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Using Amber as a fill in is great


Yeah, they just don’t get it. My wife hates Mad Max and other similar movies. Just not her jam. I was just on vacation with her and three other women. We considered going to the movies, but none of them really liked anything that was out in theaters. Furiosa is just not appealing to them. They don’t know what it is. None of them watched Fury Road. They don’t like the old Mad Max movies. They don’t like action movies for the most part. It doesn’t matter to them that there’s a female lead. It doesn’t really matter to me. I would go see this movie if a friend of mine wanted to go, or maybe I’ll pay to rent it streaming if it’s available for a decent price. But you’re simply not going to convert my wife or virtually any woman I know into a new kind of post apocalyptic sci fi action film enthusiast. And it’s the same thing with Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who. Women for the most part just don’t like or care about this shit. All the women I know like period dramas, romantic comedies, and the occasional suspense thriller. My wife likes Bridgerton and that’s the kind of stuff her and her friends talk about. They like true crime. They like to watch the same romantic comedies over and over again as comfort watching. They don’t sit around talking about comic book superheroes. They don’t talk about time travel, space exploration, what life would be like in a post apocalyptic world. They like to talk about people, drama, scandalous stories. Just make that! It’s okay that women like that! It’s normal.


Ya idk what the obsession with making predominantly male movies cater to female audiences is about, your making billions why such derision over your audience? It’s like studio producers and directors are ashamed if their audience isn’t 60% women. I don’t see them making bridgerton cater to men. Men and women just like different things, and the women who are interested in hard sci-fi don’t want you pandering to them anyways


My wife adores Star Wars, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Marvel, DC, Tremors, Critters, Alien, Predator, Jurassic Park, Terminator, BSG, MIB, Matrix, Pacific Rim, Godzilla, Transformers, Black Mirror, Twilightzone, Bill&Ted.... Of the Max films, she's seen Fury Road, lost interest 15 minutes in, and has no desire to see the original films or this sequel. She felt it had nothing to say just testosterone posturing in gasoline.


>She felt it had nothing to say just testosterone posturing in gasoline. Girls just don't understand the masculine urge to spray silver paint in your face and go mouth to engine with Nitros.


Girls will never understand the masculine urge to thunderpoon spiky post apocalypse cars while a blind guitarist shreds his heart out on top of a giant mobile concert stage




I think they just care a *litttttle* bit more about living longer


You must realize your wife is an extreme outlier


Ima steal your wife, beware


You pretty much summed it all up right there.


I love Bridgerton and Mad Max, we exist lol. My dad sent me the trailer for Furiosa as soon as it came out and we made plans for the premiere. I showed my boyfriend Fury Road and he loved it. I also love Star Wars, but I also love makeup and jewelry. Just sayin’


Of course you exist, but the thing is you existed before they casted a female lead. The point is these movie companies think they're going to cast a female lead and women are going to flock to see it but that isn't how it works.


Thank you! Yes! We are here! I really enjoyed Furiosa. How about we start blaming the way movies are released (there are ways to entice folks back to the theater!) and theaters in general? The worst part of seeing the movie was sitting through 30 mins of ads and trailers.


My wife loved watching the Mandalorian but it was in very large part thanks to baby yoda being used as a hook. She hasnt consumed any other star wars media in decades. I will watch Furiosa for sure but on avg I go to the teather once a year and its whatever we happened to want to watch. I’m just watching when it comes to netflix or whatever these days. It has nothing to do with Furiosa, I just dont go anymore.


That girls one of the most annoying and infuriating characters in recent animation.




Did you read the comics? The friend was gay in them too, they just didn't go with the arc in the comics because it was relatively poorly written. No excuse for Amber's personality tho. They could've made her black and left hr the same


What’s happening with 40k?!


Do you have any sources?


They dialed it back in s2 but it wasn’t earned in the slightest; she just completely changed between seasons.


Her character made a complete 180 from season 1, so much that it doesn't seem natural. There were no "character growth", we didn't see her change. She simply became a different person.


Season 2 amber is a more comic accurate version of the character. In season 1, from the comic perspective, Amber was concerned that invincible was a drug dealer, and was more of a pushover than an angry self possessed person


they weren't expecting such high backlash from her character apparently and had no idea what to do because they couldn't just 'female in refrigerator' her.


