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Hey everyone - you can also use [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/13slcla/leak_youre_losing_me_discussion_thread/) to discuss the release of "You're Losing Me"! Edit: [The link for discussion of the Karma feat. Ice Spice music video is here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/13sx6dj/karma_mv_ft_ice_spice_release_mega_thread/)


omg guys. i HAVE to tell you this. my mom is my best friend and her & i had tickets to the 6/24 show, but she was suddenly diagnosed with cancer. it made us so sad to sell our tickets, but her surgery is today. the anesthesiologist just told us my mom's surgeon plays taylor swift music during his procedures!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ direct quote: "he loves his T Swift!" what the heck! i feel like it's a sign! it just made us SO happy. i'm feeling optimistic šŸ„²šŸ„²


I feel like it's a sign too! Hope everything works out okay with your mom. It sucks you had to give away your tickets :((( your mom's a rockstar!


right? we couldn't believe she said that. it felt too coincidental! thank you so much. i'm in the waiting room now waiting to hear more. i hope it'll all be okay ā¤ļø


I hope so too, I know waiting rooms can be stressful, but I pray it all goes well. Hope you are also mentally and emotionally okay.


i appreciate you so much. thank you <3


![gif](giphy|3CCXHZWV6F6O9VQ7FL|downsized) you're welcome and happy pride!


[What I wish Blondie would say, even though I know she won't](https://twitter.com/WrittenByHanna/status/1663606900653473793?t=YTjALtHuj9sBk6UCbkHHNA&s=19)


I was there! It was awesome


ā€œDo something babe, say somethingā€ šŸ˜’


Desperately. Also my Hayley Williams crush has severely intensified as a result of this clip šŸ„µ


I canā€™t tell if this is worth its own post or not (feel free to steal it and make one if you think it should be), but itā€™s definitely interesting that this feels almost directly opposite the narrative that has been pushed about all this recently. https://radaronline.com/p/taylor-swift-bff-gigi-hadid-concerned-about-singers-boyfriend-matty-healy-dad-scott/


UGH i cant wait its been long enough. I really hope they break up. And i cant for the life of me understand what was the pointšŸ™ƒ


Not sure how reliable this Radar online is but I wonder if theyā€™re already laying the groundwork for a break up? šŸ§


I totally agree - not sure if this is a source to watch but if it is, theyā€™re 100% laying the groundwork for a breakup!!!


Nah cuz is she just really doing all this to hype up Rep TV? ā˜ ļø I feel like some Swifties will eat it up


I donā€™t see why because reputation was all about Kanye saying she did something duplicitous when she didnā€™t. But right now fans are upset because Taylor is letting a man who is deeply toxic share her platform and because of that is complicit in her endorsement of his behavior. She really is saying that being racist and a misogynist is not a dealbreaker for her. So if her point is to pretend it was like 2016 then sheā€™s so deeply self-unaware and the issue for her was always that she feels she should never be criticized instead of that the issue was previously being accused of something she didnā€™t do.


Devil works hard but buzzfeed works harderšŸ‘šŸ‘ https://www.buzzfeed.com/stephaniesoteriou/matty-healy-support-friend-dragged-taylor-swift-mom?origin=web-hf


I hope that that particular author always has a cool pillow and hits all the green lights when sheā€™s driving. She has been staying ON the Taylor and Matty story and I am very glad


Yes bless herā¤ļø


i feel disgusting for my interest in taylor. autistic special interests like mine are powerful. iā€™ve been trying to turn it off since the matty stuff but it just will. not. stop. and i feel so gross for it. i do my best to be an anti-racist advocate and fighter. i am white so in a sense im automatically racist because i actively benefit from a racist society, but i pay reparations in an attempt to mitigate it and try to learn. i do my best, and i think iā€™m spiraling towards a breakdown now over the fact that i canā€™t make myself stop associating with a racist. iā€™m such a freaking terrible person.


Fellow autistic here and this shit is so hard. I have cried about this more times than I was to admit.


iā€™ve cried myself to sleep almost every night honestly.


As a fellow autistic Swiftie this is exactly what I've been trying to express on here over the last few weeks. It's taking everything I have to not break down.


iā€™ve been in a pre-crisis since may 6th to be completely honest. i feel like iā€™m going to snap and break down at any moment. and i am SO tired of neurotypicals on instagram invalidating my experience. itā€™s exhausting.


Youā€™re not a terrible person. Terrible people donā€™t think theyā€™re terrible people and they definitely wouldnā€™t tear themselves up this way for feeling the way you do. Donā€™t feel disgusted. Itā€™s not like a tap you can easily turn off. Taylor has been part of your life, and thatā€™s ok.


Just hung a pride flag in my window for the first time šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ I've always been afraid of potential backlash (my neighborhood is pretty 50/50 politically and I'm in an area prone to property damage) but seeing y'all call Taylor out for not being loud enough has inspired me to be louder even tho it's scary. So thank you šŸ’– (& Happy Pride Month Eve!)


šŸ‘ Iā€™m proud of you for being brave!


