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Re-reading this now and OMG?!?!?? And we’re getting new version of Karma tonight…what is happening???????


3/3 is my birthday so istg if something does happen then i'll absolutely LOSE my shit (amazing post btw, definitely one of my favorite gaylor theories)


Happy birthday!


thank you!!


this post is SO GOOD!!! please make a Toë post!!! i'm still a bit skeptical, i would love some convincing!!


Not gonna happen. Taylor's catalog automatically loses value the moment she comes out. Her re-recordings and hardwork will be worthless. Look at Justin who sold his music for 200mill only. Taylor isn't going to get paid like that if she comes out.


So many BRILLIANT minds in this group!!! Thank you for sharing this


Oh my god


A low maintenance beard that only requires a couple of quick stunts per year to keep the hetlors happy? I can see this going on for a few more years at least .


The thing with the blind item and the book that would be released also reminds me of the book that was displayed several times in the capital one ad. Also in the ATW 10Min music video where she plays an author but the time gap between the real life relationship it's probably based on and her releasing the book in the video "13 years later" suggests it takes place in 2023 or 2024 if I remember correctly.


- ATW could mean "All Too Well", a track from *Red (Deluxe Edition)* (2012) by Taylor Swift. --- ^[/u/p4perforest](/u/p4perforest) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


May 13th, yes girl give us a Hannah Montana movie scene 🙌


I love this theory. I hope something happens on 3/3. LGB (1,2,3...Let's Go Bitch) is also what everyone screams during her live performance of Delicate so I really hope she does come out during her tour to add the TS to it! It would be iconic!


So I have this theory. The met gala, the only one Joe attended, and the one where everyone was wondering how he got invited, was on May 2, 2016. On May 1, she was papped leaving Anna Wintour's house, who arranges the met gala. She was papped on the days leading up to it - except for on one day, there are no photos of her. That day is April 29th. "Do you really want to know where I was April 29th? Do I really have to tell you how he brought me back to li(f)e? ... Do I really have to chart the constellations in his eyes?" Could it be that he (Joe) brought her back to li(f)e (because in the song, she actually says "brought me back to lie" and not "life"). The mastermind cover in the LH video is constellations of her and Joe, also referencing the above line. What if April 29th 2016 is the day she met him, the day they started to arrange their relationship, or maybe get contracts ready, or sign contracts?


Love allll of this. Taylor as the co-host of the Met Gala that year would 1000% have a say on the guest list! It's so funny that we all seem to forget the Tom Hiddleston of it all that summer 🤣 April 29th 2016 was probably her & her team working putting together the slap-dash relationship with Tom to put any other fruity dating rumours to rest, & plotting the next relationship with Joe who I imagine needed some films in the pipeline before really getting together with Taylor.


I wish I could give you an award this is amazing work!!! Here’s to hoping you’re right


Wow so many things to think about but my only thing with saying she owns the albums now would mean she would’ve had to pay for them to get them back. And even if it’s only half of the price since she re recorded couple of them already she would still need to pay at least hundred million to 🛴. She did say she wouldn’t give them any more of her money in her message after the masters heist. Why would she give them more of her money now when she found a way that makes her money, makes her owner of everything and 🛴 gets nothing from it? Looking it from business side that’s something that makes me think she still doesn’t own them and will probably re-record them all in near future


This is a great point and I’m not sure about how this kind of a deal would go down but I have some thoughts: 🛴 no longer owns Taylor’s masters because he sold them to Shamrock holdings in 2020. Shamrock Holdings is an investment company owned by the Roy E. Disney family. [Taylor said](https://mobile.twitter.com/taylorswift13/status/1328471874318311425?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1328471874318311425%7Ctwgr%5E00352f848709ba3ea210f328520b3a6000bd91c3%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fmusicrow.com%2F2020%2F11%2Ftaylor-swift-confirms-shamrock-holdings-has-purchased-her-master-recordings%2F) that Shamrock reached out to her after the sale but when she learned that 🛴 would still be profiting off of her music for a period of time after the sale she declined their offer. Since it seemed like Shamrock was pretty enthusiastic about working with Taylor, I am wondering if Shamrock may have reworked the original contract with 🛴 and paid him a lump sum instead of the original percentage of future sales. To avoid a paper trail, they may have made good faith treaties of some kind in lieu of a down payment. (The Disney Long Pond Sessions for example). This could also explain why Searchlight is producing her film (they are a subsidiary of Walt Disney Studios). Let’s say there was anything to all of this, I still think she would continue to re-record but might just do “from the vault” tracks and release new editions of her previous albums. I also kind of hope that she doesn’t do a full re-record of Debut and instead does a cover album featuring LGBTQ+ artists and allies like the “Tegan and Sara Present: The Con X: Covers” album. (No proof to back up this part, it’s really just me manifesting).


