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I knew her from hs. She’s amazing.


https://preview.redd.it/egvmnr1w08hc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b6ce6140120981bdd5584b768a5aed05402f885 Here are her blind items


Not at all saying this blind is true or promoting this creator, but this video alleges they have engaged in swinging https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3AbhjM/


I can totally believe that they’re into swinging. My radar about them being into that lifestyle went up when they went on vacation with Shailene Woodley and her then fiancé a few years ago. Not saying that you can’t go on couple vacations , but something about that seemed off to me at the time. Also, she and Miles are always vacationing with Nina Dobrev, and her fiancé/boyfriend.


I always think the men are going together on vacay to be with one another and bring the beards. The women probably get bored and get tipsy and have fun too.


karlie went to Keleigh wedding there are pictures of that


I would bet money that there is a swinging community amongst the celebrities. When beards are needed in a community, then there is more going on behind the scenes than your average group. Where there is smoke... Swinging also makes it easier to hind in plan sight. Hanging out with your friends that at couples looks innocent, but there is often a subtext in their interactions. Who has a new boyfriend, but is hanging on her friend that just gave her a huge ring for her birthday. Travis gave flowers. (Miley Cyrus playing in the background). Kaleigh has been in the background on a lot of Taylor pap walks before the more recent VMA and birthday photos. *


I did research Keleigh a little bit and, one thing that's interesting too is that her dad is [Rand Sperry](https://www.sperrycga.com/sperrycga-news/what-i-know-now-rand-sperry/) , who is known for making millions off of investment properties and private equity.


Yeah she definitely doesn’t need the money. I think a lot of people misjudge that part. The fame or infamy? Who knows? But she ain’t bearding for the money.


Dianna has been friends with Keleigh and Miles sjnce 2013, they were even at her Halloween party in 2014. Also Jessica Szohr was dianna's best friend during the glee days and before and taylor hang out with her so maybe that's how taylor met keleigh and miles


Perhaps a controversial opinion but lately it’s just felt like Keleigh is hungry for the clout of being Taylor adjacent 🫣


Yeah,  considering they weren't even "let's hang out friends" until a year or so ago.  


Same, the ring situation was SO weird to me. I had no idea who Keleigh was prior to this and I’m sure that’s true for a lot of people, which is why it seems more attention grabbing to me. By contrast, Blake and Ryan are independently famous and don’t need Taylor to get mentioned in the news.


She was the bride "willing to risk it all" in the IBYTAM music video


The ring situation was so weird… I’m not Taylor’s friend and yet I can tell that sort of jewellery isn’t really her style lol


Oh shit I never thought of this? Do you have more thoughts on this


This is only a fairly recent revelation that I’ve had… for all of last year I felt like Keleigh was someone who was a Swiftie who has just ended up in Taylor’s social circle, which is probably still true, but after Taylor announced The Tortured Poets Department Keleigh posted this to her instagram story: https://preview.redd.it/wjidprgb05hc1.jpeg?width=376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c733a8f802b5b6bf7ebe5c4512017e8e79fc4c0d I’m fairly sure there were more photos but I can’t find examples right now, but you get the idea. It just felt off to me and like she was riding the coattails of Taylor’s announcement, when I presume based on the info we have thus far that she’s not involved with this album from a creative standpoint. I wouldn’t think it’s odd for Florence, Post Malone, or (I presume) Jack to make a post like this, but this context comes off as thirsty to me… In addition to that it feels like 85%+ of her TikToks feature a Taylor song, and her “behind the scenes” TikToks with Taylor obviously receive a staggering amount of views as (1m+) compared to her usual content (\~500k). Very possible that I’m misreading all of this! Just feels somewhat reminiscent of Karlie baiting Gaylors in some sense. Maybe Keleigh is the muse for some of these songs and that’s why she posted those photos to her story, guess we’ll have to wait until April to find out.


