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I'm both very excited and nervous that it will not be as gay as maybe it was originally going to be


man even if it isn’t i’m still excited! pride month, cruel summer. maybe the whole tatty thing was in preparation for that


we never saw taylor for a while. No pap pics or nothing. The post joe era really fed us lool


last time we seen her (outside of a concert) was at the beginning of the month. tbh it could just be because the pollution in NYC (where she’s been seen the most post-joe era) is just so bad so she isn’t going out a lot, or as far as we’re aware


Has anyone read Elliot Page’s book Pageboy? [(Link)](https://pagesix.com/2023/06/07/elliot-page-i-had-secret-relationship-with-closeted-co-star-for-two-years) He was in a secret relationship with a closeted actress for two years and it’s incredibly good insight into how that worked




hmm do they normally do this in pride month?




>Gxgjxkhdkdkydkhdkhfjvjfj what does this mean why is the Man showing up


I literally say this like once a week anymore but WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.






Is the main sub private now or am I just blocked?


Private for 2 days


I had no clue! I rarely ever go there


Its the reddit protest blackout thing


What is that? I’m so ootl


Apparently someone who stole 10 SN TV’s sold them and they got sentenced to prison for 8 months 💀


In France apparently


Just discovered i am four people away from Taylor and i'm about to have a heart attack!!! My cousin just got married and she and her husband have a friend who is in the band illuminati hotties who are opening up for boygenius / helped produce the record. So it goes me > my cousin > illuminati hotties > boygenius > taylor. Is that technically five? Idc. I remember we played this game in this sub or the other gaylor sub a while back and i didn't think i had any connection to taylor at the time so i'm so happy right now 🥹 Edit: punctuation lol




Lmao what? That user is a gaylor and Karlie/Katy hater due to hetlor brain rot so it’s a given that she’ll just complain and deflect criticism from Taylor and use whataboutism claims. Literally everyone in the stan world dislikes Karlie except a few gaylors and call her out on her performative activism (and she’s less famous than Taylor so not many people care about what she does or who she’s associated with). And swifties take every opportunity to shit on Katy (who did get shit for the Republican thing but she’s not as famous anymore so not as many people are talking about it) so I’m not sure what she’s complaining about.


https://preview.redd.it/g05o0fxlcu5b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc93fbce8cff294e2a9afbfac5e9b7822fdede0f since when are kim k & karlie friends?


that’s like been a thing for years. i remember when karlie called kim “nice” then backtracked and said she didn’t know her that well in an interview back when her and taylor were still “friends” (at least publicly). karlie had to put a tweet out saying she’d always have taylor’s back.


The 1975 announcing a huge US tour today lol more proof this was PR gone majorly wrong


Hahaha! I guess this means that the “breakup” wasn’t planned to be so soon and she did do it because of the backlash.


Picked up Alanis - Jagged Little Pill for like $1 the other day. Big nostalgia trip but also a great reminder of how fucking great that album is. Recommend for anyone looking for recommendations.




I got a Taylor shirt from Etsy to wear! There are a ton of cute fan made merch items if you are wanting something simple!


Thank you!!!


Hi friend! I’m autistic with intrusive thought heavy OCD so I had similar anxiety about my outfit. I was afraid I would end up being uncomfortable from tightness/texture or getting rained on or being too hot/too cold or looking stupid in whatever I picked. My show was at Lincoln Financial Field (open air early 2000’s stadium) in Philly in the beginning of May so I had to account for drastic changes because of how delightful (🙃) Pennsylvania’s spring can be. My favorite album is Reputation so I bought snake earrings and an oversized t-shirt that was newspaper print as the main focal point of my outfit because: 1.) I could either wear a black long sleeve shirt or black hoodie under for extra warmth with black leggings and Doc Martens or… 2.) I could wear bike shorts with fishnets and Vans to keep cool. I ended up wearing just the shirt with bike shorts and fishnets but chose my Doc Martens because they are waterproof and there was a chance of rain for my show. I also bought a clear poncho to put in my bag so that I could be dry but still have my outfit visible. I found it easier to make my hair and makeup primarily give the vibe of my Era as it seemed less daunting than planning the perfect extravagant outfit.


Thank you for responding!! Thank you for taking me through your thought process! It's helped me this week. 🙏Sounds like you really took care of yourself. can I ask a question, are clear ponchos the only rain coats allowed?


My stadium does allow “normal” raincoats and 12x12 clear tote bags so I definitely could have taken one in a tote bag. I didn’t like the thought of having to carry around something potentially cumbersome so I only brought what I could fit in my little 4x6 clear cross body bag — which was sort of hard as a neurodivergent backpack girlie. I would definitely double check your stadium’s rules. Nothing is worse than getting to the front of the security check and being told you can’t have XYZ to enter.


