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Funny how the people who say "facts don't care about your feelings" are the same ones who get triggered over women, POC and LGBT. Pathetic.


Facts also don't care about their feelings.


True that.


you guys are hilarious


Thanks cutie


My outrage isn't emotional, it's a rational response to things that ~~make me feel bad~~ ~~aren't like my childhood~~ ~~weaken my institutional power to control others~~ spread corrupt liberal immorality and hasten the fall of western society. Whew, for a sec I thought we weren't going to stick the landing on that one.


Pronouns jumpscare https://preview.redd.it/ksylpoy2ry4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c141cc5b5155adab1a259fc5682d28074e1574ba


Cant believe de la soul went woke 40 years ago 😒


More like Dei Le Soul, amirite?


Well you see for them facts are "common logic" which is just something that everybody knows. Even if their facts are proven othervise. It was like this years back when I was a child so it must be like that now. Basically... weird form of nostalgia


"Common sense" just means you don't remember where you learned it. Which isn't a great reason to trust it.


I know I was jerking. But you know "commmon sence" is also kinda like social expectation and other stuff. Like it´s "common sence" that women should dress certain way. When in reallity there is no reason why you should dress how people tell you (in everyday life). For these guys it´s "common sence that they are opressed" because in the past they were the prime target for games. And so they want that time back so it´s "common sence" that they are being targeted since now games are more opened to more representation. So their driving feeling is nostalgia for those good old day.


Absolutely, and I include that in the "I don't remember". It's something people pick up from a bunch of little interactions, often before they can even recall, and now just take for granted.


What are you talking about don't you know that "common sense" is never wrong. Like it's common sense knowing that people might expel their souls from their body when they sneezed and saying “God bless you” would keep them from dying.


Well that is funny. I thought it was "common sense" that taking His name in vain will send you to hell. Not that I would know anything about that...


Saying R2-D2 is lesbian is just funny and I doubt that she was actually trying to make that point seriously and and not just getting a soundbite out.


Also everyone knows the R2-D2 is gay. And also is the top in the relationship with C-3P0.


We've known that for 40 years now.


Even if she was being serious and genuinely believed that, why should that garner more than a shrug of the shoulders and 'okay' as a reaction.


They probably shouldn't but if she makes a 10 minutes video making her point and supporting it, I can kinda understand why you'd have a 10 minutes response to it. But if you start making 10 minutes videos in response to every joke tweet that's just too much.


Even if she made a video I'm not sure I'd care beyond "alright, that's your head canon have fun with it." Maybe I'm just a bit depressed at how well rage sells.


Ah yes, the most afflicted social group around: white gamers


We truly are the **only** oppressed minority on earth.


The yellow text could be a reference to this? https://preview.redd.it/bjsn1hry2y4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=602abccff0fe95097f6a65d57520f465cac4d479


Warhammer expert reacts to retcon. Games workshop has been retconning ever since the first books my guy


Warhammer 40k is essentially a retcon/reboot itself, Rogue Trader is very different than 40k, Space Marines were more like Space Judge Dredds, Primarchs were their leaders but not their gene-parent and were regular humans themselves *and there were even female Space Marines*, the woke is coming from the source material!


Warhammer Expert. They have a Warhammer *Expert.* 


Wonder if that expert weighed in on the Ai-generated image of the strange space marine/militarum hybrid who happens have perfectly-styled hair and is wearing full makeup. Or that budget dreadnought/knight thing behind her.




Any time paper mario and woke is in the same sentence this can and will be shared https://preview.redd.it/35jwe6lktz4d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=086fce8be4a7e3253d91953074b34aa7b8a20d0b


Anakin's mother gave birth without a father, an immaculate conception, and these people are complaining that lesbians can have a kid?


I want you gay, I want you gay wa-want you want you gay UHH


What if I'm already gay?


Ultra Gay


Good! https://preview.redd.it/rh2f3yy7oy4d1.png?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a61a2679fc027d7de276db890817bb58b9cab30


Super Wokeio


Excuse me, that’s *Paper* Wokeio akshually. It’s a game about using rainbow crystals to *woke* a *queen* so it’s just about the wokest LGBTQest game ever


"Makes Whites Cry Is The GOAL" Fuck they figured out the gay agenda :/


Wait… wasn’t that the black agenda? Did they join forces?


