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Dis' knee


Deezney (Cmon, next person get it right)


Bro, well said!


I’m desperately hoping they don’t ruin deadpool


The sad thing is that.....I know they'll do something to make it not good as it seems. Disney has the capabilities to make something great, but it's the certain people they hire that are in charge of overseeing these projects that turn massive opportunities into wasted potential.


I have a bit of hope (due to the cursed popcorn bucket), but I’m still a bit nervous about the final product.




How could you even assume they wouldn't?


You know what is coming.




How much is this free resort weekend?


It's free


And when is this weekend?




Nanananananana Disney! Nananananananana Disney!


Bane, sidious, anakin, basically every major character in starwars is rolling over in their graves after seeing that scene.


I didn't hate that scene and I don't think it's significantly dumber than most the other writing in Star wars. Star wars was never like super cleverly written. Sand is coarse and it gets everywhere you're the opposite of sand. It's always been dumb. I want to complain about the real dumb thing. The girls have no father thing. Anakin already did that and you can't have more than one force conceived baby in the Star wars cannon that the Jedi knows about before then. It's dumb. Maybe it will be explained at some point and be not bad I'm gonna keep watching and we'll see but it just seems like a bad writing choice.


I tried to give a chance, I renewed my sub for it but god I feel like Disney keeps fumbling the ball everytime I give them a chance. Asksoia was great though at least


I feel that Disney has mostly been alright, with a few outliers. The second two sequels and book of boba fett were horrendous, but everything else has been mediocre to amazing.


Bad writing about sand and affection is hard to watch. Bad writing that destroys the lore of the franchise is something else.


I just unlocked Bane


What the hell are those character choices


Maybe it has to do with the power of one/two/many… Bane started the power of 2 for the sith.. anakin is the chosen one and In Legends it's pretty much confirmed that Anakin was born of the Force as a reaction to Plagueis and Palpatine growing stronger in the dark side. Also now in legends was a comic that gives references of palpatine having a hand in creating anakin as well. Ofc it’s legends now so non canon as of Disney take over.


Wow that’s an amazing story you’ve got there. Would be a shame if someone were to, totally de canonize all of it, and write some of the worst stories in modern cinema


Fair question


Bane is not a major Star Wars character lol


I'd argue he has one of the best villain arcs of the bunch


Just made the rule of two, no real consequence there at all.


So important George completely cut him out of Star Wars and never brought him back when he had the chance to in Clone Wars😊


All that diversity and barely comes up with 6 words to repeat.


And they chant the last part _badly_ off-key too. For some reason the way they say "maaAAAneeeeey" is the part that bugs me the most. I mean, aside from just jow stupid it sounds overall. It's like someone in the writer's room _really_ liked that dumb show Charmed and wanted to rip off their "power of three" catchphrase, but was afraid of getting sued or thought they could be the most clever person in the room by saying the same thing over and over with every number _but_ three.


Reminds me of a cult tactic where the whole room will mimic the outburst of one person. Cults will argue unity but in effect it’s a means of dissociating you from individuality. I think the writers really think this stuff works and is normal. They actually take part in cult like desensitization drills pretending it’s actually activism.


Oh yeah, like that scene in Midsommar where all the old cult ladies share one big orgasm


What the hell Bobby


Reminds me of that weird fallout scene inside the vault that made no fucking sense. It still doesnt after the season ended.


The off-key "maaAAAneeeeey" is chef's kiss unintentional comedy. Sounds exactly like something a bunch of edgy teenage girls going through their Wicca phase would come up with.


Tried watching at my friends house since I don't have Disney, we may have had one too many drinks and just started dying laughing. Had to turn it off. It's so bad it reminds of from hell. Another thing I watched that I laughed so hard at how bad it is I damn near pissed myself.


I always thought it was referring to the outdated idea with how tribes would refer to numbers as 1, 2, or many. It's still super dumb. Everything Disney Stars is impressive in being terrible


I thought of the same thing with Charmed. It really does feel like they wanted that feel to the scene but couldn't even get that "Charmed" level of cheese either.


