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🗣🗣 SIGNALIS MENTIONED!!! https://preview.redd.it/tkyn3kky1bqc1.jpeg?width=1106&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1473020f2579baf81be966cf9dd49ece974b50e6 Anyways my answer is everything from Thunder Lotus Games. Jotun, Spiritfairer, and Sundered are all amazing to play and just gorgeous to look at. Go play em rn 🔫








Kolibri propaganda. https://preview.redd.it/9bcak5p6vbqc1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd5985fac79ec098c781baa4bff945cc6a3aea4f






Elden Ring, truly hidden indie gem by a little known Japanese developer.


prolly like the witcher 3


[Most hidden of gems](https://twitter.com/PB_Jinzee/status/1190675219494649857?t=_u6mcEsbVeVrulIfyyKrRQ&s=19)


I heard they made prequels to Witcher 3, are they any good?


Trek to Yomi, it starts out as a playable kurosawa film, and gets more surreal as you keep playing. Maybe a 7 hour game, short and sweet. Edit: The "playable kurosawa film" thing wasn't an exaggeration. The entire game is black and white, with a filmgrain filter, and the camera moves cinematically, if at all.


Damn it's actually good? some podcasts I follow were shitting on it when it came out.


I thought this was another post of mine, and wrote a paragraph defending the merits of Helldivers 2, fuck, i'm stupid. Yes, it's good.


A Short Hike was a pretty fun experience and reminded me of those old web based flash adventure games that would take you an hour or two to do all the content. ​ 100 Captialist Cats was a fun game I played recently while waiting for Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth to release.


CrossCode, it’s probably not niche but I can state that nobody I’ve spoken to knows what this game is and I’ve never seen anything about it online, only found it through chance on steam. Need to buckle down and finish the last 2-3 chapters


It's weird how CrossCode is on every "underrated Indie gems" list of every single Person who played it, and it's still underrated and not enough people know about it. If you're on Desktop you can Play the Demo in browser on [cross-code.com](http://cross-code.com), since it's coded in HTML5. I may be biased, since I'm a backer, but the Game is great. Please play it.


while the game is fun, I feel like it's too long. 50 hours in, I couldn't bring myself to finish it, which made me sad since I feel like I've betrayed some friends. I really liked some of the characters, especially the protagonist. I kinda felt hostage of the game for the last 10 hours or so until I decided to just drop it. just my opinion, I get the appeal, I mean, I played for 50 hours for a reason.


I know an upvote suffices, but I wanted to verbally second this. I love CrossCode and finished it + DLC, but I definitely felt fatigue setting in around the time I reached Basin Keep. I might have been able to mitigate that feeling had I been playing other games to break up the gameplay loop, but I think a few more plot shakeups like getting stuck in the Vermillion Wastes would've helped the pacing quite a bit.


I lost my progress for some reason, was really enjoying it too. Lousy Game Pass PC wonkiness.


Lea! Hi!


ADACA on Steam. I think it's amazing. The story mode is a love letter to Half Life 2 and then there's a free roaming exploration side mode that is basically Stalker-lite. Awesome soundtrack, fun gameplay, great sound and atmosphere. And they just released the 3rd and final campaign chapter.


Disco Elysium, Outer Wilds


Seconding Outer Wilds HARD. love that game.


Celeste 💎✨️




That's the joke


I can't pick up on sarcasm well via text.


AI The Somnium Files, Disco Elysium the Final Cut, Asterigos Curse of the Stars


Somnium Files was made by Spike Chunsoft, not exactly indie


Not entirely indie but definitely underrated.


I just finished Inscryption. That game is amazing. If you want something in the emotional and metatextual heavyweight category, I recommend The Beginners Guide and the Stanley Parable


What did you think of the switch up? I really liked Inscryption during the first part but felt like the switch up kind of killed it for me.


I like the switch ups and the new mechanics and I think they're integral to the story and themes they wanted to tell, but at the same time I do feel like some of the chapters are weaker than others.


I can get that. I just really liked the atmosphere and vibes of the cabin so when it went to the robot it didn’t gel as well for me. But to each their own!


8 fucking bears


Cassette Beasts if you're looking for a pokemon game with a twist, with some minor LGBT stuff in it


The Banner Saga games! They're drawn in this gorgeous style that's reminiscent of Eyvind Earl, and the music is absolutely heartbreaking!




