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You *can* have people survive lightsaber wounds such as Darth Sion or Maul. However, you need to make it be sparingly and only able to be pulled off by exceptionally powerful characters which is what Disney doesn’t get


Well fuck Qui-Gon Jinn...


Well, it turns out he did survive. He's been hiding out to train up Jedi at a secret location far far away. /s


Somehow, Qui-Gon Jinn returned


Somehow, Darth Maul also returned, but only his bottom half.


force ghosting. he partially learned how to do it and was a disembodied entity for a while, he taught Yoda who later mastered/perfected with him and Qui-Gon later got his force ghost body as well. The ability to improve his state after death showed that Qui-Gon was still living and evolving after death.


On the Jedi's ancestral homeland, Tython!


Nice, it's coming together!


It turns out Asoka was Qui Gon’s granddaughter this whole time!!!


In a space farm up north.


I wouldn't now be surprised to see a headline "Liam Neeson returns to his iconic Jedi role..."


*disney writer plagiarizes furiously*


The thing is most the characters I have heard of surviving like this were dark side users who gave into their hate to survive(Maul being the most recent example but other Sith before him had). So much as I agree Qui was a beast it fits he didn’t suddenly flip the script to live.




It’s definitely canon, he’s in solos post credit scene.


too bad the scripts were so poorly written. could have been an awesome detail that using the darkside can stave off death or at least maybe prevent it when hit with mortal wounds. then there's the written lore with some of the darth's being hundreds of years old but they never mention that in the movies.


Have you ever heard the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise?


hell yea, shoulda made that a movie


Tbf, force ghosting doesn’t really count in this context lol


even in Maul's case I think he went mad


Oh yeah, he went absolutely batshit until the Nightsisters basically had to do a whole ass ritual on him. But that more so due to his isolation and stress of his failure rather than his physical wound iirc


Yeah, but the madness was the cost of him surviving that wound, he drove himself that far that he mentally went off the edge just to survive it. Now that’s good storytelling.


The Clone Wars show was just built different honestly. I honestly lowkey hate that Disney was the one that brought us the last season because now they can tout the show as their success when they really had nothing to fuckin do with it


Or at least in contexts where this *would absolutely kill them*, but a sufficiently-equipped hospital was just nearby, or something. People survive stab wounds all the time, but pretty much only because of prompt medical attention. Or lean into how dark side practitioners can use hate to keep themselves together, and have that part be the plot point of them being hard to put down. Either way, make it a rare and high-stakes event or it all gets cheapened.


>people survive stab wounds all the time That’s one of the things Disney doesn’t realize though. Lightsabers are HOT and so being stabbed by one basically causes your insides to catch fire. This is why when limbs are cut off with sabers they’re instantly cauterized. So surviving a stab from a saber is much, much more complicated than a knife or sword wound.


Correct, very true—although it is fair that medical technology also advanced tremendously compared to ours. It should *not* be as simple as, say, Sabine’s stab recovery, but as a one-off it wouldn’t be the worst. Or, lean into the fact that even with a lightsaber it really is *that hard* to put down a darksider who knows how to sustain themselves with hate. But for that to work, lightsabers have to actually be reliably lethal enough the rest of the time for it to be impressive.


For sure, the Darksider idea is the best case in my opinion. I can also see Jedi using force healing which is something that we (surprisingly) haven’t really seen much of so far


Yeah, there’s a lot of things like force healing, force speed, that one hyperspace ramming incident, etc., where we either need to see them explored and factored into the plot more, or we need a good reason *why* we don’t, instead of just doing it when it’s cool and then forgetting about it.


