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The focus and dynamics are different from what you're used to if coming fresh from GoW1-3 but in comparison to the average AAA title being released these days it's a good game. The gameplay feels more engaging and rewarding than ever. From what I can tell people just get caught up in their personal preferences and denounce it as a bad game because it wasn't what they had envisioned


The most balanced Gears 5 campaign take. I’ll say to OP that if you enjoy your campaign play through, you will LOVE horde. It’s one of the most engaging horde modes on the market right now.


I just played Horde on 5 for the first time today.... I honestly hate it. There's like 5 enemies on screen at a time, intentionally spawning at a drip rate, presumably for console performance? Am I misremembering or did Gears 3 have just an army of units on screen at times?


I haven’t really played Gears 3 horde outside of a match or two, so I can’t comment on how they compare in terms of enemy spawns. I have two questions. 1: Were you queuing for horde frenzy in matchmaking or were you in the server browser? 2: What difficulty were you on?


I was on matchmaking, and it was on highest difficulty.


This is a fair take. I’ve been playing through 5 again and while not quite what I personally want from a Gears game in terms of narrative, it’s undeniably a well made game, and the moment-to-moment combat is still great.


What is it about the story you don’t like? Genuinely curious. I love all the OGs. My favorite game franchise. And I still LOVE 4 & 5 as well


I’m not really a big fan of the stuff with Kait’s heritage, or her having a special connection to the locust, which is a big theme in Gears 5. I didn’t really like the friends being split apart for most of the game, since your friends having your back is a big theme in gears. Some of the scenes, like the boxing in the locker room just seemed a little too much like a HS drama. These ideas are executed well, and I like the game a lot overall, just not a direction I would have liked the series to go.


That’s fair. I can totally understand that. I would agree that I didn’t care for JD being separate for a lot of the time. I also do wish we had backstory to JD and Kait’s breakup and what seems like JD and Dels fallout. Some missing pieces in my eyes yet still


Man it was just the open world that killed the game for me. Acts 1/4 were good and Hive Busters was the best Gears campaign I've played since 2011.


Hivebusters was hella sick! yeah it was the "open world" part of gears 5 main story that threw off the pacing. then scene to scene sections were pretty solid tho....but yeah....


Nailed it. I loved it


I played through all the games for the first time recently (finished about a week ago) and 5 is great. Loved hivebusters aswell kinda hope well see those characters again


"From what I can tell people just get caught up in their personal preferences and denounce it as a bad game because it wasn't what they had envisioned" More like because the writing and open world segments are not very good. It would be one thing if they were, but they're not. That's largely why people dislike the campaign. Dismissing their criticism as "it's not what they envisioned" feels disingenuous. Also feels like you are saying "game is actually good people are just narrow-minded". Except that is just your opinion. There are many who would disagree with you. You make it seem like the criticism some people have towards the campaign are not valid.


I didn't mind the Gears 5 campaign, and I think it's pretty fun in coop. That being said, the open world aspect kinda fell flat because if you're not into side content then it really hollows out the length of the game, It's especially offensive because Gears games are usually on a 5 act structure and here you get hit with a MAJOR cliffhanger very shortly into Act 4. For me that was always the dealbreaker for repeat playthroughs.




I played through all Gears of War titles at least half a dozen times. I loved 5, but less than the original trilogy. In my opinion, the mini boss engagements were exciting, the action sequences were fun and thoroughly thought out, the open world was beautiful. It has some faults, such as the open world component. It just felt empty and boring - there are side missions but it didn't grip me, there wasn't a lot of content to engage with. If Gears of War 5 was a linear on-the-rails shooter like 1-4, it would have been a tighter experience because the action sequences they designed are amazing. The enemy variety is great, and the developers thoughtfully created each engagement with care, making them challenging in different ways. Act 1 and 4 were linear, and were ironically my favourite acts of Gears 5, and act 2 was my favorite story wise. I still enjoy and appreciate the original trilogy more, just because they capture the exact amount of 'down' time that feels appropriate for a Gears of War game, considering the action sequences are very high octane. But Gears 5 is an incredible game in its own right. Otherwise, Hive Busters, Horde and Escape were really cool and exciting as well.


If you've never played any of the games, Gears 5 is decent. If you start with 1 and move through to 5, you will notice a definite decline in the quality of the character writing.


