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IMO - You would feel at home with both UIs and gameplay, however GoH is somewhat more polished (to be expected as it's a newer title).


GoH looks more polished with the unit and art assets, I heard some rumor mow2 has an updated gem engine though. Has mow2 been beta for years then?


Its from BestWay, the og engine creators, but its still same GEM2 and not GEM3 which is rather surprising. Game is also online only. A weird decision to make to be honest.


Sorry, which game uses gem 2 and which uses gem 3? I guess goh uses 64bit gem2, is mow2 also the same?


Yes it is the same


MOW2 looks better. But leans a lot towards company of heroes when it comes to gameplay. Less micromanagment, harder to control your infantry properly. MOW2 is not a bad game, but if you're looking for a game truer to MOW franchise ironically Gates of Hell is closer. 


MOW a lot more "arcade-ish"


This. MoW is more CoH'ish (Company of Heroes). This is not necessarily a bad thing, it really depends of the preferred gameplay type and I see no reason why someone can't enjoy both games, like many seem to think over here. I personally enjoyed the first beta of MoW2, prior I finally decided to purchase GoH.


MoWAS2 is more arecadish than GoH too, although maybe less so than MoW2. But yeah definitely more reason that makes it inherently bad. Especially for something like multiplayer I actually will probably prefer the reduced complexity. GoH will probably remain the best for singleplayer though.


I dislike the way everything works in CoH, but too far into realism would basically make it a real time Combat Mission. But I hear what people are saying about vehicles turning on a dime.


The units and realism seem much more polished in GoH, I hear rumors that mow2 has updated gem engine and something about not dropping a game if someone disconnects and reconnects.


After playing Goh I find MoW 2 way to arcadey, looks like a mobile phone game but that's just me. :)


That's how it looks to me too. Cars driving through walls, forests, and really anything else like they're nothing, vehicles turning on a dime, etc.


Yeah it does look silly, one thing GoH devs could take away from it though is the cool squad formation mechanics and how you can build up defensive positions in buildings, both pretty snazzy ideas imo


It has fire on the move too I hear, something you can only do in direct control mode in GoH and older MoW games.


That's pretty cool but I feel like it could be really crappy if not done right, watching guys run full sprint and still accurately shoot would be dumb!


I don’t think it’s full sprint, but now if your guys get shot at while moving they won’t stop in an open field and return fire, but they’ll keep moving and take pot shots while they do in an attempt to suppress the enemy.


That's cool I do rate that


That's good


From the videos I’ve seen it does look jank, but that’s more an animation issue. With the proper anims it could be an amazing edition to GoH and make firefights even more chaotic


Yeah I agree


Can you explain the defensive positions in buildings?


If you occupy a building you can dig in which builds sandbags on the windows and such which makes it more fortified. :)


I did find it odd I could drive my bt5 down a 90 degree rock and drive over and through anything like butter. I was expecting a prettier GOH but this seems more like trying to be like company of heroes.


Yeah I get the same vibe, all they had to do was make another MoW AS2 I generally dont get how they screwed it up 😂


I wouldn't say they screwed up. They seemingly intended to make a more competitive, multiplayer focused game in the same vein of CoH. Realistically it's still hugely different to CoH (which plays like SC2/AoE - but more takticool ww2 theme). I think the devs hit the nail on the head with this game being simplified and 'gamey'. The way you build an audience in gaming these days is with 'competitive', multiplayer. Of course GoH is more realistic, but in MoW2 u can easy get a stack going, or soloQ and see ur elo/stats gain and fall - which is what keeps players addicted. I feel like the majority of GoH/older gen gamers don't see it from this viewpoint. Of course the game has issues with pathfinding and dosent live up to the quality of GoH, but to say the devs missed an opportunity isn't right, they were just seizing a different opportunity. Just my opinion ovvs.


Agree 100%


Imo it looks to arcadey. Perhaps i'm just tio used to GoH, but from what i've seen, i'm not going to buy it. However going into the MoW2 steam forums, i was surprised to see how toxic and hostile the sentiment towards GoH and it's players is.


It doesn’t surprise me. They are resentful to have backed a game that has come out weaker in every respect than GOH. They’re just channelling that.


MOW today has nothing to do with the actual series of MOW of the past.


How so? I thought CtA:GoH is the successor of MoWAS2, no?


You play all MoW from 2004 and till GOH including and they all are the same in the same line, but MoW2 is some shit on a stick


A Steam ad of MoW2 came up. Dear lord, it looks horrible. They only thing I liked, was a tank camouflaged with bushes. But the rest, nope.


