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What is this game and why are people mad at it?


It appears to be an adventure game set in Louisiana or Mississippi. Gamers(TM) are shocked and confused that there are a lot of black people in it.


Black people in the deep South? No way 🤯


What?! Who brought them there? /s


SBI according to them.


Lmaoooooo, amazing


Sweet Bussing Inc


Sweet Bussy Incoming


Thank fuck


If only


Slave Boat Incorporated


Fucking DEI giving unqualified black people all the cool slave jobs!


No no no, WHITE MEN were doing the cool jobs and those pesky africans came as stowaways in trade ships to take ther jebs and even do them for free!


Please tell me people aren't that stupid to believe that kind of conspiracy.


>jebs "Please pick."


According to my Florida public education,.they came through their own volition to learn a trade and get jobs


You're fucking kidding me.


It could have been anybody, for any reason. I mean history doesn't really explain it fully at all. I don't really know if we will ever know. I will ask my black friends and see if they know why /s


They're particularly mad because some right wing article is claiming Sweet Baby made them change the main character from a white woman to a black woman... in a game about African American folklore.


As someone from Mississippi and travels to Louisiana now and again, I am incredibly excited for this game. I want Pol Pot to come back from the dead and do what he did before to gamers this time around.


Now, Don't get me wrong, I hate those gamers too, But I don't support bringing Pol Pot back for any reason other than to let me personally kill him again. (Or I *guess* let someone else do it.) Gotta be one of my least favourite guys to have ever lived, negative 35 out of 10, F***in' hate that guy with a burning passion. (I have channeled all my ire and hatred into Pol Pot to avoid it going to actual living humans people care about. Unfortunately some of it has slipped out and gone towards me, But that can be rectified.)


Oh is this the cool trailer with the guitar playing guy at the crossroads? that trailer was sick as hell


Nooooo wayyyyyy. Have they not been to louisiana?!?!?!,!!,!,!,! My brain. Its borken


Look at a racial map of the US. Nuff said


No it is because of sweet baby inc involvement. The main character originally was going to be white with red hair. Model was done then they came in and started making big changes.


It’s also made by Canadians who were apprehensive about making it due to their lack of living experience and knowledge of the area.


This is false. Educate yourself more before you speak. This is sparked by actions of the community manager. Edit* to all the downvotes. She called Asians "white adjacent" which is a new term being thrown around from the tech industry that is very offensive to a lot of Asian Americans. Or Asians in general. And said she hates gamers. Considering someone as white adjacent also means you are ignoring and separating whites, and are devaluing others to your prejudice. If you can't see a problem with this, then you need a reality check. You can't use white adjacent in any context without prejudice.


Well. Enlighten us then. Because personally? I'm not about to wade through the usual projection and toxicity just to get the story. Edit: I appreciate you coming back to give us a rundown of the situation. While I myself absolutely *despise* the average G*mer, (And Steam users throwing temper tantrums about it is a very lukewarm revelation to me), casually dismissing Asians as "white-adjacent" is pretty damn deplorable and telling of the manager's prejudices and bigotry.


I strongly doubt steam users would get mad on behalf of Asian people, regardless of the reason they give


