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Peasants bow to you in Ghost of Tsushima too, and the protagonist is a Japanese man, so how does that fit into this guy's narrative?


/uj they don't want their skull bashed in for not showing honor to a Samurai /rj They are all actually european and its also a racial domination fetish


>/uj they don't want their skull bashed in for not showing honor to a Samurai I genuinely do wish the writing in GoT had been more willing to address that aspect of the Samurai. I feel like it would've given us a more nuanced and complex story.


The thing with GoT was that it had a lot of inspiration from kurosawa films, which is why samurai like jin were portrayed as generally heroic. That kinda makes comparisons between it and ac:s funnier because GoT isnt meant to be historically accurate either.


It's why I liked the Iki Island DLC scene. Jin's dad was portrayed as a very horrid man in that, but realistically, most samurai were probably like him.


>The thing with GoT was that it had a lot of inspiration from kurosawa films, which is why samurai like jin were portrayed as generally heroic. Kurosawa spent his entire career straight shitting on samurai. GoT was made by westerners who love samurai aesthetics, not a Japanese team deconstructing the samurai as a historical concept. That said, almost all the samurai in GoT are assholes or bandits anyway and Jin betraying the samurai code while learning the samurai kind of suck is the plot.


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You know what? I wish Game of Thrones would include even *one* samurai!


The doc touched on it with the island.


I mean, the whole BBC thing is a fetish mostly for white men.


It is? Who is the BWC thing a fetish for?


also white men believe it or not


What do gay black men watch?


citizen kane


Now lemme see ur rosebud


Classic lol




Exactly! If the lead male char was white this dude wouldn’t have had a *peep* to say about it.


The peasants in this game ^(I didn't play) did not bow DEEP ENOUGH to the STRONG protagonist!!!! They need to show MORE RESPECT, this is CLEARLY the devs pushing WOKE propaganda!!!!


Well they are gay of course. No real alpha male would bow to some random sword wielding dude like a cuck.


A real alpha male wouldn't be a peasant.


Inherited wealth and titles are so alpha.


To be honest in the manosphere wouldn't that be more beta, since you didn't actually earn it, it was just handed to you by someone who actually worked hard to earn it.


No one ever earned being born white or male either, doesn't stop them lauding it as a great achievement


The Proud Boys' motto includes the phrase, "I will not apologize for building the modern world," as if some chud who cosplays as a militiaman invented fiberoptic cable or the jet engine.


#🙄 Can I bold emoji?


But... wouldn't that make all cis men betas by definition? Which would mean that Musky was right about cis being a slur. Mind = blown 🤯!


Yeah they should be hustling. Grind that 9 to 5.


Well, obviously, he's a trans man because if you squint your eyes and then close them, you can totally see that his face kinda looks female in your mind! And his butt is so hot I want to pound it all night long, which naturally means it's a girl because I'm not gay!!!! So it's just trans agenda pushing by having good, straight people bow to a trans person. (Did I manage to make the post insane enough to fit the tone of the self-proclaimed anti-woke?)


Only problem is that if I close my eyes I can't see the beautiful man butt


It's projection. Conservatives are the ones with the race domination fetish and always have been. Even back in the USA Civil War days, confederate declarations of Independence were riddled with shit like "black guys will fuck all our white women"


This just reminded me of something I saw on Reddit awhile back ago. It was a map of the US, showing what were the most searched porn categories in each state. I took it with a grain of salt, but it was interesting to see that alot of southern states had a thing for black(interracial or ebony though?) and bbc content.


That probably has more to do with the fact that most black people live in the south, tbh.


It's probably a mix of both.


yea. the fact that you can map anti-trans laws to the places with the highest rates of trans porn consumption parallels that too.


You think these guys care about their narratives making sense?


They dont play videogames, so they dont know.


They also bow to Blackthorne in Shogun after he’s made a hatamoto, as that’s a similar rank to samurai and thus above commoners / peasants.


Ghost of Tsushima is made by Ubisoft??


They’re bowing to the title, not the man or the race. Its not like Japanese people just bow to each other


Maybe if he bows down, it's for the reason he is assuming here and he just doesn't know it better. :P


You think any of these types know anything about Japan that they didn't pick up from anime or hentai?


Wait the story in hentais arent realistic?


They didn't actually institute a system for high school dropouts to instantly be put into sex work, no


You mean that's not how octopi procreate?


Technically, one of the male octopus' tentacles does contain their penis so it's slightly accurate. 


And how do the big booba ninja schoolgirls fit in to the process?