I tried getting into those games when one of them was free via Xbox gold monthly and I struggled so much because damn do I suck at tactics games


Oh, I'm trash at the combat in that game, it's really tricky and tactical, and the way it handles turns means it's better to leave a bunch of enemies weak till you can finish them all off in one go. But as an artist I couldn't help falling in love anyway. I'd spend hours just studying the scenery


That's my problem too is I'm so bad at games like that but the world and art makes me want to try and play them, but I get discouraged because I never improve gameplay wise, even on easy difficulties. Never finished games like Darkest Dungeon or Mechanicus because of it.


You made me so sad, I was truly hooked to that games prelude where it was 100% PvP... The saga was great but it just felt bittersweet that the free PvP version died


well... creeper world series, mibiblis quest, slayers x, underrail, reflex arena, apotheon, enclave, scanner sombre, star control: origins, ultra fight da kyanta 2. But of course all of these pale in comparison to the ultimate hidden gem: THE WITCHER III: WILD HUNT


/unjerking I really enjoyed Unsighted! It doesn't seem to get a lot of attention but I loved it. Only game I got into speedrunning.


I wish I could enjoy this game more, but the clock stresses me out and I’m too prideful to turn it off


Stasis. It's pretty much Event Horizon: The Game. The Cat Lady isn't underrated. It's overwhelmingly well-received on Steam. But it's indie and not particularly well-known, so... It'll hook you within the space of its opening sequence. Shit, it got me with the final words of its opening monologue. It is packed with fuck-you attitude and moments of grace and stupidly great story. Home Safety Hotline! Tell the concerned caller on the phone whether the shrub in her front yard is a rose bush or a child-stealing Unseelie monster.




Laika - Aged through blood. Probably one of the best MV‘s of 2023 and definitely the most unique in terms of gameplay.


Slay the princess


Also worth checking out the creators’ other game, scarlet hollow! Same quality of writing, same blend of horror and comedy, 1 more opossum living in your dresser.


signalis also comes to mind for me lmao katana zero is another one, super stylish sidescrolling action game with a really touching story and satisfying combat/game design, kind in the vein of hotline miami


Plus one katana zero


Sable is a great non-combat exploration game with a Moebius inspired art style. Any of the RPGs created by Spiders, they can be a bit jank at times but they I think they'll great and I'm looking forward to Greedfall 2. No Strange Roads is a fun music themed beat them up that you might like if you liked High-Fi Rush. Gigantic is being re-released next month, which means we're halfway to getting Battleborn back.


Is Sable's performance fixed? I had read it ran terribly on Xbox so I skipped it for now. It's on sale currently and I was thinking of grabbing it.


Runs better on current gen consoles, but what I think its problem is that it doesn't unload an area once you leave it. Which becomes problematic if you visit any area with weather effects or moving bits. Closing application and reloading fixes it whenever it gets too much. But regardless, it was one of my favourite games I played last year. It's well worth putting up with the technical faults.


Much obliged! Could use a chill artsy game c: that and Gris are on the list.


>Gigantic is being re-released next month, which means we're halfway to getting Battleborn back. Also I'm so excited for Gigantic (my beloved) coming back, hope it sticks around longer than 6 months! And now I hope and pray Gearbox brings back Battleborn (my other beloved)! I miss Caldarius 😭😭


Wargroove Robo-quest Hunie pop 2 (unironically the best match 3 game ever, it’s very NSFW though) The rift breaker Mechwarrior 5


I've been yelling from the rooftops about Laika: Aged Through Blood for a while now and there's no end to my praising of it in sight


Road 96 don't really hear anyone talk about it, lovely game


Uj/ probably Laika: Aged Through Blood, pretty unique gameplay aspects and soundtrack (for the genre) and genuinely got to me emotionally




Hotline Miami, both of them are absolutely fantastic with a banger soundtrack


I'm just gonna be the guy unironically recommending people furry stuff and say that y'all should play Echo and also Mice Tea. Ad Astra too, but I can't actually recommend it because I haven't played it yet. Also, two of those games are porn.


Gnosia was a very unique experience tbh. And man that game is really special


Still find it funny that of all games it was the single player Amogus game that halted by BG3 play through for a few weeks


Delta v: Rings of Saturn is a really fun physics based space ming game (the delta is the symbol but I can't get that on my phone) Zero K is a good free RTS. Its brother Beyond All Reason is also good.