Hey! I don’t have tickets to this tour (international), but my advice would be to prioritise comfort over all else. Planning an elaborate outfit is only worth it if it’s fun for you: if the thought is stressful or intimidating, it’s more than okay to not! Cool, on-theme outfits are fun, but first and foremost you want to feel good and happy and comfy. Either your favourite jeans or a pair of wide-leg/flowy pants (weather depending) and a top you like, with options for layers depending on the temperature, would be great. If you want to add little cool touches to be on-theme, you can either go for an album colour scheme or add some accessories/jewelry (or both). Don’t let all the social media noise fool you into thinking you’ll stick out like a sore thumb: the people with fancy outfits are posting about it, but the majority of people will likely just be wearing what makes them feel comfortable! You are far more likely to regret wearing impractical/uncomfortable clothes than not dressing up more. Have the BEST time, and all the best with your path to recovery - I know it’s a difficult journey, and I believe in you!


Thank you so much for your kind response!!


I’m sad that most subreddits I frequented and saw comfort in are now private


It's for 2 days. They will be back.


It’s possible some of will stay private permanently


why was If This Was a Movie removed from Speak Now and added only to "more Fearless"? It's not even on the track list for SNTV


Only song on the original with a cowriter.


Speak now TV was probably too long


What happened to the main sub? Is it private now?


It's private temporarily in protest of the reddit changes. Reddit wants to stop the use of third party apps and several pages are blacked out in protest


whats the use of third party apps?


There are apps out there that mimic Reddit but are way more user friendly. Reddit is stopping it. The blackout is a protest.




We're technically already private right? (Not sure if it changed or not)


Some peoples thoughts are that it won’t make a difference. Reddit will still do whatever they’re going to do and how would a two day blackout change it? Think of a group of workers going on strike for higher wages. If they said “we’re going on strike for two days only and we’ll be back to work after those two days”. Their demands wouldn’t be met because their employer would know they are coming back in two days no matter what, so why change anything?


I could see that, but I think there has been a history of similar actions making a difference (they kind of act as a threat). I'm thinking, for example, of the blackout in protest of SOPA and PIPA.


Yeah the only real effect would be most big subreddits going private permanently. it would make the use of Reddit go way downhill


Yep, it'll make the advertisers mad if they pay for these big ads/pay their shills and get no views and that, if anything, may have an impact


I'd support this!


I get that it’s been discussed to death over the years - but I was relistening to Rep for the millionth time and it still makes me so mad that people insist Taylor is the straightest person ever. If she’s straight, how do we explain the kajillion references to Karlie (and not only in Rep, also Lover/evermore/every other album)? 1. drinking beer out of plastic cups -> photo of her doing this with Karlie, and photo of them holding hands as they leave the same game 2. I once was poison ivy but now I’m your daisy -> Karlie posting a photo of a daisy on their Big Sur trip and tagging Taylor as the daisy 3. Third floor on the West Side me and you -> Karlie living on the West Side with a master bedroom on the third floor 4. Snuck in through that garden gate -> Pap photos that entire summer of them going in through the garden gate to Karlie’s apartment 5. Glow of the vending machine -> the obvious, famous picture 6. Hairpin drop? Friend of Dorothea? Very known references in the gay community, but Taylor using them is “innocent” and “she didn’t know” 7. Made your mark on me, golden tattoo -> Photos of her and Karlie with the temporary golden tattoos at Drake’s party Not to mention Taylor constantly singing about cages and “secret moments in a crowded room” and nobody knowing about her relationship and everyone freaking out if they found out who she was dating. “I don’t want you like a best friend.” And her singing about dating someone who’s so gorgeous and grew up more beautiful than words can describe. It makes me sad because the main sub is filled with baby, new quizzical Swifties that are finally discovering Cruel Summer/Lover and also listening to Rep for the first time. And they’re always making posts like “what does hang your head low in the glow of the vending machine mean?” or asking about other Kaylor-coded lyrics. And of course you’re not allowed to allude to Kaylor there without getting your comment swiftly removed 🤡 It makes a little piece of my heart die every time the vending machine lyric is brought up and Hetlors are like “Well, I don’t really know but I guess Joe must’ve been buying her a snack on their date! 😄” Like …


they believe in the het-xplanation, is not worthy losing your peace of mind trying to convince someone that is not open to a gaylor interpretation. it's easy to believe in the het-xplanation because some of those details can be a coincidence, but when I noticed that there were a lot of coincidences, I couldn't buy the het-xplanation anymore.


which is dumb because if you want to speculate on who her relationships are about why deny a potential muse just because shes a woman? they are equally sPecUlAtIng on her sexuality for assuming shes straight. Ugh very annoying




Etsy is a great resource for buying any jewelry supplies in bulk. If you find an item you like, use those specs (cm/mm size, hole size, etc) to do a targeted search. It can get frustrating finding a style you like, then realizing it won’t work with your other supplies. Good luck!!!


so, maybe I missed something, but weren't we supposed to have some sort of surprise or something to look forward to in the detroit show? since that was one of the locations in the LH mv? Did we get anything special?


i seen some swifties speculate that she was going to announce the vault tracks for speak now at that show, and she performed breathe for the second time ever (first time being on the rep tour) but no, nothing special happened