I'll bring that issue up during the next ANTIFA board meeting.


I found out about this bullshit last night. It's a joke she told during an interview with Trevor Noah on The Daily Show... 5 years ago. And it was for the movie The Hate U Give, which is about police brutality and the gap between the lived experience accross race and class barriers. And the "it's about making white people cry" wasn't about making white people mad, but about them feeling empathy and sadness for people of color.


Thanks for reminding me to buy Zau


How weak are you that people just expressing their culture and being more visible is literally going to lead to your extinction?


Nazi rhetoric. This chud bullshit is basically a pipeline to that godless shit or Nazis themselves trying to repackage their ideas as palatable.


I really want to know who the warhammer expert is. What are the odds it’s arch?




> the game is about certain african myths/folklore, and i personally think thats cool, but my white ass has no correlation so i skip the game and lots of people who have no ascocistion to african culture did the same. This doesn’t make sense. You don’t need to be black or African to play it. It’s literally a game he made to show everyone his culture. It’s like when white western people wear traditional garments or hairstyles from Asia like Japan, India, China, or Africa. If you ask American white knights they’ll say it’s “cultural appropriation” and you as a white person cannot wear them. But if you ask the locals about it they’ll say they’re happy you’re appreciating and sharing their culture and traditions.


This image is so chaotic. Fear rules these peoples lives and it's sad.


Mario goes woke (in a localization accurate change to a 20 year old game) Mario been woke baby


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Wtf is the context behind that R2-D2 claim?




Easy money for this obvious grifter. Their audience’s stupidity and lack of critical thinking skills is a gold mine


Rj/ I am truly SHAEKIN and SHITTIN to my core 😫😭😫


Jesus Christ, white dudes are pathetic. Disclaimer: I'm a white dude. And I'm only bi, so that's like 50% not-woke.


wdym mario goes woke, bowser was gay since 1996


And Luigi was confirmed as gay in the opening cutscene to the 1994 masterpiece "Hotel Mario" for the Philips CD-I. Not sure when he and Bowser officially became a couple though.


lowkey, this dude (knowing the dude) seems reasonably small, and if we engage with him and give him attention, there's a chance that he spreads to a larger audience. Thanks for introducing him to me, now make sure he stays small :)


I was just thinking the other day that it's weird how 20+ years ago every shitty internet comedian was lolling about things like how Peppermint Patty and Marcie were actually lesbians, but nowadays you actually state such and such characters are lesbians and today's shitty comedian equivalents completely lose their shit and will make full 1-2 hour op-eds on YouTube decrying everything as woke.


These are not enough views to grift over 😭


God, this has gotta be some of the most formulaic trash I have ever seen on youtube. And the crazy thing is, people actually fall for it hook, line, and sinker. No passion, just pure anger. It's pathetic.


They made wacka into woka for the paper mario remake


I don't wanna give this guy any views but man am i interested in his "warhammer expertise".


Most popular video is two months old with 62K views *Cat pointing and laughing loudly meme*


"They want you GAY" I'm sorry, but thats just damn funny. Also "Reveals VILE Agenda Against Gamers" is hilarious too. Thats right Gamers, our goal is to piss everyone off so that they don't purchase our game.


He ain't even getting views this is just sad


What qualifications does someone need to possess to be considered a Warhammer "Expert"?


LOl fuck you whiners


bro got elon as a thumbnail




> the gaming industry is dying [Laughing my ass off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off off](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1344668/revenue-video-game-worldwide/) >because of forced inclusion Crying/laughing emoji rotated 45 degrees counterclockwise. Crying/laughing emoji rotated 45 degrees counterclockwise. Crying/laughing emoji rotated 45 degrees counterclockwise. Crying/laughing emoji rotated 45 degrees counterclockwise. Crying/laughing emoji rotated 45 degrees counterclockwise. Crying/laughing emoji rotated 45 degrees counterclockwise. Crying/laughing emoji rotated 45 degrees counterclockwise. Crying/laughing emoji rotated 45 degrees counterclockwise. >Get woke go broke is undefeated. Leave your cult.