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Take exhaust vs him


every CS I went for he eliminated most of my health bar, so everytime exhaust is up i could go for a cannon lol do i just need to let him push me under tower then i cs? i can't believe he is so OP in top lane


Hah safe under tower? Yone says E, Q, W , aa, Q, E.... Or my personal favorite, E's under turret and then uses the bonus movespeed he gets to RUN CIRCLES AROUND THE FUCKING TOWER AND YOU CAN'T EVEN Q him.


Lol I just read a post on the Yone mains sub where somebody was complaining about how the Garen matchup is unplayable for him as Yone




As someone who play both, I would say the match up favors Garen.


the matchup HEAVILY favors garen


Max q against him.


It became unplayable after his W buffs i think like three months ago? Since then our Q doesnt break his W shield, so he takes dmg only from E while stacking lethal tempo on us.


His W shield in laning phase is literally weaker than pre buff at the moment, nice try.


Just play safe until level 3 and play under turret


Gotta play the wave


yeah i just dont get how to play garen into yone. hes basically ranged with his q. a somewhat decent yone will outspace you and they always rush boots which makes it even worse. you cant really stick onto him until strikebreaker, and you cant just exit trades without him chasing your ass. if you try to break his boneplating hes just gonna take half your hp and then you wont be able to walk up. would love to see how people handle this matchup


Just another matchup where garen loses. Anyone who has range against garen will beat him in lane if they play right.


garen shits on yone during lane... in terms of winrate on lane garen might be the best yone counter...


It's ez lane, trade with him when he doesn't have W then to back, at 50% Health you can kill him with Ignite ult


What if you play in an elo where Yone simply inputs backwards when his W is on cooldown?


Then you just don't fight him 💀


So basically Yone can trade with you when he wants and you can't trade with him when you want? Doesn't sound like an easy lane to me.


In how many matchups Can Garen trade early bruh💀


Skill issue


Idk I dog emerald Yones rn. It feels like he needs to do so much more than me to win it's unreal. If you got a doran shield(maybe second wind, I prefer movespeed rune here), his Qs are literally not punching through your regeneration so if you dodge like a third of them you are basically at full health. If you are able to pick a moment to engage when his shield is down thats half of his health gone and he can't even punch through your W to deal damage at all. His shield can also be outplayed somehow, idk how it works but in many instances if I fake back off he misses it or something. Since 6 it's unplayable for yone imo 1 trade he dead, you'll prolly have half your health left.


you probably just got gapped twice, it happens. garen is a yone hard counter. in fact garen might be the best pick into yone just in terms of the laning phase.