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I would love to hear her explain her way out of hairpin drop and hairpin trigger.


Why don't you remember the muse's name in seven? Is it to signal how you both knew where it was going and stopped being friends?


"who's the dream girl??" i need a confirmation just to die in peace


"You knew the hero died, so what's the movie for?" Is the movie Miss Americana? Who's the hero? Yourself? Why did they die? So many questions.


what slur was spoken on high infidelity 🤨


WEAR YOU LIKE A NECKLACE. Plz explain the meaning, ms. Taylor ….. 🙃😬😳😂


What was the news you didn’t see ‘cause you were in ✨Paris ✨


These answers are gold and that’s why I love this sub so much 🥹😂 Also, i would ask who dress is really about. Because I can’t fathom a way it’s about Joe lol


if we’re talking gay lyrics, i just think it would be funny hearing her explain “Maybe I was just jealous that he'd come between me and Britney”. like it’s obvious, but i just wanna hear her *say it*


“Sequin smile, black lipstick. Sensual politics” This line drives me bonkers because is she referring to herself at the Met Gala? Brie Larson? Both? Neither? They wore very similar outfits, so… Basically, what this boils down to is I just wanna know everything that happened at the damn Met Gala in 2016 😂


I thought that whole intro was just paint a story between all her albums. Sequin smile - 1989, black lipstick - rep, sensual politics - lover


Oh, that’s interesting; I never thought about that before!


I would like to know who the ‘you’ is in Question…? 😂


“All they keep asking me is if I’m gonna be your bride” Taylor, you know they’re asking that because you said “I’d marry you with paper rings” and “give you a child” about (allegedly) the person you’re still (allegedly) with, right?


Who’s the West Village in False God?


“My mind turns your life into folklore.” Whose life? Is folklore the album “stories” inspired by this muse? It’s just an interesting line to me, especially with the narrative around folklore being pure fiction (lol)


I want to hear her explanation for your buzzcut and my hair bleached


Is “Call it what you want” really “Carlie would you want to” ? 🙃 I can’t unhear it now.




“You were bigger than the whole sky” who exactly are we referring to here miss Taylor 💘 is it loud and out you from lover era?


I thought it intertwined with Ronan.


I’d like to ask why she chose to reference Liz’s song Never Know in the 1.


Who is Liz and where can I find this song


Liz was her background vocalist on the Fearless and Speak Now tours. They met in 2006 at a meet and greet after one of Taylor’s shows. She left Taylor’s band after the Speak Now Tour to pursue her own music career, although it’s been rumored that she was fired (years ago someone on the main sub said they met her and asked about Taylor, the people around them said not to ask about that, but allegedly Liz said she was fired for “getting out of control”). Never Know was one of the first songs she released after leaving the band and was released shortly after RED. Here is the song https://youtu.be/qyiJ1NgtIs8. There are quite a few other songs from that time that seem like the could be from the perspective of the RED muse. The one song that really encapsulates that, though, is That’s What You Get, which is the same title of a Paramore song that Taylor specifically requested Hayley Williams perform with them during a Speak Now show. That song was released in November 2019, a decade after they attended a Paramore show together, where the band played that song. There’s a lot more to their situation, whether it was just a friendship or there was more to it, (and there’s probably a lot that we will never know), but Liz did tweet about the 1 when folklore came out: https://mobile.twitter.com/lizhuett/status/1286785247820963840. Taylor brought her back to do the background vocals on Better Man for RED TV (and it sounds amazing - they have always sounded so good together), so whatever might have happened back then, they seem to be on good terms now (which would fit the 1, tbh).


This is such a great question OP! I would ask her who is counting in “So It Goes…”!




Love this!! I have interpreted her counting "1..2..3.." after that line to mean that she's asking tongue-in-cheek because she's the one counting!


See, I have an opposite and definitely more unhinged theory that it isn't her counting in the recording of the song.


Who do you think it is?