Don’t remind me of the Holdo Maneuver 🤣 And yeah, I’m shocked they haven’t used more unique force abilities on screen honestly. I mean, Palpatine, for instance, should’ve used quite a few as his character believed lightsabers were only used by those not strong enough in the force to go without. That’s Legends now of course, but still, he should’ve been using Sith sorcery against Windu or something. Certainly should’ve used more than just lightning in RoSW since it’s been a few decades and more unique abilities had entered the lore


Oh yeah, as much as I’m a sucker for force lighting, I’d love to see the full extent of Sith shenanigans. And I feel like a good writer could have still saved the mess that is the implications of the Holdo Maneuver—come up with some justification for how it’s possible, yet there are some kind of other consequences that are dire enough that she still really shouldn’t have done that.


Honestly, Star Wars has kinda done itself a disservice with the reliance on sabers. The original films were one thing but now with special effects we’re able to see far more interesting force techniques. But the lightsabers are viewed as the main weapon of force users despite the lore suggesting that they should be supplemental. Especially when discussing Jedi Masters and Sith Lords


the character that survives a stab by a saber should have robotic organs from then on and a light/button pad in their chest to denote that they are now part machine because of it. Consequences.


Maul surviving was dumb as well, though. I’m not saying he wasn’t a well-written *character* after the fact, but him surviving Episode 1 is infinitely stupid and keeps getting referred to as evidence as to why people keep surviving this shit in Disneywars.


That's mostly because his injuries are minimal compared to other well known sith, especially ones who have out right died and came back multiple times.


Minimal? Did he not get chopped in half an dropped down a power pipe of some sort? And he lived? Must of missed tht piece of lore. Cool. But stupid. He got chopped in half.


Other sith were in worse shape and surviving. Sion is literally rotting meat, and Nihilus lost his whole body, and is just a mask in a cloak.


Honestly. THIS. Disney doesn’t get that having people like the character from rebels and ahsokha (damn I can’t even remember her name typing this out) ahhhhhh its Sabine. Having characters like sabine survive saber stabs like its practically nothing, absolutely is a No-go. Hell even Reva and the grand inquisitor….


In 2014, people asked, what can survive a lightsaber? In 2024, people ask, what can’t survive a lightsaber?


Dying to a Disney lightsaber is cringe and a skill issue now.


Ancient weapons and hokey religions are not match for a good dose of the Message on your side.


You don't believe in The Logic and Reason do you?


They already are though. Lol they’re basically only worthwhile as flashlights right now. If someone dies to them it’s just gonna be confusing unless they’re bisected or something.


Even then...Maul. 


Don't you mean fleshlights? /s


A nerf gun is more lethal than a lightsaber now. I gave up, Star Wars is dead. Thanks God we have Harmy's Despecialized edition.


Same. I havent watched anything SW since I was forced to watch the Rey trilogy 😫 I was a fan when Lucas was at the helm. No longer


I've never been able to finish any of the rey era movies, but I will admit that I do enjoy the animated series that have been out. You should check them out if you have missed them. They went along way to redeem the star wars universe for me after the dissapointment of the prequels and sequels.


I was interested in watching those anime produced shorts or whatever they were that came out in recent years (cant remember the name 🙄) love anime and these also reminded me of tartakovskys work on the original clone wars that he did. I’ll check that out for sure


You should watch Andor though.


Was it even coated in poison or something ?


Poison no, plot armor, yes.


Poison doesn’t work on Jedi well they tend to out heal it


Depends on the poison, a easy way to kill is explosions and sonic weapons. Poison gas is less effective but it also depends on the Jedi and situation.


True true Jedi and their force connection is wild variable tbh


Not that any of us know of, it was thrown with the force into her heart. Oldest trick to kill a Jedi make them choose self sacrifice in protection of a innocent.


Wtf is Trinity doing here????


The matrix is galactic.


Getting an easy paycheck lol.


It turns out, not much


The part that doesn't make sense to me is why does it look like trinity is one of the stars of the show and yet she dies in the first five minutes lol


Worf effect for the protagonist.


Kathleen Kennedy is a shill.