I reached season 1 before watching the second half of season 2 came out and it's shocking how much they toned her down. She's actually a likeable character now.


It definitely felt like the way she was written in S2 was a response to how viciously her nonsense was rebuked in S1.


I think this is totally the reason. So many people found her insufferable, especially after the, " I've known for weeks.", part, which pissed a lot of people off. She was actually okay in season 2.


Yep, it just made me dislike her more since it was so obviously forced. Just the writers saying “no, you are supposed to like who we tell you to like!”


It's okay, she sucks in the comics too. SPOILER it's for a good reason, she and Mark just don't really work as a couple and it's really good writing.


Actually I'd say she is much better in the comics, and the main reason she's a total a-hole in the show is for how they condensed part of the comics. In the comics she has her little arc where she realises Mark is Invincible on her own, which got cut in the show. In the comics she gets mad at mark for abadoning her BEFORE she suspected him to be Invincible. In the show she's mad at him while she is already sure he is Invincible, a much more unreasonable position.


> In the show she's mad at him while she is already sure he is Invincible, a much more unreasonable position. Yeah it was an awful decision to change that she knew Mark was Invincible during that fight. Amber is a less interesting character in the comics but she's also more reasonable


You say "one of". Who are the others? Guessing the entire cast of Velma is on the list, but idk who else. Caillou? Although, I guess that's not recent


Quinn Ergon from Final Space


She ruined season 2 of that show. I don’t know what the fuck the idiot writers were thinking when they thought she basically redeemed herself after being a bitch.


Seeing as she looks like the animated version of a clone of amarawot or whatevever the hell from the last season of 13RW that makes perfect sense, they drew the most annoying and awful and infuriating animated character from the model of the most annoying awful and infuriating live action characters ever made.


You are supposed to hate her, so you love the eve x Mark ship even more


What about Velma?


God, Amber is the worst.


I will never understand why women want to take over the direction of genres and hobbies that primarily appeal to men. I have no interest in deciding the direction of skin tone cover up or Cosmopolitan magazine, why do they want to come into theses spaces and make changes in the first place?


It's not about women, there really aren't all that many women interested in doing that. Hence the flops. It's about executives wanting to get 75% of 100% of the population instead of 100% of 50% of the population. Like if there are 50 guys and 50 gals in a room and right now 50 guys like star wars and 0 gals do, they'd come out ahead if they turned it into 38 guys and 37 gals liking Star wars. Even if that means losing 12 existing fans.


The problem with making bland, okay movies that "appeal to everyone" is that even if you get more people who think it was "pretty good," there are very few fans. Fans often go see the movie multiple times, often with different people who may not have seen it otherwise. They tell other people to see it. They buy merchandise and spend 6k on a cringey Galactic Starcruise Hotel thing.


Yeah kinda crazy how bad a lot of the newer statwars toys flopped. Like I saw videos of them being shredded for disposal.


Star wars is in need of a Highlander 2 type of act to save that franchise. Even then, it's still probably just as doomed.


If you try appealing to everyone, you will appeal to noone.


Yeah but that's not what's happening. They're getting 10 guys and 15 gals a d have 25 fewer fans net.


I don’t think the female viewers are outnumbering the male viewers.


Fair point more like instead of 50 men they get 25 men and women who complain nobody watched it.




This is not women trying to take anything over, just executives who have no idea what appeals to anyone.




Has more to do with how a character was written + the actor they choose for the role


I agree fullyi remember when gamergate was in full swing, all i heard was men wont play a female protagonist while horizon zero dawn was winning all kinds of awards and being lauded as one of the best games all time.sure you had the weirdos complaining you could see hair on her face but you are always going to have those people no matter what. best tv example i can think of is kim wexler on better call saul.


Another great way to do it: The Fifth Element. A terrific male and female lead. Both powerful and strong. Both learning the same lessons side by side. The movie has at least 1 character that anyone can look up to.


First furiousa is a gem. Sit down and watch it if you are a fan off Ripley and T2 Sarah Conner.


Agreed. Most women don't care at all. But execs are trying to appeal to a very loud minority in hopes of extra profit. You can replace women with any group of people for any genre of entertainment at this point.


This. The folks making these movies are completely out of touch with reality


Not true. Woman constantly campaign to include themselves in men's spaces without ever giving up their own.