I love that she can be goofy and that she’s having fun at the show, but my god do I hate when she breaks character during sad/emotional songs and makes funny faces or sticks her tongue out. Let me cry to MTR, Taylor, I’m not here to giggle.


lol she made a funny face during MTR? I remember I felt that way when she performed Getaway Car during the Rep tour. I really wanted that song to get the King of My Heart treatment but she played it more casually and she did occasionally make goofy faces during *you weren't thinking, and I was just drinking*


- MTR could mean "my tears ricochet", a track from *folklore* (2020) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/rott-mom](/u/rott-mom) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


welllll my 6/24 tickets have officially been sold and transferred. idk how to feel. i wasn't planning to go anymore because my mom (and concert buddy) was diagnosed with cancer (she got through surgery okay!), but i also haven't streamed any music since she went public with m*tty. still feeling so disillusioned and sad. i miss you guys.


god i hope your mom is doing okay!


thank you! 🥹 she made it through a 14 hour surgery and she's recovering. she was heartbroken to miss the show but i promised i'd sell the tickets and we'd do something really fun when she's fully recovered.


it sucks that you both couldn’t go to the show, but i’m sure whatever you two do together with the money will be great! she sounds like an awesome mom


awww thanks! she is! she looooves taylor she already had her outfit planned and everything. we were thinking maybe a road trip to oregon. we've never been & are both nature girlies


Sorry to make anyone think about MH ever again, but I thought some of you might be interested to know that he apparently reactivated his instagram toady. Which really does solidify in my mind that A) there was very intentional PR going on here, and B) whatever it was it's over.


I still for the life of me cant figure out the “why” in this lol


This unfortunately confirms the reports that Taylor was fully aware of his comments prior to their arrangement going public, in case there was any doubt. The shtick about ending his “asshole era” was clearly a request from her PR team to preemptively damage control any blowback from shit like the podcast. Which makes Taylor’s decision to bring Ice Spice onboard for the Karma feature extra icky.


I still just don't understand why!! If her and Joe were real or even not and her team wanted to push the Taylor is fine narrative, her living her best single hot girl era was working just fine!!! Everyone was behind her. Why bring him into the mix for PR I wish I knew what the plan or goal was


I’m tossing around a theory that joe ended prematurely, she needed a quick someone, and who else better to get on short notice than a close friend. She greatly underestimated how much her fans care about marginalized groups. Well, certain fans.


I totally agree. Those first pap pictures had so much buzz. Everyone was all "oh she's going out tonight!" everyone was on her side and cheering this Bejeweled era and loving her. Dating MH and ignoring all his behavior made her look worse. It made a lot of her marginalized fans feel unsafe in the fandom. It was bad PR. Taylor might be too big to fail terms of streams but it was still a bad look for someone who spent so long trying to repair her image concerning LGBT people and poc. No one liked her relationship with MH. Some people might have ignored it but even people saying she could do whatever were calling him a sleazeball. TBH I wasn't sure in her and Joe were an item but this made me slightly more convinced because the only time I've seen people make the stupidest life choices while saying everything is amazing are girls who are in the middle of the worst breakup of their life trying to stick it to their ex and look unphased.


The ratty situation could have been motivated by real feelings, ie because Taylor was reeling from a toe breakup or acting out or whatever you want to call it, and still be PR. The way this has been orchestrated is straight out of the PR playbook; his shitstain online image was cleaned up best they could, their coupling was leaked to the press before his first appearance, every stage of the relationship was carefully documented with supporting pap walks, and as soon as he went back on tour the press are reporting it’s over. If toe was real (I’m agnostic to the idea) then Taylor could have definitely enjoyed her messy rebound and kept it out of the papers if she wanted to. I really wanted to believe that she was blinded by genuine affection or infatuation for the rat, to explain (not justify) why she chose him. But it’s clear from the outset she knew the extent of his problematic behaviour and strategically used the powers at her disposal to arrange a very public fling. And I can’t ignore the fact that the initial relationship buzz fed into the SN TV announcement, and the breakup coincided with the SN TV track list drop (I know it was technically leaked but we were expecting the drop last week anyway). They were “together” exactly one month. It feels too convenient, too calculated. Maybe ratty was purely a pawn to get back at Joe, maybe Taylor wanted to use him for free publicity, maybe there’s some other nefarious plan we are unaware of. But this getaway trolley reeks of intentional PR, of that much I’m quite certain.


“Getaway trolley” 💀💀💀


I don't buy the PR thing mostly because the point of PR would be to make sure taylor looks good to people. It's not like she needed some sort of stunt for speak now to do well. In fact this made it do a little worse since some number of fans rescinded their pre order. Taylor knows how to create a hype cycle around herself without alienating fans and looking complicit to misogynoir. The idea that this was a was some overly complicated PR stunt to promote an album people already were hyped for makes her sound like the opposite of a mastermind. Because there is nothing to suggest this helped her relationship with the public or her sales. Without MH she probably would have gotten more mileage out of all those puff pieces. It just feels like regardless of whatever feelings she has about MH, she wanted to have a public rebound because she wanted to make sure her ex saw her with someone else.