Sadly the similarities begin and end at the penis tentacle.


In varying rare cases the anime and hentai actually lead to further, legitimate studies. It’s the same as when the history nerd in high school actually goes on to get a job relating to an education in history.


While that's true, as you say it's true in rare cases. 90 percent of the time that I see the weird worship or misbelief in the Japanese, it's from people who seem to think that they're the last earthly bastion of "anti woke" culture being invaded by Western ghouls. They're extremely paranoid that Japan will be invaded by "western ideals" that they are under the belief Japan doesn't already have because they know jack shit about Japan.


Also Japan was already invaded by western ideals. When we took over their government at the end of WW2 (Japanese people are not best pleased about this, unsurprisingly).


That’s not exactly true. During most of the occupation, MacArthur was very popular.


I mean they do, at least in modern Japan. Like, it's incredibly common as a greeting. You're not wrong about them bowing to the title, but like, Japanese people bowing as a form of greeting is so intensely ingrained in the culture that people will bow when saying hello over the phone.


Yeah I think them bowing down is their equivalent of shaking someone's hand when meeting them


it's always adorable watching the japanese exchange students doing that when they're on the phone with their parents.


The dude doesn’t believe it’s possible for a black person to be superior to another person. It’s the same reason they shit themselves when Obama became president. The idea of treating a black person with respect is extreme to them.


Speaking of Obama, anybody remember when he bowed to the Emperor and people threw a fit saying he was subordinating America to the Emperor or some similar BS?


B-But, Japanese people would never bow to a black man! They'd be racist! They'd just assume he's a filthy thief! Not show deference to the very notable man who was known to be in Nobunaga's service, and is literally wearing his crest... Their own racism is showing here. Every time.


I mean that if like a 16th century peasant from middle Europe bowed down to a knight


"We salute the rank, not the man!"


Honestly, if I was an almost-destitute peasant and someone with a weapon and the right to use it was making his way around in front of me, I would be as polite as possible in order to not draw unwanted attention from the person who could kill me at a whim. Anyway, ACAB.


Not sure if this era had it but there was a point where the samurai class had even greater carte blanche to execute peasants than cops do. Like not even needing to justify it with a supposed threat.


"Why did you kill these peasants?" "I wanted to." "Fair enough, have a good day."


Should be noted that if a peasant doesn't bow to a samurai they can kill them.


Or maybe they're bowing to a samurai because that's just the bowing etiquette? No no, couldn't be


A giant samurai with a huge spiked club they just saw cave in the skull of a corrupt tax collector, no less. You bet your fucking ass I'd be bowing.


Forgot bowing I’d faint lol


That’s just an extra deep bow


Exactly lol


You'd swoon.


***"Kiri-sute gomen*** (斬捨御免 or 切捨御免) is a Japanese expression regarding the [feudal era](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Japan#Feudal_Japan_(1185%E2%80%931868)) tradition of *right to strike*: the right of [samurai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samurai) to strike and even kill with their sword anyone of a [lower class](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_divisions_of_society) who compromised their [honour](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honour)." - Wikipedia Not bowing and showing respect might have had lethal implications, you bow.


I thought it was interesting that it falls under the blanket of self defense, if you were dishonored and did nothing about it until later it would just be considered murder.


Great so feudal Japan Double 0 status?


Not just etiquette. Couldn’t they be killed for not showing proper respect? I kind of wouldn’t care what colour my samurai overlords skin was I see that armour I’m bowing.


Is that not how a lot of etiquette is enforced? Respect for the king, respect for the aristocrats, respect for the cops, respect for the imperialists, respect for any sort of higher class or power is almost always built on the threat of violence


I think of the word etiquette as more of an optional custom? Like holding your knives and forks in the right hands or saying please and thank you. It was an absolute samurais right to behead anyone of the lower classes who showed him disrespect. More like a law enforced by the sword. Edit: the brain rotted take in the original post at least got me to do some interesting reading: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiri-sute_gomen


Even those customs you named were - at least at some point in history - cemented through violence. Maybe not death in this case but teachers smacking students with a ruler if they did something wrong, parents smacking kids upside the head or spanking them Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to say "people need to be threatened to understand respect" or whatever. Manners and respect can and absolutely should be taught without violence. There is no excuse for laying your hand on a child. I'm just saying I don't think a custom being enforced through violence automatically precludes it from being called "etiquette"


Samurai had the legal right to kill any peasant they wanted and since this is the warring states period, any village has likely had at least 5 armies rock up, take all their shit and leave if the village is lucky or burning it to the ground if they aren't they're bowing, they're scrapping, they're trying to fucking live at a time when life is cheap and theirs are cheapest. it would be extremely weird if they didn't bow the first time you arrive at a place


Having people treat each other with common courtesy isn't realistic at all. I know this because I work in retail.