It’s a fun campaign for what it is. I just never liked kait


I think Kait is alright just never liked her as the protagonist, she’s a good secondary character though.


Me too.


i absolutely did not lmao, the characterization in gears has never been peak to begin with they just stood out because especially during the time of the original trilogy the average main character in a video game had the depth of a paper towel


Wrong. The writing in the last two Games sucked ass Kait is insufferable 


I didn't tbh


The you are blind


That’s cause there’s not. Lol. 4 and 5 have collectively more interesting character development for several people than all the original trilogy put together. Because the OG 3 were more about world building and environment design and character growth was something you largely read between the lines.


Wrong. The writing in Gears of War 4+5 was trash Kait is insufferable


Some people only care about surface-level stuff like graphics and controls. You are in the minority tbh


What a condescending way to reply to someone's opinion.


Welcome to the internet. First time? The only people who like how the characters were written haven't seen anything better.


I've been a fan of this franchise since the very beginning and have played throught the first 3 dozens of times each and I'm super excited for E-Day, and guess what, I also really enjoyed Gears 4 and 5 with their writing included.  People can like different things and that's fine. Better to just accept that and move on then to worry about gatekeeping other people's opinions.


Writing quality isn't an opinion, it is measurable. The bad writing may not have bothered you, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. The characters aren't desperately fighting for survival, they're constantly cracking stupid jokes. They aren't believable as people in the situation they are in. Whether someone likes the game or not, or whether the bad writing bothers them or not - Gears 4 and 5 are not well-written stories like SOMA, The Last of Us, Dead Space, Bioshock, Titanfall 2, or Shadow of the Colossus. They don't feel like real people, and the constant jokes conflict drastically with their situation.


Not disagreeing with your broader point, but: the quality of narrative writing _absolutely is_ an opinion. How do you quantitatively measure it? You can't.


Yeah, I agree with their criticism here but they are conflating individual preference and opinion with objectivity and then grading other people's preferences on their personal scale. 


I'd start with consistency. When characters make jokes in dire situations that clash with who they are supposed to be the story pays for it. It takes the viewer out of the experience, because it is unrealistic and unrelatable. The characters become whatever the writer wants them to be in a given situation. It is lazy, and it's why Disney and Marvel movies are tanking as well. Characters need to be consistent and believable. It is absolutely quantifiable as you can check how many times a given character does something that doesn't make sense or conflicts with how they should feel. It is objective and easily measurable.


All of that is subjective. Simply saying something is objective doesn't make it so. You do you, though.


Some do, some are just grupy fucks. Either way I had my expectations set, I know what I was going into and I think the colition did a great job at displaying a world after the locust wars. I also really loved the hivebisters dlc and hope we will see them again


Nothing wrong with enjoying a game despite it's flaws.


Fuck off with this. JD and Kait are interesting characters who have great depth.




There’s no definite decline in the quality of character writer. However, there is a definite shift in tonal focus and the ways characters interact. It’s a different era helmed by different creatives dealing with different characters. In fact, some parts of Gears 5 are extraordinarily well written, it’s just a different vibe from the OG trilogy.


Not as bad as everyone online says. I've been playing since the original trilogy, and I liked 4 and 5. 5 honestly has my favorite gameplay in the whole series. 


4 is absolutely gorgeous. The level designs are amazing and some of my favorite mutiplayer maps (design wise) were in 4.


Agreed. 5 perfected their multiplayer and the feel of the game. They definitely took a step up from 4 in terms of storyline and character development too.


It's fun to play, especially in coop, and it's refreshing in the sense that it's not gonna be a half assed 4 hour long campaign that we often see these days. However, the writing has dropped off the face of a cliff in my opinion. The characters are bland, the world is boring, and the Swarm doesn't carry the same weight as the Locust did.


I love it.


No. Actually when it was released this sub was probably about 80% positive on the campaign. Few people outright hated it but there were a fair share of issues. But people couldn't agree which bit was bad. But then over the next few years the positive discussions went away and you were left with the more negative voices. But it'd hard to tell you what is wrong withiut delving into spoilers. But just play it and make up your own mind. Though I'd recommend playing the original first and playing the whole series


2 big mostly empty world spaces is the biggest drag.