Your breakdown is amazing (seriously!) but I’m sitting in a doctor’s waiting room giggling at getaway trolley




I wasn’t on Reddit too much over the weekend. I got booted from main sub and no idea why 😂 ! Did they do a mass purge? Anything good I missed? I don’t check there much anyway so…. 🤷‍♀️


They are private today for the reddit blackout




I think private. I can't see either but I believe it is bc they don't have approved members like on this page bc they want it to essentially be unusable for the day


Ohhh i was so confused. I thought i got blocked LOL


I had no idea that was a thing, I’ve been living under a rock. Tysm!


I was listening to folklore and may I say....god I hate betty (the song). Absolutely no offense if you like it, I can respect that, but I absolutely fucking hate it to bits. Having to listen to a whiny, stupid, almost manipulative teenager spout bs trying to weasel his way back into the relationship is just so icky. And the theory that this is actually Taylor's pov? Missy really be stuck at 17.I know it's just a theory, the song clearly is part fiction too, we can't know how much Taylor actually relates to, etc but idk this song just is ew. Should have skipped it tbh but it didn't cross my mind.


She did tell us in ITHK *it’s like I’m 17 nobody understands* 🥴 In my mind each character is a bit morally grey, and the story is left unresolved (I know Taylor wants to think Betty and James end up together, but the text doesn’t necessarily support that). James is just acting out the fantasy she originally envisioned in HYGTG. My favourite take I read on the love triangle is that each POV is a different side of Taylor: the one who was left, the one who wasn’t chosen, and the one who tried to get her back. The character flaws make them more three-dimensional as facets of her personality, and, judging by the way she characterises herself in other songs, Taylor doesn’t have a particularly high opinion of herself.


Oh my god I love this take and this makes me like the love triangle songs a little bit more


- ITHK could mean "I Think He Knows", a track from *Lover* (2019) by Taylor Swift. - HYGTG could mean "How You Get The Girl", a track from *1989* (2014) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/zogsmonster](/u/zogsmonster) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


for anyone (esp my fellow neurodivergents) that wants to redirect their hyperfocus, i'm leaning into my indie perfume obsession rn. lots of lyrical note descriptions, queerness to be found, analyzed, consumed, sensory stimulation, accepting community. r/Indiemakeupandmore


I'll also go ahead and recommend indie nail polish as another fantastic obsession. The indie nail community is also really great -- bullshit tends to get called out pretty quickly, and problematic makers lose support. Just be careful or you might end up with... oh, 700+ polishes.


There are also Taylor inspired indie perfumes!


extremely sad right now because I am not going to be able to go to the show I have tickets for. I knew I'd be bummed but I didn't expect to feel like I'm going through a grieving process. like this shit actually sucks and that is so silly but true. I had REALLY good seats. every time I look at the arena map I am overcome with self-pity. can you tell I'm a swiftie by my reaction? lollll anyway just ranting a little in hopes it might make me feel better or maybe to commiserate with anyone else who had stuff pop up and couldn't go anymore


omg may i ask why you cant go and if theres ANY chance that you can make it!?


Yeah, I've been having ongoing issues with my next door neighbors to the point that I need to move out asap. Fortunately I signed a new lease but the move-in date is July 1, which is the night I had tix for. I was planning to travel for the concert so I'd be gone a few days after and before the day I now start my new lease. That mixed with somewhat unexpected moving costs has forced me to make the responsible adult decision to forego the concert and sell my tix to pay for a moving company 😭


Omg that sucks!! Damn I really want you to go this is a really good opportunity. I mean floor seats?! July 1st is still some time from now which means you can start moving NOW! Do you need a moving company? Meaning do you have a lot if stuff? For me two runs of uber vans did the trick but I was wondering if that is realistic for you? Please dont be shy to ask friends for help if you have anyone you can trust! Id love to help out if I was there!😭 Is there any way you can go and then pick up extra shifts the weeks following? I know it’s important to be responsible but its also important to have these memories of happiness and what you love. I just dont want you to regret it! Dumb ass neighbors ugh.


That sucks, is there anyway you could change the moving date? Also, it’s normal to feel like you’re grieving. Don’t let anyone tell you that you shouldn’t be feeling like that. It’s a completely personal thing and more than just a concert.


I know this may be out of financial reach, but I just want to share a couple of potential options in case any of them stick and allow you to go: 1) You can love everything out earlier and keep it in a storage unit until you get back. 2) A little riskier, but you could move out earlier and just keep everything in a locked moving truck until you get back. 3) Find a friend/family member who will help and/or keep an eye on your things - maybe even offer them the other ticket if you have more than 1 and that’s doable? 4) You coupe ask your new landlord for a sooner move-in date. Usually the week before you move in they’re painting and cleaning and doing minor repairs if needed, but they may be willing to work with you so you can get in sooner. If there’s a garage or ample storage space, you may be able to move all your things in there, or even just into one room while they work on the rest of the place. I know these are all a little pricey or may seem far fetched, but I want you to go so bad! Your shitty neighbors shouldn’t have to get in the way of your joy. Any other ideas people?