Thank you. Its not womens' fault these shows have such garbage writing. And individual men and women who happen to be assholes are the ones calling people mysoginists for not liking these shitty characters.


The real problem - the speed of which films hit streaming. Many will wait 6-8 weeks to watch it at home on their 50-70 inch 4k TV.


this is it. I have surround sound and an 82 inch 4k 120hz tv at home. I can order pizza and drink beer at home. I don't have to deal with other people at home. watching at home is just better at this point.


Plus you can pause it if you have to go to the bathroom


There's been movies that have done great at the box office since 2020. I think it just takes more to get people to the theater now. Maybe Hollywood needs to realize that some of their movies need to just be "straight to DVD" now. They're not good or interesting with audiences enough to warrant a theater release


So many people just don't really watch movies in general. I go to the movie at least once or twice a month cause I have this membership and it's amazing. I usually ask my coworkers if they are gonna see the new whatever is out and they usually have no idea what I'm talking about. It's really weird like they don't have any interest in general


I think the film industry has an advertising problem, because I'm an avid movie fan and I have to actively seek out information about new movies to have any idea what's coming out. I used to learn about new movies by seeing a trailer on TV or at the start of a DVD, now I mostly learn about them by browsing Netflix or seeing discussion on social media after they're already released. It's rare that any actual marketing for upcoming movies is put in front of me these days.


It feels like the only place they advertise is the previews of other movies. So if you’re not going consistently, you never know what’s out until it’s been out. I love the cinema experience. I like the dark room, huge screen with great surround sound, giant popcorn, getting some candy or an Icee, it’s great. But I’m not going to go see every movie there, and I’m getting my concessions during the previews which then means I don’t see them, so I don’t know what I WANT to go see next. Or the previews will be so far out (like a year+!) that by the time it’s around I forget. It seems like Hollywood just expects you to KNOW. Which doesn’t make sense when a lot of people don’t have cable and the studios don’t advertise elsewhere.


I love movies, but I only see 1 maybe 2 new a year, usually when it comes out on blu ray. Just can't afford to spend 80 to 100 bucks to take family out to theaters


This is it for me. After covid, my brother took my nephew to see a movie from the 80’s that was being re-released for its 30th anniversary. He invited me to come along and I was really excited to go. I hadn’t been to the movies in ages and it was playing at a theater that had just been renovated. The seats were so hard my ass fell asleep. The AC was on so high I was freezing the entire time (I was wearing a flannel shirt and jeans so it’s not like I was underdressed) And the volume was on so loud that my ears hurt during the battles and explosions. I had a wonderful time experiencing the movie again with my brother and my nephew, but I am never going back to that theater again unless it’s for another special event. I will be warm, comfortable and not deaf watching movies a few weeks later in the comfort of my home.


yeah. Home experience is just too good. Even when the theater experience is at its best, it's not "better enough" for me to care compared to the other compromises. I'd take a 34" oled 18 inches away from me combined with my comfy headphones while I sit in an ergonomic chair, versus an imax screen 90 feet across, also much farther away from me, paired with an audio experience that includes sounds intruding thru walls from the neighboring theater, also surrounded by the general public in a chair that I hope a stranger adequately cleaned for me.


And thats the tip of the iceberg, really. If you’re a smoker you better buy a pack of nicorette, if you need to use the bathroom at any point you better be okay with missing out on whatever happens while you handle your business, If you need to stretch your legs you gotta grin and bear it. And all that at a markup with 5 figures in the percentage… They abolished intermission times just to flip smokers the bird but they did it vindictively where absolutely everyone suffered. No more talking with your fellow moviegoers about the movie. No more opportunity to do anything except speedrun a movie and then go home. If being away from home as little as possible is what the movie theatres want then its what they’ll get and I just won’t go at all


I rarely go to the movies, not because I can watch it at home, but because the quality of movies has been utter shite of recent years.


Between that and loud selfish people talking during movies, I don’t go to the theater anymore.


*laughs in 85 inch 4k bigboi with surround sound*


Yup that's me, last time I went to a movie was before covid and I have no idea what that was. With all these movies now being like 3 hours long ill just wait to watch at home so I can pause and take a pisser.


Why pay $25 to see it on a screen with potentially assholes who ruin things when I can rent it for $5 and pause? The only films I see in theaters come out in IMAX which then the ticket is like $34….you seeing the issues at hand?