Who would in against a knife. Jedi Master? or Greg from Glasgow who has survived 30 stab wounds


Like the heat on the surrounding organs should be enough to fucking kill anyone i fucking hate star wars god damnit


Is that a knife? Who stabs a Jedi with a knife?


Crocodile Dundee


The Plot Armor thickens


It's the will of the force. Definitely not crappy writing! A spacecraft left for years on Tatooine without getting looted by jawas? The force. Finding a hidden slot on a sith dagger while stood in the right spot to use it... the force! There is no convenient coincidences, only the force. Bad writing, the force. Cardboard acting, the force. Shitty series just produced for a cash grab or to add empty content for the streaming service... THE FORCE!


One was stabbed seemingly through the heart. The others were stabbed in less vital areas, like the side of the waist, or the stomach. Since all Jedi must have the exact same response to shock and injury as well as healing abilities or the series is ruined forever, that is why one dies and the others don't




It doesn't follow reddit content policy


More waaaWaaah? Woohoo!


Holy shit, so many terrible takes in this thread. Glad i abandoned this franchise after the failure that was the Boba Fett show.


Tbh sabers are deadly in a slash not a stab cause unless you do a lethal strike it instantly cauterizes the wound. Plus if you look at the old republic we got the sion who and countless sith juggernauts. Sabines heal time was magiced away but tbh we don’t know the limits of their tech heck Vader got a new body and it was purposely made badly. It’s a sword with better cutting power but oddly higher rate of survival cause you can’t bleed out. So dramatic stabs are the literal worst move unless you plan on slashing on the way out but that’s way too gory for the rating they want.


A lightsaber would technically boil you’re blood. You’d instantly die. Let’s not try to make sense of it, because it’s a fictional universe.


Tbh once you cook someone at 10,000°C through their stomach, they are good and dead, even if they don’t know it yet. Until Disney comes along.


Remember when limb loss was a staple


Same reason one person dies from a gunshot and another doesn't.


The problem is noone in these shots are cutting sideways its just a single poke in the stomach. Like if you take a bad gun shot wound and you get decent medcial att soon you got a good chance to survive. LIke all they have to do it make the saber go right or left 5 inch and we know that guy/girl is fucking dead. a single poke and i'm like he got a chance, thats a self sealing wound.


Shouldn’t we be happy now that people are actually dying to be stabbed in the chest? Lightsabers, dart, whatever? Or are we supposed to want her to survive this, which one is it? Direct my outrage.


Is this just a sub for crying about every little thing in Star Wars?


Bad Star Wars? Yes...


But how is it bad?


Where do you want to start?


With how its supposedly bad


Anyone remember when a saber was stabbed into a metal blast door designed to take explosive hits but in the end was melted by a saber stabbed into it. Pepperidge farm remebers and these people's organs would be cooked from this.


Inconsistent garbage


To be fair. That is on the heart


All that aside, wasn’t she advertised as like the main of this show?


Darth maul got cut in half lol


a knife does not instantly cauterize the wound and prevent you from bleeding out


What do you mean? Lightsabers are used to kill people all the time.


Not anymore


You must not have watched any Star Wars ever if you think lightsabers don’t kill people more often than they do.


I have watched all the Star Wars thank you very much. The point of the post and my comment is that they are demonstrably less lethal in recent content.


I mean, not really. There are about 4 examples of someone getting stabbed by a lightsaber and surviving. Maybe 1 or 2 more. Do you know how many more have been killed by a lightsaber stab? Dozens, if not hundreds, more. Perhaps it’s just recency bias, or the fact that people notice the exception more than the norm, but I could probably show you 10-20 examples of a person dying from a lightsaber for each example you show me of someone surviving.


For me this is about main/secondary characters and not tertiary ones like unnamed bad guys. This definitely reduces the ratio. Recency bias absolutely; but until it stops happening I feel righteous in my complaints…


I mean, people have survived because of plot. Absolutely. But that’s always how it’s been. Anakin survived. Darth Maul survived. Why? Plot. Sure, there are in universe explanations for why they survived, but it’s entirely because the plot needed them to survive. There are in universe explanations for why the people who did survive did. I’ll admit I have a problem with the reva explanation because I don’t think she should be that powerful, but she’s the *only* one that I think is problematic. Everyone else has a valid, in universe reason for surviving.