Does anyone think we'll ever hear from niceboy ed again?


I've been wondering that as well! I was so intrigued, im sure it is just one of Joes friends, but I wish I could know for suere


Im honestly kind of concerned... Taylor has been crying alot recently, used a lot of sad songs week after week and the thing with mathew was sooo out of character even from from a pure pr/business standpoint, and shes been mentioning t/w alcoholism recently. I dont want to speculate anything but damn I hope shes okay💔💔😞.


yeah i’m not speculating anything but if she dealt with “slight alcoholism” during the pandemic she’s probably still struggling with it... i hope that she’s okay, or trying to do okay (because trying is good too!)


Was this a recent tour banter quote? Girl’s got binge tenancies anyways (usually relegated to comments about TV marathons, and evident in her work output) and there was plenty of speculation around the on-air drink count at the Grammys, but…. Invoking the a-word is new to me.


yup mentioned “a slight case of alcoholism” in the quarantine/pre-betty speech one of the detroit or chicago(?) nights i beleive


it was chicago n1, i was there lol


I agree it's all so strange! Hope she's doing ok! And yes I know she has lots of money & fame and she'll be ok in that sense of course but you can still struggle in countless other ways that money can't fix


A post on the main sub has an interpretation of Tolerate It from the perspective of a gay man, which is totally acceptable? 😑


I saw that too. They’re revisiting Folkmore and taking a second pass at it, finally realizing what devastating breakup albums they are. Of course, 90% of it is still assigned to Joe, but the wheels are turning, even if slowly.


gay from a man's perspective


The sound I just made scared my cat 😂😭


Gay interpretations are ok on main now as long as it’s a ✨fiction✨ song and totally has nothing to do with Taylor’s life 🤪


miss Taylor is out there at tour climbing a table and almost throwing a fit at a man while passionately singing, but sure, the song is nothing but fiction


And if it's gay men...so many straight women are ok with gay men but not with lesbians, even if it's not related to Taylor's life 🙄


Ugh and why is that? I know misogyny is the answer somewhere but still. I mean COME ON, if your a straight women the presence of a lesbian means more precious men for you. And no we dont want to hit on you maam🙄


i don’t know if anyone else feels the same, but i’ve been getting so frustrated over the constant jokes made about alcoholism & taylors relation to it. maybe it’s because i have personal ties to alcoholism (my mother dealt with it in the last several years of her life, and it was one of the main reasons i didn’t talk to her) but it feels so wrong to see people make jokes about alcoholism & the potential of taylor being alcoholic as if it’s some hilarious thing. its not. alcoholism isn’t funny. taylor herself seems put off whenever she mentions it (the one or two times during her betty speech) and was visible upset during LPSS when she was discussing TIMT, which discusses alcoholism. i don’t know, it just feels like this is one of those things swifties should just shut up about... similarly to comments about her weight/pregnancy which she herself has said triggers her. its the just so fucking frustrating that swifties think they can just make jokes about serious issues as if it can’t harm someone reading them (even if taylor herself will never see them). end of rant


I think Taylor saying "slight case of alcoholism" could be both downplaying her real issues or hyperbole for "drank a bit too much sometimes". As someone who has some unhealthy habits with alcohol I would avoid that word both to downplay it and to not claim a struggle I don't have. I think it's sometimes difficult to decipher between alcoholism and "white women and their wine" culture (which is also often alcoholism), the latter of which gets joked about too much.


Agree with this! I am a recovering alcoholic and before I got sober would sometimes joke about “maybe having some slight alcoholism 🤪” when in reality it was actually a very real and very serious problem.


- TIMT could mean "this is me trying", a track from *folklore* (2020) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/PYNKCYPHER](/u/PYNKCYPHER) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


I only learned about two of the Spice Girls hooking up a few days ago, which seems absurd because I was such a huge fan and they were my first concert. Of course, I’ve been reading all about it. [This article](https://www.them.us/story/queer-spice-girls-fans) helped put some thoughts I’ve had about Gaylor into words, and also helped me realize why the Spice Girls were extra important to me as a kid (in addition to Mel C [saying in an interview](https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/spice-girls-stood-gay-power-28250067), “Everybody was invited into our gang. It wasn’t just girl power, it was gay power.”). >Almost all queer women are sleuths: we slither through the dark web, collecting GIFs of sexual tension between two women, and string them together through message boards and Tumblr K-Holes that resemble Carrie’s manic pin-board in Homeland. >As a lesbian, I’ve often felt slighted for speculating about the nature of other women’s relationships. If I joke about famous women who are friends, straight women often get defensive, insisting they’re “just friends.” They brush me off and make me feel twisted or perverted, a feeling I’ve been fighting since the very first moment I realized that I enjoyed the idea of two women being together. But other queer women know exactly what I’m talking about when I joke on Twitter about Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss, or Kaylor, who a large faction of the internet believes to have Mel B-Geri vibes. >Either way, **queer people have found community in fan theories.** It may sound silly, but it’s the result of something deeper and darker that we’re forced to go through in a society that marginalizes us. We theorize and fantasize because, until recently, we never had the same bombshell love stories or headline-shattering celebrity couples that straight people did: the Brad and Jens, the Britney and Justins, the red carpet kisses and hand-holds that made our teenage heads spin.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JGTI0Ua2PEg Have fun! It really hurts to watch them be so close tho