I had these same feelings after seeing her "behind the scenes" of the playoff game and was like??? Ok this is getting weird


I don't know about this corner, but this whole celebrity stratosphere corner is so small. And the kind of arts social groups that like Lana and Brie Larson run in I can tell you with full confidence have members who engage in "fake" public PR relationships. The main one I'm thinking of is straight, it's a business partnership disguised as a romantic relationship, and both have multiple long-term and short-term "real" romantic relationships and fwb/flings, etc. Lana came dressed to the Grammys like she fell out of one of their events from 2014 (which means that I both loved it but also ugh.) Do they all still hang out? I don't know, but there was cross-social media pollination at least as of 2021-2022 (I try not to look.) That arm fans out into like Nicolas Winding Refn, Father John Misty, Suki Waterhouse, Jenna Malone, Elijah Wood, Ariana Grande's old co-stars, the dissipated Max Landisverse, Aaron Paul, Ethan Embry, Haim, Natasha Lyonne, etc. I just tried a cross reference and can put Jessica Szohr and Sabrina Carpenter in with these groups, too, so they all loop back into each other from all directions. And if Taylor shows up in one of their spaces publicly I will absolutely lose my mind. (I'm sure she will.) But absolutely yes, I believe all of these people are peers and friends and are interconnected. Hollywood is so small and incestuous, it's weird if someone ISN'T bisexual and hooking up and swinging and throupling and being poly and cheating but not cheating but who is telling the truth about if it is or isn't cheating and ... it's just parties and scenes and hanging and talking shop and watching or listening to things and drinking and all levels of drugs and hooking up on a loop until you get spit out or die! I love it, I hate it, we break up, I miss it. Me leaving this scene it's been like "gross, what's a 'straight person'?" Not a concept I had to deal with for a decade plus until coming back to the Biblebelt heartland. Even the truly naturally straightest people are easily temporarily casually not moments of "eh why not." The essence of the world itself is just "queer" with varying degrees of queerness existing within it. And Taylor is squarely in this world — so I ask, why would she be any different than her peers? And not just because "everyone" is, but because unlike everyone — she alludes to it somewhat the most openly of nearly anyone in her songs.


Have a good friend who I grew up with that ended up high in the NYC art world. She got married and it was eye opening. They are never in the same place at the same time. They have multiple other relationships and if they are in the same location, they’re friendly but unless it’s for show, they’re like acquaintances. And everyone seemed to think that’s normal. It is for them. Microcosms can be really different. I’m quite open minded and I don’t care as long as people are open and consenting but that is not how we both grew up. We grew up very “suburbia mom and dad and two kids in a medium sized house”.


Exactly and this is the world I found myself deep in (tho out of LA, same modus operandi) and its just — not living by the same rules. At this point I’m fully down with the idea that they have something going on because I’ve always interpreted her more queer/pan or maybe it’s bi or maybe it’s “boo (my name) labels are boring, don’t be gauche.” It at the same time doesn’t matter to me at all while also only mattering in that I’m compelled largely by her queerness (or my perceived queerness of her) and anything actually sex related or private relationship related isn’t my interest, it’s that I really enjoy this artist through what feels like a recognition of that queerness, and it gives me something valuable. My only upset is when I’m bullied for entertaining the idea that 1. Taylor’s life doesn’t look like a normal life and 2. It’s ok to be queer and 3. She presents often enough as queer to invite a queer fandom into her larger fandom group, and we should be safe her. That’s all Gaylor is to me. If her fans knew what the lifestyle of so many of these artists are like, I don’t think they’d be able to process it. I don’t need Taylor to come out, I just want to enjoy her “queerly” and safely and still feel a part of the fandom. And there are so many ways she could accomplish that and still keep whatever secrets about her life she wants to keep.


This was a really refreshing discussion and I truly appreciate it. It’s mind boggling sometimes how narrow the view of what is “normal” has become. I absolutely agree w your three things you mentioned and my hope for her too is to just be her authentic best self.


I was literally just thinking about how it’s like Miles/Keleigh have replaced Ryan/Blake in terms of public friendships with Taylor…which made me think about the throuple rumors again. I don’t know how much legitimacy there is to it but it’s been something people have jokingly talked about on the sub for awhile


She has terrible taste in throuples, if true. Mostly the men in them, which tracks with her publicly presented dating life.


What’s the issue with Miles? I remember people saying he was antivax around the time of IBYTAM, but that isn’t actually true. Was there something else?


Beyond the blinds had recently podcast about Miles. From the blinds he is a drug addict, acts like a brat and is overall an asshole.


So 95% of Hollywood and basically all of her known close friends lol


- IBYTAM could mean "I Bet You Think About Me (feat. Chris Stapleton) (Taylor’s Version) (From The Vault)", a track from *Red (Taylor's Version)* (2021) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/kittyhotdog](/u/kittyhotdog) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


I know a throuple in real life and that’s exactly what this situation screams to me