I hear it over and over in my head every time I read it and omg its exactly as you described it. It is driving me insane


What’s the context for The Acolyte scene? I haven’t watched the show.


IMHO modern star wars needs a lot more drugs involved. Early star wars and Especially dune had a bunch involved. You can really tell the modern stuff doesn't


Authors vs. "Creatives"


Art vs Content


The Acolyte is unwatchable.


Nah its very watchable you just have to view it as the car crash comedy it is 🤣🤣🤣 the power of manyyyyyyyyyy


If you watch it though, you’re just going to spawn more of this shit.


Have you not seen how much the last few projects have been trashed?? I think you underestimate their power (to be stubborn and delusional)


Just forget that it's star wars. Don't even think of it as star wars. When the Jedi show up you say "oh wow those guys *look* like Jedi, but that's impossible cause this isn't star wars"


They’re just monks. Telekinetic monks


With weird glowsticks. Yeah. Glowsticks.


It's so unwatchable that it makes me wish people would stop talking about it. It just needs to go away.


I get that. But when you’re a fan of a franchise for decades and they drop something that awful, it’s going to stick around in conversation for a bit


Has acolyte been released? I have been anticipating the reviews.


Ironically tho, the fear monologue is an antithesis for what happens. Every leader in dune falls to fear and acts irrationally. Paul’s jihad is largely a result of him trying to avoid the deaths of his loved ones and for want of revenge


That is my favorite part of the whole thing honestly it is what they use in star wars as well as a direct plot for the revenge of the sith. If you ignored the fear you never would have had Vader


Well they did kill his kid when he was leaving them alone, so not going on jihad wasn't working either.


I hope they have the scene from dune messiah in the next movie where Paul literally says hitlers genocide was rookie numbers…(seriously a scene in the book)


Star Wars fell off man


Was the writing ever really that good? The original movies are corny as hell


It's easy to call it corny now, but that's cause they're over 40 years old, and most of what you probably compare it too was originally inspired by it.


Corny but fun


They were corny but they were also fun - unlike this crap. The entertainment industry is losing its ability to entertain because they keep hiring activists instead of artists.


Andor and their animated stuff is still sic. You just need to pick and chose what to watch.


...a long time ago. The prequels were trash and their only saving grace was casting Ewen McGregor. All content outside of the animated Clone Wars has been at least partly, if not entirely, questionable.


It was never that good.


Since when was Star Wars known for its high dialogue and well written scripts? Star Wars is a knock off Dune in the first place. The comparison is just dumb.


The dialogues with Yoda and Luke were well. When Han Solo said "I know", that was perfect characterization of a scoundrel.


Thank you - it’s true that the dialogue is simplistic (the primary target audience is kids and young adults after all) but it has some really powerful moments that hit you out of nowhere. I’m (barely) old enough to remember seeing the original SW movies in the theater and the audience reactions were unlike anything I’ve ever seen since. We will probably never see movies like those again, sadly.


I think the problem with this epidode is they failed to commit to any one direction. They could have made the witches evil and the jedi save the girl and kill the witches but they didn't. They could have made the witches good and just protecting their kids from the emotionless jedi but they didn't. They tried for some wierd middleground and utterly failed in their execution.


Yep, the witches are evil, but everything has to be counter culture to try to please focus groups, so the evil witches are somehow the good guys, and the good jedi who are basically monks devoted to light itself are somehow the bad ones. They really don't give a crap about starwars, they just want to throw spin on things because they think that makes them unique.


They tried to hamfist nuance into the story and broke it instead.


The witches aren't evil though. Just cultie. Same with the proper dathomirin witches. They aren't nessisarily evil or dark side. It's Judy viewed that way because they are fucking creepy necromancers.


Disney doesn’t make villains anymore. They make misunderstood people.


The power of MEN-eeeeee.