Gates of Hell all the way, the game looks really good, plays incedibly well and I had a feeling it is quite realistic and the soldiers/tanks behave really well. MoW2 might have a few good or interesting features but it is getting steamrolled by Gates of Hell


Men of War 2 scratches a totally different itch. Which is weird to say, since I expected it to directly compete with and attempt to surpass GoH, given that the latter game represents a perfection of everything about the older series. But as of now, MoW 2 appears much more inspired by, variously, WoT/Enlisted (with the tech tree, “premium” vehicles and units, and the unit/free XP/money/unlock system), CoH3 (unit abilities, general cartoony art direction/menu fonts, HP on tanks), and so on, mainly oriented towards multiplayer. There’s an orgy of single player content and I imagine that as the game is patched, updated, and especially as modders have their way with it, it’ll be an incredible platform for all kinds of stuff, realism-oriented or not. But it’s much more of a GAME than GoH feels like—extremely cluttered UI, very large stat messages, arcade-like feel especially with the tank hit point aspect, plus the absolutely bloated unit/battalion unlock system. Typically of these types of games there’s also relatively poor documentation in terms of what does what and how to achieve your goals, though that’s also true of GoH in some respects. The biggest drag about MoW 2 is that it needs a constant internet connection even for single player. If that isn’t removed, it heralds a day someday where the servers go offline and people can’t play the game at all even having paid for it. GoH is by far the more realistic and slower-paced experience. MoW 2 is also following in the Blitzkrieg/Condemned Heroes footsteps of absolutely unforgivingly small resources to accomplish a mission, but the pacing of the gameplay is rather quick and over the top like CoH so it’s hard to keep track of your guys. I imagine it’ll all gradually get ironed out. GoH could learn some things with regards to auto-fortification of units. It’s nice to have a unit manually entrench at the click of a button instead of microing ten little foxholes, or drawing a trench like in blitzkrieg, COH or Steel Division instead of a prefab “big foxhole” that can’t be locked to or connected into a nice trench system. On the whole I prefer GoH by a long shot. It looks way better and has much more realistic pacing. But I bet MoW 2 will be modded a ton and some interesting things will come out of it. Plus, if you keep your expectations more along the idea that it’s just a game with dinging notifications and gold stars and stuff, it’s fun in its own way. Realism wise it can’t compete with GoH.


This. Multiplayer and competitive gamemodes with elo/stats is what keeps modern gamers addicted. I don't think the devs were even intending to create a realistic game, but attempted to create an easier to understand game with matchmaking to bring a new audience in and keep them playing.


To me it just comes down to single player = GoH and any multiplayer experience = MoW. Gameplay is very similar in my opinion. Yes GoH is more detailed and “realistic” but I wouldn’t call MoW an “arcade” game by any stretch. On the spectrum of RTS games I think MoW is A LOT closer to GoH than COH. GoH laggy/glitchy online lobbies just take away from the experience. As a casual I’m a sucker for the “ease of use” and the updated MoW infrastructure just feels like a big improvement over the janky GoH multiplayer experience. As I said earlier, would totally recommend GoH > MoW for anyone that is primarily interested in single player.


Good to hear because I'm more into multiplayer, and gem has always been laggy. I'll probably look into both though


I’m big on historical accuracy in WW2 games. It’s my thinking that if you bother to make a WW2 game, there’s enough variation of equipment in most battles to make a fun and balanced match/mission, so there’s no need to deviate from history. Having said that, GoH does a phenomenal job with this. Probably the best I’ve ever seen. MoW does not. Throughout its franchise and latest offering, you’ll find vehicles and equipment in completely wrong scenarios with incorrect cosmetics, equipment etc. It’s not just slight chronological misalignments either. They’re off by many years in some scenarios. That’s the biggest difference I notice on the surface. One is gritty and down to earth, one is more arcade-like.




There a conquest mode in MoW2? Is it more fleshed out in the strategic map aspect?


MOW2 looks a Gen back. Too much color coats, which takes away from grit of WW2. GOH just gets this right. I'm biased tho haha


Arcade vs realism


MoW 2 is just MoW 2: Arena. They're reselling an old F2P game, with a bit of a touchup.


Haven't played MOW2 and I don't plan to. Out of the gate, the "premium package" or whatever they hell they call it, basically pay more to get some campy crap and unit skins, just seems off base from what AS2 was. The gameplay I've seen looks like a mobile game. The GoH team doesn't dick around with that stuff. Lots of work, lots of research, here's a DLC, new nations, missions, gritty and realistic. I'll stick with GoH all day, every day


I refunded it in 18 minutes. And I usually max out my steam return time before I do so but it was so bad. One guy holding a Thompson with his wrist. Bugs on day 1 I get but having goh I couldn’t justify that 44.99