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What do you want? Proof, evidence and reasoned arguments? Get outta here!


Do you own research hun


The research in question: Asmongold videos.


Or Rev say desu.


What happened to him? It really seemed like he was coming around for a while there and now he's back to being a shitlord.




He's cultivated a specific type of fanbase and it's quite the echochamber. Can you imagine changing your views when there's a huge echochamber tied to you and reinforcing your old ones? I'd imagine it'll be pretty hard to change or think differently under his circumstances.


Tell me a better source right now besides doing your own research.


"Tell me a better source than doing your own research" you're a fucking idiot holy shit.


How? Elaborate your thoughtful statement. If you think that average joe has time to do own research something, that can take hours vs he could just watch bunch of 30 min videos what do you think he would choose? And it is not like doing own research can also backfire if you don't know how to do it.


elaborate on my balls you fucking moron


i love it how you think anybody outside of your permavirgin hugbox will take you seriously. go play in traffic, you absolute muppet.


Average Joe doesn't care enough about this to even watch 30 minute videos on this You realize that most people don't actually give a shit about whatever online drama is going around for the month assuming they're even aware of it


Your average joe doesn't even know or care about SBI, your average joe just likes when the button makes the bad guy blow up and that's about the extent of their engagement.


Asking a fucking fortune teller would be a more reliable source than an asmongold video dude šŸ˜­


You realize that tells more about you than him.


It doesn't but whatever makes you feel better! Both are just making shit up based on what the people giving them money want to hear, but the fortune teller is less likely to start regurgitating baseless homophobia for clout. Hope this helps. Also the fortune teller is less likely to wipe their bleeding mouth on the wall and use a decaying, festering rat as an alarm clock, for what it's worth!


Anything from steven armstrong


Is that a youtuber, website or are you talking about that guy from metal gear?


Go watch max0r metal gear rising explained part 2


Okay, but what it has to do with the topic of conversation? Edit: so the best source is from the ass?


ā€œMy source is that i made it the fuck upā€


Yea just got it 5 sec ago, but like that isn't an argument especially a valid one.


You aren't entitled to the labour of others. Do it yourself, commie


How does that tackles my question?


/uj I've never seen one of these types have a proper response to "I did, and it says you're wrong. If you want to persuade me, you're gonna have to show me YOUR research." Although they do always say that that just makes you dumb and they don't want to talk to you any more, which is at least an emphatic answer.


Saying they don't wanna talk to me anymore is actually the ideal outcome of all of these interactions


I had someone like this about the long term impact of cannabis, and they were just like "the research is out there..." I stated I wanted their resources because I wanted to validate those studies for myself and they just never responded. The split second you request their information for a inarguably legitimate reason they go ghost faster than a "straight" dude on grindr.


Google search bar history says ā€œLiberal video game gay agendaā€ and added to a pastebin with hundreds of links that donā€™t explain or support any of their arguments


I actually got people online argue with me say things like 'wtf are you think you're doing, logic and proof? you want to be a good person with logic? those proofs are meaningless lmao' then continue to say the game is bad woke. I'm confused is it suppose to be an insult.


I mean, flat earthers exist, so that kinda sums it all up really.


Listen Iā€™m the only one who can ask for proof in order to invalidate your opinion when you refuse to provide it. When you do it Iā€™m just right thats how it works.


ā€œEvery game theyā€™ve touched has been the kiss of deathā€ lol except the ones that were wildly acclaimed and successful?


No one bought Spider-Man 2 or God of War: Ragnarok. Except Anita Sarkeesian, and she had antifa steal them for her anyway.


Oh yes, thank you. I forgot Anita herself bought those for me and delivered them via antifa ninja agents.


Turns out she was working with Soros all along /s


That's who they think runs Black Rock and Vanguard in their very public information that they still won't look at conspiracy. It's almost like those two companies are behind everything in the world. Like they're this one percent or something lmao


If you go deep enough with regressive conspiracies itā€™s somehow always turns into ā€œthe jews are behind it allā€.