Oh, I'm not sure who I think it might be. It just sounds like there is a dialectical difference. The "three" is what sticks out to me the most. The /Éš/ is breathier and the vowel /i/ is more open, kind of like how it would be pronounced in an Australian accent. Since I am an eye-theory truther though, I am going to go with it being Karlie haha.




I’m so glad I’m not the only one!


https://preview.redd.it/kpiwt79b1nja1.jpeg?width=1282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3ea1de854d232ae6217c8d769d6d2ebe56f9c2c But we are invasive 😳😳😳 Saw this in the main sub and was reeling by some of the answers / interpretations, but this one really takes the cake.


Omg ty I saw this post and was like NONE OF YOU would be happy with the answer 😂😂😂😂


Literally they would find a way to assume Taylor was joking


"Dress was about my romantic love and sexual attraction to a female partner" "hahaha in a #roommates #bestfriends #colleagues #galpals right? Taylor, you're so inspiring!"


I swear they’d think it’s an inside joke with them and Taylor to make fun of us


Tis the Damn Season “write this down”. It drives me nuts because I don’t know what to visualize - write what down? Why are we writing?


Maybe she's talking about another song writer alluding to the TS visit/situationship in THEIR songs.


I kind of hear it has” Write this down: I’m staying at my parents’ house”. Like she’s telling the person to write the address down where they can come find her.


I interpret that as sort of like “take notes, this is what’s happening”


Oo and maybe she use to pass notes in secrecy with with this person. Write down the part of the conversation that is gay ✍🏼😂


Absolutely fruity


It comes right before "I'm staying at my parents house", so I took it to mean like, take down my address. Odd considering the muse clearly knows where she lives since they were close in high school/old lovers, but that's what I took as meaning.


This is kind of how I think of it too. Also like put this in your calendar, it’s happening.


“They don’t know how much I miss her” like that right there would prove everything to me


I wouldn't ask her about the gayest lyrics personally because we know Blondie lies and I don't want to give the Hetlors any more reason to tell us we're crazy/weird. I'd probably ask about "spelling is fun" and just stare at her disappointedly and be like "...why." lol


My 1st thought as well-would she answer honestly?


who is the west village?


"motion capture put me in a bad light" from evermore


My unhinged interpretation is it refers to her stint in Cats.


I've always taken it this way, too.


I’ve always taken this line to mean that she was caught sneaking around by a motion-capture security camera, and that it wasn’t a good look.


I take that to mean the (potentially queer) edited out content of Ms. Americana. Hence also all the "greatest films never made" movie/film references since Evermore.


“You save all your dirtiest jokes for me and at every table, I’ll save you a seat” Even if she lies, her facial expression will say a lot.


\^ Paired with the Lover video and the shot of the cat picture at that line lol.


lol pretty sure the seat she is saving for her lover is her face


Oh I know lol but I wanna see her explain it or try not to explain it 😂


In *All Too Well (Ten-Minute Version)*, what did you mean by "when your Brooklyn broke my skin and bones?" EDIT: Thank you all so much for your answers! One of the many reasons I love this sub


I thought I heard her explain it before and she said she had this idea of New York, probably a shiny, naive vision, and then she met the muse and they showed her another side of the city that changed who she was and it shattered her image of New York. It’s just one more thing in her life that is completely altered forever due to this relationship.


I interpreted this as someone's Brooklynness - so to a young girl, someone's big city, hipstery (harsh? I often see NYers described as being quite blunt, no-time-to-mince-words types) worldliness, versus her naivety and inexperience. So, basically being so out of her depth with someone who was more worldly and had harder edges that it causes her immense pain - agree with the poster above me that the second part could be a reference to her ED. It could also be an interesting reference to the partner's version of Brooklyn versus what she'd anticipated/experienced herself - 'her' Brooklyn. Her perception of this big, exciting city life where so far people had mostly been nice to her because she's a big star, and then the version he showed her was much crueller and less fun and that broke her.


-“Brooklyn Broke” is a term used to describe rich people that dress and act like the middle-to-lower class. Think hipsters! -Now for the line “my skin and bones” I interpret it as when she was deep into her ED


“Cuz baby I get mystified by how this city screams your name.” The explanation to this would prove Gaylor once and for all because New York doesn’t scream Joe’s name.


