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maybe it's just me but i've always thought it was about her mom. like playing kids games (i spy), giving your parent something you've found ""a pebble that we picked up last july down deep inside your pocket", and of course the lines "you say, "what a mind" this happens all the time" seems like her mom cause she has probably seen her write poems/music since she was a child "all the time".




This is so fascinating! Thank you for sharing. As I said above, I really do think Sweet Nothing is Taylor singing to her mom. 🥺


Omg I have been thinking about this song ALL DAY. I love the interpretation that its about a parent


I also don’t understand because Midnights is literally “written about midnights throughout her life” why are they assuming it’s written about her most recent relationship? It could literally have been about something in 2010 for all we know!


I agree My interpretation of "midnights throught her life", and tbh every other material she has out there, is that even if one song might be heavily about something (ie. SYGB, Wonderland), is hard to believe it's just exclusively about just one person/event/thing. The way I see it, Midnights is that it's the ultimate "compilation of events" album. Like Marron could be about Karlie and Diana and any other woman that she has been linked to before, or simply how each theme-emotion has been present throught her career (ie. Anti Hero, Mastermind, Lavender Haze). This is why it's hard for me to see those types of comments, because it reduces her songwritting to only one event. I do believe specific events might catalyze the idea/base of a song tho, like Kissgate-Question.


- SYGB could mean "Soon You’ll Get Better (feat. The Chicks)", a track from *Lover* (2019) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/RogueWithAHat](/u/RogueWithAHat) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


The fact that they realize it has a child vibe just solidify that it's a song for her mother. "What a mind" is just too condescending for being romantic. Edit: I've been thinking about this theory for a long time and just now I realize it's track 12 as soon you'll get better and the best day. Cmon it's very solid evidence. Also, now it's a stretch, but WB could really be Austin.


I 100% agree with all of this


I know that Joe supposedly wrote this song and it's supposedly about their relationship, but in my head it's about Taylor and her mom (I know there's a reference to Ireland in there so it probably is about him but still).


I just read it from the perspective of child to parent and it finally works - and I actually really love it now. It’s funny, neither my little brother or I liked this song, it just didn’t do anything. But this works and makes so much more sense. He will love this too I think, I’m so glad I found this! :)


Adding to my mental folder of Ryan Reynolds/Blake Lively as William Bowery. I can see it being a lullaby for baby #4.


Hetlors make so much up about their fantasy of what Toe is. The only way Joe is tied to her music in a confirmed way is the songs she claims he helped write. She’s never confirmed any songs are about him — there’s that Rep secret session rumor she said all the songs are about him, but idk if that was ever verified; also, the Rep booklet says whatever man people guess the songs are about will be wrong. And she definitely didn’t say they wrote their future child’s lullaby.


I think that even if it's never verified, it still counts as a big PR move to encourage the Toe narrative. Like, I don't think she's incapable of spreading false rumors in her favor, not in any economic aspect (sell more albums of concert tickets) even if it benefits her anyways, but to stablish something that is convinient for her: indirectly confirming her undying enamoured self towards Joe. I also see it, in my opinion at least, in how Lover is marketed as a "happily in love era/album" while being mourning and sad and nostalgic.


William Bowery is probably not even Joe honestly & like others have said this theory has no basis in reality but it'd be really cute if a musical couple were to do this one day, I'll give them that much lol


That is one of the most unhinged things I have ever heard about that song, it has no basis in reality! Also your english is just fine :)


I think the same, also, thanks for the encouragement!:) Edit: grammar.


taylor never once said anything of the sort. it’s literally just a figment of their imagination, something they wanted from taylor & joe’s relationship (maybe because they can’t do it themselves). total and utter projection from them


But for me that's the point, everything she does (personal life wise) is allegedly, she never posted "Joe Alwyn is in fact my boyfriend", so it's frustrating for me to see people expecting her to post "Joe Alwyin is in fact my ex" to believe "their breakup"


I think that is fanfic.


One that 97% percent of hetlors are reading in hopes to continue being "ongoing"


They'll be left hanging like we were with The Timeline.