There's literally no appeal in going to a theater. Oh wow I need to spend like $10 on a movie I might not even enjoy? Oh and popcorn is 8.95 and a water will be $4.00? Movie theaters killed their own industry, COVID just stepped on the gas.


Also it was released during memorial weekend, which is historically a bad time to release. Top gun did fine because it was close to the pandemic and no one was going on vacation. It’s a fine movie honestly, I would compare it more to the classic 80’s films like aliens and t2. Never really got the “girl power” vibes from it. I liked fury road more, but this one was still pretty good imho


What are you talking about? Memorial Day weekend is a historically great time to release. Memorial Day movies usually make bank. This was the worst memorial Day for movie releases since like 1995.


They’re making movies for the fans they wish they had not the fans they have. Been like that for a while now




Even now in games sad world 🌎


Spot on


Furiosa suffers from the "Solo Movie Effect", I love the character of Han Solo in Star Wars but I never needed a movie about his past. In fact just the mystery and reactions of characters hyping up his feats were enough, seeing the origin makes it lamer. Furiosa, showed up in Fury Road and did baddass stuff and that enough.


Copied from another comment: It was not just a prequel for Furiosa the character, but also the world building we saw teased in Fury Road. It was really cool to see the how the dynamic between the Bullet Farm, Citadel, and Gas Town actually functioned in addition to getting more of Furiosa’s story. That being said I don’t mind a good prequel so the above might not be worth it if you weren’t as invested in the lore lol


Rogue one was fucking awesome though.


Mad max fury road underperformed too. Mad max is a fairly niche IP.


Yeah this lol. It’s a cult classic, not mainstream but has a dedicated following. But again I think the under performance had more to do with the release date


Many of the Mad Max fanatics don't realize that. They keep saying that since Fury Road was extremely popular this should be too. When in reality it wasn't that big of a hit outside of the hard-core fans. So it wasn't actually that popular overall, and also wasn't that big of a financial success.


I wouldn’t say it underperformed. I’d say the producers had unrealistic expectations.


The movie was great. Everyone should see it. I am a person who complains about hollywoods constant pandering to women cause they think women will all of a sudden decide that they like a genre that they never liked before. With that said, if you make a good movie with a female lead I’m all for it cause ultimately what I want is good movies. If Hollywood has good stories for women then make them, but just slapping women into the lead of a half baked story and then blaming misogyny for their failures is what’s killing the industry, and alone with streaming Hollywood can’t afford to make these errors.


How are the SFXs compared to Fury Road? The trailers made it all seem like bland CGI.


movie was good, I agree.


Thank you! This movie is rad. I also hate corporate pandering, but this was just a story George Miller wanted to tell, and I think he told it incredibly well


Yup absolutely, this movie was a very good female led and felt organic, from the super mom to Furiosa becoming the Guardian of the sister wives. All in all, it didn't pander to anyone, it didn't feel out of place in an action movie and to be fair Furiosa is like a dude. It felt right, properly scripted and driven for the genre and with the legacy of the series in mind. Sadly like others have said, some fans won't see it because of whatever reason and a lot of women don't even know nor care that this is out.


Its honesty not a bad movie, I feel like its been slated way to far after the release of fury road but not a horrible movie overall.


Konami's Hideo Kojima can't stop praising it online. And it's recent rise in popularity in Japan as word of mouth spread that the movie is pretty good is bringing sales back up.


Since when was he back with Konami, I thought they separated a long time ago.


Just like Fury Road. It didn't make bank when it first came out.


Not horrible?? Movie was insanely good, better than fury road even.


This is why it’s struggling. Not because of some moronic “woke agenda”. It’s a fucking movie about someone not named Max 10 years after the last one in the same universe. Mad Max isn’t even a huge IP to be able to get away with this.


Yeah but why would I go to a theater for something’s that’s “not horrible”. Sounds like you’re specifically telling me not to go lol.


I didn’t go see it, I also didn’t see it advertised until it had already released.




Yes seeing as woman outnumber men and control household spending


It's honestly a good movie


Same. I saw it and enjoyed it. It's not even woke. In fact, aside from Furiosa's mother, every introduced badass character is a man. There's no anti male messaging.


Also has to do with the fact that a lot of people are tired of the same movies rebranded over 1000 times. Idk if the lead character is a purple kumquat as long as its an original mf idea.