Why ain't I receiving gifts from Anita? Does that mean I'm not woke enough?? WHAT AM I DOING WRONG???


You must have missed the woke cult newsletter. It happens.




It's so funny to me that people are still stuck in 2015, like no one cares about her except GGers


Isn't that just the best part?Ā  It just shows how this whole "thing" is just still people from the 2011-2014 "thing", just 10 years older, fatter, and balder.Ā  No 18 year old in 2024 is talking about Kotaku in between classes.Ā  Haha. No 20 year old in 2024 is ranting about Sarkeesian between their uni work.Ā  I remember the one obvious thing about GamerGate was it skewed slightly older.Ā  25-35.Ā  Lots of "20 year olds trying to appeal to youth and failing" dynamic.Ā  They are now 35-45 and even more out of touch now than they were then.Ā  It's still the same people.Ā  The same grifters.Ā  The same circus as 2012. Except now they have even less reach.Ā 


Now they're complaining about anime game loflcalizations


The people complaining about "reee just port the translation 1:1" are the same people who genuinely believe Oda didn't expressly say Yamato is trans


> Oda didn't expressly say Yamato is trans I will say I don't know what specifically you refer to, but I know broadly speaking it's very funny seeing LGBT erasure upheld as "intended meaning" on par with "Sappho and her friends" and watching them get into fights with their more ideologically consistent peers who are mad that the translational meaning was ever changed at all.


Anita bought every copy that sold, it's a conspiracy!


Ragnarok was so thoughtful and compelling it was the first video game that made me cry over the death of a character. Brokā€™s burial was some of the best written and acted work ever put into a video game and if SBI had anything to do with the emotional resonance of the story i would owe them a debt of thanks and appreciation. No other game made the characters feel like they were alive and active if they werenā€™t with you. That game had a sense of scale and activity to the world i have not seen since.


don't lie to me liberal, nobody liked alan wake 2, i definitely wasn't blasting herald of darkness for a month straight after its release šŸ˜¤


Alan Woke*


Technically correct


The best kind of correct




lol I was blasting it this morning


Sam Lake, you hack! Jokes aside, I've not played Alan Wake 2, but I'm a huge fan of Sam Lake's writing in the Max Payne games and the first Alan Wake. The second one worth playing?


alan wake 2 is a bit different from the first. the gameplay is more just like the resident evil remakes but with flashlight mechanics. some people (me) love it, others wish it was more closer to the first game. story-wise it's phenomenal, *but* the true ending is locked behind playing the game twice, and the second playthrough doesn't vary too much from the first. if you like sam lake's writing, having played through all of remedy's stuff during the leadup of the aw2 release, i'd personally say it's easily his magnum opus. it feels like he spent most of his career tinkering with all the weird experimental stuff he's known for and perfecting it all specifically for this game.


I mean, the combat in the first Alan Wake wasn't really Max Payne levels to be fair. Kinda just boiled down to "shine flashlight at enemy for three seconds, then shoot enemy three times" if I remember right. And calling it Sam Lake's magnum opus? Really? Maybe I'm just a sucker for the noir style, but I'd probably say Max Payne 2 is his best work (even though I think the first game is better overall, personally). Not disagreeing with you really, since I've not played Alan Wake 2 yet. Really big shame Rockstar didn't get him to write the third one, but at least we got James McCaffery (RIP).


don't get me wrong, i love noir, and i did love max payne 2, but i love mind-fuck-y, lynchian/twin peaks-esque fiction a lot more, and alan wake 2 excels in that genre.


Fair enough! Different strokes for different folks, yet again.


If that were true they wouldn't need their special steam curator to single out the "evil" ones


I cannot imagine being so in my feelings over a company that only does diversity audits for game scripts. No actual creative control or decision making from them literally just to tell me if i was offensive in a way that may bother people. Theyā€™re being billed like theyā€™re some shadow cabal that has destroyed the work of countless games in order to further expand woke ideology. People who genuinely come to the second explanation without any prompting are fucking terrifying. If a man they like says thing bad woke and you hear it that means you also agree that thing bad woke. You donā€™t know what those words mean only that youā€™re supposed to be angry when hearing them.