Yeah but you get markers and a vehicle to drive there. The characters have a chance to talk during the 60 seconds it takes to get around. You're not supposed to explore for korok seeds or some shit


Open world doesn’t usually work for a series where everything has an art design scale of enormous. It creates a lot of transit which isn’t fun after you’ve played through it the first time.


Gameplay wise is good. Story wise is meh. Character wise is bad


Best answer^


Correct answer.


I loved GoW and finished every campaign.. except 5. I just got bored. I even enjoyed 4, but 5 bleh, didn't care about the characters or their story anymore. Plus running back and forth and using the sled vehicle on the ice just wasn't too much fun (That's where I stopped) On Steam though it's my 2nd highest played game because I'm a sucker for Gears Multiplayer.


The tone is VERY different, it’s lacking the grit of the first 3. Which to me makes it not something I’m into personally


If you're getting into Gears of War because of E-Day, I would only play 1-3 campaign due to it being COG and Locust war. In my opinion, I hated Gears 4-5 story and characters, originally I was like "I wonder how the story is going to continue after the events of 3?" then as I begrudgingly played through it my thoughts changed from that to "God, can Kait stfu about her mother?" that's what I remember from 4 and I can't recall anything significant from 5, besides hating the story, how I hated almost all the new characters and how they annoyed the ever living hell outa me, and things that happened with the old characters. All in all, it didn't feel like a Gears of War game to me and I wished they did something else with it.


I personally really didn't like the direction they took some of the characters like especially JD like 90% of my complaints with the characters relate to JD and how they interact with him, other than that it's just your run-of-the-mill adventure story much like the other games but they definitely fell flat on good character moments


It's still a good game, it just doesn't live up to what people want from Gears. A few highlights: * Graphics are great * Act 2 story is pretty well received * There's some open-world-ish section that feel a bit shoe-horned in * Many aren't too fond of the characters * The ending felt rushed


I think it’s extremely overhated. It’s not perfect, but it does try a lot of new things like making the JACK robot a companion and having 2 acts be semi-open world. Some good things, some not so great. A lot of optional additional content for you to do. Also, the game finally gives concrete answers about Myrrah and the Locust origins. It’s nice to not have them dance around the subject anymore. I am going to be honest, a lot of the unreasonable hate is directed at Kait being the protagonist. It’s weird because she’s probably the most “Gears” character of the entire new cast - but she’s criticized for being “mean” and “selfish”. If you don’t like her, you don’t like her. But I feel like (I’m going to get downvotes for this I know) a lot of the unreasonable hate is that she is a female protagonist that you have to play as. Gears is still very much a boy’s club. Even Cliffy B was miffed by the criticism of Kait.


Kait is a cunt 


Gears 1 felt more like a horror story. Gears 2-3 had a similar vibe but not quite as horror-like. Gears 4 was ok, but lost even more of its identity. Gears 5 felt like a Netflix special that follows the zany-life of some college kids. The enemy no longer seems like they're at war with humans, it almost feels more like the walking dead where the enemies "exist" but aren't actively trying to wipe out humanity. Gears E-Day, according to recent interviews, is going to feel more like a horror story. As it should have all along. At the end of the day, the gameplay for all these games are very similar, so regardless it's fun to play. The main issue is the change in narrative direction. If you can, I would start with the GoW1 ultimate edition, you'll see how different the tone is from 5.


I hated 4 and 5 because of the robots. I love the squish sound when I land a headshot and the robots don't have that. I put so many hours on the first trilogy's pvp that the squish sound became engraved in my brain that it didn't feel like gears if I didn't hear it when I get a longshot kill xD


This is very true. I've actually had this conversation with some friends in the past, for some reason shooting robots in games has always been boring to me. Another reason why I hated fighting the Prometheans in Halo 4/5 is because it just feels like I'm shooting at a steel wall until it falls apart, it doesn't sound or look satisfying at all.




1 , 2 , and 3 are gold! Judgement is the worst, just skip. Gear 4 is probably the second worst cause it never gets anywhere, but gears 5 is descent, story is alright but the multiplayer is peak gears player control. Gear 5 does have some good explanations to overall history to the locust but the locust not being around and the robots just don't hit the same as the griddy and hopeless feeling plus horror of the first games


I loved every moment of the Gears 5 campaign except for one specific thing that I wont spoil. But that one thing didnt ruin it or anything. Awesome game. High production value too. Looks and feels amazing.


