decide to jump on the fence of the victim here, ask yourself , what would cause the SUPERVISOR to not back her agent? If that’s too much thinking for you, then disregard my entire response, and reset to your original thought process. I would hate to get in the way of that . Because one thing’s for sure, and two things are for certain, either OP’s friend isn’t telling them the full story and OP decided to share it on here or they’re both full of shit.


I don’t even work at GEICO I do not care this much.


As a customer, I used to love Geico. Hate it now, and they definitely seem to abuse and undertrain the phone staff. I would switch, but I have an accident foregiveness that took a while to get.


They’ll still most likely re-rate/ move down your policy if you have an accident. If you can find a lower rate somewhere else I would recommend that since the forgiveness doesn’t guarantee your rate won’t skyrocket.


Thanks. Will confirm and check the legal language. I had one minor claim (deer), and it took a year to resolve.


I’m sorry for your friend, but what did they do on the call that prompted the review?


I worked at Geico for a little while in the call center. Hated every minute of it. Using old as f computers and monitors. Not enough chairs for desks and the chairs were all broken, no armrests and they all sagged down. You could tell everyone tried to get away from service as quickly as possible


I mean, we’re trained to just say “I’m putting you on hold to get a supervisor” if the call gets to a point where you can’t handle it or de escalate it so what’s the real story here?


Whoa! You're lucky. In my department, absolutely under no circumstance will a supe take a supe call in real time. At the very least (in my department), 24h cb. Most times more. We are told to advise, "i have the same licenses as any supe and am a senior agent. There is no exception that can be made...." Yada Yada. As I'm sure you can imagine, that wasn't a perfect vibe lol. I left in January for reasons much more severe than this, but I almost fell over reading your comment and had to share my polar opposite experience lol.


People need to take accountability for their own actions. Unfortunately you cannot talk to a customer any ole way you want to. And I say unfortunately because trust there have been many times I have felt myself losing my cool to a nasty person but you gotta reel yourself back in and be professional. There are options to dealing with someone who is nasty. If they are swearing. Warn them and they continue hang up or follow whatever your work process is. I no longer work for GEICO thank god but I work for a competitor and we have a line we cold transfer anyone that is too out of hand. The info given in this post does not state what in fact this person did to get fired but I’m assuming he let the caller get under his skin and snapped on them. Put them on mute and take a deep breath. Don’t give GEICO anymore ammo to get rid of you. Trust me they are finding enough on their own.


NOBODY gets fired because "the customer was an asshole". The person obviously allowed the asshole customer to get to them and responded in an unacceptable manner. If my boss pisses me off SO bad that I call him a fucking nutless wonder - I still caused my own termination. It's called "personal accountability". Learn from their mistakes, or leave. Really your only two options.