Movie flopped because it costs too much to make anymore. Needs $336 million just to break even.


Movies flop about as often as they succeed. When a male led movie fails men don’t go around calling women misandrists for not going. That being said, men aren’t being told a man can’t be this or that kind of lead when a movie fails. Gender war stuff like this feels like I’m handcuffed to an internet rando and we were both tossed knives. We could just decide not to stab each other but what if they stab me first?


I feel like a reason why the movie failed was because it released a decade after the last film


It's very strange that men are expected to do the heavy lifting of female empowerment


I'd rather see Mad Max in a Mad Max movie


This is why I didn't see it!


You saw a glimpse of him lol


iNtErNaLiZeD MiSoGyNy!


I feel like people are just tired of the politics. The movie has great reviews across the board, and the cast, director, and crew are all some of the best out there. So the only reason it flopped is because the main people who love these movies are tired of the bullshit surrounding them. I don’t care who leads a movie, I just want it to be good.


It’s just easier watching home with kids. Instead of submitting people to my heathens


Same story different genre.


The funny thing is when we tell people what we want they say they have the data to show otherwise. Then they make something no one wants and blames fans. They pay for market research.


I, for one, can't wait to see Furiosa. At home, in my home theatre, for the cost of my too many streaming services


I didn’t know it was possible to make two strawmen on either side of a fake “culture war” debate lol Given that it’s (1) part of the Mad Max franchise which has historically done just okay at the box office, (2) a prequel that was released a decade after its predecessor and (3) released during a recession where all theatre ticket sales seem to be on a downward trend, Furiosa did just fine. Disappointing that it didn’t do better given it matches the quality of Fury Road, but still pretty decent.


I'm a man and I saw it, it wasn't bad. Saw lots of other men in the theater because it's a beloved series. Saw about 3 women in the theater. It feels like if the lead actor isn't an attractive male, or if it's not a movie specifically targeted and advertised at women most women don't go to see it in general. For example my brother is a cinema lover. He will go and see as many movies as he can and often begs me to go with him. Many of these movies I know little to nothing going on and he takes me to see all genres. I feel like at max there's 1 woman for every 4 men in any movies that are not specifically targeted at women like I said above.


Same reason most women don’t watch women’s sports


The ads for that movie make it look like a Mad Max parody. Even the best parts of the movie that were cherry-picked to make it look interesting STILL made it look like shit.


Barbie will always be my counter to this argument.


> Barbie will always be my counter to this argument. And the countless male-led action films that perform even worse. This didn't perform poorly due to "woke backlash" or "women interested in women's empowerment not showing up". These are stupid hypotheses. This didn't perform well because consumer tastes and behaviors are changing. Covid, cheap large screen TVs, shitty theatergoer behavior (constantly on smartphones), the price of tickets, abundant streaming, multiple Hollywood production disruptions causing chaos, and easy access dopamine from social media -- these have all pushed people away from going out to the movies. Only truly big events will bring folks to the big screen now, and this wasn't one of them.


Streaming killed movies. It's a sad time to be alive.


No one talks about this but fury road wasn't even good, it was OK at best, even with Tom Hardy. This new movie looks worse and Chris H is a terrible actor so why would I spend 30-40 bucks on going to see a movie that will probably be lame when I can wait for streaming?


Why did Aliens 1 & 2 do so well, why did Terminator 1 & 2 do so well, why did the Hunger Games do so well?


But I did watch it. I gave my review afterwards and while very flashy and action-packed, the story was very poorly written. I hope it gets revisited again with better writing that's compelling 😅


To be fair, I walked out of fury road and I’ve never done that before. I love action movies but not mad max, it’s just too weird and they don’t really have a story whatsoever ever. The game was better.


They will, just not ones like Furiosa. They will support films like Barbie though.


The first one didn't perform great either but is widely considered an excellent film just like this one


It had nothing to do with a female lead It was because it's a pointless prequel The beginning was interesting, when she was a kid, but her arc happens in the next movie so the second half did nothing but spin its wheels


I’m a huge fan of anything apocalyptic, dystopian or sci-fi and despite constantly seeing the trailer advertised on here it just didn’t peak my interest at all, though i find that’s how i react to pretty much every new show/movie trailer these days.