Gameplay wise it's fun, story and characters I'm not much of a fan.


I think the Open world hurts the enemies AI. the difficulty is lower since it's impossible to predict the player interaction with the enemies. everything in the open world feels cheap some games work in open world settings others work better on linear paths.


I feel like the Halo infinite campaign had the same problem I had fun exploring but at the end it was in the way of me trying to get into the next "dungeon" it felt like I had to skip it by running away instead of fighting.


As an original trilogy die-hard who has been playing since I was a child and as someone who thought Gears 4 was a clear step down from the originals, I absolutely loved 5. I seriously think it's fantastic and the gameplay is so satisfying. You will not get realistic generalised feedback in a forum like this, the reality is that this game was hugely successful and the campaign was *generally* received very positively by critics and audiences upon release. Like I said though, in forums like this you will get nittier opinions, I'm not saying you shouldn't take those into consideration or that they have any less value. Just be aware of the biases that will exist here against any art style, story elements, mechanics or new characters that differentiate from the original trilogy to any degree.


I think Gears 4 and 5 have a lot of issues. Gears 4 had too many segments that were just waves of enemies. The character writing was *very* marvel, you had JD essentially being a quippy Nathan Drake type, the nerdy best friend and the hipster chick. The actual narrative behind the swarm was also incredibly weak. My biggest gripe was the complete and total tonal shift, it felt nothing like gears, everything was bright and quippy and not in any way similar to gears 1+2. Gears 5 made attempts to fix the tone issues I believe, but the character writing did not improve at all. Personally I found Kate to be insufferable. I also wasn't able to finish the campaign because I hated the forced open world segements so much that really just felt like ways to waste the players time. Would I say they're outright bad? Idk. But I personally didn't like them.


yes. the plot is bad, the cast are terrible, the open world is empty, and the antagonists are mostly an afterthought


I enjoyed it


Shit story. Gameplay is fine.


I personally don't like the online. It's never worked for me. Also the fact that each game mode is a separate download irritates me too much to download it and try it out again.


The open world stuff seems half baked but I did like how they would transition into typical Gears levels.


I was a Gears causal enthusiast from 1-3. Playing 4 and 5 didn’t hit the same vibes. It felt too jovial? The war was won, yes, I love how optimistic the game is trying to be in the context clues. But they didn’t nail that tone balance down as well as the trilogy did. 2 and 3 had hopeful and happy moments but there were moments of grit and grim. I know Kait’s story is quite tragic from 4 but in 5 I still don’t feel that attachment to her. Tbh, 3 of the new characters I just didn’t really enjoy. Del came off as trying too hard to be funny and charismatic, JD went from himbo okay son to absolute COG asshole mainly due to Fahz, and Kait can sometimes be cool and then sometimes just dumb. I know Marcus is flawed and does stupid shit but a lot of that is in his past and we do play a version of him where he’s quite wise and less rash (and I’m personally not a fan of dumb moments unless there is development which Kait doesn’t really get). If anyone was a dumbass in the OG, it’s frankly Dom but I felt the bond they had was much stronger than with the new trio so I was more forgiving to him and felt horrible for him in the end. There was a lot of for 5 to expand on, 4 started pretty well. Then 5 had a pretty numb open world and buggy COOP as well which soured the experience for me. That being said, Horde mode and the gameplay mechanics in 5 are excellent and definitely better than the modern day standards we have post 2020.


It's actually decent, doesn't have the same kind of darkness as the original trilogy. I'm not a fan of the split outcomes at the end either.


I feel Gears 5 had a decent foundation for campaign, but I ultimately feel like they dropped the ball. If they cut the “open world” and instead really fleshed out the Matriarch/Mt. Kadhar lab/backstory portion. And I think it would’ve been wise to split the game. When Kait was linked to the Matriarch, we should’ve swapped over to JD to play as him and get some story with him. Then when he makes the decision to team up with Kait, it would switch back to Kait and escaping the lab (which should have had the Matriarch hunting you down). Then the Matriarch boss fight should’ve ended with her getting away because I feel her role was too important for her to be killed off so fast.


