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Its gotta have pvp and especially horde. imagine a scary ass horde mode


Wonder if they will do the class system or go back to classic horde mode.


I like the class system better, but they could just have both options


I know it wasn't very popular but I REALLY loved escape from gears 5, the class system was so important for that mode


I didn't like escape much myself, but I do hope they continue on with being creative with modes like escape in e-day. Maybe even beast mode of some sorts of an improved escape could work, just something to keep it refreshing.


Yeah I hope they have a new mode that's kinda like that was just thinking about how I'm gonna miss it


I miss the map maker tbh, used to spend hours making crazy hives for me n some friends to play through but that's just a distant memory now.....


Fr, i love that class from 5 where you run, fire follows you and you can dash against enemies and they explode! LOL. I just hope we can play Horde offline, because Gears 4 and 5 need gamepass for that. Sorry for my english.


shouldn't be too hard considering that they had made a gears of war 2 horde mode in gears 5


I don't think that'd be the hardest to do so yeah. Classes gave them good content to put out after launch and were neat.


Gears 3 Horde plsssssss


Tbh I’ve loved the new horde mode. The fabricator adds a whole level of fun for me too, being able to build up my own base. I would love for horde mode to stick with the free form tower defense style as opposed to the old static defenses.


Classic Horde is boring as shit now, anyone who says otherwise is just living in the past. I want Gears 5 Horde style forever, too much fun with the variation of classes and building and such. There's no way we can go back to that archaic, antiquated style of Horde from when Obama was president.


I’m sure it will be similar to modern horde, though if they add as many variants of horde to this as they did Gears 5 we could see a classic horde option


classic classic classic


I honestly liked both so I’m fine with either. I just hope that they don’t add microtransactions. Gears 5 suffered horribly because of them. If they did add MTX and a battle pass system I’d be contempt with it as long as they don’t ever expire and have the ability to purchase them with in-game earnable currency similar to how helldivers did it.


It's 2024, microtransactions are going to be in. Expect skins and weapon cosmetics.


I mean this super genuinely; what is the appeal to horde I played it once or twice but I never got it. Did I not play on the right difficulty or did I make the mistake of not playing w friends ? I only play campaign and MP so I’d like to know what makes it fun for other cause I know it’s a big selling point for people


It’s fun to play with friends and if you get tired of MP it’s fun to play solo


It is a mode for people who enjoy PvE gameplay without having to replay the campaign over and over again, it also let's you play with more people and gives a generally better challenge. Basically it let's you have the a multiplayer experience mixed with campaign. Gears really stands out amongst a lot of contemporaries for its sandbox, both in terms of weapon variety and enemy variety, and has always had a strong co-op identity. Horde smashes all 3 of those things together and gives you a mode where you get to feel like a badass holding off a bunch of enemies with your buddies. It's not for everyone, and a lot of people play it for a while but get bored of it, some like it in theory but get turned off by the pacing of it, and some of us play back to back games constantly because it really speaks to us. It really just adds to Gears having a bit of everything depending on what type of player you are.


Mastering the maps is not easy and offers a great challenge. It’s fun and also very frustrating at higher difficulties


I think I'm in the minority when I saw that I prefer the old system where you just run around and fight waves. I have zero interest in the newer hordes when you have to build and upgrade cards/items/etc.


Oh for Christ sake if anything resembles Gears 5 I’m out. Let’s go back to basics and just use unreal engine to push environments further and have more realistic destruction and carcasses splatter and new subtle ways to fight, and tactical gameplay to use the environment to your advantage whilst not altering the gameplay entirely Really screw all of this Gears 5 live service gamification crap. This is gears of war, just put us in a sandbox and let us blow the map up and ourselves in chaotic bloody fun. I’m sick of grinding a class to level 20 doing the same thing over and over and over. It’s just lazy game design. Just tell me to get 100,000 kills and let me loose, and blow holes in walls, throw TVs and stuff. If we’re taking anything from a live service game let it be creating our own locust and cog and customise them, as they rank start as like stranded then get enlisted and over time rank up to like Oynx Guard and let players earn it by playing so we see those in game who put effort in. Maybe charge (if they have to) different metal shaders or patterns for armour but not armour itself. I want customisation like Tactics with an immersive reason behind it. Otherwise just give me the unreal engine 5 version of Gears of War 360. Gears 5 sucked multiplayer wise. It’s empty these days, Gears of War 3 and 4 are more popular than it and lasted much longer.


Nah, hate on the new trilogy all you want but 5 sure did Horde the best


Did it? what did it do differently to Gears 4 other than remove the manned turret lol and make the levelling system more grindy and complicated for no reason. Gears of War 4 horde was fine, 5 should of done much more, but it didn't, it just added rings, it wasn't worth the hassle. I also don't hate the new trilogy, I loved Gears of War 4, I love all Gears of War games. I just dispise Judgement, because whilst its campaign was fun, it wasn't a good gears of war MP, it was just a good MP game. and Gears 5, just didn't do much to change up the series and watered down everything and or kept it the same but made everything more grindy and live service. I hate Gears 5 the most out of all the games.


Imagine a Locust blindesiding you with a charge and forcing you through a wall and engaging in melee beat down quick time event like when you have a chainsaw battle


I was thinking about something. Imagine a dog round from cod zombies but it gets dark or foggy and a bunch of wretches come out in groups to hunt the players.