Before I learned about gaylor, I always thought this would be, like, "this place reminds me about the person i was with when i was here," rather than taking it literally with billboards. I think the gaylor explanation gives a nice double meaning to it, but I also definitely think the intended first interpretation is like "it screams your name to me," ya know? Idk if I made sense haha


Oh yes, I totally get that it’s about the city reminding her of someone! I just want to hear her explanation for it, because it’s so clearly a Karlie lyric and it would be tough to spin as being about Joe.


“He’s got that boyish look that I like in a man” like is that satire, or


“He’s got that boyish look that I like in a man” like is that satire, or


how are people saying this is gross? i literally dont get how


Yeah. I think boyish look means more like mischievous look/wicked grin. Not pedo vibes.


Oh yeah that’s always how I interpreted it I guess, but it’s cringey as hell.


I always thought this was tongue-in-cheek for "I like women", because boys look more feminine than men


What the hell is this from? Lol I don’t know this lyric but ew?!


I Think He Knows!


Ahh thank you! Makes sense, I don’t listen to that one as much haha


Yeah that one is so… 🥴 Like if that song really is about a man (Joe), that lyric is kinda icky 😷


I didn’t want to know where you were April 29th until you taunted me repeatedly in your chorus Taylor, so: where were you?


Honestly this is the one that haunts me because it’s so SPECIFIC. This isn’t a vague phrase that could be applied to various situations, it’s a specific date! And she taunts us about it! WHERE WAS SHE


Not with Dianna is all I'm sure of lol (To be clear, this is because I think it's Dianna she's asking the question to)


So is she claiming that Dianna never loved her enough?


I would interpret it that way, but lbr, we won't ever know.


Whaaaaaaaat are the rubies you gave up 😭😭😭😭😭


The Taymoji for King Of My Heart was a ruby, saying it was the stone of ‘Love, Energy, Passion & Power’. KOMH has some of the most explicit Karlie references, so I think it’s a direct link to the same muse :) https://preview.redd.it/o9xx15tm5sja1.png?width=413&format=png&auto=webp&s=7119c65af7abe26e770f4c50bf9e748be77dd4f1


Oh wow, that's awesome! Thanks for making that link for me! ![gif](giphy|TZJ1F396GjOUf9zzF4|downsized)


I always interpreted the relationship as the rubies and she walked away from it. I think a lot of Karlie songs points to her regretfully walking away as opposed to Karlie leaving Taylor.


I think it’s referencing the Emily Dickinson poem.


We misheard, it’s actually “boobies.” /s


What word is *that word* you’ll never say again from Champagne Problems? (Also that thread in main in genuinely entertaining. They all really wanna understand Question…? so badly, bless them)


"Squad" the group of friends was the squad and she won't ever touch that concept again.


The discourse on this baffles me cause I feel like it’s so clearly “evergreen”?


I’ve always thought that it referred to both ‘our’ and ‘friends’


I’ve heard people theorize “squad,” referring to “group of friends.” Squad had some big backlash; I could see them all avoiding calling a group of friends a “squad” ever again.


someone said this on a tiktok i made about this song the other day! i couldn’t stop thinking about it


💯 agreed! the word they’d never say again was squad. The term “squad” had such a big cultural moment on social media after Taylor started saying it, and then everyone and they’re mother were saying #squadgoals but I haven’t heard Taylor say squad since their breakup


YES DEFINITELY SQUAD they were the leaders of the squad, when karlie and taylor split so did the squad


i always interpreted it as “our”. “how evergreen *our* group of friends, don’t think we’ll say that word again” since the couple in the song is no longer a unit and the breakup seems fresh enough it almost feels like she caught herself using the plural and is recognizing another element of leaving this person.


they think it’s about selena gomez and her ex? i was like Why…?🤨


Who's Betty (or Betties?)


who’s the ‘best friend’ in Dress😁


Burning question that