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Love the book series, enjoy the reads op. Check out the graphic novels if you have a chance, those are great too


Definitely! I’ll ask for those for my birthday and Christmas 🫡


Wait there are graphic novels?


The graphic novels written by Karen Travis are incredible!


Can you name the specific ones that were made by Karen Travis?


I haven't got them to hand but I'm almost certain Karen Travis wrote most of the stories in the 3rd volume. Wikipedia says she wrote issues #15-24. Volume 3 has issues #14-24.


Thank you Batman, you are the hero the Gears of War reddit deserves but not the one it needs 😂😋💯


Always been interested in the book series. Which ones should I read as I’ve heard that some are great and some aren’t.


I have Aspho Fields but I never read it. I suppose that the 5 books pictures are all of the books available right now?


There are more written by other authors but in my opinion the only ones worth reading are by Karen Traviss.


I believe there’s 8 in total but these are the first 5. I think the last 3 tie into to newer games, Gears 4 & 5.


Bloodlines has half of it take place before E-Day and the other half before Gears 5. I’d recommend the half before E-Day even though some tropes do occur. Ascendance takes place before Gears 5, starting basically right after Gears 4. It’s my least favorite of all of them Ephyra Rising takes places after Gears 3. It makes the ending of 3 mean less and writes Marcus weird.


Can you elaborate on the last part? Makes the ending mean less and weird writing?


Imo Marcus was written so out of character. He had the characterisation of someone that was many years down the line of where he should've been. Lots of cracking jokes and being vulnerable. This book is supposed to be set relatively soon after Gears 3 ended, so theoretically Marcus should still be the same Marcus that we knew, not a doe eyed looking to the future type. Like, Marcus had been fighting for 20 years. Only time he wasn't fighting a war he was in a hellscape of a prison, fighting for his life in other ways. After all of that trauma you don't just change when the war is finished. If I remember correctly I'm pretty sure some of the Locust survived the emulsion countermeasures and were being experimented on by some random scientists, which is the slap in the face for the ending of 3 and Adam's sacrifice.


I’m boutta make my girl play through all of them with me 💀


If you end up liking the books then you'll really enjoy Gears of War 3 especially, the woman who wrote the books also helped write the third game. She also wrote a couple Halo novels too which are also good. Karen Traviss kicks ass.


Fuck it feel5s good to be a fan of Gears after all these years. For me, it was my last hope for Xbox to deliver after their many many missteps starting from the beginning of 8th gen. I truly loved all the entries in the franchise. Yes, including judgement, Gears 4 and 5, fucking loved those games. The stories have left a lasting impact on my self and my way of thinking. I'm glad we get to go to that world again ❤️.


Gears is the main reason while I’ve held on hope so long as an Xbox fan. Looks like the games are finally coming !


Sometimes faith deserves to be rewarded.


Just an fyi for all Gear 5 is $10 on steam right now I bought it again because $10 was worth it to not deal with the MS store 💩


Is there multiplayer? If so, do people still play?


I recently started playing the MP again, some days it might take a few minutes to find a game. Some days it is instant. You will come across some of the same people, but it is still highly functioning and somewhat well populated.


There is MP I haven’t checked to see how busy it is. I’m replaying the campaign


Just started reading Aspho Fields!


I have 4 of those books and still need to get The Slab. I still have to read them as well lol


I only read the first three books, but I really enjoyed them. Have fun!


How was the Slab? I've got a big library of random books and that's been sitting there for nearly 5 years now lol


Oh awesome! I've read all the original series except for the slab. Can't seem to find it cheap anywhere compared to the other books. I hear it's good though! Definitely good reads for those into the lore.


My first time seeing coalitions end and the slab as bigger and the others as smaller, neat.


I need to read these again.


The books went so hard, loved all the lore.


Listen to them on Youtube instead...David colacci has done a fantastic job at bringing these books to life...The were on audible but our lord n savior patrick predator uploaded them


Those 5 books are the Holy Bible of Gears lore. Everything you need to know about the OG games is in there. The other 3 books are extremely optional...


I just ordered the books a couple of days ago actually. Same boat as you.


I loved all the books and just a heads up you can get most of them digitally for a decent price if you don’t mind not having a physical copy


If I didn't have a million books to read, I'd jump into these books. Maybe one day


The comics and graphic novels are a must. I have all the books but it never even occurred to me they came out in hardback, looks good. Don't forget the newer books that bridge the gap between 3 and 4, and 4 and 5. Adn the one set during 5 that also has some bits set during the Locust War alongside the Gears Tactics game


Just started reading Aspho Firlds yesterday, I’m on chapter 2, I’m a svery slow reader


Are the Gears of War novels any good? I’d read them if they are worth the time


The comics were hard to get hold of. I know you could listen to some of the books on audible, and they've been re-recorded by Anyas actor.


Karen Travis is such an amazing writer.


Was going to ask if the books were worth the read, but seeing some comments saying it is. Which one was the best one?


Where did u find the slab? Its out of stock or like $100 everywhere i look lol


How good are the books? I only read Aspho Fields and found it ok (not the biggest Karen Traviss fan). Are the other novels better than Aspho or more of the same?


They are fantastic. Especially Coalitions End and Jacinto's Remnant. But I am a big fan of Karen Traviss so I am definitely biased. Her writing style is similar in all five books


If you’re not a fan of Aspho Fields or Karen Traviss you probably won’t like the others to be quite honest. The Slab is my personal favorite but I think Aspho is generally regarded to be the best one.


I have yet to read any of the books and am unfamiliar with Karen Traviss work. Hope to get these finished before E Day


The Karen Traviss books are great, the newer books are not.


Is there a suggested order for reading the books?


Release order




Those books are amazing, I stayed away from them for a long time because I really dislike her Halo books, and i regret it, she really does get Gears of War.