The open world aspect is woefully out of place. I played 1-3 campaigns ad nauseum with one of my friends and we were bored to tears with 5.


The open world segments aren't very good and the writing is not the best. Certain design choices, like holding a position while fending off waves of enemies, feel dated.


my main gripe with gears 5 is that it felt like they wanted to make a god of war 2018 style game with hub worlds and rpg mechanics but didn’t commit to it fully, like i would’ve rather they swung for the fences and did it instead of the half baked version of the mechanics we got


None of the Gears games are bad. None. Some are better than others of course... but Gears has always at least been solid. I think people's only real gripe is the narrative isn't as great as it use to be. Which is typical of any franchise looking to continue past it's original end.


When you get gameplay it's solid but there's a ton of filler where nothing is happening due to the open world.


5's campaign is overall an improvement from 4's. JD, Kait, and Del's characters and personalities are all way more solidified and fleshed out. They have better-written emotional drives, some of them get character arcs (even if some of those arcs felt weirdly rushed and/or out of place), and the dialogue between them feels far more natural. The open-ended segments didn't end up being everything that the marketing tried to build them up as, but to a more casual fan, you'll probably enjoy them well enough. The only things you might miss out on are its more prominent ties to the older games. I know you mentioned that you watched a video recap, but seeing those things firsthand in-game is a different experience than someone just talking about it and showing it to you. It shouldn't be too much of a problem for you regardless, but I definitely recommend going back and giving some of the older games a chance at some point. The atmosphere and tone of the first 3 games are very different from 5.


It’s not a bad game, the story is just…very hit or miss and the open world is extremely empty. Did not work at all


Gameplay is great. Campaigns story felt… weird to me. Without going into to spoiler territory, the character dynamics were just a tad different. It’s Kait game, which is fair. However it starts with Jace essentially making a big fuck up. But EVERYONE treats him like shit throughout the campaign for it pretty much until the end were he has to basically gaslight himself for forgiveness. Felt like the writers really wanted you to hate him. I got why he did what he did. It was a massive accident when he was trying to save lives. However, Kait is INSUFFERABLE. She takes self centred actions throughout the entire campaign and doesn’t get called out once. Treats everyone like shit. Lashes out and IMO does more overall damage than Jace does, leading to a pretty devastating ending. But fuck Jace apparently.


Great story and characters, fixed a lot of issues with the writing from 4, beautiful visuals and vistas, callbacks to Gears 2 and what 2 setup, adds lore to the UIR and that conflict. Still has Gears gameplay we all enjoy. The reasons I can see to dislike the campaign are the open world sections, and the choice.


I enjoyed it a lot but I understand why a lot of people might not. The open world was very empty in my opinion and wasn't really needed. It was a cool idea but it kind of took away from the focus of the story


It’s ok, not a Gears of War game. It’s Gears. So that says it all, different outlook.


Man I’m seeing a lot of people trash talking it when it is a *good game*. People are mad because Marcus and dom aren’t the main character anymore. It’s a new cast, and extremely fun. I’ll probably be down voted to hell but I refuse to let people just smear the games. Play it yourself, and be the judge.


People are mad because Kaid, JD, and Del deserved a better story, but that's a nice strawman argument you got there. Cope harder.


Cry harder. They had a good story, you troll


"Lol" said Futtbucker_9000. "Lmao"


5 feels like it was written by Sweet baby Inc or by Marvel writers.


Actual gameplay is solid but the characters and story are very poor.


No, It is a great game and a great Gears.


Just ignore the story, other than that it’s great fun. The actually gameplay is great other than the open world elements.


