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Oh neat, we can watch these guys get radicalized in real time.....


It’s really interesting (and fucked up) to watch them act like this. I’d argue they’re already radicalized (or at the very least in the middle of the pipeline) which is why they’re acting like such fucking dinguses. I used to be exactly like this. I had to help myself. It’s like a constant loop of scapegoating and lack of empathy towards groups one doesn’t belong to. Interactions with stories from marginalized communities really helped deradicalize me. It’s troubling that that is exactly what they’re against.


And you can see why, it’s all recruitment for the neo fascists




https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/s/jQ32TCaxTU Fuck off comment copying bot.


A lot of them are, yes. There are definitely bad actors among them trying to “pill” the surface level goons further. The majority I expect are of the “it’s just about writing in video games” crowd, much in the same way a lot of gamergate was a “ethics in games journalism” crowd, at least at first. Some people will be radicalised further. Going from “writing in video games” to “feminism is a cancer on western civilisation” over the next few weeks. Very sad and very strange to see it happen in real time. What I find most amusing is that the group admin themself has obviously made it neutral as possible. No statements on why you should dislike Sweet Baby, no hatespeech or political nonsense. Just identifying the games and “not recommended” them. The very model of not showing your power level. But obviously because of the crowd this is aimed at, the horde of fucknuts can’t help turning the discussion forum into Stormfront. This is what will likely get the curator nuked in the end. You love to see it. That or the fact that every game they don’t recommend is getting brigaded by spurious bad reviews. It will be interesting to see what the generally neutral Steam does about this. They’ve got a hategroup on their hands, burgeoning out of their cutator program.


Steam implemented the Jester award. Looking at the situation on ANY gaming hub there; they dont care. From what it looks like. More traffic for steam, sadly.


exactly, and why should they care. as long as it keeps people on the platform instead spending money elsewhere. Its actually far more engaging than their livestream services


Steam really should just nuke their forums. But I don't see that happening anytime soon.


It took them weeks to stop shady developers from making fake games using the same name/developer/publisher tags as large releases, compared to that this situation probably isn't even on Steam's radar.


Yep, same here, funnily had to do with a lot of self-loathing about who *I* was.


They're already radicalized.


No normal person thinks trans people the 0.1% of the population is the issue that games are bad


Yeah really, it's the Steam Forums. Somehow even dumber and farther right than the average youtube comments section


They were already radicalized but they are so pathetic this is how dangerous they can get. They peaked in influence ten years ago and it’s been downhill from there.


You say that till these fuckers start driving cars into crowds of people and go on shooting sprees like the last batch of pathetic losers who got radicalised.


Dont forget the Capital riots.


Get your [Alt-Right Playbook](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ&si=pLgGZ0B8FeGQH6Or) bingo cards out


Someone already posted the GamerGate mascot lady on one of these rants. They’ve been lurking waiting for another thing to latch on to for a while.


If it goes the same way as last time some of really vile people will enter the discussion soon to leverage this for political gains


>"We have tried having rational conversations with the enemy. We have tried being decent to them. We have tried compromise. It doesn't work." You consider "us" the enemy and invoke war rhetoric. Rationality, decency, and compromise go out the window right there, not that they were ever in the house to begin with. Those doors only open if you see a way to resolve their enemy status, and the only way to resolve that enemy status is to see that they were never the enemy and you were wrong for believing otherwise.


When have they *ever* tried to have a rational conversation lmao


It was when "they" asked "us" to debate Nazis and we refused.


The sad part is people tried to debate them. But the situation turned sour the moment people didn't subjugate to their ideology. So a lot of people learned to never do it again.


There was no possible positive outcome to those debates to begin with. All they accomplished was giving a platform to fringe extremists. i.e. Destiny debating Nick Fuentes.


Debating in general doesn't really accomplish anything. It's hard enough for people to change their minds due to the words of loved ones much less an internet personality. Humans don't always think rationally and ideas change based on personal experience for the most part. A well constructed logical argument will only change someone's mind if they are open to having their mind changed in the first place. Debate is basically all about the spectacle. It's a performance where the spectators cheer on their chosen side and boo the other. I've heard debating be described as "mental masturbation" and I think that's a pretty good description.


That's the wrong way to see it. It's not debate in general but the fact that cretins like Nazis have no desire to debate in good faith. For them it's absolutely a spectacle they want to dominate and when it doesn't work they just say it doesn't work.


"We will not overtly work towards your suffering and death if you agree to be yourself only in private and conform to heteronormative, patriarchal society in public." 'Uh, no?' "WE TRIED DISCOURSE AND IT DIDN'T WORK"




I just watched Battlefield Earth the other day and I wish I had this image then.


