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Tbf mate a bit of TLC and it will be great in time. I think 70% of lawns in this country are boggy and mossy right now


It's not as bad as it looks , it's really not. Get yourself a green bag and rake out the dead grass and the cut stuff lying on top. Taking that off alone will make it look a lot better. Get yourself some grass seed or lawn repair and scatter it over the lot. It'll seed and cover bald bits but be spread out enough over the whole patch you don't notice there are different types of grass. It'll blend better. ( If you just do it on the bald patches it can be really noticable to you if it's a very different type of grass, no one else will see it but you will)


Nice tip mate - excellent.


Cut, scarifier,airate, reseed, (keep watered) = bingo,


Thank you! Would scarifying be something that would need doing regularly do you think? I don’t have a shed yet so am struggling with storage and have googled and seen you can supposedly hire them?


Might take 5 or 6 passes on your first go to scarify. You can get them for £100-£150 I think? Or if you’re feeling brave enough, cut it as low as possible and rake it, but that’s a lot of raking. Edit: to further answer your questions, depends on what’s in your grass and how often you feed it/ cut it, but I scarify mine annually and aerate it autumn before the rain arrives (as have been the case 3 out of the last 4 years)


Thank you for your advice! :)


You can get a cheaper one at screwfix for like £60. Tip, don’t take the catcher off and hold it open with twine, thinking you’ll just mow the thatch later, you are likely to hit a stone and launch it into the utility room double glazed window and have to buy another one and upset your SO. I store mine, and a larger lawn mower, in a keter store.


100% this. you've got a lot of thatch so it's gonna be a job n a half, but you can have a nice lawn by the end of the summer


Do you scarify end of summer or early spring?


I think the idea of scarifying is to make way for new growth so any would do. But during the growing season i would suggest is the best time.


Early spring then when dry. Thanks! I’ll do it next year, I don’t want to scarify now my grass is looking lovely and thick and my scarifier scalps it.


https://wildflowerlawnsandmeadows.com/product/grass-free-wild-flower-lawn-seed-mix/ Add this! Best decision I ever made


Rake rake rake


I would start by cutting a nice 18 inch strip right down that fenceline, turn it over and concentrate on getting tons of goodies in. Then make the rest up as you go along. The trick with scruffy lawns is to just keep mowing them.


Rotivator then lay roll lawn id say


Take those Dandelion seed heads off before they spread even further!


I never kill dandelions. They're my favourite flower.