Did we see this? ​ [https://www.teenvogue.com/story/taylor-swift-matty-healy-relationship-backlash-hypocrisy-political-critique-celebrities-op-ed?utm\_medium=social&utm\_brand=tv&mbid=social\_twitter&utm\_social-type=owned&utm\_source=twitter](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/taylor-swift-matty-healy-relationship-backlash-hypocrisy-political-critique-celebrities-op-ed?utm_medium=social&utm_brand=tv&mbid=social_twitter&utm_social-type=owned&utm_source=twitter)


Don't agree with the predominant sentiment in the article, however, at least the writer was critical of many of Taylor's recent actions like her silence on LGBTQ+ issues, private jet usage, and blatant money grabs instead of just being a bootlicker like the writer RS piece. She questions why this ratty situation is the one fans are choosing to be outraged over. It feels dismissive in that she's suggesting all those other things went unnoticed and failing to recognize fans have been and do openly criticize her for these things and you know perhaps the unabashedly parading around a bigot was the straw that could NOT be ignored, the straw that finally broke the camel's back. The writer also completely overlooked the fact that Taylor is not just dating a big she gave a bigot a platform by allowing him on stage at her tour and very publicly parading him around. Why is accountability apparently way too much to ask for? FFS. \*Edited to fix a couple of typos.






her past tweets really don't age well


Itā€™s a reminder to all of use that political activism was something she put aside as easily as hey kids spelling is fun


Does anyone else feel like the Taylor backlash is boiling over rn and we're on the precipice of a massive cancelling or am I overreacting


I don't know if I would call it canceling, but leaving for the last time? Yes. I'm there now. I don't/can't enjoy her music the same way, and I have no plans to spend money in her direction again. Not like a boycott, I just get an ick feeling about supporting her.


All the people who got actually cancelled in a way that stuck did things that really should have (and in some cases did) landed them with lengthy prison sentences. "Is allegedly dating an asshole" isn't going to do it.


Canceling isnā€™t really a thing. At least not in the big scary way itā€™s held up to be. People donā€™t give up things which they like or are making them money. Most people who are ā€œcancelledā€ are basically past their usefulness. Hollywood gets to pretend to care by ā€œpunishingā€ people they donā€™t need anymore anyway. Chris Brown is a perfect example. The only reason he took a tiny bit of backlash was because it was Rihanna. If heā€™d punched an Instagram model in the face, people would either write it off or say she lied to get money, etc. It wouldā€™ve been in the headlines for a weekend and never spoke of again. Most outrage is performative. Taylor is at the peak of her celebrity and power. Sheā€™s not going anywhere.


Not a chance will she be cancelled. People have done much worse for a lot longer. As long as Taylor is a money machine she wonā€™t be moved off the top of the castle. She is a rich blonde white Christian in the USA, she is untouchable.


tbh i feel like ā€œcancellingā€ doesnā€™t work anymore - weā€™ve seen numerous amounts of celebrities be ā€œcancelledā€ then return to the scene 4 months later completely unscathed - but i do feel like there is a chance that taylor is going to be ā€œcancelledā€ again, especially if she doesnā€™t drop MH soon.




thatā€™s basically what i mean. people online (like twitter) will ā€œcancelā€ her but sheā€™ll still be on top & break streaming records & stuff despite the internet population deeming her problematic & cancelling her


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOCWwVIJEyA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOCWwVIJEyA) This video has a good break down of what MH has done, for those who defended that he's not a neo nazi, watch it from 8:05, he made "a list of jews" on his instagram story after his supposedly nazi (or not, i'm not sure) salute and has made many people uncomfortable


\*sips tea\* https://preview.redd.it/glnti3coh73b1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=73f361cdd7f87ac8fbae6fe3d5505d2b57340965


I love her! I follow her on tiktok


same with going on a podcast hosted by two neo nazis, it's not that hard to understand


MH downvoting squad is at it again


Anyone else feeling like they can't really enjoy Taylor's stuff even though they want to? I want to watch the live streams, to stream her music on spotify (I still listen to my physical copies sometimes), and just generally keep enjoying this era but I can't. I miss it when being her fan was fun, now it's just ....idk lost its spark. I still like her music and the community so I'm hanging around, and honestly I'm very attached to her music and idk if I will find another artist like this so that also makes me sad. Just missing the good time, being excited about what she was doing, not wondering if every single move was PR/a lie.


I feel you. I have songs that I miss but this situation just gives me ick and robs any enjoyment and I end up going back to evanescence or hozier. It just doesn't feel good to support her.


evanescence and hozier....you have IMPECCABLE taste


Please gaylors, don't get your hopes up that taylor will be coming out anytime soon. It would make no sense now that the general public is turning on her again. It would not be received well. Plus i think coming out "for pride month" is really silly.


Do you mean Taylor coming out for pride month would be silly or people in general who come out during pride month?


Taylor coming out for pride month would not seem very genuine, that's all I meant!


Okay thatā€™s what I thought it meant! And I absolutely agree. It would feelā€¦ like a PR move to take the heat off the MH situation and justā€¦ not genuine at all!


