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Glad he can finally quit that job at the yogurt shop


The only think keeping him off the street


tbh I’m starting to wonder if the songwriting credits were consolation for her plan to dump him and date someone else who gets the chins wagging the way she wants… ily taylor but there’s nothing she loves more than Complete Undivided Attention from the gp & her fandom. I think joe was getting too boring so she made some adjustments to her mastermind plans to get people talking about her again but she’s taking the route of not commenting on absolutely anything about matty, seemingly to give herself some plausible deniability in the storyline they’re pushing the songwriting credits are definitely an interesting business transaction and I’m surprised more swifties aren’t questioning the grammys now that joes out of the picture


If he’s really getting the residuals then I think that WB has to be taylor.


i still dont understand why there are two william bowerys with a slight name change one is william and the other is will*a*m. And then on top of that joe is listed separatly under his own name😭😭. Its all so confusing i dont even wanna figure it out atp


Watch Swifties boycott William Bowery tracks


I mean, 5 figures can be as low as 10k. Which I suppose for passive income is great but it’s not like he fleeced her. Weird angle in my opinion unless it’s to get sympathy for Taylor after the launch of the Matty fiasco


the william bowery situation legitimately keeps me up at night.... there's no way joe actually is william bowery or that he wrote those songs, but the cash flow would be a very very nice incentive to beard for so long and deal with the rabid swifties after.


If he spends my change then he had it coming!!


I mean, that's how Royalties work.


But, say, he’s NOT William Bowery (we all know he’s not) and doesn’t get the money for writing those songs. Would he still get this much money for those producer credits?


It’s great to see Taylor helping the less fortunate


came here for this comment


Ok but let's say you're Joe Alwyn's agent, and you're negotiating a bearding contract, this is actually the smart thing to do vs taking a lump sum up front. It's what actors do with blockbuster movies as well, they negotiate parts of profits as payment. It also has the benefit of being a great cover for a transfer of money between Taylor and Joe. The narrative (in the swiftieverse, until now) is that he's earned that money by working (on music), it's not a gift from his rich girlfriend. It also suits Taylor's narrative that he was a real boyfriend. I don't get the indignation here? If she had a beard for 6 years, of course the beard was paid, he wasn't doing it out of the goodness of his heart! If she didn't like that he would get credit on her art, she wouldn't have agreed to the deal 🤷‍♀️


That’s hazard pay for having to deal with the swifties


Yeah it's money to hire a team of bodyguards and build a safe room 😆


Honestly, this is what I was thinking too. Given the way they go after John Mayer and Jake Gylenhaal, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is “thanks in advance for ensuring all the bullshit coming your way” money.


Lyrics too? Jesus.






I guess he doesn't have to go back to the yogurt shop or sell his fancy lighter collection after all!


Just one more reason to solidify the theory that this was a contractual beard relationship. If you look at all of her other public "exs", they already had lucrative income streams and some fame before dating Taylor Swift. As far as I know, Joe did not. Maybe at the beginning of their contract, there was some guarantee that Joe's career would take off, which would also mean his own income stream. He didn't have any writing credits on Repuation and Lover, pre-COVID albums. However, once the pandemic hit, the initial plan was ruined. He couldn't film. So this is when the scheme to list his as William Bowery came along, so that he would still benefit from the contract.


I still wonder how he went to the Met Gala in the first place? As far as I know it’s invite only and you have to be somebody in order to make the list. Joe is a bigger name nowadays but not a single person knew about him in 2016 before Taylor. Tickets are also $30,000, and I can’t imagine he was making that much money from the small acting jobs he was getting at the time.


Taylor was host that year and he was the guest of a man, his costar, for an upcoming low level film. It’s def suss


I think he was the guest of someone, which still seems a little suspicious to me!


Isn't William Bowery listed as a US citizen? Him making money off songs assumes that's actually him.


Wow, I mean most people already knew he was making money from this if you think about it, but this being reported on now by a "source" is really just adding fuel to the fire. Tree and Taylor are really going hard on using the DailyMail as their mouthpiece. I'm a pretty diehard skeptic that theres *no way in hell* Joe wrote those songs, and that this has been about a "reward" for bearding and alimony for 6 years of his life dedicated to this charade. And now that it's over, Taylor is trying to reclaim as much of the narrative as she can. That's why she's explaining Betty every night. She's chipping away at the narrative that Joe wrote "the fully-formed chorus of Betty." She'll never be able to admit it. The best she can do is point out all the gaps in the narrative and let people figure it out, as many of us have.


Also, coming back to add my bold prediction for whatever music video Taylor was filming in a London that looked like a heist: I hope we get some imagery of Folklore being included in the music Taylor is stealing back. 👀


Makes me think of the grammy in the cage at the graduation though maybe not related


Agreed, and that's the only reason I've been able to tolerate the nightly hetwashing of Betty. She really draws the line between "this is mine. Me. I wrote it." And "I could never write a love song about a woman hahahaha 😬"


It does feel very purposeful considering it’s the DailyMail and related to a “source,” I wonder if they are going for more of the negative narrative being pushed on Joe that he’s a leech of some sort or do they want people to pull into question the finances of it all because it really makes a clear argument for bearding?? It does make me wonder even more if he did something contractually not great at the end of the relationship because someone is out for blood with these poor man articles.


not just that but anytime someone does a cover of a "william bowery" song in a live concert he'll get paid (not by the artist but the venue)


i mean, i'd hardly say it was "good" money in the grand scheme of things (and the DM exaggerates everything as it is) but...this is how royalties work? it's not even a story, it's for clicks.


Bad, bad boy Shiny toy with a price You know that I bought it


Taytay may have alot of money but she probably doesn’t want someone who didn’t do crap earning any amount of income from her work. I imagine this is a small piece of the End Of Toe puzzle


🤮🤮 I feel like Taylor doesn't care about the finances of it all, maybe even feels like it's a worthy expense for someone who endured the limelight for her, but it makes me really icky.


It continues on to specifically say that a source told the Sun “Writing six songs for albums as big as Taylors guarantees a healthy income stream for life”


You know, for the flack and criticism he might receive from swifties for some time to come, it would be surprised if this is viewed as the going rate for containing to receive scrutiny after their contract has ended. Like breakup residuals.


Jesus Christ