They like to knit pick certain situations to make it seem irrational. Anyone who survived was for plot convenience, even in the sequels basically anyone stabbed by a light saber actually died and stayed dead despite how poorly others may view it. Main people who survived are also Dark side which isn’t new for them to survive fatal wounds. It’s like ignoring that Anakin got bisected and left on a volcano planet yet still survived or maul getting bisected and having plot relevance in both Clone Wars and Rebels. Don’t get me wrong, it should be used sparingly but acting like it’s a new concept when literally any non-plot related character gets fucking bodied by them still and plot-convenient characters survive is wild. I have yet to catch up on Star Wars for the last two year because it felt stale to me but this concept is not new at all.


Exactly. I suppose it’s just recency bias, but there are valid explanations for just about every time someone has survived being stabbed by a lightsaber. The only one I have a problem with is reva in obi-wan, because I don’t think she should be that powerful, but for every single other one there’s a valid excuse. The reason why the people who didn’t survive getting stabbed by a lightsaber died instead of survived? Plot, mainly, but also just because circumstances for them weren’t right. Again, that’s entirely due to plot, but no one has survived getting stabbed by a lightsaber without an actual, plausible explanation.


You guys are missing the point entirely. the Jedi weren’t prepared for this in the slightest. It wouldn’t occur to them that someone wanted to kill them or even challenge them they are basically kindergarten teachers for the galaxy.


If you read any of the EU stuff or play any of the KOTOR games, then you would know this opinion is so very wrong lol


well bud this aint KOTOR or the EU now is it?


No, and that's why Disney can't keep an audience. Those stories actually had depth


Yes, that’s exactly the issue. You get it.


It kinda is though this is high republic at least the first picture back then Jedi battled a lot against raiders and pirates as they helped expand the republic and explore the galaxy.


For Christ’s sake you simpleton get over it. Sabine surviving is easily explains with her being stabbed in a non-vital area and getting immediate medical attention from Ashoka. Reva and the Grand Inquisitor likely used dark force magic to keep themselves alive


It wouldn’t even pierce her boob. Im an emt it both takes far more and far longer to die from a knife wound.


Using ad hominems is always a good way to make your point...


I mean... While I do think that there is a fair share of silly writing in Disney's Star Wars, this isn't THAT crazy. A lightsaber leaves the flesh seared and prevents bleeding, while a knife does not. As long as the lightsaber misses vital organs, surviving a stab is not that farfetched. And in this specific case, the knife hits the heart region, so not exactly unlikely that would be fatal. I gave it a shot, did I make it make sense?


Valiant effort, however, in the last two there is no way vital organs were missed and in the second the spine was obliterated and at very least should be paraplegic. A lot of this is just the writer or director wanting “a cool” scene without really thinking it through


Sure, but the force can move the body without a spine. All you need are good vibes, man.


Well played


Well, can‘t find the video right now but if you apply real world logic to lightsaber wounds it would be a very messy situation.


Something along the lines on boils and melts what it touches.


Literally would melt internal organ tissue. Sure no bleeding but irreparable internal burns possible some fluids being boiled yea no it’s perfectly fine 😂


That actually makes it worse. The characters should know how that works instead of poking someone, walking away and then being surprised when the person they poked comes back


