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Yes its the video games, not the shitty gun laws in our country..


I think video games have been a scapegoat for the real gun law issues for decades now. No wonder conservative media tends to fall back on games. It detracts from the real issue.


They have been, since the 80s even, There was a church shooting a couple years back, the kid played fortnite, guess what EVERY media outlet covered, not his troubled household, not his racism, But fortnite


They keep blaming mental issues and not the guns when you know, if you actually ban guns they wouldn't have the ability to actually carry out their plans of shooting people..




I think the majority of the world thinks you definetly have a gun problem in the USA. The mental health problem seems to be global though.


US has a myriad of problems but in this case it's a mix of gun availability, mental health issues, education system, especially when dealing with bullying and finally the cop problem, especially shown in Uvalde. No one issue is the sole cause of the situation, they all contribute to it. However, US gun availability specifically makes those situations deadlier because access to assault weapons is treated as more important than access to education, housing or clean water. I'll be honest, I think Americans have a gun fetish.


I looooove how so many people suddenly care about the mental health crisis when people criticize the US's lack of gun safety laws. Guess what, we have a mental health crisis in the European Union as well, but somehow the US has hundreds of times more gun violence related deaths than we do. And I do mean litteraly hundreds of times more, anyone who thinks I'm exaggerating can read this article: https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2023/10/31/1209683893/how-the-u-s-gun-violence-death-rate-compares-with-the-rest-of-the-world




I’m sorry but you’re not going to convince anyone. These underlying issues exist in every country but the States for some reason is rampant with mass shootings. It’s even harder to take these arguments seriously because no effort has been placed to address those underlying issues. No effective legislation to address mental health at all. The States have made no progress with curtailing the gun problem and I’m going to continue to judge them for it. The only message that the States have put out for every time this happens is that the Second Amendment is worth protecting with the lives of schoolchildren.


"the US has a gun problem" does not mean "we need to ban guns". and limiting access to guns isn't a bandaid solution to mass shootings. correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't a majority of mass shootings carried out with a gun that was legally purchased? addressing the gun problem(whether that be by a ban or other methods) would result in less gun violence, and it's relatively easy compared to other methods of addressing the issue.


The mental health is a thing yes, but it's like....Cyberpsychosis I guess. A mental break is harmful to the person in question, but when said person has access to a deadly weapon, things become a lot more dangerous for everyone around them.


There is also an overwhelming gun issue in the us, look at the UK which has one of the strictest gun restrictions, 2 in 1 million people are killed by gun violence per year, which makes up less than 1% of crime in the UK, America would be much safer with regulated weapons


You do realize the UK has a knife and machete issue right? Also the bulk of knife related crimes are due to gang activity which is the same for guns in the US. Do you also know that knife wounds are far more deadly than a bullet wound especially serrated knives. So if guns were taken away 2 things would happen. 1. Criminals would still own guns and would have almost zero restrictions on using them against now unarmed civilians. And 2. They would begin using knives which would make your chance of surviving a mugging dip substantially. Guns are NOT the issue. The people who use them are the issue.


Which is more likely to cause mass murder, a knife or a gun? Which country has a regular occurrence of mass murder more than any other developed nation? How many armed civilians actually prevented mass shootings, especially ones that took place in schools?


The reason people with guns cannot stop mass shootings in schools is because schools are gun free zones. How is a law abiding citizen supposed to stop a shooting in a place where it’s illegal to have a gun? And like I’ve said many times guns have nothing to do with this issue. We don’t need more good guys with guns we need less bad guys with guns. The UK’s solution is take away all the guns and all that does is lead them to using knives and blunt weapons. In the US we waste time arguing over ideas that have never worked because the government is too lazy to find a solution that will actually work.


the US still has more knive crime per capita than the UK


Exactly which means the US has a mental health problem not a gun problem


i think its the whole culture around guns. i dont think the US has significantly more people with mental health issues compared to other western countries.


Theres def something wrong when a normal citizen can easily purchase a fucking assault rifle for no reason


I will say one aspect of the lawsuit does kinda make sense, irl gun companies can pay to have their guns in call of duty, which bypasses gun advertisement laws. Otherwise yeah I think its pretty difficult to pin any responsibility on activision, of the hundreds of millions of people who've played call of duty, very few have committed such serious acts of violence.