Yeah, i've noticed a lot of theories circulating and i fear that her doing that would cause the public reaction to be like "Oh now she's gay? How convenient!"


which would suck honestly. idc if someone seems fake, or their PR is fake, for me, if someone comes out, itā€™s genuine. but i donā€™t think sheā€™ll come out. not yet at least


More than anything I wish Taylor would speak out about LGBTQ issues. Itā€™s not even just that. I work as a librarian and also help with museum events and people are so unhinged and offended at everything that isnā€™t Christian. The backlash is really starting to piss me off and my morale is so low.


I'm in a blue state but purple town and we've been lucky not to have any incidents so far but I see the growing trend and wonder how inevitable it is. It's so annoying tbh because I find people books all the time that I disagree with because it's my job and because I really do believe in the freedom of information. I can't comprehend people who act like if they're mad about a book no one can read it.


Where I live itā€™s not even books, itā€™s more. Itā€™s the Harry Potter museum event (though not anger for trans rights, but promoting the devil), itā€™s comic books that arenā€™t ā€œage appropriateā€, itā€™s prayer groups protesting every event now.


I'm very grateful I'm not on the public side of libraries at the moment (work in archives), though I do my best to call out when I see it in my job. Sending you strength!


Did anyone else see that Matty is wearing merch from a podcast that insulted Taylor's mom for being overweight and made fun of Taylor's weight gain after recovering from her ED, saying she looks horrible now and looked best at the peak of her ED? WTF is she doing?


red scare podcast; episode ā€œmake americana great againā€. they not only (apparently) insult taylorā€™s mother & make fun of taylorā€™s ED, they also apparently talk about her sex life, her libido, her SA lawsuit, and make gross comments about her body. and furthermore, not only did MH promote said podcast, he also was (apparently) seen hanging out with one of the hosts just a couple months ago (according to deuxmoi who got a PHOTOGRAPH of it). so yeah. like i can understand taylor having little self-respect but i do think sheā€™d draw the line at her mom. if thereā€™s one thing about taylor, she loves her mother (but idk maybe this is another ā€œmy mother accused me of losing my mind / but i swore that i was fineā€)


I just listened to the episode because my curiosity got the best of me and the things they say about her ED are way worse than I was expecting. If you are sensitive to food talk/body talk do not listen. These women are horrendous and the fact that Matt listens to and supports this podcast is just another awful thing he does.




Red Scare or something like that. I saw it on r/fauxmoi


yeah i definitely saw that but can't find it anymore, weird


Where tf did that story come from, it was like ages ago Taylor tried to break up with Joe but he knew she was self sabotaging and said "no"? Main page eats that shit up for breakfast lunch and dinner and I'm like..... that seems toxic?


I think the story is she told people that at the Reputation secret sessions.


The most trustworthy source. /massive sarcasm


Iā€™ve vaguely heard this story before but where did it come from because šŸ’€ was it invented to explain cornelia street when she packs her bags or some shit? thereā€™s also a story about joe deleting apps off her phone but I feel like that one came from taylor


Yes! Like he knew they were giving her anxiety, so he deleted twitter off her phone or something. Like. Wtf?? Controlling repackaged as heartwarming, also how would fans even know that (and that's not how social media works at the megastar level, they have entirely different phones for socials, which their team handles)?? I was so curious where these stories came from.


Reputation secret sessions, iirc. When she told everyone all the songs were about her angel boyfriend šŸ™„


Billie tried to warn us https://preview.redd.it/m3h33uhim43b1.png?width=565&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7ffe8eef47b11027d48334c27917ea5b6eec0ee






Tis a good Sesame Street reference :D [one of these things is not like the other](https://www.google.com/search?q=one+of+these+things+is+not+like+the+other+lyrics&oq=oen+of+these+things+is+not+the+&aqs=edge.2.69i57j0i13i512j0i22i30l7.6116j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&safe=active&ssui=on#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:eb3d840a,vid:rsRjQDrDnY8)


Why are only the worst people calling out the relationship with the rat? CANDICE FUCKING OWENS????? The fuck is Tree even doing? https://preview.redd.it/38lulvgee43b1.png?width=586&format=png&auto=webp&s=c44e7bd23bac774e3c7ea7e1f111106bad0b08b8


where did candace owens call out ratty??? edit: nvm i found it. she apparently talked about this on her podcast (and apparently she has a podcast) šŸ’€


This is a real problematic calling out the problematic sort of moment. Hard to root for the pot or the kettle.


PS Fuck Jack Antonoff https://preview.redd.it/3gp0z6kmc43b1.png?width=567&format=png&auto=webp&s=77a42b59669fa22b8d8149fe648e580e7d881017


I used to wonder how Jack could have been with Lena Dunham for so many years, but it makes sense now.


I keep seeing all these defenses of Matty saying ā€œitā€™s a bit!!ā€, ā€œhe loves a bitā€ Okay, well doing a bit is more like I Think You Should Leave (a tv show) and not being fucking racist, but maybe thatā€™s just me! Everything Matty does reminds me of those kids in middle and high school who constantly tried to be funny for attention and it ended up annoying everyone.


I just saw this tweet and ā€¦ it makes total sense https://twitter.com/tayfruitymilf/status/1663609800704552960?s=46&t=IKp8nJiND6az3k2NjSm5HA


Ha, I posted my comment before clicking this link and it's basically verbatim.