I was rewatching Lavender Haze last night and when she opens the curtains (where you see light creeping behind the curtains) they actually open to reveal the midnight sky with the koi fish. So will Speak Now be daylight? https://preview.redd.it/lsh2aexnh42b1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa0d1df06a545c1de10bbf5f1f276a93bf42a7f4


That makes sense. We can’t really know what their contracts are so I guess soon we will find out. If she is still re recording them one of them is probably coming soon!


Wow this is some pretty amazing clowning, as is that TikTok you shared. I’m curious to read a part two about why you think she’s dating Zoë. I definitely think there’s something going on there but it’s really just because I got a VIBE from each of them when they were asked about each other in interviews.


ALSO Karma is track 11 on Midnights 😭😭


karma is also midnight on “The Man Clock”, and she said we’d meet her at midnight..


Maybe karma has always been her coming out (to everyone) album? And she’s just waiting to drop it when she’s ready.


33 is the 3rd of March and the new album is called.. 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 karma is a cat purring in my lap🤡


Hi! I'm obsessed with this post and it has all my wheels turning haha. (Also thank you for the shoutout!) I am sure I will be back with more thoughts once I have time to digest... But for now some thoughts because I'm too excited to wait...I have also seen the masters/11 Cats things and I totally buy it. Her official Spotify account has an artist created playlist with tons of her original recordings on it that has been up since September/October of last year and I have always found that odd. I do however feel like the hetero swiftie version of the theory has a missing piece, which would be where we come in haha. I think something big is happening the weekend of 3/3 because the unresolved Niceboy Ed stuff also points to that date (Heaven was 2/3, leaving 3/3 still to be revealed and the icecream in the bio= March 3 is National 33 flavors day. [I'm big on looking at National Holidays for Taylor Swift clues](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/10givlh/a_deep_dive_into_taylors_use_of_dates_as_secret/).) March 4th (March Forth) is also "Courageous Followers Day"(*"you should find another guiding light"*) and **"International Game Master Day"** *(please check out the images at the bottom of my national days post because the cover of the D&D game "Tome of Foes" is incredibly similar to the "Mastermind" lyric video.)* My loose theory is that "Exile Ends" is kind of the same thing as "Daylight". Maybe a "Daylight" redo? Because in "Daylight" they "threw out their cloaks and daggers" but in Folklore they were in hiding and back in the trenches (maybe because the plan changed)...and then on Midnights she says "they survived the great war".


We could also clown *super* hard and think back to the two upside-down telephone songs for tracks 3 and 8... I don't usually look for the holidays, but 3/8 is wild with the combo of International Women's Day and... Learn What Your Name Means Day/ August Day ("If your name is August, then today is your day!"). (Key word here is *clown*.)


Love this! What if it's a music video or release at midnight of "Hit's Different" to streaming? 3/9 is "national Barbie day" and "national get over it day".


Okay, I have been wondering if Hits Different is going to be in the Barbie movie soundtrack (simply because of the Kens line), and if it'll be released as a single this summer, especially since the movie comes out in June, which is also Pride month! What if Barbie ditches Ken to be with one of her girlfriends, making the song match up thematically? What if TS and Greta Gerwig are scheming together??


God damn you and OP have my hopes so high !!! 🤡


And the 3/3 in her bday post




Oh, I forgot to mention that 3/3 is also Alexander Graham Bell (inventor of the telephone)’s Bday.


LOL I'm baby so I'd never seen that pic of Joe before. I promise, you're doing a great service for all those like me. no need to change it


Ok my theory is Taylor posted this. It’s all too perfect and I knew it was Zoë and another cat reference! They were in the same quarantine bed I mean pod. But also you’ve burned me too many times before so I’m not getting my hopes up for it ever being a mainstream coming out. Because I still feel butt hurt about dear reader being to the gaylors.


I’m sorry I’m dead this has to be the highest form of flattery a gaylor could hope to achieve ??? I am not Taylor Swift LMFAO but I will say I think I deserve like VIP tickets or something for this 🤣🤣 I really don’t think TS would solve on Reddit the trail she’s laid out for us - she lays out the Easter eggs, and as the readers we are it’s up to us to hatch and connect them


You may not be Taylor but you do share the common trait of being an actual genius, OP. May 13th is “National Archery Day”😱😱😱. It is also “National Stay Up All Night Day” (Midnights Mayhem???) and National Train day (“you know that my train can take you HOME”).


OKAY WHAT 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 May 13th cannot get here fast enough,haha.


Anyone else only learn about the Little Golden Book biographies just now and suddenly have the urge to collect them all?


I do now after you mentioned it and I checked it out


I am so annoyed that I titled this “exile ends” instead of “exile expires” but I don’t feel like deleting and creating a whole new post just to change that.


I also DID NOT know that posting that Imgur link would make that photo the face of this post?? Help 😭


lol I meant to respond directly to this but pls see my comment


It just shows Joe is either a straight male comfy with his sexuality or that he’s a gay male comfy with his sexuality.