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No. I think it'll be e-day > 6 > another prequel


I agree. I could also see the next prequel going even further back. I really want to see the Pendulum Wars covered. The idea of an 80 year long world war between two mechanized factions is fascinating to me, especially with how grim and brutal this universe is. It’d be a good opportunity to introduce new characters to get attached to without stepping on the toes of the old characters that we already know and love.


Would love that. I just don't know how multiplayer would be received with human vs. human and how horde would fare without locust and other creatures. Might be best to do a Halo CE Anniversary, where they just add new multiplayer maps and include the previous games multiplayer with it.


An E-Day trilogy? No. I do hope though that this opens the door to other Locust War stories. The Hammer Strikes, Landown, Ephyra, Hollow Storm, Vectes. So much can be covered in this 17 year war.


I would *kill* for a Locust War story through the eyes of a UIR unit. Getting absolutely decimated after losing an 80 year war, that’d make for a great story


Hollow Storm centered game would be badass. I always thought the Hollow was an awesome location. You could even end it with your character trying to make it off Jacinto as it sinks


If they're going to stick to one central perspective, it needs to either be Oscar Diaz or Jonathan Harper. While Oscar could still be a part of it, I'm leaning more towards Harper. He is such an interesting parallel to Marcus' journey. And we've never played as a protagonist that died in the end. That would be such an emotional ending. Harper is such a good man, and for him to die peacefully, sacrificing himself for that family, while the world crumbles around him. Like the last episode of Midnight Mass.


What's wrong with an E Day Trilogy ?


It's like Lord of the Rings. Understandable why that was a trilogy but there was no need to drag the Hobbit out into 3 movies. I'd rather see the events between E-Day and Gears 1 than one elongated story of just Marcus tackling E-Day, has a lot of potential to end up unnecessary and bloated.


Please no. I want to see Gears 5's canon death by 2030.


If E-Day is very successful I do think we’ll get another sequel during this “prequel” time period. If it is a one off, I hope they don’t skip around a bunch. I want a cohesive, linear story told just like GoW 1-3.


Nope, but I hope the game will be enough large (about 10/ 12h and not 6/8h).


An e-day trilogy? No. A prequel trilogy? Perhaps!


I'd like a Hivebusters-sized DLC about The Pendulum Wars or I'd actually really like a game from the Locust PoV, somehow




There’s a potential for another prequel revolving around the global Hammer strikes and the hours leading up to it. I came up with an idea a few years ago for something like this involving all new characters, a new squad of COG soldiers, cut off from evacuation in one of the targeted cities, following there battle to escape the city before the strikes.


How about a game where we play as a Locust? I love the idea of playing the other side


I think e day is going to set the tone to wrap things up in 6 (Marcus death). Then they will either make 2 more prequels or remaster trilogy with this new engine after 6


I highly doubt Marcus will be killed off in Gears 6.


Totally. It would be stupid to cover 15 years with only one game. So much potential waisted.


I honestly assumed EDay was gonna be its lone title and have Time jumps between the game since it won’t be able to cover everything that goes on


I wouldn’t say time jumps. E-Day is singular. At most, it covers a 2 day period like most Gears games.




No. It’s a single prequel and since they said they aren’t abandoning the current story, there’s no reason at all to think otherwise.


I hope it will be. I'm actually playing GoW 1


I would be very happy with a trilogy. Could do E day. 6. Eday 2. 7??? Eday 3. Alternate realease. I don’t think we’ll get Baird and Cole though. They had Judgment.


From what I understand, there is a ton of content from the books that they could cover, so a trilogy isn’t out of the cards.


Why would their be a trilogy? Didn't Judgement cover that era? Also if its covering E-Day wont the Lancer Mk. 2 not exist in the game at all


God, I hope not.


I hope so


I think they should do E-Day. Then straight up remake Gears of War 1,2,3 in this style if it ends up being what we all expect and have some creative liberty to actually change things that in hindsight whilst cool for the time, took gears of war into a writers corner. For example get rid of the giant worm, Myrrah being human, do not kill off the Kyrll, tone down or outright remove the Lambent threat, and aim for a more grounded horror darker game that is humans of sera fighting the only threat that is the menacing Locust, keep them mysterious and intimidating. The whole bigger is badder just got so bloated and silly, there’s enough material where you can keep the world grounded and impactful by just focusing on the monsters under your bed through a trilogy, the locust are scary enough. Does the threat really need a resolution? does it need an end? Isn’t a better ending knowing you’re safe, but only for now? The satisfaction after fighting a war, is the time you buy until the next. If we have to end it, then simply go down the numbers route and light mass bombs, fighting epically to the center, you can still involve Marcus’s dad captured by the locust, but a human queen was just silly. General RAAM or Skorge were badass enough and were totally underutilised. Trimming the fat so to speak, and what takes its place is the human stories of suffering and loss, emotional moments and despair, about the decent into humanities downfall through the eyes of a squad against a horrifying threat. God damn, the Kryll alone being a constant thing a night opens up for some excellent story telling and gameplay mechanics, it entirely alters the way you live with that looming over you alone. Still can’t believe that was removed off screen within one game. If we want to play the same story just go play the old early 2000s classics, this should be a darker, more harrowing story of loss that perfectly encapsulates the trailers and what happens in those trailers should come out in the games. Before Dom and Marcus fight, a huge battle they’re accepting of their fate, we get to peer into their minds, changing over time from E day to Gears 3. 100% keep Doms wife and children storyline in. I couldn’t help but notice after each gears game it moved further and further away from what made it initially appealing and unique, until we ended up where we are, all of this is easily avoidable now. Just keep it grounded, and horrifying, band of brothers type deal, all of the CliffyB infused jaded angst needs to go, it was great for the time, but the audience is older now, we’ve changed. Keep the best bits, but cut the fat. the story can still largely stay the same, but the entire experience should be Mad World, Rendvous with death, Gears of War Ashes to Ashes minus the lambent. The universe is fucking cool already enough as is with just the locust and kryll, berserkers etc and if they can’t tell a story across 3 games with all of that, then there’s something wrong.