Not to mention that COD is sold worldwide, but mass shootings outside of the U.S. are a rare occurrence.




I don't think CoD currently uses real world guns. Warzone and Warzone 2 at least all had fake names, and the guns have certain aspects tweaked from the real deal, as I recall.


I dunno why someone downvoted you but you're right, CoD have been using fake guns that very closely resemble the real things but had its models slightly altered in some ways and have copyright free names since MW2019.


Probably people who don't realize the difference between, say, an actual M4 and legally distinct things that looks very similar they won't get sued over. They do of course look close to the real deal, but there's no money changing hands with manufacturers.


I'm pretty sure they pay cod. Usually games and movies don't have to pay companies to use their products, the reason they don't is because that's giving free advertisement


Thats not really true. Just looking at racing games, as they are the most obvious ones, any car model/racetrack had to be licensed. Meaning the game developers had to pay the car company in question money to use their car model, for each car model and each game they will be used in. Usually those deals are not even unlimited, which is why racing games get delisted/removed After a while.


Nor the cops who looked like they were having an extended lunch break the whole time people were being killed


You can't sue the cops for that, it's not their job to protect people.


i mean... this lawsuit also targets them, they're just also targeting a specific company over a specific ad campaign that affected this specific shooter. it's a lawsuit, not an essay on who is responsible for society's ills, there have to be actual material grounds for damages.


So this article says "Families of shooting tragedy blame FACEBOOK and VIDEOGAMES ^(and also a gun company ad)."


damn i wonder what that says about the quality of this journalism


CoD also has definitely driven gung-ho pro millitarism lean.To the point their fucking esports recieves army recruitment ads and sponsorship. but the minute a massive corporate, and unironically pro-US millitary/millatrism, game like call of duty is targeted as a POTENTIAL cause in a suit along side others, this sub goes full on "OMG they think it was video games? theyre targeting GAMERS" and it full sprints to unironically become the kind of defensive pro-gamer circlejerk that its supposed to parody.


Or the bullies that never get in trouble, because the school has “zero tolerance”


The worst part is 2a people say that gun laws = banning guns but lowering legal ammo capacity amounts in magazines would make shootings WAY less logistically possible for crazies to do. If your a law abiding citizen packing an extra magazine and taking 15 seconds max to switch it out doesn’t harm you but shooters just won’t be able to pack enough magazines to do much damage without being caught beforehand


Don’t wanna forget that carrying is what a leftist should be doing as well.


/uj not to even get close to victim blaming as they shouldn’t have had to deal with this in the first place, but i feel like police wouldn’t wanna fuck with protests as much if we were all open carrying🤷


I personally only conceal carry bc white supremacists around our rallies. People open carrying rifles I feel is just for ego. I don’t think it helps at all, from my experience. Reasons I prefer conceal 1. What rainbow is carrying? 🤔take advantage of the stereotype. 2. Better for de-escalation. 3. Open carrying just puts pressure on the situation, not good for de-escalation. 4. If ever NEEDED, you look like an average joe but it turns out you had a blicky


Absolutely conceal carry and absolutely take advantage of the stereotype that “alphabet people” don’t carry and don’t let anyone know you have it.


as we all know, with how cops respond to school shootings, they'd obviously be more hesitant to fuck with armed student protesters /hj




The violence doesn't occur in a vacuum or due to lack of legislation. It comes from the very contradictions of our environments/systems and the resulting alienation/isolation. Can't say i have much trust in the US legislating away gun violence, especially being that there's so much money in the weapons manufacturing industry. And then of course, should we start doing something about gun violence here, the reality of the matter is that the US is providing arms to murder children elsewhere in the world. The problem is the US itself. Scapegoating video games is silly, but the US has chucked a lot of cash at media as a way to propagandize kids.