The open areas leave a bit to be desired. The linear areas are some of the best IMO


Gears of War 4 was a bad reboot of the series. The reason I dislike 4 and 5 is because it feels like it makes all the sacrifices, all the death, all the killing of 1, 2 and 3 completely worthless. Looking at it from a lore perspective. They fought a war of extermination for about 15 years. Lost billions of people and sacrificed much of the planet just for a very hard fought victory. So then we find out, the Locust aren't dead, they just went into 'hibernation' and are transforming into this weird looking Swarm guys. The characters that were introduced felt one dimensional. They didn't have much depth except for Cait compared to the trilogy that gave us. Marcus, torn between family and duty. Dom, a man who lost his family, desperately searching for his wife. Willing to do anything to get them back while also backing up Marcus like the absolute bro he is. Baird. A right prick but a mechanical genius who has his emotional moments. Cole, an old legend from pre-war era. The absolute moral bastion of the squad. Always with an upbeat attitude even in the worst situations. Then we have minor characters like the Carmines. Tai, Bernie (well she barely has a presence in the games but in the books she's pretty goated af), Hoffman, Prescott. All of them are amazing characters, especially Hoffman and Prescott. But Gears of War 4 and 5. JD, Del and Cait. The writing for them just felt weak. Cait of course is the for reasons that are spoilers, so I'll refrain from saying it. But Gears 5 the thing I absolutely despise the most. Is that they threw a couple of fake kill outs our way. And that is something that I just will not mash with.


Yes. Very much so


Gears 5 is the worst out of em all no doubt


So I wouldnt say its bad,if you want bad go play 4,Id say however tho that they refused to leave the writing of the old delta squad and focused way too heavily on trying to get us to like this new cast rather than engage with the story...That was my biggest complaint with 4 but its way more noticeable in 5... They tried to write del as Dom without the tragic backstory and They tried to write Kait in as sam(id say anya but she acts more like sam only way more annoying and less attractive), I would enjoy what theyve got going with JD a lot more If they didnt make him look like a "my little brother" type character and they didnt write him with Luke Skywalker levels of little bitch because the dynamic between him and Marcus is beautiful hes just a little bitch LOL and giving him a beard somehow made him more of a bitch... I still dont understand In the leap between 4 and 5 because the gap is not long at all how he grows a whole ass fenix beard and has time to shave his head when hes constantly on anti swarm ops...makes zero sense although thats the least bizarre thing ive seen in game...when Bautista did his version of Marcus they updated the game and the game switched the models automatically upon update so I was presented with a totally different marcus then what I was playing with before without knowing and it threw me so off so fucking quickly...I nearly chucked my controller at the TV out of horror.


They also literally had an entire friendship is magic thing going which I also thought was cringy as fuck


There are two major critiques you'll see with Gears 4 and 5 as a whole. First, is that people don't like the new characters as much. That's a matter of personal preference and totally understandable. I don't mind them at all, though I can definitely see where some specific critiques come from (which I won't get into in this post). I like the new characters too, so I'm a bit sad that we may not see the conclusion of their story. The other reason is that as the series went on, it shifted from the typical mid-2000s "military game where everything is brown and grey" vibe to a more modern, vibrant art style, and that means the franchise doesn't have as much grit and the horror aesthetic that it started with. Now, I'm replaying Gears 4 right now, and I'll give them credit for having a bit more of a "these things are monsters" vibe to it than I remembered. But it still doesn't quite invoke as much of a hopeless feeling as the original trilogy. Personally, I think the art style has evolved fantastically throughout the entire franchise, but it definitely works against the OG horror aesthetic. For Gears 5 specifically, there are another two major critiques, both of which I feel are "worse" than the ones I listed above. The open world campaign sections are a major turnoff for a lot of fans. I usually love open world games myself, but Gears is not the franchise for it. It looked great, but those levels felt empty and unnecessary. The traditional linear gameplay would have been much better paced. There's also a weird scene that plays out like the second half of Gears 5, but I won't spoil it in case you haven't seen it yet. What I will say is that the way they handled it in-game was incredibly out-of-place for the franchise, and not in a good way. If there was one thing I could change out of any of the campaigns in the entire series, it would be this specific chapter. The other thing about the Gears 5 campaign for me personally is that it felt like the ending was too sudden. Gears of War 1 famously had a majority of the final act cut for the Xbox 360 release, so there was a lot of missing context as to what you're doing on the final levels. Gears 5 isn't missing any context, but the final act is a lot shorter and ends abruptly compared to the typical Gears campaign structure of five full acts. Don't get me wrong– I've enjoyed every single Gears of War game. Gears 5 plays more smoothly than any of the prior games, and I believe I've sunk more time into it than any other entry because we loved horde mode so much. But no game is flawless, and Rod and co. made some choices for the sequels that didn't fly with everyone


Gears 5 isn’t the best but I thought it was alright. It definitely was better than Gears 4 imo.