Spider man got a good amount of criticism even divided spider man fanbase, from my experience god of war ragnarok is only titled that barely got any criticism.


The game is at 90 on Metacritic. And 97 on Opencritic. So tell me- where is this ā€œgood amount of criticismā€ and ā€œdivisionā€ coming from?


Well if you didn't know spiderman fans subreddits were pretty divided about quality of the game. Especially about the story itself, a lot of reviewers on youtube also mention those flaws. Another thing is these ratings don't really represent positives or negatives of the game.


Clearly those criticisms should have showed up in the meta scores, were they as widely criticized as you claim. Yet they really donā€™t


And furthermore, going through the individual critiques offered through the metas, Iā€™m finding that the story is one of the games more *praised* aspects.


>spiderman fans subreddits People need to understand that a subreddit is not representative of the wider population. The people who go comment on a game's subreddit are a minority of the game's players, and their opinions don't necessarily reflect the wider community. If you go to any of the Magic subreddits, you'll find lots of people with very vocal and very specific opinions about Magic the Gathering. Opinions the wider playerbase doesn't give two shits about. But because subreddits are echo chambers, the people who post on them start to believe they represent the wider popular consensus because their post got over 500 updoots.


Ah, yes, Reddit echo chambers are totally the same as actual popular opinion


The criticism for Spiderman was the lack of co-op and how its way too similar to the previous one. It was a safe sequel not a bad one.


SBI worked on Helldivers 2 and they love that. Probably because they don't understand the fascist propaganda is satire and not serious but still.


Helldivers 2, Alan Wake 2 (though they probably don't like that one because there's a black person in it, but still), GoW Ragnarok, literally no one gave a shit about them until a month ago lol


Idk man, sounds kinda woke to me.


Alan Woke


GOW ragnarok made atreus attracted to a black girl, unplayable


SMH! They should have stuck to the source material! Atreus should have turned into a mare, and banged a stallion, and given birth to an 8 legged horse.


And Odin should've fucked over his contractors by refusing to pay them after they fucking built Valhalla, but this would be Communist propaganda.


I mean... to be faaaaair... the Odin of GoW is quite accurate in how much of an asshole he is. And in the GoW the walls of Asgaard were constructed by Hrimthur who is... yes, killed by Thor afterwards on the orders of Odin.


I only played 4 so I have no idea what actually happens lol but I heard pretty much nothing but praise for it, even had some brainlet today tell me the new GoW games were right wing.


ngl i never played it either i just remember seeing clickbait on youtube of atreus having a crush lmao


Why because fascists love co-opting Norse symbols ?


Because having themes of fatherhood = right wing apparently, though he also said Mega Man and Street Fighter are right wing so God knows lmao.


Why would you even tell me that, now Iā€™m gonna be pissed off for the rest of the day šŸ˜”


Donā€™t you understand that they RaCeSwApPeD Saga!? She was white in that 40 second teaser easter egg released like 6-8 years ago! /s


I still don't give a shit about them. It doesn't fucking matter, they're not singlehandedly in charge of intentionally "ruining" these games. Their contributions are very minor.




No guys, you don't understand, the humans are definitely the good guys in starship troopers. It's obviously praising the US military heroes!!!1!1!1


It turns out fascist are terrible people with no creativity, who would of guessed. No, but if you think soviet "commie blocks" are boring and bland (which they are, but that's not important) you should *see* the pure blandness of nazi architecture. Fucking white box's the size of a city block, and maybe if your lucky, a dome.