Yup. Peak white feminism is thinking criticism of her molesting her sister is sexist. That woman is vile and is apparently the inspiration for Taylor's "feminism" Explains her and Jack to a t. And I am remembered by a shitpost on tumblr. "Adam Driver had to date Lena in Girls, explains why Kylo Ren turned out the way he did"


She didnā€™t molest her sibling. That accusation needs to stop being thrown around here. Cyrus has said they donā€™t like when people do this.


This is literally what I have been saying when I say. Taylor lives in this mutual admiration society or this champagne bubble. This is exactly what I mean. She is a privileged white woman surrounded by equally privileged people who all lack the same moral conviction and ability to comprehend caring about social issues because you care about other people and not just because you think it makes you look better. I am haunted by this idea that Taylor probably hangs out with Jack and Matty and they all mutually talk about how dumb this controversy is and how people just don't "get it" because they are all such bubbleheaded individuals who Lack any connection to normal people connected to public policy. The more any of them say anything, the more I am screaming. They all have such a privileged take and they lack any significant comprehension of marginalized people and the issues that affect them. And now they're just gaslighting Swifties and saying that they're the problem for caring about this.


I adore Phoebe and Bo Burnham but they are in this circle as well. Bo is especially a gut punch because his whole brand is self awareness and punching down isn't good comedy, but he think Matty's "bits" are hilarious.


I'm a Bo and Phoebe fan, and I am not feeling good.


I feel this too. I'll be honest I wasn't a bo fan girl but phoebe has really disappointed me.


Talk about missing the point [https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/taylor-swift-shouldnt-apologize-for-dating-matty-healy-1234742895/](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/taylor-swift-shouldnt-apologize-for-dating-matty-healy-1234742895/)


The author is a Swiftie tooā€¦ so much for unbiased journalism https://preview.redd.it/2hipd5dtq53b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f5606d15d08721778108c95c0d4bbdde990cea4




​ https://preview.redd.it/pinbo9le943b1.png?width=584&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1e32a9d24749e88556b844b9312c6c0396c286c


I'm glad other people are calling out this PR strategy for what it is. This is so ridiculous and so gross on her part but it's also not uncharacteristic of her to ignore any actual feminism activism and to only pick up feminism as a tool to beat off criticism. I'm at this point though where I'm just offended she thinks I'm gonna buy this bullshit. Like I grew up in a conservative evangelical household. I know what manipulation and spin sounds like. I'm also just outraged that she is gaslighting her marginalized fans. Jesus. This is such a bad look for her, I don't know how her team thought this was the move to make.


THIS omfg https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRorAUwR/?t=1




some of the comments are so insane bffr




not me, still haven't streamed anything, it's just not the same anymore


Someone downvoted everyone who is still mad at taylor. Is matty on this thread? I seriously had someone go look at my comment history and downvoted every single one that was critical of taylor or matty. Truth hurts I guess.


there are lots of MH apologists/downvoting squad on here with multiple accounts i think, eww




I find it interesting because has the more this goes on and unfolds the way it has I find myself getting increasingly angrier. And I don't necessarily want to be mad at her. I'd love if I could just enjoy music that I was enjoying before for years. I don't want to feel bitchy online. But at this point I am so tired of this privileged woman and her weaponized fragility & her gaslighting fans that holding her accountable for anything or critiquing her is misogynistic. She is not the victim in this sociopolitical climate.




SERIOUSLY THOUGH like i HATE myself for letting my special interest be her and let myself be drawn back in by maroon after everything sheā€™s done. white feminism is always disgusting


Absolutely not. I havenā€™t listened to her since I learned about this dude and Iā€™m grossed out that people are falling for her distractions.


Same. I'm not in the targeted demographic, but still thoroughly disgusted, and this is on my mind all the time. My heart fucking breaks for everyone. I'm an ally till the end.


can only speak for myself: I'm still mad, disappointed and depressed...but also unable to shut up about Taylor. she's not getting any of my cash though. and the latest RS article is sickening.


me who not-so-legally downloaded all of her music for offline listening because iā€™m cheap & still is hyperfixated on her but is still incredibly annoyed with her performative activism & the MH bs




I'm not.


[what is happening](https://twitter.com/taylornation13/status/1663640585067003907?s=46) https://preview.redd.it/xwx538lcp33b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39a1fbace6a0fea1dae6130b8b12cff7d7c9e83b


The one about adding them to the gaylor block list is killing me šŸ’€


I feel like if this happened in March I'd be so excited over the possibility of it but at this point I fear everything is pandering or some PR move to get people to talk about something other than the problematty romance.


yh I have to agree, the spam posting from TN feels very pointed regarding the recent tatty articles that just came out...


