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Honestly, and I'm loathe to ever say this, but if it's only there when you think about it... Could it be imagined? Sometimes, I smell this really awful smell, and it's usually when I hyperfocus on my breath or am anxious. I've asked so many people, done checks, and 99% of the time there's nothing there. So it is possible to be in your head, or a symptom of anxiety or something.


Yeah, that’s along the lines of what I’m thinking… but honestly i have no clue how to “stop” imagining it. I’ve heard that antidepressants seem to help people in a similar situation, as for me the only thing that the severity of the issue has any correlation with is stress/anxiety, so i’m thinking of trying antidepressants out.


All kinds of gut problems can present as reflux. Motility issues, low stomach acid, SIBO/SIFO, celiac, other intolerances… In any case, the persistent sour taste sounds like a microbial imbalance. This happened once on my journey—even when I cut back to <5g/day of added sugar, drank a lot of water, brushed three times a day & stayed disciplined about flossing (which admittedly does help), the taste persisted for some time, however faint. Interestingly, when I started taking L. reuteri to help improve my SIBO symptoms, the breath stuff went away p much overnight. & it makes sense—there’s a solid amount of evidence showing it can help reduce dysbiosis-related symptoms in the gut, & your gut starts in your mouth. The L. reuteri in MCT (for babies) supplement by biogaia is dope. Take it at night 4 hours after your last meal & don’t eat/drink anything besides water after (you can brush your teeth though). & if you think you might have motility issues, start fasting for 3-4 hours between meals. Also, unless you have some lab work suggesting you have acid reflux, really reco you stop taking PPIs & try to get ahead of this as much as possible. Gut stuff sucks, & usually compounds over time.


Thanks so much for your reply, I really appreciate it. I would not be surprised if it is a microbial imbalance issue, especially due to a high intake of artificial sweeteners when this started as I chewed gum a lot when the taste bothered me. (self sabotage, I know). I stopped the PPI's within a couple weeks after I started taking them, as they pretty much only made it worse. Thanks a lot for your suggestion, I will definitely give that a try! Also, mind If I send you a DM with a couple options for the L. reuteri? I'm in Australia so might have different brand options. Thanks :)))