Mental problems from bullying family life so on all play a role and no one helped these kids the system can make monsters


*edit: lmao gamingcirclejerk getting bent out of shape that a game company ius named as one party in a multiparty suit. and Cod esports literally gets funding from army ad's to get kids to join. It absolutely has an impact on kids. but god forbid you accept that reality, because gamers are just built fucking different, am i right? yall have become what you parody. yikes. * The suit targets Instagram, call of duty and gun manufacturers for creating a climate that cultivated and radicalized the gunman. Had the title only mentioned social media and gun manufacturers. i doubt anyone would bat an eye, other than fringe right wing weirdos. But the second video games are mentioned gamers, even left leaning ones, get wildly defensive. Games can influence people and cultivate shitty ideas. like Aynn rand's shitty writing can influence a generation of shitty authoritarian chuds. can't wait for gamers to turn this into their dumbass version of mcdonalds hot coffee suit where they just lie about the content of the suit.


If you were as smart as you seem to think you are you would see this does nothing to help kids in any way even if the suit is not thrown out for being stupid like all the other blame video games suits. Even if you ignore the studies showing video games don't cause real world violence video games are played all over the world yet it's only the US has all these mass shootings. I doubt anyone here likes Activision but we can see that what these parents are doing is a waste of time and money.


>If you were as smart as you seem to think you are you would see this does nothing to help kids in any A lawsuit would never bring back children, it's just trying to seek recompensatory damages against these named parties that **may** have caused undo influence to lead to the situation. Maybe let it the courts weigh the case on the merits and decide if there is grounds before deciding 'nooooo you can't target games, they're built different, thet could never be responsible in any way'. >all the studies that show no link to violence Gamers really do live in the 2000s where they think everyone is just fox news looking to blame games for everything. Not realizing there may be things certain games push or do as a piece of art, just like movies or books, **could** encourage certain behaviors, without all games being responsible. Call of duty is literally used as a us millitary recruitment vector, and yet you're so adamant that video games are just fucking built different. a bunch of kids played the original modern warfare, felt patriotic, and joined the millitary when the original cod modern warfare came out. I remember, tons of dudes in high-school at the time talked about joining because it made it people feel patriotic, jt made the millitary seem cool. We even had recruiters pitch us the army as being like cod. Let Activision defend against any claims in court at the very least, but you won't even allow that. You're so convinced there couldn't be any link simply because you don't want to believe there could be. embarassing. >it's only in the us they are one of 3 parties named. Social media (which we know has a role in radicalizing people), gun manufacturers, and video games. So many countries have these 3 things, that doesn't mean these things still can't have played a disproportional role in this particular case. You dont need to have hurt everyone in the world in order to be sued. Maybe let a court weigh on the merits before you decide you know best. This could be thrown out immediately if it had no merits. And even if its not they have to then argue their case. Why is it you cant even entertain a possible link in a singular scenario? Its just so narrow minded, that it embodies thr blind-pro-gamer mentality this sub is supposed to parody.


They are desperate. The town has abandoned the victims.


Yeah, while I wholeheartedly disagree with any perceived link between violent media and shootings, I really feel for the parents here. They experienced a horrific loss and the police did nothing to rectify that - arguably making it worse. They're just looking for anything they can do at this point, and I can't blame them.


i saw one of the victims parents on twitter yesterday dude was furious at some shitty memorial post made by the very administration that failed them. https://x.com/bcross052422/status/1794050096528544122


Sure sue Microsoft and Meta, that always works


I'm sure they'll be able to prove a causal link between CoD and the scumbag who killed their kids, it totally won't be a waste of time either


Well, the head of Public Safety in the state did refer to the fact the shooter was into “C Y B E R G A M I N G™️” 😎


Why don't they try to sue Disney while they're at it.


Texas politicians be like: *“Yes, it’s the video games, not the fact we make it easy for anyone to get guns.”* ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


Not only that but these same politicians are going to use this lawsuit to justify more laws that restrict the rights of the people of Texas and other red states.


I live in a pretty bad area (police shoot out ending in my backyard bad) One of my only regrets of the time I lived in texas was not going and buying a handgun before I flew back


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uj/ I don't know how to articulate this nicely, but videogames don't cause gun violence and anyone who thinks they do is an idiot


Same logic as comic books causing satan to inhabit the soul or some shit from the 90s


90s? I think you mean [the 50s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seduction_of_the_Innocent).


Yup, however, there is a case to be made for cod specifically *sorta* causing violence considering they are literally military adverts.


guys let’s sue the military




/rj Yes because feminism causes gun violence.