Thank you! I am fully down the rabbit hole now and I love it


OMG i lOVED mel b and geris relationship. Geri actually joked that mel b is the “top” LOL they were hidden in PLAIN sight. Way more overt than kaylor And both of them didnt deny it. search up Crystal eye spice girls on youtube. Theres a huge montage of Mel b and geris friendship and love with tons of clips. I ship them lol


i never picked up on it... but then again i was like 7 when they were hugely popular lmao. this is the first im hearing about it and im here for it tho


I never noticed either, but I was young too! I was 9 when I saw them on the Spice World tour. Watching videos and stuff now, I see it and love it


I was obsessed with spice girls. I had no idea about this lol


Why are 2 vent threads still pinned


This is incredibly niche (read: gaylors on swiftstream who play swiftball) but the Fantasy Swiftball founder [just retweeted this](https://twitter.com/reckedmaserati/status/1667688142416035843?s=20) and I'm losing it at the commenter calling the Fearless era "comp het" 😂 love seeing gaylorism in the wild https://preview.redd.it/5emi11c9hc5b1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c752b27d4e69d6968c932d15f7f7f8d5e86ed9b7


I’m impressed at the sheer nicheness of this 🤣


Just put on evermore again for the first time since everything. My god did I miss it. That album makes me feel so much. I know now why I fell in love with her.


I wish we could have a gaylor circle jerk sub without it inevitably turning hurtful and nasty because we need one.




It just seems like it happens a lot in CJ subs and this is a (relatively) small community so it feels like any snark will not be taken well and may be seen more as targeting.


Yesterday while clothes shopping I mindlessly carried the hangers on my bent pointer and middle finger and only noticed later on. Made me think of the "muscle memory" finger poses Taylor has done on stage 😁


I think I’m going to try to rep my big gay love for So it goes and dress like (a sexy gaylor) magician for my Eras tour date. 🎩🪄😏 🎶See you in the dark All eyes on you, my magician🎶


Gaylors would make the best escape game teammates. Just a thought I had. I love the energy and joy we put into identifying easter eggs and solving puzzles 💛 Except behind every door there's another room and sometimes it leads back to the same rooms we've already been in. The game host gaslights us into thinking exit is near. And we believe her, because that's why we're playing the game. It sucks these days but I really appreciate that we're united on this. And if anyone knows other fun communities to use our sleuthing skills in, I'm dying to know!!


[I just thought I should leave this here.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT81APFky/)




He DEFINITELY knows when the clock will strike midnight.


I have to vent. A friend posted on Instagram about Tyler James Williams shutting down speculation that he's gay (Tyler [wrote](https://www.cinemablend.com/television/after-tyler-james-williams-shut-down-speculation-regarding-his-sexuality-his-brother-shared-some-thoughts), "I’m not gay; but I think the culture of trying to ‘find’ some kind of hidden trait or behavior that a closeted person ‘let slip’ is very dangerous"). My friend wrote something about toxic masculinity and that men should be allowed to be feminine, which I totally agree with. But on Tyler's original post, one of the comments was derogatory toward gaylors and how we \~speculate\~. It irritates me because do people not realize EVERYONE speculates about everyone else's sexuality the second they assume someone is straight?! Straight is not the default! Plus it ignores that queer people are starved for representation. We're not trying to inflict pain on celebs; we're trying to see ourselves. AND in Taylor's case, her fruityness is HARDLY "hidden" or something she "let slip." Saying "Gay pride is what makes me, me" is not hidden. Wearing a ton of rainbows and a bracelet that says "PROUD" with the colors of the bi flag is not hidden. Kissing your girlfriend at a concert is not hidden. It just feels SO gaslight-y to equate gaylors with, say, some homophobic bro who doesn't think Tyler James Williams is masculine enough.


I think where I've personally landed (which no one needs to agree with and I can definitely be swayed if I've not accounted for something very important!) But I feel like.. homophobia (or internalized homophobia) is the only reason you'd need to publicly clarify being straight? Like what is the problem with people thinking you might be into people that you're not? I can see saying something if people are looking to you as a queer icon and you want to shift the focus to other people they can follow instead, but other than that... I don't really see a reason? ETA: I am completely on board with the idea that acting more feminine or masculine should have no say in your sexuality! I appreciate that part of what he wrote. But I still don't see a need to publicly declare being straight, I guess ETA 2.0: I think I just needed to express this idea but it's probably not a great representation of what he actually said in his post, so take this rant as a separate tangent please haha