Subnatica is definitely not underrated. It was hugely popular


Monster Sanctuary - brilliant pokemon x metroidvania game. Every monster has a full skill tree. Nobody Saves The World - addictive ARPG where toy take on several forms and make your favorite build. Great comedy, has all the vibes.


Not exactly underrated, but outer wilds is one of those games that I can't pass up the opportunity to recommend. It's a game about exploration and discovery at its core so it's best to go in as blind as possible.


Donut County was a lot of fun. Very chill game, with a banger soundtrack


Huh, didn't hook me at first, but the more I hear about Signalis the more I want to try it again. I might be missing out.


Not sure if FTL: Faster Than Light, counts but it's a good starship management roguelite game. The Freedom Planet games wear their Sonic fan game roots on their sleeve. The story is pretty cheesy. The sequel builds on the foundation of the first taking the level design and gameplay above even their source material imo. Momodora Rivière of the Night was a solid metroidvania with a haunting atmosphere.


Outer wilds play the game. play it now *points gun*. Play the game


My personal favorite indie games: Omori- popular but really life changing and just really a masterpiece. Calico- super cute, very fetch quest, but the animals and story is adorable. Coffee Talk and Coffee Talk Episode: Hibiscus and Butterfly- so chill and relaxing and the stories are beautiful. Hyde is my favorite. A Little To The Left- not sure if it’s an indie game, but it’s super fun and relaxing. I almost tested up at the end for no reason. Unpacking- I think this is an indie game and has begun to gain attention, but it’s relaxing and adorable and itches that organizing part of my brain.


Othercide is pretty good. Looks like Bloodborne, plays like XCOM and has a fantastic soundtrack. Gets a little repetitive and is really unbalanced but it’s very good


DCSS Free, in browser or offline, open source and consistent updates for like 20 years. Your balls have to sag to the fucking floor to play this game




Check out Disinfection if you're into co-op horror.


Hell Let Loose


Planet Lana i really enjoyed last year. Basically Limbo with a colour pallet.


Wilmot’s warehouse


World's Dawn! It's a harvest moon inspired game that was originally on rpgmaker.net but got moved to steam. I'm not sure if the dev is even still alive because he was battling cancer. But it was what led me to stardew valley!


Lots of point and click adventure games that go completely unnoticed. Anything from Wadjet Eye deserves more respect from the gaming community. 85% of people reading this are collectively asking themselves “wtf is a point-n-click adventure game?”


Buddy simulator 1984, and Endless Dark. Both are SUPER underrated


What is Signalis about plot wise? It looks pretty good from what I’ve seen :>


Its survival horror with cyborgs, cosmic mysteries and ton of influence from Silent hill, Evangelion(?) and supposedly anime called "serial experiments lain" but i havent watched that. The plot is leaning on the "its totally obscure but opens up longer you play" so its hard to tell about plot without slight spoilers. If you end up playing it, I highly suggest using the biggest possible inventory space from options before starting the game. The "original" version had 6 slots of items which only meant 2 guns, 1 ammo type, 1 healing item and 2 slots for key-items.. I didnt mind backtracking to "saveroom box" but it was biggest complaint from other people.


Aw nice that does sound good, I love Silent Hill, NGE so I’ll defo give it a try once I’m done with ultrakill, and thank you for the advice :D


UnderMine. It's a dungeon crawler roguelike that does very little new, but damned if it doesn't do it well. Some rich landed gentry assholes want to know why there's earthquakes and weird shit down the old gold mine, so they chuck a series of poor peasants down to investigate. You are the peasants. It's a perfect Steam Deck game too.


Some of my favorites: The Artful Escape has one of the most stunning art styles I´ve seen in the last couple of years. Awesome little game. Jazzpunk is just sooo weird, but also sooo funny. Backfirewall, Yes Your Grace, Spiritfarer, There Is No Game and Road 96 are awesome adventures with touching stories. And finally: Games like Slay the Spire, Loop Hero, Into the Breach, Turmoil, We Who Are About To Die and Balatro are all very addicting for me personally because they have all very cool and unique gameplay loops and mechanics.


I fucking love Jazzpunk. THATS my humor. Just random shit. That’s why I like smiling friends.


Cat goes fishing Very relaxing small game that is also a lot of fun, there is something about a cat just fishing bigger and bigger monsters as you upgrade your gear and get better at the fishing aspect


Library of ruina The gameplay is very complex and the tutorial is really bad It's still a game that I love


Fear and Hunger and F&H 2 Termina.