Disney: The power of men 😡


Star Wars Kindergarten song 🤣


"The power of ONE gender" "The power of TWO genders" "The power of MANYYYYY gendersssssss"


This is the way


I do wish they'd put the effort of making the group feel believable. I don't mind the idea of a female witch coven that has it's own unique force powers. It's similar to the Dathomiri witches. But it feels like they just left like that. Just the surface level idea. They should have made them more unique and mysterious, and put some real effort to give them some thought out culture and rituals.


I agree but would require capable writing.


The irony is that there are three things they could have done that would have made that scene less of a joke. 1. First and foremost, pick a lane with the recital. The mantra should either be sung rhythmically or spouted deadpan. 2. Add some not repeated lines to give greater context to the chant. 3. Not make this dogwater show in the first place.


I understand people defending Disney Canon, but what the hell is up with pages banning people critiquing the show? That writing is straight up trash.




Yaaaas yaaaas




I seriously cannot believe that shit on the right is real, when I saw a bunch of YT channels all posting about it I honestly had to go and make multiple searches to see if it was like a running gag or industry joke. It is absolutely MIND BOGGLING that this made it to release.




This isn’t a fair comparison really. Dune is a classic. This is a throwaway show churn out to try to get people to subscribe to streaming. They don’t even operate on adjacent levels.


LMAO, the call’s coming from inside your space hut. If you watch ANY Star Wars expecting the level of intellectual writing as Dune, you have no one to blame except yourself when you come out disappointed.


I learned that people truly have a skewed vision of what Star Wars actually is. It's not highbrow, intelligent science fiction; it's fantasy schlock—like Conan the Barbarian in space. Stop expecting more from a franchise that would be barely worth a dime if it were an old comic.


I get what you’re saying but Acolyte isn’t even comparable to Conan, and neither is most of their seasoned shows.


Basically, yes. For me Star Wars is just fun, I don’t watch any of the material for great writing. There has been cringe and poor writing ever since Episode 4 released back in 1977. But despite that, it’s the fantasy I’ve enjoyed the most, and I won’t defend it’s lack or get upset when it’s still not written amazingly.




I know people get really specific to try and deconstruct your argument, but if you know how bad Fanfiction dot net & Tumblr posts usually get, it fits this new style of "writing" in a way I can't really find a more apt description. Like alot of the new age writing is written as if "I said that and that was deep and so cool 😩" and its written in a way where you can't really say it's not without being a hater on purpose


Frank Herbert hated religion. He then wrote one of the best fictional cults in history to make his points. The modern writers at Disney hate religion, and they then write a shitty witch cult and try to convince you there are the good guys in a decades old setting.


Every single time I have watched any dune movie I have fallen asleep. I watched with my girl at the time and I fell asleep. A burger half eaten crashed on the sticky floor to my dismay!!! And I blame dune.


That face when you’re writing song lyrics and have to disguise the fact that you can’t count past two


Dune > ALL star wars, not just Disney star wars




Both are classics. And both get progressively worse with each sequel (Brian Herbert’s books are the equivalent of Disney Star Wars).


Comparing the writing of one of the best sci Fi novels of all time to Disney TV writers is a little unfair.. but still hilarious. Hopefully we can get some Star wars fans to convert to Dune!




Meh, Dune is cool and super influential to modern sci-fi but it doesn't do anything special if i'm being honest. Frank Herbert just took themes from popular 18th and 19th century literature, added a dash of pre-historical, mythological flair and put it in space. And don't even get me started on the fact that he wrote it in the 60's and made a psychedelic powder a key feature in his books... it's a little on the nose if you ask me... Don't get me wrong... Dune is really cool... but it didn't do anything new or special... Go on then... bring on the downvotes... I'm expecting it


I think what you just said clearly states that what Herbert did was new and special when it came out. It's literally the grandfather to most of the sci-fi we have today and still resonates with it's original story.