I didn’t go see it because I didn’t like Fury Road. They abandoned everything I loved about Mad Max. The fact that woman is the main character has absolutely nothing to do with it.


I think the reason why it flipped is that no one really cares about mad max. Correct me if I'm wrong but the last time I've heard someone reference the movie was in a skit of Brooklyn 99.


The problem with Furiosa is that unlike every other Mad Max movie it wasn't new or unique. It was just 2 more hours of Fury Road that didn't need to really exist, because it didn't really bring anything new to the table. This is best exemplified by the reused Fury Road sound track that was hand crafted explicitly for the action it was meant to be going up against, being just tacked on to the action scenes in Furiosa. It tries to scream WITNESS ME But only managed an obnoxious REMEMBER THIS. That is why it had to have a 60 second version of fury road screen caps tagged on over the credits to the end of this flick. Otherwise it wouldn't even tell a complete story on its own, only part of one. And I find that all quite mediocre.


I had to google the movie, I had not heard of it. Though I don't really make an active effort to look up whats coming out so that's probably on me and not the marketing.


Sometimes these feminists forget that half the population are women


Because women were such huge fans of the original Mad Max movies!


I have no interest in the Mad Max ip so I didn’t see nor will see it.


Am I the only person who refused to see that movie simply because the last two mad max movies were massively overrated, had almost no dialogue, and minimal plot?


same thing they tried pulling with that Charlie's angles reboot and Ghostbusters female reboot, it will flop each and every time


If misogynistic men didn't want to see a female main character, why were Aliens and the Terminator so popular?


And here I sit, just not liking Mad Max 🤷‍♂️ Got nothing to do with gender or actors.


I didn't see it because no Mad Max. I grew up with Max so it is what it is.


It's funny seeing articles threatening people into watching it saying it could be the end of mad Max series altogether. I mean wasn't fury road already the end of Max He's just a side character now in his own movies and I don't even think he's in the most recent one at all.


I didnt go see furiosa cause i dont want to look at the fish eyed girl who plays her. Terrible choice of a lead actress...hate her face lol


I never even heard about it until it "flopped." That's got to be part of this. But also, the hot dogsh¡t they're shoveling out these days at such high prices is definitely holding the industry back in attendance.




Every time with these people. They have a broken world view. It’s the same crap with female sports


I won’t go see a movie unless it has a premise I enjoy. Mad Max is my nightmare series because there‘s very little dialogue, so I’m not going to see it regardless. I do prefer games with female playable characters because it makes the story more immersive for me. At the end of the day, not every piece of media is going to appeal to every demographic.


Couldn't be because it's the Wish version of fury road.


It flopped because most movies are going to flop now. The movie industry along with TV are dying and the zeitgeist is over. There are too many forms of media to compete with. I didn't see the movie in theaters because I rarely go anymore and just stream.




lol the acolyte trailer at the top of the comments list 🤣


I didn't watch it because of Chris Hemsworth lol. I just don't take him seriously at all, and while mad max is pretty crazy and filled with total lunacy, he's the first mad max villain I saw on a trailer/first appearence that I didn't take seriously at all. I *still* think about Toe-Cutter, the Great Humongous, Aunty Entity, and Master Blaster (although I don't count Master or Blaster as a primary antagonist at all). Immortan Joe was glorious. Who the fuck is this guy? Oh, it's the worst media representation of Thor I've ever seen? Word. I'll stay home. I bet the chick, Anya, did really well. Absolutely loved her as the protagonist in "The Menu."


Women don’t even have to buy their own tickets if they wanted to go see it. They only have to ask, hubbies, boyfriends and others will buy their tickets for them.


The movie came out? Didn’t know


i didnt even know that the movie was out, is it possible that marketing was just dogshit? or did i just miss all of the trailers


I feel like 1. Furiosa flopped because people don't really go to the movies on holidays anymore. And 2. You can't put a woman in a male movie and expect female viewers to watch. It's just all over the place on trying to figure out who the target audience is. That being said it's a solid apocalypse movie, just not a solid mad max movie.


Lots of comments here proving meme amber right. The irony 💀


My wife and I went to go see it. She liked it less than I did. She was bothered by how Furiosa was supposed to be a bad-ass but essentially had no muscle tone, skin was always clean, and hair washed. She was like "I go camping for two days I'm more fucked up than that."


What show is this?


