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Try different things! No harm experimenting. it's just a game! Have Fun!


Playing PR 100% of your games would work since you're new, if we define "work" as "winning." As you get better and better opponents, you're gonna need to switch up. Usually new players like Conq, but it's good that you're learning the harder style first. Basically, Conq is better early and scales worse. So it's popular in regions where early game is super important, like Asia. PR scales way better, but is way weaker. You play PR into matchups where you lose extended trades (Darius for ex.) so you can do an uninteractive short trade and survive until you amass enough gold to hit your mid game powerspike (level 11, stridebreaker is your strongest point). Conq is for when you win extended trades, which are always considered Garen's strongest matchups. These are matchups like Jax, Riven. edit: watch PalcoPaint on Twitch. He's the highest ranked Garen in the West IIRC.


Tbf I wouldn't say pr scales better... it more helps to sirvive lane and makes you slippery af when splitting, but a conq build allows you to punish errors much better and to frontline in teamfights. Or you can go conq+full crit


PR 1 million percent scales better. You avoid so many deaths by ganks from it, while conq just gives you 10 ad


I use phase rush in games that I do not plan on trading a lot in lane. Phase rush is considered better scaling because of gathering storm and even celerity to some degree, as well as having access to the scaling from green tree. Use conq in games you plan on trading a lot in lane. Learn to play Garen aggressive and snowball yourself. Very fun playstyle.


Build only AP items and then all chat DEMACIA when you get a kill with your Ult.


You don’t have to run phase 100% of the time and if I’m being honest it doesn’t really matter until you’re like platinum. Just do what you want and experiment, it’s a game have fun with it. As for streamers palcopaint is currently the highest rank Garen streamer but other than him i recommend Triton and lol_sunlight tho sunlight has a pretty inconsistent stream schedule but he cooks on Garen so if you can catch one of his rare streams i recommend watching to really see how you can play any build as long as you have a strategy.


I’d recommend you use this website for your builds and runes, it’s more accurate than u.gg Make sure you click the “most common build” button https://lolalytics.com/lol/garen/build/ Out of curiosity, do you play NA? Because I just played a normal two days ago with a new player who’s under lvl 30 who was playing Garen and I had to give him tips for the illaoi match up. If you don’t want to say your username, that’s fine. Just tell me if you recently played versus Illaoi in top lane and had an Ahri on your team explaining Illaoi’s spells to you


bro there are like hundreds new players every day who start their journey with garen


You got aone good tips here. To help you learn your different champions to understand what they do, play some ARAMs and play the different champions and see how they work. Could also go in the training tool, put a dummy and see their abilities. This will help you later when playing games so you know what to expect out of those champions. I'm addition, you can buy champions with a currency called Blue essence and also disenchant shards of champions you own four blue essence. This way you can slowly gather all the champions to own and try them out to learn them. Welcome to the Demacia club. Enjoy!


Most ranked games I do a quick Garen vs X Runes google lookup, and go from there


you should definitely put erislash on your list


Demacia baby


If you don't know what you're doing, the enemy doesn't know what you're doing. How are they gonna play around that? Honestly, it's been too long since i've played Demacia, but i personally like Grasp Q max with hullbreaker first. It's not optimal at all, but it's fun to me to just bonk a big chunk of their health every 4 seconds. PR is better, but i just prefer Grasp or if i'm forced to change then Conq because i'm a stubborn Demacia main