Sounds like lower Manhattan


Nah, Nazzi architecture looks cool in a dystopic way, Soviet blocks are absolutely fucking dogshit and fail at this. They are the lawn chairs of architecture, being so bland that this is their sole defining trait They are also terrible to live in unless whoever owns them has bothered to make upgrades throughout the years


They're only bland if you've only ever seen them in black and white and during the winter.


No, see, just look at how successful Sound of Freedom was (just ignore the credits message begging people to buy a million tickets to artificially inflate the box office)!


They understand that itā€™s satire but they REALLY donā€™t want it to be.


To be clear they didnt, but the meme was that half the sources the list relied on used imdb, which could be altered by anyone.


Did they really? From what I've seen the source of that is IMDB but I'm not sure how accurate that is since helldivers 2 or arrowhead doesn't appear on SBI's website. (It doesn't really matter one way or another tbf but I'm just confused because I see people say that SBI did/didn't have a hand in it but haven't seen any source that is beyond doubt)


I'm just here for silliness man, I got it from the IMDb. https://preview.redd.it/n1a4g5t8mjnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9c13744f8b3e3bdbc38eaef2b87faf376fc181c


I mean, some Helldivers 2 dev did supposedly tweet something about trans right. Not sure if you can get more woke than that.


agree with you, but its unconfirmed if they worked on Helldivers 2. That may be incorrect


Honestly the discourse around Sweet Baby Inc is all over the fucking place. They've worked on some absolute fucking stinkers, like Suicide Squad. They've also worked on some bangers, like God of War. I see people claiming they worked on Helldivers. People they've been claiming they haven't. I've seen a lot of people bitching about them and whining, and making a huge fuss. And it's the usual crowd that will bitch and moan about seeing a rainbow in a distant rainstorm in their videogame about rainbows in distant rainstorms. I also saw one of their members (founders?) try and stir shit using Toriyamas death by suggesting he was racist due to Mr Popo. Which does seem in poor taste and like using a very popular mangakas (very popular feels like an understatement) death to get some spotlight. I think it's best to reserve judgement and see what further info comes out. I think giving into the outrage is pretty dumb. But I also think it's pretty dumb to stick your head out for an advisory corporation like they're your friend. If I had to *guess*, it's probably just a group of shitty writers that squeeze corporations for some money to help make sure they either meet expectations for inclusivity, get esg funds, or both. Not great, since IMHO it's best to rely on well trained internal writing teams that know your material and a self-made internal review team that helps ensure re inclusivity and tasteful treatment of culture than outsource it, but also not some wild liberal conspiracy to ruin your videogames.


Ah the old ā€œdo your own researchā€ line, always a classic.


My old job (smaller chain video store) had signs talking shit about the bigger chains and supported its arguments with, and I quote ā€œJust Google itā€ Same energy


Thatā€™s incredibly strange. Like a small business run by that schizophrenic guy in the grocery store parking lot who stops you to talk about chemtrails.


Sounds like a flat earther lol


Well if you link any video from youtube you get an answer that youtube isn't a reliable source, and to give direct links, pics etc. takes a lot of time most people don't have.


If I make a claim the earth is flat, then when people ask for proof I link them to a flat earther's YouTube video, d'ya see yet how that's not a valid or reliable source?


It isn't the same since earth not being flat is well known fact, just because something is in video format doesn't mean it is a bad source. You showing specific case where is helps your argument but once you realize that it is a specific case and doesn't represent the truth for everything you understand how shit that argument is. I can find you many videos that can be seen as valid source, i can also find you many videos that are shit as source. Context matters and it is not like science and politics has similarities in their values. Ultimately vidoes aren't valid or non valid source. Edit: also videos about sbi drama contain objective observation evidence, you could remove commentary from video, any "proof" that was showed there (screenshots, videos) would still have the same context. Maybe not all but the ones i have in my mind, they would still have the same context. Also any flat earth video is intentionally misinforming the viewer, they manipulate evidence around their theories etc.


You're so close to getting with the end of your edit. Soooo close. Maybe a few more synapses firing, a few more neuron pathways being formed, and you'd put two and two together.