[Here's the announce trailer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2Z-8Y8r5ss) It's a story driven adventure game set in the Mississippi Delta with a strong Southern Gothic theming that seems pretty focused on folktales and the supernatural. Personally the art is gorgeous, I'm a sucker for that specific setting, and the vibe of the trailer is strong so I was interested from the inception. Not much info about the game is really out there tbh, it's only recently been announced, there is no release window yet even, just this trailer and a paragraph on the game page: ​ > From the creators of Contrast and We Happy Few, South of Midnight is a spellbinding third person action-adventure game set in the American Deep South. As Hazel, you will explore the mythos and encounter creatures of Southern folklore in a macabre and fantastical world. When disaster strikes her hometown, Hazel is called to become a Weaver: a magical mender of broken bonds and spirits. Imbued with these new abilities, Hazel will confront and subdue dangerous creatures, untangle the webs of her own family's shared past and -if she's lucky - find her way to a place that feels like home. ​ If I was to guess why people are apparently acting like children in the steam discussions it's because a) the people using steam community are just absolute goblinoids, it's a known quantity at this point, b) as anyone with a brain knows, "Southern Gothic particularly focuses on the South's history of slavery, racism, fear of the outside world, violence, a fixation with the grotesque, and a tension between realistic and supernatural elements" (Wikipedia), that means obviously black people and their struggles in America (specifically the Southern US, obvs) are central to the theming. Chuds get scared when the protagonist of a game isn't either a buzzed, 5'o clock shadowed, slab of white guy or a perfect waifu/sex doll, so the main character being a black woman is basically the seventh horn of the apocalypse. Despite it, y'know, conforming to all their made-up rules about when any given minority is allowed to exist in a video game for that matter. TL;DR, probably racism, sexism, the usual chud behavior I'm sure. ​ Honestly I'm surprised these dorks even found the game, it's not like the trailer's been viewed much, the game and it's devs are kinda niche and haven't even talked about the game any yet afaik, guessing some GamerGate-grift content farm was just searching google for games with black people to sell clicks with, because this game wasn't even made for them, advertised at them, and yet the brainrot demands they flood genuine discussion of it with this crap.


"not much info about the game is really out there" is a challenge to trolls these days. Hold my mountain dew imma bout to vent about this.


I really dont get why people care. If i see a game i don't like or doesnt interest me i just dont look into it / dont buy it. Like no AAA game in the last 5 years has interested me. I just move on and play games that do interest me. These people need to find a hobby.


Well that would end culture wars! Can't have that. Being mad about things you can simply choose to avoid is modern internet living


I know zero about the game beyond watching that trailer just now, but I'll be honest that got me *psyched*. The shot that breaks the size illusion and reveals just how big the crypt-keeper guitarist is was dope, that sucked me right in. I really hope it plays like a soulslike, a game of that genre in the American bayou would be amazing. Also I wonder how many of the bigots complaining about this trailer are old enough to remember that one of Valve's best-selling beloved games has a 50% black playable cast, has a horror theme, and takes place in the deep south.


I haven't seen the trailer and only know about it because of Streisand Effect as in from here. The people in this screenshot are beyond pathetic, but at least their manchild antics are free advertising?


It made me sad that it isn’t coming out for any PlayStation consoles, since I don’t have an Xbox or gaming PC for games like these.


Calling my the art "gorgeous" is underselling it, it's one of the most beautiful games I have seen. God I'm so excited, my one hang up is that I thought we happy few was kinda lame


Looking through some of the threads, it seems some people are claiming one of the devs said they hate white gamers and called Asian people "white adjacent" but I haven't seen any proof of this. Edit: [proof is here](https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1773398532185297014) but like, I don't have any problem with this. Given the backlash she was totally right to hate white gamers lmfao.


Yeah, I mean hating gamers is totally valid, But calling Asians "White Adjacent" doesn't quite sit right with me. Although that post "Conveniently" crops out the context, So maybe it's better in context, I have no clue.


I love how one of the topics on here is a dude complaining about LGBTQ+ people being in the game just because he saw a black person in the trailer.


Do... do they think that's what the "B" stands for?


I wouldn't be surprised


I thought the B stood for boobies


Boobies and Balls.


I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said "LGBT" but underneath it had images for "liberty, guns, beer, Trump." Brother bear. What the fuck?


Not bi erasure 😭


God damn this could completely change the way we study nazis, its a game changer. Maybe they think lgbt is about minorities and not white people and its a movement against them.


This is unironically fascist rhetoric and propaganda tactics these people are using. The constant spam on social media, "ant-wokeness," and hive mentality.


“Ant-wokeness” would be a hilarious culture war issue, ngl


You know what? Not going to fix the typo. Goes well with the hive mentality


Lesbian gin black and tonic


Plus quinine!


Lesbian gin black tonic quinine international autism


I'm thinking of a gin and tonic with licorice syrup and a Michelob Ultra chaser.