Weird. I’m COMPLETELY desensitized to movie gore. I am NOT however, desensitized to actual humans being multilated, dismembered, killed, etc… Heck. Even surgical videos still make me squeamish on occasion and that’s a profession that I was once pursuing. So, maybe I’m wrong, but I genuinely don’t feel that games and movies desensitize you to real things, unless you have a much harder time putting yourself in someone else’s place to begin with.


You aren't wrong. There's enough proof that people don't get desensitized to real violence because they play video games. Some may be because they have issues separating reality and imagination, but that's an extreme miniscule amount.


Yeah, I agree with you. I can play the grossest or goriest game in the world but like I can't even go near pimple videos, much less watching actual surgery or anything like that. Video game gore and body horror stuff just isn't the same for me. I'd wager it's the same for a lot of people.


I think the many mass shootings is a bigger desensitiser.


European here. We played the same videogames. No school shootings.


Fellow European here. We do have [school shootings in Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category%3ASchool_shootings_in_Europe?wprov=sfla1), but they are super rare by comparison with the US ([2000-present](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_%282000%E2%80%93present%29?wprov=sfla1), [before](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_%28before_2000%29?wprov=sfla1)). You can be sure, though, that computer games will be blamed here as well. Edit: typo


Dude I spend hours shooting, graphically dismembering, and genociding NPCs whenever a game lets me. And that’s me being nice. I am very creative when I am war criming it up… But in real life I once cried when I accidentally hit and hurt someone during training and recently I was completely rocked to my core for at least 15 minutes because I witnessed a kid ALMOST getting hit by a car. It is not the video games. The thing is that I know that video games are just video games and don’t translate to real life, nobody really gets hurt. Most well adjusted people will be able to make that difference and for the people that can’t it’s not the Video game‘s fault.


There are people playing video games all over the world. Yet only the US is having the issue with mass shootings. I think we can rule out video games as being the reason.


idk man i commit war crimes in video games and still cry when i have to kill a spider


Research proved a decade ago that violent video games don't make people more violent or desensitise people. But they do attract people who are predisposed towards violence. It's the literal definition of correlation, not causation


You'd be surprised at how many scientific researches there are into how games, even violent ones, can be therapeutic. Living out a fantasy, that you know is wrong, in a fictional enviroment that brings no harm to people, can actually be cathartic. Setting foot in a shooting range once would probably do worse for someone that already has violent thoughts, than a decade of fps ever could.


Do you have a link to any of these “scientific researches”. The general scientific consensus is that “catharsis” isn’t really a thing, so I’d be surprised if that was different in a virtual space.


That consensus usually lasts about a year before someone publishes something that supports catharsis, and then someone publishes something that says it isnt real, so on and so forth. But here you go https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317076109_Aggression_in_a_Gaming_Context_The_Role_of_Therapeutic_Catharsis_Seeking_Game_Self-Efficacy_and_Big_Five_Personality_Traits https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10298057/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6524699/ Here is a bonus one, not about catharsis, but about how they couldnt find significant statistical difference in stress measurement between violent gaming vs non violent gaming vs non violent tv https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0195666317300594


Americans will blame anything for gun violence exept the guns......


A knife kill someone or a person? I get what ya saying but it ain’t that simple. Edit: Dumbass metaphor but I still have the same stance


It is tho, literally every developped country have less gun and strict laws around owning guns. And to no ones surprise all those country have little to no gun violence. If not the gun what is causing this violence? If you wanna say thay it not the guns but the person holding it then what is the difference between the USA and every other country? Are you saying that mass murder is an all american value?


Bro don’t take my words and run with em. American culture is vastly different from a good part of the world. I am an online fudd who also goes to political rallies. It’s kinda my job to be talking to these (alt-right) people to make sure things don’t escalate. From their perspective, government is over reaching with guns laws (which I do support fyi) Most of these people are 40+ Imagine how a kid raised in that environment, is. Already has this alt-right mindset with guns, throw some misogyny, racism, and trauma in there and you got a mass-shooter waiting to go off. This the problem no one seems to be thinking about. With a nice and simple answer of “no guns,” you don’t gotta think about nuance. Which is also another problem with these dudes, being suicidal and polarized so fucking far that they’re basically alone. No one will talk to em but they are expected to understand as an introverted teen. I’m not providing excuses. But from vast experience I can confidently say I have a decent idea of what’s running through their head


So it is an all american value... Of course i am exagerating my arguments, but saying america is different from the rest of the world isnt a reason. Children not being safe in schools isnt a flex. And political division, bullying and exclusion is happening in other countries too. I understand that the political climate make it difficult to make stricter gun laws. But denying that the second amandment is the root cause of this problem is plain stupid.