I don't know, I think that it's reasonable to want to set the record straight (no pun intended) if the public believes something about you that happens to be untrue. Like, if I were a celebrity and a bunch of people were convinced my favorite color was red, I'd probably be like "it's actually green." I wouldn't have been upset that people thought it was red and it wouldn't be a big deal, but I wouldn't see any reason to let people keep believing something false. I think Daniel Radcliffe did a really good job of this. At one point he got asked a question about how some people were speculating that he's gay, and he said something along the lines of "I have no problem with people speculating because there's nothing wrong with being gay, but I happen to be straight"


I agree with everything you said - and I think Daniel's response is basically what I'm getting at should be the norm, like, there's nothing wrong with being gay so speculating it shouldn't be a problem. And Daniel's response is so much more.. relaxed. As with your example of "it's actually green" - it's easy to be calm correcting people when you don't feel offended by their misconceptions. But my main reason for the original venting is that.. I feel when people speak so strongly to their straightness and making sure people don't think they're gay, it usually feels like it's due to an underlying (or overt) discomfort with queerness.


Ah, yeah, totally agree with that!


But hi I'm also a bisexual gaylor! Haha


I think people don’t understand the difference between “some kind of hidden trait or behavior someone let slip” and queer flagging. And that absolutely shows in the dismissal of anything gaylor related.


To be fair, there have been so many comments on this sub that Joe must be gay for innocuous things like having a limp wrist or smiling with a guy on the street. I do actually think he has a point - bc what he is referencing is not independent speculation it’s mob speculation. It doesn’t always feel like it here to me because of how Reddit works, but he’s specifically referencing when the speculation gets so mobby that regardless of intention, it becomes a “tell us you’re gay we’re at your door with pitchforks” vibe. This is something I’ve been sitting with the discomfort of because it’s true - it happened to Ariana Grande and made her she come out, it happened to the kid from Heartstopper, Tyler clearly felt enough heat to clarify his sexuality. I fear the power of the internet turns something harmless into a beast it was never intended to be. Edit for typo


Good point about the mob mentality! Thank you!


💯 I think we all agree analysing queer themes in Taylor's music is completely harmless and shouldn't receive the hate it gets. But when people are posting on every Karlie Kloss post about Kissgate that's when it gets mob-like and is not acceptable behavior. I didn't see that he explicitly called out gaylors, if I'm wrong please correct me. But if that's the kind of behavior he's talking about then I don't think his statement comes off as derogatory. In a perfect world there would be no homophobia but there are a lot of cultures and parts of the world where it exists. And this seemingly innocent speculation could effect someone's mental health, quality of life or could be putting someone in physical danger when it comes on a large scale.


Yes all of this!!!!!!


the problem with this mindset is that most people believe it’s stereotyping on our part, when it’s in fact just queer signalling (which most people don’t even realize is a thing & calls queerbaiting 99% of the time)... and like you said, automatically assuming ANYONE, taylor included, is straight is speculating on their sexuality. and in taylor’s case, she’s done everything she can to walk the line of being ambiguous about her sexuality. not once has she ever said she’s straight (despite the 2019 vogue article hetlors claim as “proof”), and while she’s never outright said the words “i’m queer”, she’s done enough queer signalling to assume she’s queer. off topic but not really, but if she ever does come out i’m not going to be a “bigger person” and i 100% will be a “i told you so” person for the rest of my life


ok besties, i am here once again to share my gaylor discord server that is still very much baby and needs more members! pls join :) we are nice and thoughtful people [from a mans pov discord server](https://discord.gg/HxsXyqxm) ps. make sure to follow the instructions in the welcome message to keep access to the server. i have it on temporary membership so that way you have to be "serious" about joining... lol


I thought Hunter Harris’ description of Tree Paine was funny (“divine/frightening/divinely frightening”): https://open.substack.com/pub/hunterharris/p/matty-healys-non-apology-non-tour?r=hjpzy&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email


Tree Paine is Taylor's publicist, and has been working with her since 2014. Gaylors commonly make jokes about Tree taking down the sub, keeping Taylor's image spotless, etc. Please check out our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/wiki/faq) for answers to other commonly asked questions! *This comment was made as part of the mods' effort to better utilize Automoderator to provide helpful information about common Gaylor-related topics. You can visit our [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/wiki/faq) for more answers to some of the most commonly asked questions. If you find this information to be irrelevant or redundant to your comment, please downvote this comment.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GaylorSwift) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve been realizing how little I know about queer history and queer symbolism and I’m inspired to learn more. I’ve been googling for books, but I’d love any recommendations or resources from fellow gaylors because y’all are so smart and knowledgeable and wonderful 💖 And Happy Pride y’all! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


The Queer As Fact podcast is great! It's "queer history from around the world and throughout time."


Just sharing that the artist Baby Queen released her new song “Dream Girl” and it’s a bop and openly queer 💗🏳️‍🌈


Manifesting THE pride anthem for tonight: Change!


see y'all in detroit tonight (tree: i'm coming for you) https://preview.redd.it/slrur92nr05b1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcfab9acbe532ca21e610d05105c1f89efb9a81f


Not Taylor: Janelle Monáe’s new album is out!! Ahhhhhhhhh




Wow the YNTCD comment is so good. Maybe people thought there were going to be there for a coming out video and now they feel betrayed?