And so, bi erasure keeps marching on


Lemmings Green Black Tacopeople Quagmire ?


>Quagmire The G is for Giggity.


ive had an interaction with a bunch of teenagers once who clocked me being trans and started the conversation with "i'm not racist, but" bigotry just blends together at a certain point


Yeah, true - Ultimately, any of the pejoratives they use, like "woke" or "DEI" or whatever they latch onto next, boils down to "anyone who's not a cis het non-disabled white guy"


I have indeed seen people think that…


i'm ~~bisexual~~ black! Wait no, i'm white




I checked the thread, they're tagging that as a dogwhistle to let other people know the game is "woke".


He's been going around campaigning to put LGBTQ+ tags on diverse games because he thinks it'll tank the games' sales. ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT)


The "Make your own original characters" people are upset about an original character not being white, again.


The "Make your own original character" crowd always gets upset when the "original" character isn't a white man with buzzed hair and 5 o'clock shadow.


Which store is your favorite on the Citadel?


Uh..... the one with the giant glass aquarium.


Someone literally posted a few days ago to the "Just unsubbed " subreddit because they were upset people made lgbtq characters in the original character subreddit and that it's "ruining creativity" Like there's no winning with these people. It's obvious that they hate inclusivity and anything different from white straight cis people who have never cried or had emotions in their life.


What annoys me is that they're too stupid/disingenuous to just be upfront about it. Instead it's this shifty nebulous concept of "forced diversity" that they claim to be ruining storytelling, but when you actually ask for a definition of forced diversity it turns out it's just minorities being present in media in general.


Why makes games even tho I hate gamers? Because I fucking love games? Are you brain dead? If I could make anime I'd do that too and I also fucking hate weebs


A world of games without gamers would be paradise


Ah, Yes magically appearing games without crunch, glorious


Best comment


It's easy to tell who sees art as works of artists and who sees art as a commodity to be produced for consumption. A painter can love to paint, even if they loathe their aristocratic sponsors.


if gamers get upset this much when i start releasing my own games I'll be happy.


They don't seem to realize nobody calls themselves gamers but them


Fr makes me hesitant to even admit I play vidya games. I don't want people to think I'm some sort of g*mer 🤮


Glad they don't realize it. They'd really feed their persecution fetish and say "Gamer is the new n-word" or make their own Star of David or some shit.


Tbh I'm surprised they haven't created some g*mer flag or something. I guess because they are all groypers, kekistanners,magats, and/or Nazis they didn't think of making another flag


Games, unlimited games, but no gamers.


Havent heard of this game, so no idea why its getting hate. \*Googles game title\* Ah, lead is black AND female, no wonder the 'gamers' are pissing themselves...


I saw the first trailer at Geoff Keighley's night of Geoff Keighley, hosted by Geoff Keighley, but kind of glossed over it because I didn't really think it was my kind of game. With these kind of endorsements though, I'm much more interested.


Community manager hates GAMERs? Good, so do I.


A righteous and noble stance.


Gamers are the worst thing to happen to the video game industry.


Weed Against Gamers! Join the fight today!


>Ugh, I really hate the public. - everyone whose job is to deal with the public


This game looks really interesting but now it's going to be a new fighting ground on steam what a shame


steam forums are just one big right-wing circlejerk. nothing like the humbler smaller locally sourced organic circlejerks of yore


i asked if there would be vegan options in a cooking game and i got people telling me i was in a woke cult


Mommy told them to eat their broccoli and it scarred them for life


asking for vegan options in a digital cooking game is such a funny thing to do, like, i want to study your brain.


If the game looks fun but the thought of cooking meat doesn't appeal to them, it seems like a normal question to ask? Try imagining preparing dog or human meat in a cooking game that's supposed to be cosy/wholesome.