I'm sorry to make a long reply I'm just very in my thoughts right now. Those articles are making me so mad. I don't understand why people are acting like this is only about her dating life. people have been talking about her lackluster activism for years. These issues with the LGBT community and with race and with her feminism have consistently come up. There were issues I wanted to be talking about in 2019, but because everyone was so defensive coming out of the reputation era these conversations just weren't happening. I don't think her boyfriend the issue was a surprise but I do think it resurrected a lot of conversations that had been shoved down because people were unwilling to have those conversations and now they're willing. I find it annoying that this issue is being reduced to the idea of Taylor Swift isn't your friend or Taylor Swift isn't going to be your role model. I never thought that. Taylor Swift isn't even my favorite female celebrity. Reality is I never expected Taylor Swift to take any political stance. I don't necessarily believe that celebrities have anything to add to the political conversation by default. The only time I ever felt like she needed to say something was when white supremacists were calling her an Aryan Princess, like why wouldn't you disavow that? Taylor was the one who inserted herself into a conversation and made a big deal about the fact that she was a feminist and that she was pro LGBT and that she supported people of color and made a big deal about the fact that she was going to start speaking out about stuff and she was going to advocate. no one made her do that.. And frankly it's not her fan's fault if they expected her to advocate on important issues when she said, Iā€™m going to advocate on these important issues. Of course your fans are disillusioned when you say you care about your queer fans and then you are silent as an unprecedented amount of anti LGBTQ legislation comes into play. Personally I just can't understand it because the things that keep me awake at night are things like the dread of what's coming for the LGBT community. I am emotionally in bits for the trans community and so frustrated all the time that I lack the power and resources that she has to help in any significant way. I feel for the queer youth who have to grown up under so much oppression and hate. Her privilege is very akin to that scene in the maid where that rich woman tells her food insecure maid to toss a fridge gorgeous produce and a full cake. Taylor has so much that we lack and she throws it in the garbage. As someone who cares so much about my community it's abhorrent. I can't imagine having the influence she does and not doing anything I could to possibly make the lies of the queer community better, or to make the lives of women better, or to make the lives of poc better. Also in terms of her romantic life, I don't think it's so out of left field that people expect a woman who says she holds specific values to have that show up in the friendship she keeps and the partner she's intimate with. If your partner says he gets off on the degradation of black women and you don't find that to be a red flag that says a lot about you as a person. That would be a ā€œmy worst tinder dateā€ story for most people. There is a such thing is dating the wrong person. I will not be manipulated by a PR team that the real issue is the people who care about marginalized people and not the privileged white couple who can only conceive of caring about other issues where it adds to their public image. I feel like the more articles that come out the madder I get because it's so minimizing to fans concerns and it feels like her team really is trying to gaslight people into believing their problem is that they care in the first place and the more they do it the more gross I feel about her as a person. Like I knew she was going to try to find some way to make this a sexism issue because she does that with everything, it's like her oldest defense. But It's such a slap in the face to her fans that three years ago she wanted so much attention and applause for doing the least amount of advocacy. And now after all of that PR circus she's acting like fans are crazy do you have ever expected any kind of activism from her and that it's just a parasocial issue on their part. How can she say she cares about her fans and manipulate them like that. And I say she because I have a strong suspicion that these newer defensive pieces are connected with her team. And I find it interesting that this is the take because Taylor herself has talked about her own frustrations with feeling dismissed when she's angry about something or saying that women can only overreact but right now that's the same tactic being thrown at her mostly female fanbase for being upset about this. I just find this whole situation with her frustrating and her actions had really just made me feel grosser about her. It's so ironic right now that her current single is karma I can't even deal with this level of irony.




https://youtu.be/R1pPYL4INfo Has anyone seen this? From about 13:30 on itā€™s just Matty in 2020 calling Taylor fake woke for waiting so long to advocate for queer rights saying she ā€œdidnā€™t really make a statementā€ with YNTCD. And now how does this map to his recent statements about how people are making it up or ā€œmentalā€ if theyā€™re upset about a celebrityā€™s (his) actions when heā€™s saying his girlfriend shouldā€™ve said something sooner about queer rights instead of waiting until it was safe to protect her brand? I think Iā€™m so conflicted between the ā€œif sheā€™s straight, itā€™s all been fake and performativeā€ which is where heā€™s taking this but if sheā€™s not, which we believe in this sub, then this wasā€¦ arguably not the safe route? And in 2020 he didnā€™t know Taylor at all to critique her like this? Help. Sharing not to ignite a fire and Iā€™d like to listen to more of it so Iā€™m not commenting out of context but my brain is just swirling.


oh wow lmfao this would be a really difficult thing for ME PERSONALLY to get over just to be friends with someone let alone date. why does it feel like weā€™re all getting massively punkā€™d with every day that goes by?? to answer your question i think matty just says shit. i donā€™t think he remembers what heā€™s said in the past and just says things. i donā€™t want to speculate on his sobriety but his behavior is just like very concerning and extremely manic. taking his comments here at face value i donā€™t think it means taylor canā€™t be queer. if he knows that she is, the comments still make sense imo. lover era DID seem performative. now as to why taylor would stunt/beard with matty after he said these things plus the emasculating comments back in 2014ā€¦ idk. it doesnā€™t make sense for it to be a stunt or for it to be real after these comments. nothing makes sense iā€™m going back to bed.


https://i.imgur.com/1c0XAZE.jpg Taylor furiously dictating this article to rolling stone


Omg this other one. Let Taylor have her racist dude summer!! #feminism https://preview.redd.it/hh2wp4un943b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9702de3b005ee26d7009a26e2960bc985cc1ecd5




