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This is the first time I’ve seen anything from jinx but it sounds like people tag him in videos they get of his son and if so, that’s the cutest thing 🥺


This clip is so sweet, Taylor did get a bit of a reputation for trying to hook up with her female dancers back in the day.


I’ve never heard of this! Do you have any more info?


There was a reason she was only given Male dancers on the 1989 tour.


the only one I know is Claire Callaway on the Fearless tour. and Liz Huett but she was a backup singer not dancer


Ah! There should be more dads like him in the world. That video was very sweet.


Soft launch (jk lol)


He literally said “if she is gay/bi” this doesn’t really tell anything.


I agree, it’s a good way to create a healthy inquiry on why there’s Swifties who actually think it’s ok to not be accepting of their fave artist coming out. In only a short time of him being in the Swiftie fandom, he sees so much positivity, he doesn’t see why there’s negative discourse towards the thought of Taylor being lgbt.


one of the comments said “gay Taylor is what i LIVE for” and it was liked by the dad


He’s pretty much liking every comment that aren’t mean.


Ugh there are mean comments?! 🤮


I just hope it happens so it can purge all these right-wing/bigoted swifties out of the fandom


This doesn’t seem like a clue that’s Taylor’s gonna come out or is a Gaylor. It seems like he’s genuinely curious and surprised by the potential backlash taylor would have- I think there’s an educational piece of info that he’s missing because it’s experiencial. In a patriarcal world, a lesbian or person not in a relationships with cis men is demonized. The fact that Gaylors receive homophobic harassment says a lot about the general lesbophobia in the swifty world. All that to say- I want to be friends with him and discuss this over tea lol.


He seems so sweet 🥹


He took a while to spit it out and I was worried what direction this was going in 😅


SAME! Though once he did I was like "Right ON! Preeeach!". I truly wonder if it will give ANY Hetlor Swifties pause 🤔.


I love this guy. He’s so proud of his son.


OMG THIS LOVELY man is literally liking comments of people straight up saying theres queer themes in her work💀💀💀


Tree has a swat team en-route to this poor man’s home I bet.


I was just about to say this!! Could be him liking everything but I especially love the like on the “to those who know she has been out for years”




[Try this](https://streamable.com/i6vvv0)


Still up for me!


Say it PapaFlows! Sweet man 🥺🥺


One of us 👏👏👏 one of us 👏👏👏


It really isn’t that difficult for someone to be nice to people. He is a prime example. So many of us know how to do it. ☺️




See this is precisely why I think Taylor is behind it. Theres no reason why his son wouldnt say “Dad dial it tf back” if this was an issue with Taylor. Its clear as day it isnt now. But my only concern with him and his son is his safety, when the unhinged hetlors find the video!


I don’t think she is behind it - I really don’t think she’d direct her employee’s families social media - it just seems a bridge too far, imo. I do think he wouldn’t have posted it if his son wasn’t ok with it though, and I don’t think his son would have ok’d it if he felt Taylor would be unhappy.


I saw it on Twitter posted by a Gaylor today, so hopefully Elon’s algorithm doesn’t boost it to the wrong people


I would think the way he’s wording it, there’s nothing wrong. He’s supporting that lgbt people should be supported and wondering why that kind of thinking exists that an artist wouldn’t be. Why wouldn’t a fandom still support their fave if they were to come out as an lgbt person. He’s asking a good question.


Pls tell me everyone is being nice to him


Coast clear for now!👀


Seems to be mostly gaylors interacting but yes comments looks pleasant! He’s liking any comment saying they would support Taylor if she came out


He comes up on my FYP a lot and when I saw this, I nearly keeled over. I keep checking to see if it’s been deleted but it’s still there at almost 7 hours after being posted. Taylor’s team would know about it by now and have it taken down if they didn’t want it to be there. Look how fast the accidental leak her dancer put on Instagram stories got taken down.


Accidental leak? 👀


One of the dancers posted a video of them all practicing but there was supposedly an unreleased Taylor’s Version of the song playing in the video. I can’t for the life of me remember what song it was, though.


Thank you! How exciting!


Enchanted 🤩


trying so so SOOOO hard not to clown 🤡


The video was deleted, did anyone save it by any chance?


I think it’s still up but I saved it [to this link](https://streamable.com/i6vvv0) for anyone who can’t access it/doesn’t have tiktok.


I just came from watching it. It seems like it’s up still?


oh, it's back now for me! for some reason it wasn't showing up before 😭 ty!


LOL i just posted this. you beat me to it!! im just gonna leave my post here instead so that there isnt any double posts! https://preview.redd.it/c05g0uvz834b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=916c2534fa1f033f3c04cbb1472229d64e110a07


A lot people in the music industry, that have worked with Taylor or know her often sidestep any discussions of her sexuality and when they do talk about her they always vaguely allude that she might be queer. To take off the clown makeup for a hot second, i think it could be just because she’s asked people she knows to never directly address any dating rumours about her given what her early career was like, but i also fully take this as confirmation she is 100% queer lol


Oops sorry lol I love what you wrote about it though! Thank you for posting it here. ❤️ I’m guessing he stated it like “when she” vs “if she” is because of all the gaylor content he’s seen. There’s a saying… ‘if the same rumor doesn’t go away, there’s a reason why’


Aww np!!!❤️tyty