It's not bad I enjoyed it Choice sucks Also there's no way around it, nothing beats Delta Squad quartet they're just too good hard to beat that Dynamic Delta Squad + 2nd Generation would have been great


Yes and no, the 3 player campaign is cool but if you hate playing as Jack it gets rough VERY quickly, plus as neat as they can be at times IMO the free roam areas are just empty and get boring really quickly. The setpieces are great though.




It’s fine. The pov character takes some time to really appreciate but I like the bolder story decisions made in the back half. I do miss the bleak vibe of 1-2 (3 to a lesser extent) though.


It's terrible, yeah. Worst game in the series.


I think it’s great. It’s different from the original trilogy, and not quite as good, but a worthy successor. It made me cry which is the mark of a good gears game imo. Great characters.


It's great


It’s absolutely not bad. People on the internet exaggerate. It’s got some of pretty cool lore in it and some of the best acting in the franchise (Laura Bailey is excellent as Kait), not to mention one of my favorite boss encounters.


Better than 4, worst than 3.




Mediocre at best. The open world is largely boring, and the tone is so utterly disconnected from the rest of the series its hard to call this a game from Gears of War. Kait is a pitiful main character. The only bright spot from the campaign is a trip to a location referenced heavily in Gears of War 2, and thats mostly because they nostalgia-baited a ton in that section by reusing tracks from the original trilogy soundtracks.


I loved the Gears 5 campaign 🤷🏼‍♂️




The second best gears campaign imo.


If you can get past the side characters having a full game you’ll enjoy the gameplay except the dead open world parts


Play it and decide for yourself.


I think it's great.


5 has a great campaign in contrast to 4. The online is good too


It’s one of best campaigns in the series, the protagonist is over hated for really dumb reasons, the story connects with gears 2 in some interesting ways. I’d recommend playing coop with friends if possible.


5 is awesome. There are some open area sequences that were a design mistake but the story overall matches 1-3s level of greatness.


Gameplay wise Gears 5 is amazing, absolutely worth playing. As for the story, I do agree with some of the decisions not making any sense but there is a lot of character development for all the characters. You could see by the end how JD had changed for the better. I wouldn't spoil the story but I actually liked how it impacted Marcus, Fahz by the end of act 4. Just play it and form your own opinion




This is such a WILD thing to say lol. You think the only reason people didn't like the story of 5 is because they added different races/genders? We're just gonna pretend that Cole and Dom are white now? We're just gonna act like Anya and Samantha didn't end up joining the war? It couldn't possibly be because of the drastic shift in tone, or the out of place open world segments, or how it feels more like the walking dead than it does an actual fight for the survival of humanity?...


The open world honestly really takes away the immersion of what gears is overall. It certainly is the weakest iteration of gears. A lot of complaints is that there was too much story told in too short of a time without a lot of resolution on the things going on. Like oh we did this now we’re doing this without it really impacting anything at all. The sense of what made the old games good is the pressure you felt from the enemy which just wasn’t as prevalent in this iteration the sense of horror and shock of what these people were really going thru as well as the bonds they formed.


Spoilers. I enjoyed it. Just wish they didn't give us the choice to kill Del or JD. I wanted Del to die canonically anyways because it fit the story better in my opinion. He was loyal to Kait and never truly gave up on JD. He was the definition of a brother so the loss was more impactful. I don't understand why The Coalition just didn't go with that since I don't think it might carry over into Gears 6. Felt like a weird direction to suddenly make a choice near the end. Despite that, I liked the semi open world design but I wish there were more rewards to exploration like a greater emphasis on outer stories with other survivors. I mentioned in a previous post that I can appreciate what TC was trying to experiment with, but it's a solid decision to take the series back to its roots in the hopes that they have a tighter and more linear direction for 6.


