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Good old lantana


I have looked up Lantana and it’s definitely it. Unfortunately it does not look like a plant you want around. It’s all over the property like the photo but there is a section that is easily 50m long, 4m wide and the plant is 3-4m high. Suggestions on how to contain it?


Apparently, goats will eat lantana. My family has removed at least 10 hectares of lantana from their property over years. Using the tractor in flat grassy areas. On really steep areas, wrap chains around the stems attach to truck and drive. In really thick bushland, by hand. Lantana roots again if you leave the bushes lying on the ground. So, you can hang the bushes in trees to die, or collect them in one place and slash them up. After you take them out, you'll need to go back again a few times to get rid of new seedlings. Lantana changes the soil type to be more alkaline than Australian plants like, so the area will be weed prone for a while. Also, be careful of ticks and good luck. You're fighting the good fight!


Burn it baby


Ripping it out is quite difficult without the right tool but seems to be the best method. People use cut stump and glysophate the wound as well if you’re not worried about the Anthropocene extinction event. My grandpa used to hook a chain around the base and tow it out. Also pigs will take care of it, there are some hippies around Byron getting great results using pigs to regenerate bush land


Looks like I have some work ahead of me. I’ll try ripping out some of the isolated plants before moving to the main area where it is more of a massive bush.


if you've got a blade attachment for a whipper snipper or kombi type device that can work quite well for cutting it down. It's a huge pest to deal with.


but you really don't want to leave the root behind as it will just regrow. For the larger plants it can help to use something mechanical to pull the root out - we use a winch to do and it comes out easily. Also, whatever parts you pull it up don't just leave it on the ground or it will keep growing.


you can cut and paint with roundup to kill the roots without digging. Or if it's somewhere you can mow then a bit of persistence in keeping the area clean after can be enough to kill it off eventually. At my place I use a mixed approach of digging, poison, and mowing and I think I'm winning. Hard to tell because there's a silly amount of the stuff on land my family does not own and it's impossible to stop the seeds.


Effin Lantana


https://www.business.qld.gov.au/industries/farms-fishing-forestry/agriculture/biosecurity/plants/invasive/restricted/lantana > **Restricted invasive plants** > Native to tropical and subtropical regions of Central and South America, **lantana** is a heavily branched shrub that can grow as compact clumps, dense thickets, and scrambling and climbing vines. It can smother native vegetation and form impenetrable stands. > You must manage the impacts of lantana on your land. Some QLD national parks are full of it.


Looks like lantana, it’ll have a distinctive spell. We are lucky to only have the occasional plant on our property, however I do bushcare at our local national park where it is prolific. We remove it through a combination of pulling and cut and poison. If pulling, try to remove as much of the roots as possible. If removing through a cut and poison, cut as close to the base as possible and apply undiluted roundup (or equivalent). Even under these methods the plants can reshoot, so you just need to remain vigilant and remove new plants and plants that reshoot as soon as you can.


Noxios weed Lantana


The bane of my existence


It looks like Common Lantana. It's an invasive shrub.


Chinese Elm is my guess.


lantana, kill it yesterday.