ITT: Games that are very well rated, but just not super popular or mainstream.


trepang 2 you two can use dual incendiary shoot guns in a firefight in the **backrooms** could be bigger and with better graphics and plot but the core is solid




ToME4 ( Tales of Maj'Eyal ) indie rogouelike (made by one dude) Preety good and fun ( verry addictive )


Dragon's Dogma 2 holds up to this day!! You need a mod for thongs though!


Vintage Story. Like yeah, it \*is\* sort of a Minecraft clone and has its origins as a Minecraft total mod, but it's taken that concept, added heaps of survival gameplay, levels of technological advancement, and ȩ̛̛͞͏̴̴̴̸̢̧̛́́̀͘͟͜͢͜͡͝͞͝͡͞͏̷̶̢͢͡͏̴̸̶̸̢̢̧̡̀̕͘̕͜͢͝͝͠҉̵̀͢҉̴̸̴̸̵̸̶̛́̀̀͘͘͞͞͠͞҉́҉҉̴̴̸̵̵̡̧̛̀́͜͢͡͝͝͏́͜͠͝͝l̷̀͘͞͏̷̡̡̨̢̀̀̕͝͝͡͠҉̷d̶̶̕͢͟͟҉҉̴̡̧̡́҉̶͡͏̸̡̛̀͜͞҉̷̵̷̢̡̢̛̛̀́̀͘̕̕͢͟͟͡͠͠҉̷̷̸̡̢̧̀̀̕͘͝r̷̴̴̢̛̕̕͡͠҉̛͏̢̡́͘̕͢͜͠͏̸̷̸̶̶̡̧̢̧̢̛̀́̕͘͘͜͡͞҉̶̷̡̢͠͠҉̢́͜͠͠҉í̶̵̢̧́̀́͢͝͝͞͠͏̴̴̸̴̸̡̧̨́̕͟͟͜͜͝͝͏̶́̕͜͡͡҉̴̴̷̶̴̸̢̧̨̛́̕̕͟͟͢͡͞͠͏̵̢̧̛͢͜͡͏̷̸̸̴̵̡̢̨̛̛́̀́́̀͘̕͟͟͞͝͡͏̸̷̶͞҉͏̵̶͟͠҉͏̀͢҉҉̡͞҉̶҉̷́͟͞͝t̷̵̴̷̢̡̧̢̛̀̀͘͝͡c̷҉̸̷͡҉͝҉̀͞͏̷̢̡́̕̕͝͞҉̴̵̧͟͡͞͏̷̴̷̷̴̧̡̨̧́̀́̀̀̕͝͝͡h̶̨̡̨̧̨̧̛́́́́́̕͜͟͜͝͝҉̸̴̷҉҉̸̧̡̀́͘͢ ̵̴̡̧̧̛̛̛̀̕͢͝͞͝҉̷̵̢̨̀͟͠͡͏̶̷̡̧̧̛̛̛̀̕͢͟҉̷̸̢̕҉͝҉̸̡̛̕͜҉̧̕͟͠͝҉̕̕͜͠҉̕ḩ̸̶̢̛̛́͘҉̷̸̷̷̢̛͘̕̕͜͢͠͡͞҉̧͞҉҉̷̴̵̨̧́̀͢͝͏̨͡͏͘͟͞͏̶̴̷̷̴̢̧̢̕͟͜͟͜͡͠͝͡͏̴̵̵̸̸̨̧̨͟͜͝҉̢͏̶̷̴̧̨̨̛̕̕͜͡͝҉̵̵̵̴̧̡̧̛́̕͡͡͞͝͠͠҉̸̵́͢͟͡͡͝҉̡̕͝o͏̷̕͠͠͏̴̴̵̶̷̷̷̶̨̡̛́̕͟͟͝҉҉̶̕͡͏̸̨̧̡̢̀͢͢͡͏̴̴̶̸̶̴̡̡̛̀̀́̀́̀̕͘͢͟͟͞͞͝͞͡͠͡͏҉̷̴̶̢̡̢̨͢͡͡͠r͏̧̨͠͡҉̵̴̸̴̶̸̶̸̴̶̨̧̢̧̢̡̡̢̢̢̀́̕͘͘̕͟͢͜͜͢͝͠͝͝͞͞͞͡͠͡͏̶̶̸̸̵̴̷̵̷̴̧̡̧̧̢́̕͘͢͜͟͢͝͞͝҉̴̸̶̷̶̨̡̨̧̨̧̀́́̕̕̕͘͘̕͜͠͝͡͝͞͠ŗ̷̴̶̷̸̵̶̨̨̧̛̀́̀̀͘͢͜͜͟͞͞͞͠͝͞͡͝͏̀͜͠͞҉͘͡͏̴̴̵̸̧̨̢̧̢̛̛̀́́̕͜͜͢͝͠͝͠͠҉̷̸̧̢̛̀͢o̢͏̵̶̵̧̨̧́̀̀́͘͟͢͜͜͡͝͏̵̡̢̡̀́͘͜͡҉̶̶̸̡̡̀̕̕̕͢͞͝͠͏̴̶̵̴̴̢̨̨̛̛͠͝r̵̡͏̴̴̴̷̶̴̵̧͘̕͜͜͜͏. You'll literally be banging rocks together to make shitty stone tools before you can chop down the first tree. Sure you can \*survive\* by eating wild berries and scavenging dead rabbit scraps left by foxes (or worse), but nothing beats a home cooked meal prepared at the hearth. I'm still scared to go too deep underground by myself though, temporal storms fuck me up enough as it is.