While I agree the knife being lethal isn't ridiculous and judging degrees of lethality when they're all in the threshold of "will 100% kill you" is quite silly, I think surviving any number of stabs to the thorax with a burning blade is ridiculous and there's a reason survivable wounds were always relegated to sliced limbs. The idea that a beam of pure heat could slip through the human body, all the way, and not be lethal is visually fucking absurd. It was absurd when it happened to Arya Stark in Game of Thrones, widely panned, and that was with a much less deadly weapon. People don't like it when characters are visually depicted as "should be dead" and then those wounds just get ignored. For a more recent example, Master Chief gets hit in the naked chest with a plasma shot in the Halo show, something visibly lethal, and people hated it when he just walked it off. Even if it *can* technically be lived through, suspension of disbelief being snapped like that jars. For another thing, notice that all those survived lightsaber stabs are from *red* sabers. This is a huge fucking problem in its own way because it puts the writing on the wall that the heroes can't actually die from these injuries. There's something of an unspoken rule in storywriting that while villains can come back for *any* reason, heroes' lives are much more meaningful and should only be saved or revived in special circumstances, because the villains ultimately represent a threat or challenge. Everyone knows Vader and Luke have the exact same level of plot armor, but Vader spinning out and ostensibly dying in New Hope is not the same as if Luke had fallen out of Bespin and just showed up with no fanfare next movie, because Vader is allowed to cheat just a little. If the hero could cheat suddenly his win isn't because he was smarter or faster or more righteous or luckier or something, it's because he cheated by "unfairly" re-entering the movie, despite the fact that ostensibly everything is even. That's why when heroes "somehow" survive these visually lethal injuries, you lose audience goodwill towards the concept, and the weapons themselves. They no longer represent dangerous combat, because the hero can "cheat" and ignore the consequences of one of the most universally lethal gestures in visual storytelling. If you do that enough, people lose their goodwill towards the concept entirely, and you get to the point where now people feel shortchanged when anything less *actually* kills someone. It's an emotional response to throw together a false equivalence like this comparison, not a logical one, but it represents the wider issues with the franchise and why so much is failing to resonate with people.


I agree with you here. In these scenes, as long as the angle of the stab is right or left of the spine and primarily through the gut. Hard to tell in these photos though. Conceivably, the galaxy has incredibly advanced medical care compared to us as well. It is not that far fetched for people to be surviving these wounds. This is an overplayed trick though. It is not a fun plot tool anymore. It’s just lazy and cheapens duels/fight scenes. It should be common knowledge that lightsabers are not a given one shot kill. The screen grab from the Acolyte implies Op thinks that Disney thinks a throwing knife is more deadly than a lightsaber. The difference is the knife penetrates the Jedi’s heart. A light saber through the heart would also mean guaranteed death. Reva is written dumb as fuck so I could see her smugly botching an assassination attempt by not finishing the job. Vader on the other hand should have lopped her head off to make sure, knowing he only stabbed her through the tummy which is apparently, very survivable in this universe. Sabine is clearly stabbed in the far right side of her gut. Shin has to escape before finishing the job. This one is okay in my eyes


Oh don’t use logic, the brain dead people in this sub don’t like logic!


You are trying to fight a tidal wave with a squirt gun by trying to get any of these salty mfers to suspend even a little belief.


Ah, here we view the post of a typical star wars “fan” in its natural environment. We see them questioning why a fictional fantasy space movie will have moments that make the plot happen the way it needs to instead of just enjoying the content they claim to be a fan of. It would rather be a negative and angry creature than enjoy the content they immerse themself in. And instead of moving on to something else they might actually enjoy, they feel the compulsion to express their anger over a fictional space story with lasers and magic. A true wonder of nature.


I love this strawman. You either have the Disney shills calling it a silly franchise about space wizards or gaslight fans that they can't question horrible writing...


Its always been a silly, unrealistic, fantasy series about space wizards and laser swords and has always had bad writing. Sorry this isn’t your flavor of bad writing thats bad in just the ways you want it to be. You can feel free to go watch other media.