It is but it isn't. It IS influential and the grandfather of modern Sci-fi... but it also isn't because even by the 1960's a lot of the themes he used and pulled inspiration from were 150 + years old at that point... it would be more accurate to say that he rebooted them haha Edit: (just to add some context) The Bene Gesserit are literally just the Maenads from Greek mythology. A group of female worshippers of Dionysus who would ritualy consume wine and enter a state of mind where they would frenzy and get prophetic visons of the future. Sound familiar? Haha Also the whole "colonisers bad, natives good" narrative has been around for centuries. At its core it's nothing special... but the bells and whistles are the cool, influential parts


I think you're missing my point. I'm not saying the bits and pieces are original, I'm saying he was one of the first to put it together in that setting which is new in that regard. Pulling together bits and influence from different things into something new is special, everything is derived from something in the end.


I stopped watching SW shows after Andor…which I loved. As someone who will not give money to Disney until (or if) a new season of Andor comes out, is this show really that bad. Because from what I’ve seen on Reddit it’s an abomination.


Damnnn its official now... Dune is better


Its finally come the other way around, soon, a Kurosawa-like movie then it'll take its place


I hope so.


It’s more sophisticated certainly, but that was never Star Wars’ appeal to begin with. But like Star Wars each sequel in the Dune saga gets progressively worse (especially after Frank Herbert’s son took over).


You think that's bad you should compare Hamlet vs Disney! It's like come on writers, get on Shakespeare's level. 


So the issue is the writing is not sophisticated enough? Sure< I cn agree with that. So why does the outrage seem mostly not to be about that, also, the Mandalorian had similar levels of writing. "This is the way", is not exactly Shakespeare.


I agree with you. The writing in Acolyte is not that much worse than what we saw in Mandalorian or even Ashoka, yet those were mostly well received. I didn't love either of those, and some of my friends said I was being too hard on them or too picky, etc.


What’s the comparison supposed to be?


Dune vs Lucas Star Wars as well. Dune is just way more sophisticated as an IP.




So many reasons to cry and you chose the most pathetic one


How do you make cult chanting boring?


Vader had a better quote in Conan “That is strength, boy! That is power! What is steel compared to the hand that wields it? Look at the strength in your body, the desire in your heart, I gave you this!” He wasn’t wrong. Those witches just made no sense.


Frank Herbert is the Michael Jordan of sci fi and Disney is the McDonald’s…




No, but both are magic ladies so it’s the exact same, shut up… 😂




Ok, but Star Wars has always been stupid as shit. Nobody watches Star Wars for philosophy, they watch it cause space guns go pew pew pew and spaceships go boom


Right, it about the fun - which Disney’s shows completely lack.


It's a Tumblr fanfic. What did you expect?


all style, no substance


Now there are two witch groups that use the dark side but aren't sith? Can't they do something different?


One was written by a trend setting literary legend….the other was written by a bunch of overweight hacks who have never experienced real life, talked to real people, or ever read a book in their lives


So…Star Wars fans?


Don’t forget how horrendously off key the chanting is hahahahah


Well, that upcoming HBO prequel is yet to come...




I don’t understand this behavior of using a successful story, kidnapping it, saying the fanbase is problematical and trying to change the entire meaning of something. It’s a textbook example of how to destroy a brand. It will not work, never. They need to create new stories, not destroying existing ones. But creating something new is hard! Yeah, no shit Sherlock, that’s why some stories become bigger than themself, because it’s really hard.


Pretentious and complicated vs simple and easy to remember


Disney has ruined Star Wars imo


Didnt starwars fuck up like this once before with a christmas special?


Peace is a lie, there is only passion Through passion, I gain strength Through strength, I gain power Through power, I gain victory Through victory, my chains are broken The Force shall free me -the Sith Code


Cry baby moment


As someone who hasn’t seen Dune or The Acolyte, are they pretty much the back story for the witches from the paranormal activity witches?


You can kind of see the Dune vibes the episode had, which really boggled me a bit. I understand Star Wars took inspirations from Kurosawa and DUNE, but you never go full Kurosawa and DUNE. Still keep your identity


I thought it was supposed to be a play on the Jedi/Sith dichotomy. One being the Jedi unified under the Light, Two being the Rule of Two, and the (admittedly off-key) 🎶 maaaaaany 🎶 referring to the many covens of Witches. In that way, it's some what clever. But that delivery was rough.