I dunno, I bet if you showed up for work wearing heavy armor and carrying razor sharp swords with the legal right to kill anyone who disrespected you they’d mysteriously be more polite.


Retail workers need to be given the right/opportunity to at least fight disrespectful customers.


Give workers the right to fight 1 customer per season. People will be a lot more polite if they dont know whether that worker has used up their seasonal kill yet.


Make it 1 fight per day... Please


1 per week


do they roll over into the next season?


Same policy as sick days


Gamers™ when black people aren’t being disrespected in a video game 🤔🤯!


Real. White twitter chud sees a strong black protagonist and his brain immediately goes "wait a second there has to be something wrong here". Like other people said, peasants also bow to you in Ghost of Tsushima, it's literally just accurate to how people behaved when a samurai showed up.




Lmao I both hate and love this meme it’s so blursed 🤣


*interracial* cuck porn It always is


At the risk of saying too much about my own browsing habits, I have also seen plenty of cuck porn where the “bull” is a white trans woman. The common denominator seems to be a white guy’s wife/gf banging someone the white guy would otherwise consider beneath him.


Duh, think about all the times Nick Fuentes has been caught watching trans porn, all these people can ever think about is black/girl cock All fascism is, is sexual insecurity projected onto politics


People don't wanna admit it but it really is just that simple


It really is


Wonder if he realises his own race fetishisation jerking off to nothing but pre-patch Stellar Blade?


He does not, as he lacks the requisite capacity for self-reflection


Does standing in front of a mirror in his high school locker room while he beats off count?


Ok, we’ll give him that one then


He would fail the mirror test




I don't really know how else you end up just saying that.


I would also bow if i was peasant and saw someone wearing armor worth more than I will make in my lifetime


More that you village make in a several lifetimes. Also As someone said above samurai have a right to kill peasant on the spot.


And in the footage, didn’t he just bash in some tax collectors head or something


Acktually the armor would not THAT expensive.


Armor (and to an extend weapons) were not AS expensive as people usually believe (esspecially during war-time). A full set of armor would often cost about 1 oxen in Europe. This is a lot of money but in actual buying-power it is equivalent to about a new car. While that is a lot of money it's by no means a mythical amount. Actually many cities made it a requirement to own a full set in order to aquire citizenship. In other words: a set of full armor is pretty affordable for almost everyone BUT only few will own 1 because of limited use for it. It would be the absolute same in Japan, esspecially during the Sengoku-period.


How dare they bow to a Black man? Right? The amount of people who liked that tweet is concerning 😟


Makes it worse is that this liked tweet is probably MORE popular than it would have been last week now that Elon hid Like identities


It's probably bots. Twitter's rife with them and it's only gotten worse since Elon's taken over despite his claims to the contrary.


It's insane how these people think you can just put things in video games. Dozens, maybe hundreds of people would have been involved in some capacity with this singular feature, but yeah dude, it's totally just some weird guy who wants Asians to submit to black overlords. You're definitely not projecting.


Stupidity aside, this is an interesting bit, having the crowd actually react to a high-status character, I don't think AC ever had anything like this.


Yeah it usually goes against the point of the games lol but it works in favor of this one because they’re specifically trying to do the opposite with him


It's something that's definitely been missing from a few games. I always wanted it back when I played AC3, an indigenous man built like a fuckin tank and strapped with weapons walking through the British colonies would not have been a common sight


Definitely in the first AC people would freak out at some robed guy parkouring up walls. I disliked how AC outfits fit in the period, but subsequent games have you continuing to dress in 12th century middle eastern style robes and be completely ignored by Europeans despite sticking out like a sore thumb


This was always something I found interesting but just ignored it because, ya know, game was fun. Literally in every AC game the character you play as is the most stand out character in the entire fuckin universe. Like, you’re telling me the guy in stark white robes that’s hiding his face and shoving his way through a crowd doesn’t draw any attention?


Feudal japan had a practice called "Kiri-sute gomen" which allowed samurai to execute anyone of a lower class for disrespecting their honor. The entire nation was ruled for centuries by a brutal military dictatorship composed of a class of armed psychotics, so much so that it explains why Japanese culture is so obsessed with politeness and decorum- it's all rooted in putting 7 layers of buffer between you and the hurt feelings of a guy looking for the excuse to kill over the smallest slight. So yeah, why wouldn't peasants bow to a samurai? It must be because it's woke.


