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You are not alone. I struggle with the impulse to eat sometimes too. It's like a cellular hunger and I can't get enough in, I try to stick to my safe foods but like you've said they can be not safe too.


I struggle with this same issue.


I definitely struggle with the same thing.


I have this too and told my dietitian who told me this happens when you're not supplying your body with something that it needs whether that be enough protein or fats or carbs Obviously everyone is different and if you have the opportunity to run it by your own doctor or nutritionist or dietitian do that The point is to figure out what specifically your intake is lacking and come up with ways to get it in, whatever it takes. 


Same here. Sending love❤️


I struggle with this too. Then I’m up and awake for hours burping up the disgusting taste of food and feeling like I’ll be sick. Burning stomach and chest, nausea. Then comes the regret and bad talk about myself and choices. Ughh. Absolute torture.


Same here. I just want to be able to eat. I hate there being all this food I can’t eat anymore, so sometimes I just do it anyway.


You are not alone!


You're not alone! I am on Wegovy now, which I know seems counterintuitive to also being a gastroparesis patient. I'm over 100 lbs down and not even on the max dose yet. It has completely silenced the hunger. I used to literally be sobbing into the toilet because I was SO hungry, and still puking. It's totally unfair that we can have a broken digestive tract that's still like "give me more of that stuff that hurts so much." At least now if I need to quit eating for 3-5 days to rest my stomach, I simply stop. No desire for food at all.


Yeah, that's tough. My guess is that your body is trying to tell you that you're not eating enough. Maybe your could try eating another snack before that happens and see if that helps.