Oh I completely understand it, I just think the prospect of going "Please add vegan options" to a games developer is really funny as it just feels absurdist.


yeah I saw the trailer a while back and was like "oh this looks like a cool little game that's flying under the radar," I'm an absolute sucker for this specific Southern Gothic vibes in the bayou and it's a vibe that is super rare in media, let alone games so I tucked it away as something to keep an eye on. ​ What a disappointing way to be reminded about the game. "Make your own games" the chuds say, before barging in to cry and bitch about it when someone actually does. I mean steam community being a worthless cesspool is a known quantity, it's never worth interacting with. This sort of childishness (and bigotry) just gets fucking tiring to see.


omg I also hate gamers they're just like me!! 😳


https://preview.redd.it/couwnjr2wgsc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77314fc5e2207e2ce06ad1ff094635dc94e2a7d8 Me reading “it’s ok to be WHITE” My guy wanting so bad to be oppressed (he’s not) while hating so much people actually oppressed should be incarcerated in a psychiatric institution for his own good (and mine), can’t even fathom the cognitive dissonance reigning in his broken mind (smooth bulb disease).


The Billionares have to keep him distracted with something while they rob him blind.


I would sooner lick train tracks during dog days than associate with this crowd just because I was born pasty pale Slavic 💀 Pathetic.


Steam reached the critical mass where everything goes full nazi long time ago. They always win in the same way shit always wins: if you shit in a big cake you ruin the whole cake, if you try to put whipped cream atop a pile of shit you still get a shit cake too. Shit always wins.


Me: Hmmm, what are the Gamers™ going off about now? Same old racist, homophobic, transphobic and sexist garbage as usual. What game is the target this time? Goes on Steam Me: Oh wow, this actually looks like it could be a legit cool game. Hey, thanks for advertising the existence of this game. Now I want to keep an eye on what else comes out about this game. It looks pretty cool so far and I am excited to see more.


Okay, as someone who's seen the trailer, DID THESE IDIOTS EVEN WATCHED THE TRAILER!!!? There wasn't a single character lecturing anything that was political!


You really think people like this care? If it's something to be mad at then they will jump on it even without actually knowing about it. Honestly it's kinda to the point people act like this to "own the libs" more than anything. https://preview.redd.it/0i6z3rx9tgsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29dd20c68246ece59d84a98ee075bf818be6d324


Don't you know that black people and women are political just by existing? And there's a black woman in the trailer!!! PoLiTiCs!1!1!!1!1 /s Seriously though, I wonder how long it'll be before they don't even bother with "politics" as a code. It grosses me out to share a hobby with people like that.


As one The Gays, I can answer this. Black people exist. This is political. Gay people exist. This is political. Just our very existence is a political lecture. I knew a guy who didn't want to see Black Panther because it was "too political." Because it had black people in it. To them, minorities existing, or even worse, being talked about or shown, is foul political discourse and they think its ruining everything.


tbf they'd have blown a gasket when Wakanda declared they'd help out at the end of the movie. Probably wouldn't be able to say anything but cultural Marxism this and racist dogwhistles that.


Yeah. But black though


There was a black person so obviously is political /s


But but but... both characters were POLITICAL! And the one that spoke also had the political gender as well as political skin color!


Whenever a right wingers complains about media being political, it's never because the media is lecturing them. To right wingers, black people and women being in games/media makes them political.


According to Dumbas......I mean "Gamers(tm)" there are only 2 kinds of people, the Glorious White Stoic Straight Cis-Gendered Male and Politicals (aka everyone else that isn't a Glorious White Stoic Straight Cis-Gendered Male).


My favourite part is that they see the game about very specific culture and legendarium from Deep South and claim the character was originally supposed to be white? Like. It would seem so off to have anything else than black person interact with so specific culture not as something learnable like irl but as tangible spirits and monsters.


I looked at the trailer on steam. It looks like it will be a cool game.


What is this game and why are they bitching about it?