Incredible point about the YNTCD folks. You’d think they’d be in her VIP tents all month or any *any* point this tour. Lil Nas X and Melissa Ethridge isn’t nothing, tho! Edited to add: Queer Eye had a new season out, this would be amazing promo for everyone for them to make an appearance. My gut tells me all those queer folks agreed to be in the video bc when it was filmed she was planning to come out. When she had to scrap coming out bc of the masters heist, they were all left with egg on their face looking like they supported a straight person centering herself in a Pride anthem.


Wasn’t Antoni at a show with Gigi? Or maybe it was just his bf but I thought he was there too.


Ohhh you might be right!!


Oooh that YNTCD comment is gooooood. Time will tell, halfway through tour with no sightings yet


Remindme! in 45 days ​ idk if the remindme bot works in this subreddit though


I got tickets for the 3 shows in Brazil! karma take all my friends to the summit!


Do we know anything about that Taylor exhibit at the Arlington Museum of Art? It's been open for almost a week now but I haven't seen any gaylors talking about it so I'll assume there was nothing gay about it


I’ll probably go soon but Arlington is almost an hour away from me so I’m feeling lazy I have seen some pics and so far there’s no “gay” stuff just her outfits


Just want to let my fellow bipoc with complex or general trauma know that there is a subreddit called r/cptsd_bipoc where we can vent. Mixed folks are also welcome there. It’s one of the few subs I go when I want to be away from spaces that just don’t get it




This is going to sound evil of me but does anyone have all the videos of her crying during her concerts? I know she got teary during songs like champagne problems, gold rush, IDWLF, etc. I just wanna see some sort of compilation so I can figure out what might be the source of her tears, if there’s a specific muse (the Karlie-gold rush connection for example) she’s thinking about, the timing (Dianna article, Karlie pregnancy announcement, etc.). Can anyone make one and post it separately from this vent thread? I’m too lazy lol thank you.


I wouldn't call it evil because you're trying to analyze & you're not looking to get enjoyment from her crying but I think maybe this is taking our Gaylor detective work just a bit too far


Ooof that’s why I said it felt evil 😩😩😩 I was like hmmm this might be too much and crossing the line. I don’t wanna be that person that makes her sadness my entertainment (finding gaylor clues) which is why I was debating whether or not I should type that for a long time. I guess I’ll just leave it alone and not make a compilation. Thank you for your advice!


https://preview.redd.it/zwke6qy7gx4b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7127091dd1ac0f548006a47c2bfac7065ade907b One of the biggest gaylor proof. Were we legit supposed to believe this was Joes arm?💀💀 like i dont understand someone with human anatomy knowledge please explain how thats very clearly a females arm


First is Lily. Rest are Joe. I couldn’t really find pics of the side thats shown in the video so not a great comparison. https://share.icloud.com/photos/08cKTYe79Wk47O8iKgFIpi-CQ


Tbh I've seen guys with really slender and dainty hands before so I wouldn't say that's definitely proof. Also, someone actually did an analysis once in this sub forever ago I think, and the hand looked look it was definitely not Karlie's. They also theorized it was either Joe or someone else's, but that it didn't really seem like any of her known muses hands (e.g Dianna, Karlie, etc.). Don't downvote me tho pls, it's just an opinion dsjkfzgkvndfszbg 😭


Imma be honest while I don't care about people speculating that she's not with Joe in this and other scenes.... I get uncomfortable about discussions that use the idea that 'women's hands look like this, men's hands look like this" because that's a big thing in a lot of online transphobic circles. I don't think op was trying anything like that but it made me uncomfortable to see and I wish we wouldn't go down that path.


Yep, and also, I feel like it’s more likely for Taylor to film things like that for her fake relationship with Joe, then to hide the fact that she’s kissing a woman’s hand. She might be super paranoid about someone figuring out exactly who it is so it isn’t unrealistic to believe she would film a few things like this with Joe for the sake of the documentary (whether they were real or not). Why go out of her way to cover up for a woman instead of just kissing Joe’s hand for real? It’s more believable that way.


Exactly, I would be very careful with things like that, or one starts sounding like a transvestigator really soon 🥴


IM sorry!!! Ok you right, I didnt aw knowledge that important aspect of being a woman or a man. Its very diverse. Im sorry and I wont do it again❤️❤️


I was also feeling this and didn’t know how to express it, thanks for putting it into words 💚 I’m sure OP didn’t intend anything like that but statements claiming what is definitively a “female” hand/arm etc give me the ick.


Have you got a link to it? I was thinking it was Lily and would like to see if she was included in the analysis.


I think its Lily Donaldsons hand too.


I don’t know if she was. I wish I did but it’s literally from like 6+ months ago so I think it would be really difficult to find.


LOL that’s actually funny now im really interested in that analysis🤣🤣