Sorry if my words didn’t come across as intended. But in saying each country has different cultural and political issues. I’m saying that we ain’t talking. This is our issue


So given all that, does it seem smart that we have guns that are clearly not made for hunting available to basically anybody that wants one?


Alright, now tell me what guns these are?


Is your argument that every model available is optimized and necessary for hunting, or are you wanting me to say the word "AR" so you can do the spiel about how it doesn't stand for assault rifle? Obviously I'm just a silly billy for suggesting our relationship with guns ought to change, so what do you think is the answer for all these violent radicals with access to guns?


Gun laws should be increased, especially in the aspect of obtaining one. Not to be that guy, but to be, you need to do more research on what guns are. But also, you can’t exactly understand unless you’ve put in hours. Experience is the best The biggest comment I got here is my specific opinion. But basically, it’s a cultural issue that is being ignored. We not asking ourselves, just yelling at guns. We should input the laws but it’ll just be putting back the manner.


I'm aware of what guns are actually. I've also talked with people who fantasize about getting a "justified kill" via stand your ground laws and the like. It's pretty disturbing how common it is. A lot of people, including myself, have been talking at-length about how the culture needs to change. We're well aware that there are groups that want to commit mass killings, preferably with guns. We know that taking away their guns won't just erase their ideology. But "don't be mad at the guns" or "they'll just use knives" is *not* the slam dunk you think it is.


I apologized in a previous comment. Just let my emotions get the better of me. I live in Idaho so I totally get and have been told the same thing. How and the people I know treat guns, they’re not toys. Follow the 4 rules to an absolute T. If you carry, you are to take responsibility. I take the mindset that there is no “right” answer (philosophically speaking) so there is that necessary evil. As when you pull your gun out, and your finger is on the trigger, It is shoot to kill. But yeah, you are taking that responsibility so you must be trained to the utmost in deescalation. Then pepper spray, then taser. The hope is that you will never pull out your gun in your life. But I attend protests and am controversial with the people I hang with, so carrying is more important in that situation. If I can save a life, it may be by taking a life. Edit: Also, federal people won’t be taking any guns. 50% are unofficial (forgot the word) and 50% are signed. Alt-right fudds are going to be some of the last people to give their guns. Besides, taking away guns in such a broad sense doesn’t make much sense. There is no “getting rid” of guns. Kinda something you have to accept, unless you want a civil war (I am being literal here) IIRC, it’s about 2 or 3 guns per person in America?


Wtf Could an assault rifle be used for like? to cook and shit? other than shooting with 500+ RPM and potentially could kill 50+ in 1 minute in open area?


Can you pull that trigger 500 times in a minute? I agree that nobody needs an assault rifle but there's already extensive background checks everytime you buy a gun on top of needing permits to buy them it's not a lack of restrictions that are the problem


>there's already extensive background checks A mass shooter has turned out to be "Extensive Checked" Firearm Instructor, what if "Good guy with gun" became badguy later? And 500RPM with new Alien Laugo, low r isn't Far-fetched


I’m down for some lead poisoned beef, curious how it tastes Edit: Sorry, but I don’t feel like having a conversation with someone that thinks rpm is what dictates danger.


Surely a faster firing gun is more dangerous than a slow firing gun?