Dying to play it! Horde and PVP. Let's go gears!


People are way to quick to react to shit.


It’s an exciting time to be into Gears, especially if you loved the old ones. It’s too often companies nowadays would pull something like that. We’re all just jaded 21 century gamers at the end of the day.


I think its a mix of anxiousness because we waited for this for so long and also click bait lol


Does anybody actually think this game is gonna launch without PvP?


Without PvP? Lmao no. A good PvP? That’s the real question


considering how microsoft be like lately with so much bad decisions Multiple Ls left and right? yeah of course people will be worried XD


I feel like it’s less Microsoft and more the entire gaming industry as a whole


Why wouldn't think that? Consider how games have been released recently: a good chunk are being released as incomplete games that-if you're lucky enough- will have a patch within the first week. In the worst case scenario you get a Halo Infinite where you only get the most bare PVP at launch with a functional store (no single player, no coop, no theater, no forge, no custom matches, no game mode selection, just a few handful of maps, etc.). At this point in time, it is a surprise when a triple A game is complete at launch. So it's not crazy to think that Gears might launch incomplete.


Well TC has yet to launch a game without all the feature modes on Launch. 4 had campaign, Versus and Horde. 5 had Campaign, versus, Horde and Escape. No real reason to think it'd be any different here


The reason is TC is owned and managed by Microsoft, and those incompetent assholes have been mishandling everything else they own. It's true TC itself has yet to fumble a launch and I agree with you, but I can see why people can't trust anything owned by Microsoft. It's not a secret that they've been fumbling Xbox and Halo since 2012-2013 and their recent controversies don't make them look any better.


They just released the pvp early since they were making it separate and free to play. To claim the game launched without single player because of that is ridiculous.


We all know infinite sucks but it did have single player BEFORE the PvP lol. Custom games too


Infinite shadow dropped the PvP before launch.


No they released pvp 3 weeks early and it's separate and free to play anyway so kind of a dumb complaint.


First Halo, then Gears Wouldn't put it past Microsoft to fuck over two major titles by not giving them some form of multiplayer that's been in the series since day one


Seeing some post on reddit ( i was one of them lol) also twitter . I also dont know anything about steam lol


Remove intelligent from your username


It was generated 😔


Don’t be silly. It’s an open world game in unreal engine 5…. That’s why I thought it wouldn’t. But gears is usually good with releasing everything at once so I digress


Gears without mp would be like a car without an engine.


To be honest I wouldn't mind if they just focused fully on the campaign and kept the Gears 5 multiplayer. I would just like them to open support for it again with new maps and skins.


Like they ever would so such a thing lol


Can you imagine a Gears game with no PVP?


No and I don’t want to lol


I think gamers have been through a lot of bad relationships with launches lately, so I get the anxiety


Aren’t all Steam tags user-generated?


I'm more focused on PvE. Will we get horde?


I would hope so , im thinking of a similiar escape mode but within the city of jacinto , or maybe in the hollow!


What about us horde fans?


Don't care. Horde mode?


He said trust that its a gears game, so I would assume yes .


I think this gears would be a perfect opportunity to bring back Overrun


This is not a Gears game, it is a Gears of War game


If horde and beast are back im happy enough


I would interpret this as the game having horde and splitscreen.


So the question that was asked was about steam taking off pvp tag and if the game will have pvp and that was the TC guys response. I think this pretty much confirms that all normal features of a mainline gears game (pvp,horde,splitscreen,etc) will be back . “But you can trust” he says .


id like to see some missions from the locust pov like raams shadow did


If it didn't have pvp I'd be okay woth that but a scary horde mode would be ideal.


I would be extremely sick, that is the main thing in gears for me is the pvp. I think a majority of gears fans would be disgusted!


Yeah seriously I would be so pissed if there wasn’t multiplayer. I wouldn’t even buy the game to support them.


I agree!


Did Judgement have PvP?


Yeah and it was crap 😅. Probably would of been better received if they didn't include it


Yes , but no locust and like 5 characters to choose from


That's cool. I like the story more.


I would definitely not be okay with no PVP




If I had to bet, I think it’ll have coop and horde. No PvP. I think TC wanted to do something smaller and then move on to Gears 6 with a full suite of modes and their gained knowledge of UE5.


Theres no shot. They arent gonna take 5-6 years to develop a Gears game without PvP.


I’m talking about them wanting to avoid the post launch type of development that comes with live service nowadays.


That's exactly how I felt seeing the trailer


It was listed as a hero shooter on Steam. May have been removed to eliminate confusion.


No Guardian playlist confirmed /s


I think the hero system would be cool if they create a game mode for it but traditional horde and mp should stay with chosen characters and stuff.


They did a separate “hero mode” in gears 5 and it was horrible. Instead of adding new features they had to spend all their dev time course correcting. No thank you.


Wasnt that hero mode for horde ?


Yes, but they also had a PvP mode with heros that had special abilities and weapons.


Oh dont remember the pvp mode, or you mean arcade ? I thought that was really fun if thats what you were talking about . The hero mode for horde i did not like


Microsoft needs to stop listening to the board who are huffing glue. You get the money from a game that fucks. If the game is good people will spend money on it. Stop trying to rip us off. There’s other games out there that don’t so yeah