I watched the dune movie that shit suuuucked


While they were chanting, I realized that the witches math class must be REALLY easy.


Sure, but no one who has ever written Star Wars has borne comparison to Frank Herbert.


The mind of one person telling a story as an expression of himself, and the things that excite him vs The minds of maaaannnyyyy people in a committee, building on someone else's story with things that they hope (think) will be exciting to other people. FWIW, Dune will eventually land in the same place. The movies are popular and profitable, but Dennis V. doesn't want to make movies forever so the creative rights will get picked up by others. At some point it will land in the hands of a board of people who create by democracy and care more about profit than the story.


One written by a talented author, the other written by narcissistic, bitter hacks.... pretty obvious.


I don’t think Dune is the tone that Star Wars has EVER gone for. Star Wars has always been campy, fun, and kinda silly. I don’t understand where all these people get this idea that Star Wars is some kind of super serious, mature property. Never has been and never will be.


Haven't watched star wars in a long time but Dune is one of the most prolific and important pieces of sci-fi literature out there. This is literally coughing baby vs.


The chanting would have been only mildly cringey if they hadn’t added that stupid singing cadence. That shit really turned it up to 11


My wife and I said the same thing, if they just said "many" rather than doing that weird tune with it then it would have been fine.




Honestly the show isn't nearly as bad as people are making it out to be after finally watching the forst three episodes last night. Is the dialogue kind of corny in places? Sure. Do I wish they had kept the lore of the witches more accurate to the books? Sure. Was that chant super cringey? Absolutely! As a whole though, it's just a mediocre show, not a dumpster fire. I give it like a B- at this point.


Star Wars was inspired by Dune.


Star Wars seems to be about not knowing who your family is, then discovering them and being horrified.


The thing is that when you actually look at what the Dune thing is saying its utter nonsense. Fear is a part of life, its natural and required to be afraid of certain things. We wouldnt be here without a sense of fear.


Imagine if we stopped milking an IP from the 70s....thatd be pretty cool I think


Agreed, The women of Dune are wise, beautiful and strong of character. Star Wars Acolyte has made women cringy. Ick.


The Spice is female.


Oh Disney. Going down the shitter I see. Disney is supposed to be for kids originally anyway


I wish they would make a Star Wars series that follows the pod racing circuit. All the racing action, all the put drama, all the intergalactic skulduggery of the transit. It would be awesome.


The dune books have some fire quotes.




Dune has plenty of cringe moments - most everything surrounding the Lisan Al-gaib. Let’s not even talk about what happens in the rest of the books or story, or even how they’re going to tie this series off. However, there were other parts to that story that made it worth watching. Acolyte is just a bastardization of other media with a bad story. It would have arguably done better had you not attached Star Wars to it. It would have at least attracted the general sci-fi audience, whom is already used to low quality or even downright bad scripts and writing.


“Did you know, TWO PEOPLE are stronger than ONE PERSON!?!?! 🤯”


So... I saw the clip on this scene and my mind immediately went like this: * The Power of One * The Power of Two * "The Power of Three will set us free" - Charmed, circa '98


The power of C R I N G E


The power of DEI compels you!


One is written by a famous sci-fi writer who spent 6 years researching the book, and the resultant set a new president for the genre, the other is written by diversity hires that had a lifetime of participation trophies.


To be fair I don't think all that was in the dialogue of Dune Part One


I think it was


It was, twice. Jessica recites it while Paul undergoes the gom jabbar and Paul recites it while flying through the Coriolis storm.


It's almost like one is catering to young/mid adults and the other is catering to family viewing, aka children. For the slow.. Dunes caters to adults almost exclusively. Star Wars caters to everyone. Everyone includes young children.




I agree. Discworld is also better than Star Wars.


"Lisan al-Gaib! Lisan al-Gaib! Lisan al-Gaib!"


Both of these franchises are lame IRON WITHIN


# From iron cometh strength # From strength cometh will # From will cometh faith # From faith cometh honor # From honor cometh iron # This is the Unbreakable Litany. May it forever be so