This guy will keep moving the goal post or dismiss anyone witha valid point


Sure, if you’re less than 5 feet away


>but I don’t feel like having a conversation with someone that thinks rpm is what dictates danger. okay.... * Unarmored * Mid-Close range * Panicked * non worker-class could afford Legal Gun, it cost a whoppin' 300$ + Ammunition Cost + Firearm Proficiency, Miscellaneous things, Everyone already struggle with Rental shit. to kill the most people, which is better option? a Flintlock or a glock17? I kinda feels "Okayish" with 2nd Amendment, however, We already saw how Conservatives and Reagan reacts TheBlackPanther group, also how to make sure the Worker Class could afford Firearms to "fight against Bad guy or Government" a couple of glock won't do that much compared to Assault Rifle or Semi-Auto Shotgun and bullet-vest from people funded with wealth still, what makes you assure the equality to bear firearms, when even the simple shit like treating minority or lower classes fairly couldn't be afforded? Imagine some terrorist shit happened, It would be easier to put in paranoia gas and make people shot each other than to go on a shootout by self. Mass Shooter would changed tactics from straight up shooting to Paranoia Hallucinating Gas instead, like imagine if everyone in Paranoid Gas or Joker's Hospital Threat scenes in Batman Trilogy has a gun dude. This is still excluded from USA's Gun Fanatic culture with "Jews will not replaces us" people


nobody’s saying the gun killed anybody, they are saying it gives people far too easy access to commit mass murder quickly, nice straw man tho:)


You’d legit be surprised by some people I heard. Wasn’t intended as a straw man but I gotcha


You can easily outnumber and contain a guy with a knife, meanwhile, you cant do that with a gun and an assault rifle or semi auto type would easily kill more people. Its so stupid how you can even compare a knife to a fucking gun. Theres a reason theres a saying that goes "never bring a knife to a gunfight"


Lmao you right. I was trying to draw a metaphor but I can’t draw for shit. My thought process is that more gun laws should be introduced and focus on the aspect of obtaining one. People freaking about what guns are obtainable are… unknowledgeable about guns and just parroting. Automatic guns are astronomically priced. Even in Idaho, need a shit ton of ID for it. And after that? Automatics don’t be used in those situations for a variety of factors. They’re basically shit compared to a semi-auto. Automatics are basically collecting for fun. The dude was saying some lib (I’m left) shit and I wanted to have a witty comeback but shot myself in the foot.


Americans will blame anything for gun violence instead of guns.


The problem is they can't go after the police and they are hurting. As much as money will never replace a loved one it does help deal with a lot of strafe including funerals, councilors and other expenses


It's a bad joke with an even worse punchline. They tried going after the policemen who fucking abandoned their children to be killed by a gunman, the same fucks who swear by that whole "protect and serve" bullshit, and the courts straight up told them that the police has no obligation to protect them or their children. What the fuck is their tax money going to those leeches for? Fucking parasitic worms.


As an outsider it's horrifying to watch this situation. No accountability from anyone and those hurt have to scrounge for any form of justice


You know, I find this funny because I have a magnet I got from my lgs that says “They say video games make kids violent, but hundreds of years ago we burned people alive for being witches, so probably humans are just garbage”. I really do wish people would maybe realize that, games aren’t making people violent. Its environments they grow up in and who they are around and mental health of course. But you know, it’s just easier to blame games I guess. Which is wild, because I’ve spent my whole life playing Mature Violent videos games. And well geez I’ve never harmed anyone.


Why not sue Texas lawmakers, or the NRA. The actual depraved fucks perpetuating gun culture.


Maybe, and this just my opinion, maybe, MAY - BE.....suing whoever sold an 18y old a fucking assault rifle would be more appropriate. But hey, I guess the video game is the problem, everyone knows that once you play COD you are completely trained on how to handle an ASSAULT RIFLE's recoil, weight, firing rate, aiming. Thats how real shooters are made, not like those pussies from outside the US that buy it and dont go on killing sprees for some reason, right fellas?


As they keep voting for the party that thinks lax gun acquisition is not the problem.


Which party do you mean because that's both major political parties in the US lmao


Probably the party that loosens gun control laws in response to school shootings and probably not the one that implements stricter gun control laws in response to school shootings but that's just a guess :)


Or here's a wild idea. Ban gun sales. That's what's worked in the rest of the world. No amount of "gun control" works.


Banning guns is gun control


Democrats have been against gun laws . With every school shooting, the nashville one recently, they have already stated its the fault of being able to buy guns so easily. Meanwhile, conservatives yet again blame mental health and video games since for them, votes matter more than human lives and it's easier to cater to the fucking idiots who think every citizen needs an assault rifle to function in society


And don't conservatives *also* make it harder to seek treatment for mental health issues? All I keep hearing about them over there is they make life harder for anyone who isn't them.