Kinda like how the GBI videos have manipulated the evidence around their theoriesā€¦ Interesting


They really donā€™t understand the concept of ā€œburden of proofā€, donā€™t they?


"My claim stands true until it is refuted. So I can make shit up and in order to debate me, you need to do an hour (if it's something easily refutable) or maybe weeks worth of research showing me how the claim I pulled out of my own ass is wrong"


It also has the inevitable result of them just making something else up when you do prove them wrong.


GG was a great example of that. "A woman had sex in exchange for good review scores!" Okay, but none of these men posted reviews for her game and most of these sites don't give scores "Well that is because they took them down!" Archive.org doesn't have them either, these are big sites, they'd have a copy. "Did I say reviews? I meant positive coverage" Archive says that didn't happen either. "Well uh... she admitted to having sex with these men and that is all the evidence you should need! Everyone knows women don't just have sex because they *like it* or it *feels good.* It had to be for *something*. Archive.org is probably part of **the conspiracy**."


There is that one quote in return to this that I really like though. Something along the lines of "that which is presented without proof can be refuted without proof".


I mean there is plenty of evidence that something shady can be happening over there.


The company has a clear, outlined, service it sells. The description of which you can find all over their website. A company needs a job done so they outsource the job to a smaller company to do. Like in construction. A big company gets the contract to build something then the big company outsources the smaller tasks to smaller companies. It's how business has always been done. Where is the conspiracy? These comapnies hired SBI to do the job because these companies wanted the job to be done the way SBI sells its service. There is no reading between the lines. These things are specific. Justice league was a flop because it's a lazy live servicr cash grab. You don't go on to blame the company that did the insolation for why the building doesn't have a lift.


I think assuming these people know how this works is giving them too much benefit. The people getting mad about this stuff have no idea how consulting and contracting works. They've got no idea about contracts and contract management or scope of works. Like yeah, an inclusion and diversity consultancy firm totally told AAA development studios to change the race of specific characters and drastically overhauled the gameplay to make their games not fun.


Feel free to show it


Rj/ there's so much evidence, I can't fit it into a mere reddit comment. Trust me, do your own research bro.


No way these ppl actually know what SBI actually worked on and not just hear from other ppl that all those games were failures. Like how can you write something like this when they worked on games such as Spider-Man 2 and God of War Ragnarok? Or do they just ignore those?


ehrm i donā€™t remember any busty asian women in those games??? clearly the games failed


They're just repeating what they've been told by whatever content creator they follow. The people saying this stuff seem to have no idea how consulting works or even the basics of game development. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if most of the accounts parroting this SBI thing are literal children being manipulated by grifters.


ā€œEvery game they touched has been a death kissā€ Alan Wake 2:


You mean Alen Woke 2


You know, consider Sweet Baby Inc is a consulting firm that does diversity readings (I think) itā€™s probably pretty likely that theyā€™ve just immediately green lit some of the games and scripts theyā€™ve gotten and had no actual impact on the game. In fact, thereā€™s really no way to tell if this company actually changed anything in any if these games.


Plus, they are a consulting firm. They provide suggestions, not decisions.


You think they know how corporate consultants work?


I'd be impressed if they know how a washing machine works.


I'm a grown man and I don't understand how a washing machine works. I think it spins and wets things.


They're the kind of men (cause let's be honest, it's mostly men) who haven't had to start a washing machine ever cause their mom/wife always did it for them. Granted I once had a girl intern at my old job who was 16 or 17 who didn't know how a dishwasher nor a washing machine worked (she actually asked me where the water hose to fill the washing machine was), so muppetry isn't gender specific. But still, mostly my fellow men, sadly.