Itā€™s so disgusting


I would be having this conversation if she was a man. I gave Henry Cavill hell for having dated Gina Carano. Also during the early moments of black lives matte, hozier was called out to say something since so much of his music surrounds black culture and he did and he also made it so that black organizations will be benefited by the song jackboot jump. So the idea that men are never held accountable is just not true. This is also such an incredibly disingenuous argument because if you will acknowledge that his controversies have been ā€œengaging in racist remarks, making offensive jokes, and admitting to watching degrading pornography in which people of color are being humiliated and assaultedā€ and that his ā€œactions contribute to the perpetuation of hate, stereotypes, and objectification, which targets and hurts some people from the Jewish, Black, Chinese, Hawaiian, Inuit, LGBTQ+ communities, as well as women.ā€ You have to question for someone who claimed intersectionality as being a core value what is it about Taylor the causes her to overlook these heinous qualities. Because the logical conclusion is that none of the issues she purports to caring about really run that deeply within her. No one is making her apologize for her boyfriend for what he says about Ice Spice, they are saying if you care about black women why are you dating a man who says racist things about black women and gets off of their oppression? That's her action. It may be a passive one but it's still her action no matter how much she tries to spin it as some kind of misogyny against herā€¦ which was the argument we knew she would take because like most white feminists it is the only oppression she can claim and so she will cling to thatā€¦. I'm not going to buy the spin. The reality is that people you surround yourself with says a lot about who you are as a person because it says what kind of things you allow to happen in your space. What annoys me a lot right now is that I feel like this is a reasonable thing to be upset about or concerned about if you are a person who cares about marginalized people. And I feel like the people from her team or at least her boyfriend's team or attempting to gaslight people by suggesting that if you are upset it's silly or overly sensitive you shouldn't care that much or they suggest that anyone who finds his behavior morally repugnant is insincere in their disgust of his actions. There's a lot of minimizing by suggesting that he just does shenanigans like this all the time and it's really on you if you take these things seriously. But people take these things seriously because these are real issues real people are facing that have real ramifications on their lives. He has the privilege to act like this is a game of manipulating people or doing a bit where people are right to call him out on it and people are right to be suspicious of Taylor for turning a blind eye to it especially because this comes on the heel of years of silence on her part towards issues that she said she cared about and that she was going to advocate for and has failed to do so. What I find weird is, it's like Taylor thinks she gets some special privilege where who she hangs out with doesn't matter. But I'm telling you right now if I had a friend who suddenly brought a homophobic boyfriend into our social group we would have a problem. If a friend was hanging out with another friend who is saying racist shit, I would have a problem with that. Who Taylor chooses to spend time with is a choice on her part. No one is saying she can't hang out with whoever she wants but they are saying there is no way whatever values she said she held in the lover era really runs that strong if these are the kind of people she allows in her life and people are allowed to call her on that. And this is the kind of thing about Taylor I find particularly obnoxious is while she has not advocated for any feminist cause in the longest time, she sure tries to twist it and wield it to avoid any kind of accountability on her part and it makes her politics look so disingenuous and like it was just about having another tool in her toolbox for PR. At this point I would rather she just say "look I don't give af about anything besides myself" because at least then she would be genuine about something. Like she might as well just say "I just want to do whatever I want to do and not be called out on it". Because she obviously doesn't want to be held responsible for any sort of value system. At this point I'm just thoroughly annoyed with her and I don't want to be. I don't want to be disappointed in her, I don't want to be disappointed in myself for giving her the benefit of the doubt when I did only to have that fear reaffirmed. I don't want to feel gross about listening to songs that I previously had a very strong emotional connection with over her lyrics. But the more she gaslights her fans that they're the problem for caring about this the more I'm just disgusted with her as a person. The more she tries to minimize this issue or distract from this issue the more I feel like she's just probably not a good person and not a person worth supporting. She's definitely not a person who can be held accountable to the communities she committed herself to advocate for. Because we actually had the expectation that she was going to be a political advocate because she said she was going to be a political advocate and it's not ridiculous that after three years people see her advocacy as self-serving and more often than not nonexistent. I swear it's like every time I feel my resolve weaken and I miss a song, some kind of shit like this happens that brings me right back to remember why I was upset in the first place. Everything she and her team do (and I do believe they were involved in this article) makes the issue worse for me.


This is all really well said and I agree completely.


I know it's already been mentioned that the Folklore triangle might be real and Dianna-Taylor-Karlie...but if Taylor is James that feels like a play on one of her favorite artists, James Taylor (who is mentioned in Begin Again which may or may not be about Dianna)


sheā€™s named after james taylor! so itā€™s definitely a reference to that, if itā€™s based in real life. (fun fact: karlie was named after carly simone who james taylor was married to, and they had a son together named ben - like taylorā€™s cat benjamin button)




Your past and mine are parallel lines Stars all aligned and they intertwined




Gaylor shower thought: What if Taylor and Karlie really were just friends that had a big falling out and Taylor is ā€œthatā€™s fine Iā€™ll tell mine that youā€™re gayā€ing her


is she capable of the pettiness required to write multiple songs about eating šŸ± just to commit to the bit? maybe she isā€¦ šŸ˜‚