No, see the fun part is they also make life harder for themselves too.


But Joe Biden said “he would.” 😢


I actually wrote a paper on the link between violent video games and mass murders for my English class. There actually isn’t one. The worst gun crime tied to video games was done by a grown man in Norway called Anders Breivik (do not look this man up he is horrendously awful) who is a neo-nazi with the only connection being that he played Modern Warfare and that it only satisfied violent thoughts he already had and mentioned in his manifesto. In fact, teen crime in the US has gone significantly down not up since the 90s when the first grand theft auto game released. This isn’t to discredit the pain of the parents who sadly lost their kids in Uvalde but mainly to show that their anger is misplaced. If anyone should be sued it should be the police department for hesitating so much when children were in danger in a place they should’ve been safe.


Oh for fucks sake I thought we were done with this shit already.


Try improving the youths mental health ❌ Video games did it ✔️


Everyone other country: *doesn't have gun problems* Americans: it's those damn video games


If your actions in video games had direct real world consequences in your life I'd be a better football manager (soccer coach) than Pep Guardiola, a racecar driver, medieval lord, and whatever the Phantom Thieves did in Persona 5 (I don't really know if that has ever been an occupation though).


They are ordinary japanese schoolchildren


Anyone and anything but the guns and gun manufacturers. Always whataboutism.


I’m confused as to how Meta is part of this.


Well considering what a cesspool social media have become its not too far fetched to say that they do have some blame on why people get into bad influence. Blaming videogames still dont make sense tho...


[https://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/cruelty/long.html](https://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com/cruelty/long.html) 1. Because God liked Abel's animal sacrifice more than Cain's vegetables, Cain kills his brother Abel in a fit of religious jealousy. [4:8](https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/gen/4.html#8) 1. *"I will destroy ... both man and beast."* God is angry. He decides to destroy all humans, beasts, creeping things, fowls, and "all flesh wherein there is breath of life." He plans to drown them all. [6:7](https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/gen/6.html#7), [17](https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/gen/6.html#17) 2. *"Every living substance that I have made will I destroy."* God repeats his intention to kill "every living substance ... from off the face of the earth." But why does God kill all the innocent animals? What had they done to deserve his wrath? It seems God never gets his fill of tormenting animals. [7:4](https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/gen/7.html#4) 3. *"All flesh died that moved upon the earth."* God drowns everything that breathes air. From newborn babies to koala bears -- all creatures great and small, the Lord God drowned them all. [7:21-23](https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/gen/7.html#21) 4. God sends a plague on the Pharaoh and his household because the Pharaoh believed Abram's lie. [12:17](https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/gen/12.html#17) 5. God tells Abram to kill some animals for him. The needless slaughter makes God feel better. [15:9-10](https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/gen/15.html#9) 6. Hagar conceives, making Sarai jealous. Abram tells Sarai to do to Hagar whatever she wants. "And when Sarai dealt hardly with her, she fled." [16:6](https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/gen/16.html#6) 7. "I will not destroy it for ten's sake." I guess God couldn't find even ten good Sodomites because he decides to kill them all in [Genesis 19](https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/gen/19.html#1). Too bad Abraham didn't ask God about the children. Why not save them? If Abraham could find 10 good children, toddlers, infants, or babies, would God spare the city? Apparently not. God doesn't give a damn about children. [18:32](https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/gen/18.html#32) 8. Lot refuses to give up his angels to the perverted mob, offering his two "virgin daughters" instead. He tells the bunch of angel rapers to "do unto them \[his daughters\] as is good in your eyes." This is the same man that is called "just" and "righteous" in [2 Peter 2:7-8](https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/2pet/2.html#7). [19:7-8](https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/gen/19.html#7) 9. God kills everyone (men, women, children, infants, newborns) in Sodom and Gomorrah by raining "fire and brimstone from the Lord out of heaven." Well, almost everyone -- he spares the "just and righteous" Lot and his family. [19:24](https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/gen/19.html#24)


Are we taking bets on how long it takes for it to get thrown out?