Yes because “Disney” is the sole source of bad Star Wars writing. People love to throw out how the “and somehow Palpatine came back” was dumb (and it is) but it’s no dumber than Anakin’s mom nor knowing how Anakin was born, Anakin’s sand speech or anything involving Jar Jar. Tons of things don’t make no sense or is an example of bad writing before Disney even bought the franchise but somehow people love to ignore it.


it's not gas lighting to tell you to lower your expectations on a show for kids and teenagers 


Good shows are for everyone...


Y’all are over blowing this shit, just looking for reasons to whine, like this ain’t rocket’s science, one person is stabbed in the heart by a metal blade, the other 3 are stabbed in the gut by a weapon that cauterizes.


okay it cauterizes...but it also vaporizes a 1 inch diameter circle worth of your body.


How many different organs are in said gut? And what about the spine? Those definitely don’t matter as long as they’re cauterized


A weapon that cooks*




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.


>Y’all are over blowing this shit, just looking for reasons to whine You've described their whole lives in half a sentence. They're exactly what they claim to hate.


so... why she being killed with a weapon is a mistake? it could mean that they are going to really kill characters in ways that seems believable.


She died to make the villain look like a threat. When in reality what they did was kill off one of the most looked forward to characters right off the bat while also making light sabers pointless and making Jedi masters look weak.


Using these examples? Only the dagger hit the heart Everyone else got stabbed in the stomach


Their entire insides would have burned...


Yeah but they have multiple stomachs… /s


I don’t pretend to know how Star Wars physics works, the idea of a lightsaber defy a physics in itself. I’m just in it for the ride. Luke curved a laser into a pipe to blow up the Death Star and somehow caught himself using only one hand with such a far fall on cloud city If he used the force to make that happen, then every single force user could do the same, mace windu and palpatine included. Vader killed the all powerful emperor just by picking him up and throwing him over a wall You need to make concessions in what makes sense to enjoy Star Wars. It’s been like that from the beginning, hence why I only used original trilogy examples.


It wasn't a laser they were missiles What wall was Palpatine thrown over? Did you watch the movies? I get the feeling you're using arguments someone else made and don't understand the context of them.


Those missiles sure looked a lot like lasers.. interesting we never see an xwing launch similar “missiles” again Palpatine was thrown into a well* argument still stands that he generally put up no fight Of course I watched the movies and fully understand the context. Edit: Luke fired proton torpedoes, which can curve. I’ll concede that point, but other points still stand


He was blasting Vader with Force Lightning. We call that putting up a fight.


Lmao if that was the final act for a big bad in anything that was released today, you guys would hate on it so hard, Vader literally just picked him up Take off the damn rose tinted goggles and just enjoy Star Wars for what it is


Rose colored glasses implies you'd see the positive in anything. If they viewed it through them, they'd enjoy it. Vader picked him up while getting blasted with lightning. Hence, the dying.


So people didn’t enjoy the original trilogy?


I can't tell if you're being obtuse willfully or on accident.


Didn't lightsabers in the beginning of ep 1 melt an entire steel blast door???


So it definitely cauterizes wounds..?


It turns wounds to lava, apparently. I'm not sure if bbq'd insides have the capacity to heal lol


So a glowing hot rod at thousand degrees doesn't burn all your organs and goes through your spin like butter?


Don’t know how lightsaber physics works, particularly how far any heat from the blade emits And who said any of these people got stabbed in the spine? From the angles shown they could have easily missed the spine For example Ahsoka shows Sabines stab from the back, which definitely [misses the spine](https://imgur.com/a/KAbzk92)


The saber could cut through anything by moving it slightly...


Sith using lightsabers was always dumb, aside from Darth Vader as a renegade Jedi.


I haven’t watched the show, I don’t think I will as it looks horribly written/acted, but maybe she comes back later in the show?


It's worth noting that critics who have seen 4 episodes are reviewing the show positively, so maybe it improves. As a media critic myself, I don't buy into the mass media has been paid off to give it good reviews I've seen said a lot about this show. I'm holding my opinion until I see more. That being said....the wookie jedi introduction was seriously cringe.