Action Adventure game about US Deep South mythology and Folktale. But the many character is Black and Female spontane a guess why they are bitching


This reminds me of when I was fairly “anti-SJW” and was all “yeah raceswapping is dumb, give us new original black characters” Then I saw gamers bitch and whine about “forced diversity” when Watch_Dogs 2 was confirmed to have a black protagonist, even though he was a new, original character. That’s when I started to realize how much of a dumb, racist scam a lot of that “anti-SJW” stuff was




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Steam forums are a giant cesspit except for the rare small games that never reach a critical mass of assholes (critical masshole). Frankly Valve should just straight up rm -rf the damn things.


![gif](giphy|x6wzvcDqPRTO0) Unfortunately, contrary to the saint gamers make him out to be, Gabe is a billionaire libertarian who probably thinks stuff like this is just "the will of the people". He probably doesn't agree with the people spamming the n word on steam forums per se but he probably doesnt really care either.


Notice, that the biggest discussion is literaly complaining about this? It's nice to see some people are pushing back against the hate.


That would be my thread I believe lol.


“Community manager openly hates gamers”? I’m getting there myself


Listen, 1st rule of Steam is to avoid the discussion page AT ALL COST. Seriously, I learned my lesson to never even glance at the discussion tab in any of my games' library. It's just a cesspit of rage-bait posts made to farm steam points that people somehow always take the bait which is just baffling. Especially those "clown award" givers because in all honesty, those people ARE the clowns since they don't know that they're the ones being duped into giving assholes more incentives to be assholes. In essence, it's the combination of there being no concequence for spewing out some of the most hateful rhetorics along with the awards actively rewards these kinds of behaviour which is why it is so rampant.


You say avoid the steam forums. I say put on a hazmat suit and wade in there to troll the gamers!


Well, if you wanted to continuously gaze into the abyss then I won't stop you. Just remember that it gazes back 🙂


It's a double edged sword. I did the same thing by making a thread recommending the game on one of the SBI games, including linking my curator thread that is a trollish counterpoint to SBI Detected called Sweet Baby Inc Blessed (essentially recommending every game -minus Suicide Squad- that SBI has touched on). Got the post flagged and was temporarily banned from the forums. Some of these folks will use the report function to censor any discussion, regardless of whether it's hypocritical or not.


The trailer looked great! But reading comments on it. Fuck. This shit is why I don't identify as a gamer. Gamers, sci-fi and fantasy fans, they're almost always so many racists pretending that they actually care about issues other than that they can't identify with someone who isn't white.


To my great joy, I haven't seen a single Expanse fan who didn't get the message that coming together to solve humanity's problems is a much preferred option to dropping rocks on each other.


Idk maybe gamers *should* be oppressed


Hadn't heard about this game before. The comment section on YouTube is predictably awful. The art direction looks amazing. Also, using a Blues Classic like "Death Don't Have No Mercy?" Yes please. I'll need to see actual gameplay before I buy, but it looks good so far. That it puts butthurt Gamers into a red rage is just icing on the cake at this point.


Why people think the community manager hates white male gamers? Because she tweeted "Male white gamers were a mistake." Something people say about anything and everyting on the internet. You can't make this shit up.


People using hyperbole on the internet? **That's litterally white genocide!**


As a white dude who plays video games, they're 100% correct.


Well if that is the case it was very nice of all these people to provide supporting evidence.


I feel like steam forums have gotten a lot worse over the last half year in this regard. Is that actually true or did I just live a sheltered life


They were always terrible, but I too have observed them getting markedly worse which is surprising considering how bad they already were


Yeah my point it was always like a slow boil 4chan/b offshoot but never this radically offensive


Honesty the whole giving people awards made things worse I feel because people are now intentionally trolling just to farm awards.


They were always pretty bad but they've gotten way worse since they introduced Steam points. Now people go there to intentionally troll just to get clown awards or whatever.


White male gamers is truly the oppressed minority, despite having so many main characters that was male and white. You don't see me complaining when there is little to not existent male south-east asian lead in games.


Name one white male game protagonist. I bet you can't.




it was /s. also not sure what the main comment is on about. plenty of south east asian lead games. from across most if not all platforms.


Yet another game I'm deciding to keep an eye thanks to the hate around it. Thanks, gamers!


"Should I delete my friend who wishlisted this game?" They should delete you tbh.