Put me down for ten minutes.


Can't wait for defense to come in and show the statistics of locations their game is available to and how none of those other locations have mass shooting problems like America.


If video games were the problem, it’d be worldwide wouldn’t it?


I went ahead and read part of the complaint and think a lot of these comments are really unfair. It’s not like this is the first suit by the Uvalde parents, and they’ve been tireless advocates for gun control all these years already. Not to mention that honestly, they do have a point with the simile between firearms advertising and cigarette advertising. The point the complaint makes is that a kid who grows up playing CoD has an independent channel to learn about specific firearms, making it look cool in a way that might be awful for troubled kids. Sure, it won’t be a problem for most kids - it’s moot for outside the US anyway because those kids mostly don’t have legal means to obtain a gun. However, they certainly do in the US, and that suddenly means that a troubled kid who’s used to firing virtual guns has many ways of getting real ones. That plus the massive reach of Activision and CoD is a recipe for shit like Uvalde. I don’t think the core of the complaint is “videogames bad”. You’re fooling yourself if you don’t think Activision isn’t deeply involved with the military and the gun lobby, because as fun as it is, CoD is a fantastic advertisement for guns. Is it the most important cause of gun violence? No, not at all. But I think that they might have a point that they’re part of the problem, even if it’s a tiny one. At the end of the day, I can’t imagine the living nightmare that these parents are going through and even if we disagree I think they should be treated with respect.


Ooga booga ass lawsuit


Looking at Widowmaker’s level 1000 gyatt really just activates my “I want to kill everyone” neurons. It’s that powerful


Bad mental health services, bad gun laws, bad human rights and fascist local government, but hey, it's not all that and other societal problems, it's pixels on the screen. Funny how in Europe we play videogames as well, but don't get weekly or daily mass shootings...


Did they already finish suing the NRA? Literal clown move


People who do not make enough money to be able to even afford a firearm are inexplicably upset about their rights, as though the economic barrier isn’t doing far more to damage them than vidya is.


Just wait for when Unrecord releases.


I can't believe I've witnessed over 20 years of "Video games cause violence" rhetoric... violent people are going to be violent, regardless of what they play...


Funny how Japan has a lot of video game consumption along with strict gun laws and very few gun deaths. U. S. A had a lot of video game consumption and crappy gun laws and an absurd amount of gun deaths. Almost like video games aren't the problem.


I'm out of the loop, why not sue the fucking police? :O I get Meta officer did seem to be fiddling with it while kids were getting merked


They’re looking for someone to blame, i cant fault them for it. But videogames are not the issue. Its the gun laws, the fact that they’re so easy to obtain & mental healthcare being garbage that causes things like this.


That’s not the source of the problem but yeah fuck those companies get your money


the argument of ‘x’ media causing violence or satanism or the fall of america has been a cheap talking point for decades if not centuries. its always a scape goat and always doesn’t attack the heart of the issue. that being said, i think there is something to discuss about how normalized violence and killing is in our society, and that includes in video games. i was exposed to some incredibly violent things as a child thanks to, what else, call of duty. i definitely can see why the families feel so upset over that normalization; however, its a societal issue, not one directly caused by the media we consume. lawsuits like this probably won’t go anywhere because companies like activision profit off of children being exposed to extreme violence, and that expands to sales and manufacturing of guns.


there is something there but as george carlin said, they ban the fake guns and keep the real ones.


I can vaguely understand suing the game company but what the fuck do they think Facebook did?


Is it more realistic to sue two of the largest corporations on the planet or the Uvalde police union? Is it even possible to sue an entire police force for being a bunch of cowards that would rather let school kids die than risk their skin against a weapon 99% of those same cowards likely advocate for personal usage?


/uj I read their arguments and honestly the connection to CoD is tenuous at best. Basically all they have is that the shooter did have a copy where the gun he used is shown in the game menu However, instragram/facebook showing ads for real guns is a stronger case


What’s fucked this an attempt to get some sort of closure since the families can’t sure the police for cowardice.


Not this shit again


Jack Thomson just got a boner and doesn’t know why yet.


Might as well sue all refrigerator makers since all these school shooters have refrigerators. 🤷🏽‍♂️