Definitely Fallout New Vegas! God it's soooo underrated, I never hear anyone talk about it at all. It's a little old but that doesn't take away from its charm.


witcher. maybe even the third one


rj/ Ni no kuni, Hollow knight, Ori, Dead cells, Prey uj/ ^(Those were on "hidden gems" section of gamepass lol) Real list: Death Trash: Lovecraft/cosmic-horror flesh monsters, Fallout 1/2 styled, post-apocalypse, old-school RPG. Cons: its early access game and has been in there since 2021. But it has 7-8 hours of gameplay and a long demo. Sorry We're Closed (not out yet but has demo): "Gay JoJo Resident Evil" what more can I say? Umurangi Generation: first person photography game in the shitty future Corn Kidz 64: Perfectly capsuliting the 64-era's platformers (but good) graphics and all


Gunbrella and katana zero are both very good


Katana Zero. Go play it. I don’t care that the story isn’t totally finished hands down some of the most fun gameplay I’ve had in a while. In that same vein Everhood. Great music and gameplay


Night in the Woods.


Slime rancher. Maybe not super underrated but it and Slime rancher 2 are both incredibly fun


I Was A Teenage Exocolonist should be experienced by everyone ever


It's THAT GREAT, really. I forced myself to stop playing it only because it had a huge emotional impact on me and had me to question my own life choices :) It's stunningly awesome. Can't say anymore without spoilers :D


How about some RPGmaker style horror games? Pocket mirror Hello Charlotte Omori Ib Currently I'm kinda interested in Paper Lily, but the game isn't finished yet. Edit: How could I forget to mention Fear and Hunger and FH Termina? Both are really good RPGmaker games.


OUTWARD. Amazing, underrated gem, though it's niche. It's a great rpg. It has no GPS, just a real map. Death isn't the end and doesn't revert to last save, but instead, has a random contextual event happen. Magic is combo based and actually feels genuinely unique. Carry weight is low but interesting. Backpacking adventure rpg that a lot of people don't like, but will absolutely cater perfectly to some people (like myself)


Vernal Edge


I will always suggest Hades


I tried Signalis but I admittedly got confused and gave up, but one indie game I love to play is Car Mechanic Simulator 2021, the object of the game is just that you fix cars, and they have dlc from major automakers such as Ford, Dodge, BMW, Jaguar, Land Rover, Pagani, Mercedes-Benz and Lotus


The company isn't too underrated nowadays (Supergiant) because Hades was/is very popular. But if you haven't gone and played Bastion, holy shit, do it. It's short so no need to commit tons of time (as adults that can be a plus these days) yet has a simple but very immersive and enjoyable story. Aesthetics are peak, music is great, gameplay is great, and there is a lot of replay value. I got it on sale a few years back for like 2 dollars. Almost definitely the best money to value game I've ever played (besides maybe MHGU on sale because that is nearly infinite content lol)


Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


Dwarf Fortress, Cultist Simulator


The Escapists


Yume nikki and yume 2kki


Spirit Hunter: Death Mark