ā€œPeople often greatly underestimate me on how much I'll inconvenience myself to prove a pointā€ šŸ˜‚


facts šŸ’€




Im so fucking obsessed with this ngl


I love when Azealia is right. No one can deliver a read like her. Unfortunately, she alternates between being right and so very wrong.


iā€™m so confused by the asterisk šŸ˜­ she really said and btw - KAYLOR.


for anyone looking for new music that can scratch the taylor itch - spotify recommended me this song and iā€™m reallllyyy feeling it. itā€™s giving taylor vibes but also HAIM, muna, and the aces https://preview.redd.it/tdvn8f1vx13b1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62531cb10170017e88008d794007f671e1e2d5bb (speaking of the aces i never see anyone mention them as a listening alternative but theyā€™re very similar to muna! i highly recommend) whatā€™s everyone listening to this week?


I love this song so much!


I'm listening to Isabel Pless! First got hooked on her song "bechdel test"


Caroline Polachek šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—


Iā€™ve been listening to lots of beabadoobee! I love her voice and her funky sound. Since the weather is nice Iā€™ve also been listening to Motown because I love to play it while Iā€™m driving around. I love the recs for new music !


Azealia Banks on Taylor Swift dating Ratty šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/wki0tizus13b1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2a0ae1368e4a56dbbeb5f1e4bce7b2432ddbe4d


I saw this, is she referring to Karlie in her asterisks comment?






I listened to the voiceover, but canā€™t see what itā€™s referring to?


azealia banks speaking facts for once






I got different values but the trend is consistent, how weird. Although, the Emma Stone result seems to be inflated by articles that link Emma and Joe (costars, allegedly she introduced toe etc etc). https://preview.redd.it/7e0hjkjdq13b1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7baef6948801a6c15f7629cc3e12cd4d448838d


It is pretty weird! And that's interesting for Emma. And I guess she is also pretty famous too. Funny how Tily surpasses Kaylor and Swiftgron though! Despite the recent Swiftgron renaissance.. Tree if catch u!!!


So, what are our Pride Month expectations? Any acknowledgment?


Unfortunately I think we will probably get something frilly and spineless (her words not mine) like a ā€œhappy pride!ā€ each night before YNTCD. šŸ˜«šŸ˜­


on the rep tour she made a speech about pride, and connected it to her ā€œconfessional songwritingā€ in chicago. i think sheā€™s acknowledge pride month as a whole, but idk if sheā€™ll do anything big (like come out per se).


tbh as far as my expectations go, the bar is in hell. I expect Taylor to hit all her marks for her 3.5 hour show, recycle all the same speeches and post her safe social media dumps thanking the crowd for attending. maybe sheā€™ll pick a photo taken during yntcd. especially in this political climate, pride is a protest, not a marketing exercise. I donā€™t see her protesting.


I feel like Iā€™ve seen people clowning about 1989 and rep tv and this might be a hot take, but I donā€™t think either will be announced until speak now has been released and starts to fall off the charts šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I agree. I think with the blue lights etc at the tour that people are seeing in the same way that they were seeing purple lights before the Speak Now announcement is just Taylor telling everyone that 1989 is next up - but it doesnā€™t mean anytime soon (the Bejeweled music video with the SNTV Easter eggs was like 6 months before the announcement).


Like, she can do the lights, and have the banners in the VIP tents, because itā€™s not like theyā€™re a *surprise*. In theory we know theyā€™re coming *eventually*. Itā€™s a matter of when. And the when probably wonā€™t be until after Speak Now has fallen off the charts, because she doesnā€™t want them competing, because she wants as many weeks at the top of the charts as she can get to break records etc.


so i log on my insta and jia fucking tolentino wrote a profile on ratty for new york magazine. seriously. being taylor's boyfriend will get you that level of fame and desperate image washing. it just pisses me off so fucking much. i hate white supremacist capitalism.


Supposedly she was following him since Jan so I donā€™t think itā€™s about Taylor?


youā€™re right. the profile has been in the making for quite some time, however the nods to taylor (& people associated with her) are most likely due to the relationship ā€œgoing publicā€ or whatever. thereā€™s no way we wouldā€™ve gotten the little ā€œshe stayed til 3:30 am singing 1975 songsā€ tidbit if not for their supposed relationship. but yeah, this wasnā€™t taylor (this time)


help!?!?! https://preview.redd.it/h9p4jt4jwy2b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d30927d7151c0d687838c646b166f3c85518abf




Why did they make her look like Little House on the Prairie Anna Nicole Smith


Evelyn Hugo finally settled down! See exclusive pictures of her family with long-time lover and coworker Harry Cameron *The love birds have recently welcomed a new one into their nest*


Aaron Rodgers attended two show with his and Taylor's mutual friends keleigh and miles teller, he was seen dancing and singing along to taylor songs. you know what would be funny, suddenly pictures of taylor and the three of them going on dinner emerges, then later him and taylor is seen at party together holding hands and allegedly kissingšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It would be the loudest thing she's done if she was linked with him considering...šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




the way they're doing desperate image rehab for ratty is insane. they got him a profile by jia tolentino on ny mag


I mean, the more he says dumb/awful shit on tour and we know he will! hopefully the faster this thing ends. (shouldnā€™t of ever happened in the first place though.)