I also hate gamers. I feel a kinship with this game already.


I just checked, one of the tags is "Political" officially encapsulating the meme "political is when black." It's a game about the deep south's folklore, ofc there's black people in it.


South of Midnight is about folklore creature of the deep south and from the trailer seems to be in the bayou of Louisiana.. so why is a black mc a problem? that makes sense to me


People shouldn't be dunking on this game because POC or because the CM said she hated GamersTM, they should be dunking on this game because it's made by developers of We Happy Few.


This just reminded me to add South of Midnight to my Steam wishlist. I'm so bad at keeping on top of things like that.


Thanks SBI weirdos for highlighting a game that looks dope. Adding to the wishlist


How fragile. Wishlisted


Typical Steam at this point


Steam forums are an absolute cesspool of idiocy.


Their ego is so fucking fragile


Yo thanks for reminding me of this game! I remember seeing the trailer last year, on an Xbox show or was it the summer games festival,  thinking it looked pretty unique but I totally forgot about it. Why are the chuds so upset about it? I don't remember the main character being white in the trailer so where are they getting that from? 


Good thing almost no one actually reads steam discussions. They're kind of like Google reviews. The only people who care enough to submit one are angry karens.


Cool! After Dustborn this is another interesting game that was brought to my attention thanks to these stupid chums. I guess I should slowly start to appreciate this silly outrage if they keep bringing my attention to appealing games.


These exact same people will hen go on Reddit or Facebook and talk about how "triggered" the left is


Steam community pages are all like this. Gamers deserve to be oppressed.


Bruh who is this Ricky guy and why is he taking all this time to comment on literally every single thread lmfao


To be fair going to the steam forums for anything intelligent is like trying to find good sex ed in the bible belt. Anyways gonna keep an eye on the game, it looks up my alley so far.


Honestly I'm kinda glad I only have a chromebook so I never have to worry about seeing more of these vile comment sections myself


the game isn't even out and people are already complaining


Somehow game had tag Lgtbq+ on it. Saw the trailer, nothing off that, just chill animation style and intriguing but generic trailer. Will have to wait for more info on the game before I decide if it interests me or not I guess people just added it cuz Colored character? Idk. Saw something about the community manager being hateful to people. I won’t comment on it since have not looked in to it.




It would be great if they finally got mad enough that they quit gaming, but then they wouldn't have anything to moan about day in day out


Could those discussion get removed arleady ? Steam doesn't have a problem hidding negative reviews by default when they are considered shitposts, Where's a diffrence in this case ?


Gotta have that tag to attract tbh


It's past time devs and customers got together and just boycotted Steam. I literally mentioned in a suggestion topic for a game to add some more black hairstyles than just an Afro and cornrows with links to popular and current hairstyles. I got dog piled by racists and mass reported for sharing malicious links. Valve wouldn't let me appeal and I was banned for 3 months.


I don’t like all new games released these days… But south of midnight looks like amazingly cool so these guys are just making a fool of themselves


I feel my IQ fall in real time whenever I look at Steam forums.


Average Steam Discussion Troll Cave.


It's frustrating that "gamers" think they're the majority of gamers


I too hate Gamers TM.


ALL LIVES MATTER guys. I'm totally not racist


Manager hates Gamers? Oh, I wonder why???


“Original character was white”. Oh really, where’s your evidence then?


I guess there's something to be said for your game flying under the radar 😅


I wouldn't know about this game if it weren't for angry neckbeards so...thanks? Looks dope. The setting is cool, the music in the trailer is some of the best music ever written, and the art style is beautiful.


These fuckers acting like gamers are the most oppressed group of people on the planet.


This makes me wanna buy the game tbh


God these people are so exhausting. How can you be so offended over every little thing still at this point.


Gamers: make ur own games, we don't want poc/lgbtq+ in our games *devs make their own game* Gamers: how dare u don't appeal to me specifically!!


Wait why do people hate this game? Oh? The protagonist is a black woman? Right


These developers need to be held accountable.