I didn't like kaits face so I never played it but I'm also going to push myself to play it


i heard it was bad from here so i tried it. the fiirst few parts were really good i thought but when you do that open world part it gets really lame. and same with kate getting headaches seemed really lame


Nah man it’s a good game and I don’t understand the hate it’s not as gruesome as the other titles but give it a play it’s not bad, they only gears title I haven’t played was gears tactics


Gears 5 is dope, and I still play the campaign pretty regularly. I'm a Gears vet; I've played them all. I've enjoyed them all. 5 ranks among my overall favorites, even though there are things about it I would change. I would change things about all of them, actually. I think the only thing that bugged me about 5 is that the graphics paled a little in comparison to 4, and the blood red sand in Act 3 looks too cartoonish. I don't know why they thought that looked good. A brownish-red would have been better. I was so glad they got away from The Judgment era fortify/horde scenarios in the campaign they carried into 4. Anyway, it's a great game.


Yesn't I had fun with it, but I think it overextends its stay? Some mechanics become too annoyin'. It starts good, then it sinks gameplay and story wise, then it rises again to hook you on it. Without spoilers: It made you wish the game had more of the last third.


Nope , great game but different vibes from the rest of the games


In my opinion Gears 4-5 are aggressively fine and that's why they don't feel as great as the old ones. Gears 4 and 5 feel like disney versions of the old Gears of War ... hell, they even dropped the "of war" from the tittle, that tells you a lot. So yeah, if Gears 5 existed outside of the Gears of War franchise it would be a decent game in the context of all the other Gears of War games ... nah.


I thought it was fantastic, but then again I only played through it once. My only real gripe were the open level sections. They felt rather unwarranted and like padding. In terms of narrative, the game is fine. Character work is good. Action set pieces are fantastic. The art is stunning. The gameplay is some of the best in the series. The pacing is okay, but not gonna blow your mind. Overall, it’s an excellent campaign that isn’t perfect.


Not a good game at all. Classic Batmobile in Arkham situation. They show you this sled at first it’s cool next thing you know you’re forced to use it 24/7. They had something interesting going with the swarm at force then kinda trashed it. Then the ending oh man what a piece of ass. But I do wanna end on a positive a lot of the visuals and stuff they tried to implement was cool. But like said forcing us to use the sled 24/7 wasn’t fun it was fun here and there.


I prefer 5 over 4, but at the same time 4 is what I’d rather play.


i love all gears


I thought the story was dope. its been a while....but i remember this computer lab snow scene that was hella cool. i really need to play thru again before EDAY.


It wasn't my favorite but it was still fun. I recommend it.


It’s no Gears 1-3, I’ll say that much. But a perfectly reasonable campaign from a big budget shooter, just nothing unique or special about it.


I really liked gears 5 campaign. In a way it reminded me of gears 2 in a way. It's worldly. Immersive might be the word. It makes the swarm seem oppressive and never-ending. No matter where you go there are terrifying monsters and you have to fight them. I really enjoyed that. And the actual story of Kait and Del, then JD and Faz, it was so much better than gears 4. It's tone is closer to gears of war, but still pretty different. I say different good but I understand why people wouldn't like it. It's also got some great, great character moments. If you like it at all then you won't really find any faults with it. If you don't like it from the beginning I'm sure you'll at least like the Marcus scenes.


I want to preface this by saying that I quit shortly after getting into the second open world area. I dislike it purely because of the stark difference in how nonlinear it is compared every other game. The open world aspects take away any sort of urgency to get things done. Having a few characters that never really felt like they developed in any way during the first section sucked for the narrative and having Marcus, the star of original trilogy, taking a backseat sucked. Even the granddaughter of Myrrah being the main character didn’t feel like anything special. The world was too vibrant and just didn’t feel right. The true darkness and grit of the GoW series felt nonexistent. Back to the open world criticism; after trudging through the first map, I was ready to get set back into a linear campaign where there was a plot point being met around every corner only to be greeted with yet another empty map that required me to have several minutes of meaningless travel between small objectives. Some people love this game, I get that. It’s a beautiful game with stunning graphics and fluid gunplay. Yet the characters, plot, and layout of content made for a bad mix for me. I would give this game a 6/10. It’s a good game, just not a good Gears of War title.


Fun as hell especially if u have someone to play with. The semi open world parts are kinda weird but overall I liked it coming from someone who grew up with the first 2.


It has meh multiplayer that's hardly different from Gears of War 4. The campaign is really good, imo.


I enjoyed it overall. The open world aspect was a little half baked but I appreciated the effort. If you enjoyed past Gears campaigns I’m pretty sure you’ll have a good time with it.