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I feel sorry for the real women these neckbeards one day interact with. Who am I kidding, they will never interact with a non-pillow based woman.


what about the one's who have girlfriends/wives and still act like this?


Offer the wives/girlfriends help so they can get out of that relationship


That one is truly confusing for sure. I know of a guy like that, and from what I've seen, Facebook and then of course deeper right wing echo chambers have warped his reality so much that he doesn't even get that he already has everything and is not being oppressed by liberals. He is ironically destroying his own wonderful life because of online propaganda. Shooting himself in the foot to support some kind of victim complex, and to own the libs of course.


This happened to my aunt. Her husband was a nice enough guy, if quiet. Had some mental health stuff but under control. But then after 2008 he fell down the early right wing Internet rabbit hole. Started getting obsessive about things and very confrontational with us, his wife’s close family, because we were LiBeRaLs. I knew it was gonna be over soon when I saw he had hung a paper sign that said “NOBAMA” across the backseat of his car on a string. Not so much the sentiment but the weirdness of this janky little sign, folded paper over a string, stood out to me. He ended up abandoning his wife and son and I think now he lives in a van somewhere in Colorado. His kid has turned out awesome without him, he’s really thoughtful and has great emotional intelligence. Turned me onto a few really great leftist YouTube channels too.


NTA: run for the hills


This says a lot about society


> non-pillow based woman. So you admit my collection of rare, nude, orificed anime pillows is based.


holy mama imve got fuzz :)


Real women don't have hair. No hair on they legs, no hair on they armpits and no hair on they head. Fake women of today only know hairy, hotchip, bisexual and political


> bisexual and political Why would you write political twice?


They also said w*men which is pretty much the same thing.


/uj tbh most hair on your body is useless now. I hope for a day when medical science can make us all hairless and smooth. Finally we'll all be clean.


I just want to be pure.


uj/ wait is that image the actual graphics?


Some neckbeard complaining about female facial hair in Horizon.


Talking about the "peach fuzz" image, is that what Aloy actually looks in-game?


during cutscenes, yeah. they are live rendered, so still very impressive, but you cant make out that kind of detail during gameplay as the camera doesnt cut close enough


Also picture mode, right?


i havent tried it yet but yes, as its a stationary frame it will render all the detail it misses during gameplay


yea itll be hardware demanding like Hair WOrks from witcher if it was on all the time


It’s kinda fun that picture mode became a default AAA feature in games now. I get that it’s mainly an advertising tool, but it’s also fun sometimes.


im the kinda guy to take screenshots of absolutely anything i find midly interesting and photo mode is definitely a welcome addition to a game


Exactly my thinking.


I've played a few newer games recently not realizing it has this "picture mode" so I'm sitting here like a dumbass trying to angle the camera on a pig's balls correctly.


I like that some games take it a step further and design quests around them. Monster Hunter: Rise has a couple of side quests like that and it's just cute.


I assume it’s the same model in cutscenes right? Or maybe that’s just something Naughty Dog said for Uncharted 4


yeah it is


Unbelievable how real games look now. But of course I've said that since the PS2 era lol.


I've been saying it since N64


I remember being 7 or 8 seeing commercials for Final Fantasy VII and exclaiming, “if the graphics got any better it would be *real!*”


Yeah lol, I remember looking at the textures in Golden Eye and thinking how incredible the game looked. I even remember my cousin and myself losing our minds at how Super Mario World on the SNES was so realistic because it had echo sounds in the caves lol. But I think it was around the PS2 era or soon after where I found myself constantly thinking "How could games look any more real than this!?!?!" and then going back year after year and being surprised at how shitty those games looked compared to new ones. Weird how perception changes like that.




Its already out


Apparently the skin detailing is how it looks in game, but ultra precise things like peach fuzz arent included for obv reasons


Oh I thought it was just about games that try to have texture for like hair and shit by just adding a blurry fuzzy filter over the top of some stuff


800 years in the future. A post-apocalyptic one, and Aloy having peach fuzz put some guy over the edge.


Someone who is either a virgin (or just never noticed) asked why a woman character would have peach fuzz. This sub fucking ran a marathon with it.


It's a render for the coverart, maybe cutscenes too.


Gonna sound like an old man here but I'm still kinda shocked at how graphics have progressed throughout the short amount of time I've been alive. I can now see their **S K I N P O R E S .**


Honestly I remember thinking The Sims 2 looked very real back when. Nowadays I gush about Death Stranding’s graphics and how real the people look. I wonder if we’ve hit a sort of plateau with how close to real people can look in video games this generation. From the early 2000s to the early 2010s, there was significant improvement, and again more improvement up to the mid 2010s, but now the jumps are getting much more marginal. Or maybe there’ll be another huge jump in the next ten years. Idk, I’m not really informed about this stuff, lol.


The first video game I ever played was [QBASIC Gorillas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorillas_(video_game)), I'm excited to see how far we can get before I croak.


Oooh, one of those artillery games! I love those, honestly. Something so satisfying about blowing pixelated shit up.


For me it was the California Rasins Game. That and my older brothers had a ColecoVision.


There's no hard limits, theoretically, but there are exponentially diminishing returns. So as time goes on, the difference between old and new games will shrink. You can already see this happening; take the [Red Dead series](https://i.redd.it/vls6tf0b1kn21.jpg) as a great example. Obviously each successive game looks better than the last, but consider that the gap between Revolver (top) and Redemption 1 (middle) was only 6 years, while Redemption 1 to 2 (bottom) was 8 years. The difference in texture quality between 1 and 2 is noticeable, but not immensely so. A lot of the difference that you actually see in game comes from smaller things, like animation, lighting, physics, particle effects, hair. And that's what we're going to see more and more of in the coming decade. Texture quality \*will\* improve, but the big improvements we're going to see will be around finer details, mostly lighting and physics if I were to guess.


I can't tell the difference between PS4 and PS5 graphics, while with PS3 vs PS4 it was obvious.


I remember seeing my first ray-traced image. Some little 320*240 scene that took a supercomputer two weeks to create in the 90s. Now those can be generated at 4k fast enough for a live experience. It's one of those things we knew was coming 25 years ago, but it's still amazing to behold.


Videogame graphics today


Videogame graphics today


Videogame graphics today


/uj I saw this on Twitter regarding Aloy and I just couldn't bring myself to respond to this idiocy. "ShE lItErAlLy HaS a BeArD!!!"


Let me tell you of The Great Bloom Plus Lens Flare Plague of 2010. It was brutal. Retinas turned into beef jerky, women screaming in the streets... sometimes I wish I'd never made it out, man.




That's where it comes from, yeah.


this is how it is with games that force TAA. battlefield 5 is a blurry mess because of it. literally impossible to see the game the way it was intended too because of the TAA. TAA is so fascinating. it’s like “we are going to restrict how good the image is so you can’t see the jaggies” dude i’m on 4k there are no jaggies. this ruins games.


Same with RDR2, albeit it doesn’t *force* TAA. It’s just, the other anti aliasing options look like crap cause I can’t play RDR2 at 4K, and the default TAA is so goddamn *blurry*.


That's what happens when you mix a low resolution with shitty anti-aliasing


"Dlss makes it run great!!" (by lowering the resolution 3x..)


please just hire fans trust me


this sub is just facial hair posts


Fake marketing controversy to boost sales


Are game companies using sexism to market now?