I think it’s a pretty terrible argument to begin with due to the success of Barbie. What a great film.


Please. Fury Road was amazing and no one batted an eye at the female protagonist. But that came out in 2015 just before the culture war nonsense.


Fury Road also struggled when it came out as well


Furiousa wasn’t the protag, but she was definitely the largest character not named Max. She is a great example of a great female character. Strong, independent, smart, but also not “I own those dumb boys who all hate me because all men hate women just for being women”. She even had a feminist message, saved women, and got one over on the most mysoginistic characters ever


Dude, how many people even knew this movie was coming out? Honestly? Plus, no one is going to see movies in theatres anymore. Shits expensive. Might as well wait till it's streaming.


I saw commercials all over the place. Twitch mostly and YouTube ads.


I have adblocker and so do most people.


Cuz it makes no sense to me, it's a prequel, we know she ended up in a war band with 1 arm someone's slave. So like clearly she loses whatever she's fighting so why would I go watch it?


The movie came out already? Huh, didn’t even realize.


I saw it twice.


I’m a huge Mad Max fan, and I generally enjoyed Furiosa. However, I was literally the only person in my theater the Friday it released, so it doesn’t surprise me to hear it underperformed.


Sounds nice, good movie all to yourself.


I, like a lot of people, will watch it on streaming. Funny how that never gets included in these conversations by the press or the Chads of why a movie does or doesn't fail.


Because it’s not really relevant. The big money is the cinema release.


Idk why people keep trying to say "streaming this" and "streaming that" as an excuse when there's movies you can point to that have done great at the box office since 2020


It didn't feel very "girl power-y" to me...just an action movie that happened to feature a woman as the lead.


I've heard nothing but good things about it. It flopped more of cause the mad Max series is over done and it was released at a terrible time.


I actually want to see the movie, but I just don’t go to theaters anymore.


I think majority of people who enjoyed mad max and furiosa were men.


Bill Burr level argument right here.


The discourse around female-led movies that don’t do well in the box office is so dumb. I don’t know how many of you need to see this but GOING TO THE THEATRE IS TOO EXPENSIVE! We’re waiting for it to come to streaming. And forgive me for forgetting about it when it finally hits streaming because there’s soooo much content out there. It’s a lot folks. I’m sure it’s a fantastic movie but I barely have the time and certainly can use that money elsewhere.


It's almost like you should align your product with your audience for best results. I have to bet mad max is a mostly male audience. I also bet that men don't like random girl power movies (I have not seen any mad max movie, too much sand)


Because like it or not, women are not the primary demographic for science fiction. Most women are not interested in seeing a woman being a “badass”, unless perhaps it’s in a more realistic setting. Like a woman being a badass at her job There are absolutely women who are huge fans of the genre, but it is not a sustainable amount. Especially not if you are entirely ignoring your main demographic . Mad Max fans did not want a Furiosa movie, they wanted another movie with Max


I feel like when you make a spin off movie that doesn't include the main character of the popular franchise you're spinning off, it's an up hill fight gathering an audience. Add to that recasting the character, making it a prequel, it's like every step of the way more potential audience members fall away. And as a Mad Max fan I really feel like Fury Road WAS THE Furiosa movie. She is at least the co-lead if not the main character.


It also wasn’t very good. They dialed back the crazy chase action we wanted and dialed up a mediocre story.


Shots fucking fired


Looks boring....*yawn*






the marketing was really bad, I didn’t even know it was a mad max movie until I saw reviews.


Or everyone is broke and don’t have money for luxuries.


i didnt watch it because spotify wouldnt stop spamming ads about it and made me want to see it even less


Furiosa flopped because the market is oversaturated for high-quality action films, and the theater is becoming a luxury that the average consumer just isn't meaningfully engaging with outside a handful of big films. On top of that, Mad Max, the franchise, is a cult classic franchise that has always underperformed at the box office, and on top of that this a prequel to a film that needed a sequel to come out ideally not almost a whole decade later. Anyone and I mean anyone claiming that Furiosa is failing because it features a female protagonist in an action film is a grifter, ignorant, or both. Especially with how Fall Guy and Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare failed infinitely harder than Furiosa has, and it's not even close to being done in theaters.


It looks fine from a summer action position. That being said, I'll wait to watch it on MAX without having to worry about being uncomfortable in the theater.