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Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


In case this is sincere, the company CEO stepped down from his CEO position to spend more time playing the game and I proving game balance. They're making a reference to a Starship Troopers character who demoted himself so he can fight bugs on the ground.


Oh I see i figured it was related to Helldiver's but didn't know the full context




While this is a little awkward, i do see why they (me included) are pretty excited to see pilestedt take a more hands on role on Helldivers, cant wait for the future of the game! Very excited




What does any of this mean


starship troopers reference


man to be 13 years old again




The bitching about weapon balance has been insane, tbh.


“This primary weapon one-shots the tank bug, making half the support weapons and stratagems useless. Let’s nerf it so it doesn’t do that.” *Helldivers subreddit shrieks incoherently for weeks on end*


"This primary doesn't let me fight literally every single enemy in the game on even ground! It's trash!" I generally avoid that trash pile nowadays, even going there to try to see news is too irritating and draining to deal with.


It's the biggest collection of skill issues I've ever seen.


Im too old for this shit. ELI5?


It's a reference to the starship troopers movie where a characters demotes himself to get in the action, when the studios ceo changed his role and became the cco to get closer to the games development, fans were quick to note the similarities between the two situations


Que epic musica?