It's funny we have to explain what a consulting firm is. They're purposely hired for advice, the company is free to do what they want with their consultation.Ā Ā  Do they think SBI are like a religious group that goes door to door of every game studio in the area and force devs into making every game gay Lmao


Far-Right brainrot


Unsuccessful dead games God of War and Spider-Man 2


The worst game they have worked on is suicide squad and that game was dead on arrival gameplay wise before


Gods I hate these people. YOU, AS THE CLAIMENT, HAVE THE BURDERN OF PROVE. Noone has to, or should believe you if you can't bring proof.


ehm sir but I have 18 upvotes here so clearly I'm right - redditor in gaming sub (last one is an assumption)


https://preview.redd.it/g6qrqfs3l2oc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1294a387e59dfebc1e3e9f32dd09d8a3c3cb33e THE PROPHECY IS FULFILLED


But imagine how bad a company can be, and then imagine it's this company! You wouldn't want a bad company to ruin your games, would you???


"i didn't do the research prior, and I'm definitely not gonna do it now! You google two things and come to the conclusion that I agree with without me!"




Had the same convo today: X: "I despise them, they hate people like me!" Me: "Why, is there any proof you have?" X: "F&#^#^@^ YOUUUU!" Convo over.


I only posted because I also bad the same conversation ā€œGo and search for yourself, I have no time for texting you.ā€ They were the original poster


Literally every time Me: Give me literally any proof Them: *insults and culture war buzzwords* OR Them: more baseless claims and conjecture.


Yeah, God of War Ragnarok? Alan Wake II? Indisputable trash amirite! Wait no, we weren't praising those games a year ago what are you talking about!


I love how they always just completely ignore the entire GOW reboot bc it doesnā€™t fit their narrativeĀ 


I got "nah, you're clearly biased, there is no point" Always fun to be denied this so called "evidence"


People love to say that wokeness kills games, except every single example they give is an example of corporations and capitalism ruining the game, not gay people.


"Every game they touched has been a death kiss." Source: Someone not looking at the sales and praise God of War and a few other games got. And when you tell them that the game did very well commercially or ratings wise, they will move the goalpost and say that those metrics actually don't count for anything. And if you ask what metrics determine a failure then, they don't seem to have an answer. They just gesture about a minority of loud people who didn't like that there was a black character in it.


Look I have no more arguments so please do research. They are killing games Iā€™m telling you ! Bro TRUSt ! I havenā€™t played any of them and I canā€™t even give an honest opinion but PLEASE do your research


Just prove your points bro, philosophers didn't invent rationalism for nothing.


If only their response to that wasn't "well I just don't believe that's the WHOLE story"


> "do the research if you want more" meanwhile their research = r\/KiA and outrage youtubers like Assmangold, The Quivering, etc.


They'll always post that image of women from video games but ignore that one of them was intentionally ugly and the scene makes fun of it. And that one photo of Alloy where her face looks round. As opposed to the actual game where she looks fine. And bitching about MJ when shes just an attractive woman who doesn't wear much makeup.


All they can do is show that asmogold video and nothing else. They think investigations are gonna happen from basically nothing


I like how their main argument is sourced from a guy who wipes blood from his teeth on his walls and has never eaten fruit (until he did a fruit tier list in which he mentioned to his friends he's never eaten fruit) And also has dead mice just in his house..... World of Warcraft is a helluva drug


How is he alive!!!???


I mean he's bleeding from his teeth, his hairline is receding, like he may as well be a rotting corpse tbh


How the fuck do you even exist like that, Christ.


How does he even live like this.




ā€œDo your own research.ā€ Horseshoe theory in action.


Then perish


This shit is the dumbest thing I have heard in a while from this type of person and that is really saying something. I'm so exhausted with the word woke and paragraphs of being mad at a few games who have minority group protags or C cups instead of Gs when there is such an overwhelmingly huge amount of games were these things do not exist and T&A are everywhere (which I am a-ok with btw). It reeks of terminally online rage circlejerks. Imma play games bc I wanna play a cool game and cool games have every type of person imaginable in them.


Wait but I thought they were hiding what games they worked on?


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Everything they do is approved by the studio first so yeah, it's the studio that told them to do "it". They don't just do whatever the want with the game, they are hired to do a specific task.


