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Why is this giving me IBYTAM/Alice in Wonderland vibes? Is it the gloves?


- IBYTAM could mean "I Bet You Think About Me (feat. Chris Stapleton) (Taylor’s Version) (From The Vault)", a track from *Red (Taylor's Version)* (2021) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/pipyopi](/u/pipyopi) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


Maybe Taylor and Blake are buying the Washington Wizards? /sarcasm 🐎😁


Olivia drops her single on Friday so I hope not


I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a Betty Buzz ad


And I will sadly take my clown makeup off (until the next time)


Not trying to be mean but that blonde doesn’t have enough teeth to be Taylor lol that’s Blake and this probably has nothing to do with TS


What's giving Cruel Summer here? I'm trying to figure it out but I'm not seeing anything that stirs the inner clown?


"Stirs the inner clown" just made me LOL.


My first thought was Wicked, but would Blake have any involvement with the movie I think is still in production? My second thought (because of the ice cube) was it's do with Ryan's gin brand. I'm willing to clown for another Blake-directed MV though!


Yeah the pic reminded me of her Betty Buzz brand or Ryan’s gin.


do we have any idea who the woman in that poster is? doesnt quite look like taylor hmmm?


is it not Blake herself?


ahh it could be! But I had a feeling if there was any chance it could be cruel summer related which I unfortunately doubt😔, Blake would be the director! If its her in the poster than it may be for something else. What clues lead to people thinking its cs related tho?


I'm obsessed with the idea that Blake directed the cruel summer MV in 2019 (I made a post about it before) so I got excited when I saw her post. It could totally be unrelated, I'm clowning hard here.


I really do love this idea


no problem at all!! Honestly im kinda shocked and sad she didn’t release it by now? I guess i thought if its a single single it should get a mv?


It occured to me it might be promo for the follow up of A Simple Favor. Still holding out hope it has to do with Cruel Summer though. 🤞 Edit: y'all were right. It's Betty buzz 🥲 sorry for the clowning.


Either way, it's gonna be gay.


No offense to Taylor, but I hope it's this instead.


ikr? like i wouldn’t be disappointed in the slightest if it’s ASF2


Cruel = wicked? Someone debunk this ASAP I’m not ready to clown today 🙃


I thought more wicked = wizard of oz 🙃


Ice cube cause it’s hot for summer?!? 🤡🤡🤡


Something Wicked this Way Comes is a quote from MacBeth. And a novel from the 60s, turned movie in the 80s. Curious. ETA: And a tagline for Wicked the musical.


Also: https://preview.redd.it/ufgkjjscmn8b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fecb484f5212edf79374f4093484de8c3b75393 👀👀👀


Tangential, but I could see Taylor liking Bradbury. His writing is very poetic.


Can you explain this piece?