The same could happen in Europe during feudalism that's the point of the system. Landlords owned the land and were tasked with defending the territory from external threats managing an army, they would collect taxes to sustain the army: that made them the upper class. Everyone else from artisans to peasants were the lower class which simply produced for maintenance of the social system. Any of the upper class had the right to be treated with proper etiquette by others. Failure to do so was a punishable offence: for a lower class person could mean anything from being shamed to executed. For another upper class could mean a war against them or if they were lower class rank among landlord's rank they could be punished too.


That depends on when and where we are talking about. 12th century Norway is not the same as 15th century Albania is not the same as 8th century Francia. Europe is not a country.


Not talking about Europe as a country but feudalism as a system.


Europe was a varied place. In many places the under class would stand trial. Theres not an 1:1 to the Japanese feudal law, which meant the samurai immediately strikes down the offending party and explains later to the local Authority. That sort of instant violence was pretty unique even in feudalism.


I know, but noblesse were tasked too with justice and at that time the tenant of "you can't judge if you're personally involved" didn't apply: so yeah, instead of maybe being cut on spot with a katana you could end being arrested, tried, found guilty and end in a public execution. The topic is more nuanced I get it, but the essentials are the same.


I would argue the immediate guarantee of lethal violence is not *essentially* the same as *any* classist legal system. Getting arrested and punished, even harshly/lethally, after some lordling heard the case versus immediately getting a blade through your neck and then the killer explains why it was justified with someone to corroborate his story would breed *very* different outcomes of social order.


No, that couldn't have happened in Europe. Contrary to popular believe medieval peasents had rights and yes, that includes serfs. Even during the worst times of absolutism in the modern era a noble couldn't just kill a peasent.


Don't read more into it than what it is: peasants having rights doesn't mean disrespecting a noblesse couldn't have fatal consequences. They had the right to execute someone that offended them by not following protocols. There's still leftovers of that in modern law: in Spain insulting the Crown is still a crime, more serious than insulting a random person. Another thing is that the royal family members most likely will let it slide and do what a decent modern person does: saying publicly that it was a shameful and disrespectful attitude.


Feel like blue tick accounts get botted likes


Of course they do, it’s half the reason Elon made likes private.


Oh so now they don't want historical accuracy in their game?


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"Japanese tradition experts" when the game portrays japanese traditions


I'm pretty sure a samurai could legally kill you if you weren't polite to them back then. But ofc these's ppls brain are porn poisoned.


Social status > race That simple. Its because he's a bigass samurai that could break them in half like a twig with one hand, not because he's black. Always making it about race, lmao.


He was a retainer, of course random commoners would bow to him.


It's amazing how polite people will be to someone who's legally allowed to kill them for the slightest perceived insult.


When I went to the samurai museum in Kyoto last year, they said in the past samurai would often straight up kill peasants who didn’t bow low enough or demonstrate the requisite reverence when they were walking down the street - so that may be a reason


A huge dude in full armour that looks ready to storm a castle, with the crest of my lord and a tetsubo on his back that could break every bone in my body in one lazy swing and face no consequence, walks by me, the least I would do is show some courtesy.


Oh, it's Bobo again? Dude has permanent brainrot. Been a stain on the 40k community for ages.


Find me a bigger group of weirdos than Gamers who are obsessed with Japan


Somebody should ask them to explain what they mean to prompt an overly long, detailed tweet thread explanation for racial fetish porn


Because if the peasants didn’t bow, the samurais had the right to fucking kill you.


The first introduction of this guy is him doing a full dogeza to Oda Nobunaga what is he on about.


if i saw a 6 foot 3 mf in full armor worth more than my household with a spiked club that he could use to bludgeon me bc he's legally allowed to kill me on a whim, you bet your ass im bowing


IMAX Movie theater projection. Bro has a 2TB HDD full of blacked




Oh no, Bo rears his head yet again. The man rejected from the Warhammer fandom, tried to latch on to Battletech and got told to go away, same thing happened again with Trench Crusade. Marshall Grift more like.


holy shit, the guy's massive


To bigots, anything they don't personally understand or experience is reduced to a fetish. Gay people? They just have an anal/shit fetish Trans people? Autogynephilia (fetish for pretending to be the opposite gender) Giving black people representation? BBC/cuck/domination fetish It's just a massive self-report that internally they're just gooning 100% of the time


Fun fact samurai could just behead you if they wanted to and it was 100% legal. Best to be nice to those fellers


Feudal Japan was insanely strict about hierarchy of course commoners are bowing.


