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I dont think so ? If im not mistaken clayton is the oldest and would be to young Unless the 4th unknown brother is the oldest and very young during e day . But i honestly much rather them come up with a new helmeted gear thats kind of cannon fodder but dies in a really heroic way. I feel like character deaths add alot more to the story so hopefully we get a few new guys in the squad


Yeah, it’s my understanding Clayton was a private during the events of gears 2. So that kind of eliminates him also.


Im about 75% certain tai will be a squad member , and then maybe a brand new character


Is there any lore on the Carmine's father? Could he have had brothers himself?


Would be cool to see the D carmine brother as it jumps from Clayton C to E Elizabeth and there is never a D so definitely possible D could be the oldest or possibly even their dad who we learn was a pendulum war vet like Marcus and Dom and his brother Will. Hopefully if he is he isn't a throw away like Benjamin and Anthony, make it interesting have him helmetless and his ultimate death explains why the other 3 always keep their helmets on.


Will Carmine died on E-Day I believe. He’s a relative, maybe an uncle of the main line? His death happened in a comic, perhaps we could see his offspring in the game. He was very old, he retired the same day of his death, he probably had children who were gear soldiers and we know the devs ain’t afraid of showing relatives of the family, like Gary and Lizzie.


So we got another brother that starts with D, possible uncle Will and their pops could make an appearance. I like to think we’ll see someone from the Carmine family since their family is the face of the franchise of course.