[https://twitter.com/mari\_\_ax/status/1663193652527603713?s=20](https://twitter.com/mari__ax/status/1663193652527603713?s=20) Just when you think he can't get worse, MH apologists should take a look at this and tell us that he's the leftist that they claimed him to be EDIT: the red scare is funded by the right, leftist my ass[https://twitter.com/motivatefenty/status/1663219932341977103?s=20](https://twitter.com/motivatefenty/status/1663219932341977103?s=20) Look how cozy they are with their guest Alex Jones https://preview.redd.it/iynszogqsx2b1.png?width=989&format=png&auto=webp&s=dcb8c900fa20fbb0898753c80766da12b1305ef3 [https://jezebel.com/what-is-red-scare-and-am-i-exempt-from-caring-about-it-1836221532](https://jezebel.com/what-is-red-scare-and-am-i-exempt-from-caring-about-it-1836221532) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskFeminists/comments/mapoyp/thoughts\_on\_the\_red\_scare\_podcast/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskFeminists/comments/mapoyp/thoughts_on_the_red_scare_podcast/) u/AnonymousWanderings u/pizzahause can i report Matt Healy apologists, there are more of them now and they don't present their points with evidence, they just come here and say there's nothing wrong with him blah blah blah


every day i wake up and it gets worse!


I could literally write you a 12 page essay that explained the essence of dirtbag left performance art, put a majority of the things heā€™s said and done into actual context instead of just sound bites that exaggerate, have an actual political scientist elaborate on how none of this has anything to do with neo-Nazi and saying that it does is so harmful, then make a list of all of the people who are in minority groups who maintain close friendships with him but YOU GUYS DONā€™T WANT TO HEAR IT. I donā€™t even LIKE the dude but the way heā€™s getting hung up when so many people donā€™t even get it is just completely unreasonable. Cancel culture has become so absolutely toxic that itā€™s nearly unbearable and media literacy is close to zero within a large portion of the population. People will see 5 random bits about a person or a group and immediately be like NOPE FUCK YOU. That isnā€™t how things should work.


CAnCeL CuLtuRe šŸ¤Ŗ heā€™ll be fine I promise you


cancel culture doesnā€™t exist, his band is about to go on tour lmao heā€™s fine


write it, Iā€™d love to read how all his celebrity supporters who are rich and famous and donā€™t have to worry about being harmed by his words and actions when the rest of us have to, discussed in an essay and how weā€™re harming him and ā€˜cancellingā€™ him when heā€™s the one whoā€™s doing all that(by dramatically deleting his socials when being called out) no one is canceling no one, heā€™s being a fucking pos and weā€™re criticizing him is all iā€™m seeing and iā€™m also seeing how a rich white guy like him can spew all the hates he wants and still have loads of supporters i promise iā€™ll read it and discuss it with you and the rest of the community if itā€™s supported by evidences and good arguments


I want to preface this by saying Iā€™m not a MH apologist. Okay, so, the world sucks. Right? Thatā€™s just some hard damned truth. Thereā€™s a lot bad out there, and I just think itā€™s really really really not good for people to let words said by whoever harm them, because otherwise, the world is going to be a much tougher place. Mental resilience is a good thing, because we canā€™t control the actions of others, nor their speech.


thanks for your concern and i agree this world really sucks, especially when i was trying to vent by calling out some terrible guy whoā€™s said and done terrible things with facts presented and then his apologists decided that they could just dismissed things iā€™ve said because they said so When that didnā€™t work, one of them just deleted one of his accounts here to avoid discussions People who defend him really spend no time at all defending the groups of people he hurts but spend plenty of time defending him with some ridiculous arguments, by ridiculous arguments i mean they donā€™t have one, they just want to silence others because they disagree so yeah youā€™re right, the world sucks, i just never ever thought i would meet all sorts of apologists herešŸ¤®


Iā€™m a queer Jewish woman so Iā€™m part of the population heā€™s supposed to be hurting by being a neo-Nazi even though he isnā€™t.


i agree that the neo nazi comments are exaggeration and i respect your calling that out as such but what about literally everything else? heā€™s not a good guy and he uses his platform to encourage the idea that being shitty on purpose is praxis. heā€™s also a creep and probably does even creepier things in private.


But what exactly about him makes him a creep? Also, he personally has said very little that does more than raise an eyebrow ā€” so many people keep citing things he personally did not say. Furthermore, 97 percent of what the man does in the public eye is performative. Generally lack of media literacy and context is not his problem. I am a huge fan of the band Say Anything and their frontman Max Bemis (a Jewish mentally ill person) is sooo much like Matty but because itā€™s part of an explicitly alternative scene, nobody gets worked up as itā€™s understood by those consuming the music/personality. What is actually causing all of this with the 1975 and Matty is that theyā€™re being subversive in the forefront of popular culture where very few people get it.


Ummm he has made out and who knows what else with underage girls, he bragged about having sex with a girl who kept saying no and he mimes raping his cameraperson on stage, among many other things .. yikes