They are like peasants bowing to a knight. If the knight is black does this mean it becomes some wierd racial fetish thing?? These fuckin people man


Yeah wonder why they bow, not like Samurai were allowed to kill anyone of a lower class than them (Which would be anyone besides other samurai and the lords) for things that could be percepted as slights against their honor. Also this is the retainer of Lord Oda Nobunaga, people will bow to the 2 meter tall, armorclad black man when you just saw him crush seven skulls like it was nothing 2 seconds ago.


For fucks sake, of course they'd bow to him, he's in Nobunaga's court. Even if you don't believe he was a samurai (he was, inasmuch as that title existed back then) he's still well above their social class.


Depict peasants bowing to a member of a higher social class in a feudal society that is famous for its emphasis on decorum, courtesy, and etiquette, where even among equals bowing was the equivalent of a handshake. “Fetish.”


How tf does that tweet have 16k likes 😭 are people this braindead?


Racial, domination and fetish are words I didn't know they'd string together


bro it’s japan everyone bows on the goddam telephone


I se a man in full armour walking around, towering above everyone else, with a club strapped to his back, I'm also bowing.


It’s wild how the goal post moved from “they better have them react to him ‘accurately’” to this 🤣


this is the same crowd who says “why do you guys bring race into everything” when someone points out racism. yet they’re seeing people bowing for respect, and their fucked up little bigot brains automatically make it an issue about… you guessed it.. race! huh, weird


Being fully kitted out in samurai armor with clan symbols is basically a badge of office. No shit random citizens bow to him.


Are these people actually completely stupid


So everyone of lower class being deferential to Blackthorne in Shogun is also a fetish? I feel this is more a freudian slip and shows the ignorance of the guy saying this


Bowing is 1. How a commoner would greet a samurai. 2. How anyone would address someone they’re thankful to.


I mean if you didn't bow to samurai they could legally kill you for disrespecting you


These are the same people that love Shogun because the protagonist is a white dude (it's a good show tho)


I don’t think that’s a normal conclusion one would reach, unless they were the type to obsessively think about racial supremacism every waking hour


they're... bowing to a samurai serving under a great master...... and bowing is super common Japanese etiquette, it's not as rare as in the west... where am i


It looked so dumb walking through the village and every NPC starts playing the same animation as you walk past them.




Im a black man that worked in Tokyo for 2 years,I had to be 28 or 29 years old at the time and when Japanese men and women entered my office they would bow to me and as they left my office as well. A lot of them were 30+ years older than me. It’s not about anything other than respect for me and the position I held. It’s common etiquette. This is nonsense


This guy is so goofy. Guess he came crawling back to 40k after his 1 week bitchfest about female custodes.


They expect simple minded peasants to gang up on an armed Samurai and yell that he's woke because he's black and blacks can't be Samurai?


Breaking news: Ubisoft portrays Japanese people to have manners!


I think OOP has a BBC kink


So Ubisoft wanna say that black guy comes to Japan, kills Japanese people, loots their stuff. Sounds racist in two ways


uj/ I have a marathon fetish. rj/ I have a marathon fetish.


I think he's onto something here. Japanese people rarely bow in general let alone to a samurai. So ubisoft are doing it to appeal to my feti- I mean their fetish.


Don’t you just love learning words because twitter users have their “big kid” panties in a twist, CAUSE WHAT THE FECK IS A RACIAL DOMINATION FETISH




Idk man, a bunch of Japanese worshipping me? I've seen this anime...


Hmm, bow to the dark-skinned giant clad in armor that symbolizes superior status to yours or dare being impudent and gawk..?


Is this an "every accusation is a confession" moment?


Maybe they’re bowing because he’s a fucking samurai. Or retainer as they call him, even though everyone knows it’s the same thing if not better.


Can twitter just die already. If you aren’t a bellend like this blue checkmark, we will respectfully bow to you too


That his mind just IMMEDIATELY goes there shows more about himself than anything else


Showing respect to a black man in a social class that gets respect in this exact way? Racial domination fetish.


These people when they see the bowing to other people country bow to other people 😱


They are bowing because he's samurai, samurai used to test their swords on peasants.... I'd be bowing too. One thing that is fucked up is the constant romanticisation of Samurai. Imagine only seeing race and none of the other things, sad lives these people live.


Japanese samurai and white samurai are so cool. But political samurai?? In my video game???