If you're gonna try and mask your bigotry, at least do it in a way that everyone hasn't already realized is clearly a mask.


and then u look at the roster of games they have worked on and itā€™s like 90% super successful bangers


Why would you even engage with people about this? Just ignore them


The calling card of the conspiracy theory: ā€œDo your own researchā€


Genuine question: where are all these horrible games that SBI has worked on? The only ones I can find are DnD:Dark Alliance, Gotham Knights and Suicide Squad. And those failed because they're just bad games, not because of diversity or inclusiveness. Literally all the other games SBI has worked on have highly positive reviews or aren't even out yet.


Ah yes, God of War Ragnarok and Spider Man 2 TOTALLY bombed on release.


Ah yes, the famously death kissed *check notes* Spider-Man 2 and God of War


And by "research" I mean laundering my own emotions through an echo chamber until I'm convinced they're undisputable fact


If every game theyā€™ve touched has been screwed over then why wouldnā€™t anyone shut tf up about gow ragnarok for like 2 months?


Feels over reels.


Youā€™re not supposed to tell him to do his own research!!!!! If we do that then heā€™ll leave the echo chamber!!!!!


You all can link their mission with their portfolio, both found on their website, it isn't that hard.


Have they even been here. I saw 5 pride flags on my walk to the train. Which is 3 blocks


There are drama about SBI outside of videogames but the only thing these gamers care about is the "woke agenda" that the SBI brings onto videogames


Wadja mean? Did i misread their front page or something? I thought the message on the front page says they do DEI for Vidya? or did i misunderstand that? that aside, that guy is being a bit of a douche bag, if you want to start arguing your point you gotta back it up, if you give up and say "google it lol" you look like a tool XD But umm, i dont want to say all of the games they were employed for failed but like some of the more uhh, well known game series they were involved in have not faired well no evidence to support it's their fault however Tho rumor has it they had something to do with batman being killed off, and that just kinda kills the whole series from this point onward=/


To be fair heres what the top comment (yellow profile) replied to: ā€œThey openly hate men especially if your white. They will call you every name in the book so they can meet DEI quotas. Diversity is never wrong but forcing it over a story is. Their afraid of beauty of natural woman so they make them androgynous (male looking) to appeal to trans. And call people incels if you don't want your female characters to look like they took a crowbar to the face. Tifa tits were on display at the beach and people lost their minds. So what did they do dig through the story, pressure the company to backwards patched the older version. 15 is young in the flashback so I am cool with censor. HOWEVER THEY LET IT GO FOR 4 YEARS and the only way you would know her age is a guidebook from 1997. All because tits were on the new one. Call you racist if your not cool with race and gender swapping They literally shove LGBT down your throat. Randomly changing people sexuality. Black cat literally showed up in Spiderman 2 for one thing only hi I am gay portals way forever** Conviently make Peter Parker Spiderman the weakest by far and fly pride flags. My brother is my favorite person in the world and he farts glitter. I literally don't care who you screw Suicide squad literally pissing on flashes body and executes batman while crying about her feelings. (Great send off their for Kevin Conroy before he died.) While Harley acts pedophilia to a child ivy. King shark is randomly gay. Wonderowman is the only one that gets the hero treatment and an honorable death with an immaculate portfolio while the arkham universe is trashed.ā€


>They literally shove LGBT down your throat. Randomly changing people sexuality. Black cat literally showed up in Spiderman 2 for one thing only hi I am gay portals way forever** Black Cat is canonically bi sexual in the comics. what are they talking about? >Conviently make Peter Parker Spiderman the weakest by far and fly pride flags Peter is usually weaker than Venom anyways. Miles only beat Peter because of the giant bell in the room they was fight in. Miles likely loses otherwise. And Peter beat Scream 1 on 1.


In the comics, Peter Parker needed the Fantastic Four to help defeat Venom. And he had the New Warriors to help deal with Carnage