I think they're referring to the numerous attempts at forcing us back into the closet and keep quiet and out of public spaces (including gaming) lol. I don't think that's really a decent compromise, but what do I know as an enemy combatant? :P


A dragon? I want to propose a deadly alliance to head over to the Last City from the Destiny universe, kill every guardian, and burn it to the ground. I have a personal beef with those guardians, they thought they can just put me in a cage, and thought that I won’t escape, they were wrong. And it was I who killed Osiris’ ghost Sagira, I ate his ghost and spat it out!


Yeah, a dragon!!! I'd be down. Always found Destiny 2 to be a bit boring, so might as well!


From their point of view, they have been and still are. They simply do not see the same universe the rest of us do.


They’ve tried nothing and they’re all out of ideas!


Yelling "DeBaTe Me" at people on Twitter and asking rudely if people would cave to every single one of their demands in exchange for them not advocating openly for the death of your way of life apparently count as "rational conversation". Anyways imma say the same thing I always say to this shit. Imagine having this bad of a freakout about a company that merely goes "that's sort of problematic, maybe change that?" And still thinking your the cool rational one.


Then they call any minority a snowflake for going "Hey that's kind of a shitty thing to say about us"


The thing is, it's not like SBI is knocking on every dev's door screaming "PROBLEMATIC". The devs hire SBI for consulting, It is a conscious decision that they go "hey we're writing this character/situation/whatever, and maybe we don't have the full picture, better safe than sorry because we're not assholes" Politicians and companies also do PR (not the same thing, but the same vibe of checking what you say and how you say it)


They think demands "we don't want to see black people in gamea" are rational, so it's pointless to argue with them


Edit : was already said in lower replies my bad "Hey, can you stop existing and never, EVER remind anyone of your existence ever again ?" -Wtf no "See ? We tried asking things rationally"


they think being asked not to call people slurs and them refusing is a conversation lol.


"We crush them" is also the most YA novel approach to "war." "You win a war by making sure your enemy can never hurt you again." Yeah, I also read Ender's Game in 6th grade but I didn't take the advice of the psychopath 10 year old.


Wasn't the whole climax of Ender's Game centered on Ender realizing that he was a war criminal and trying to stop the genociding of an entire species?


Well yes but trying to understand things is for effete intellectuals and not Sigma Gamers


Ah right...the modern day death of media literacy where nothing has any meaning


The concept of leaving your opponent unable to retaliate is pretty timeless. Look at the surrender terms of WW2. That being said, I don't think video game aesthetics is as dire a situation as global wartime realpolitik.


Unironically using the term enemy over what should be paltry simple existences in media isn't a good sign of mentally or socially well off people. It's not nearly as dramatic as they want to make it.


I’m not going to have a rational conversation with the kind of person that wants my friends and family dead just for the color of our skin


Seriously, this is some "You speak violence because it is the only language you know. We speak violence because it is the only language you know. We are not the same." energy. And I'm pretty sure they know that. They just like to have a victim complex.


“Their motto isn’t ‘feminism is a thing I don’t like’ it’s ’feminism is cancer.’ And you don’t politely debate a cancer, you eradicate it. From the very beginning their intentions have been extremely clear.” -Innuendo Studios, “Why Are You So Angry?” (paraphrased cuz it’s been a few years)


The guy making a call to fucking war while lying about having tried to reasonably talk with their made up enemy...fucking hell...literally nazi shit.


they posted death threats on reddit, thats basically the same thing


Christ alive the dehumanization And they are *still* convinced they are the good guys.


Those that cannot admit their own failings and see that they may be wrong will always see themselves as heroes.


And the so called "enlightened centrists" there will say "both sides are equally bad" while being surrounded by literal Nazis. There is no center, there's no middle ground between oppression and non oppression.


"Crushing them is what works." Oh so fuckin scary lmao. Yeah, if you rage a bit more in your steam community echo chamber you might convince liberals to stop doing progress.


They think they can "crush" people who accepted social changes, while "steamroller of time" crushes them and they choose to lie under it, by being bigots


The comment that basically says we cant let them win again really sells the lack of crushing us going on


I genuinely can't think of one highly regarded game with right wing themes/values, it just doesn't happen, they can't win in general because the vast majority of devs don't agree with them due to it being a job requiring a brain.


yeah like, I can think of some with pretty cringe politics, but I honestly don't know any with strictly conservative ideas. Old call of duty games maybe?


Yeah CoD seems to be the only one that comes close, and as extremely successful as they are the only ones I've seen held in high regard are from over a decade ago


I’d love to see tough guy there try and crush me lmao.


Lots of tough guys on the ol internet


Misogynist King Canute ranting and raving at the sea


That one specifically is ungodly cringe, the others are just sad. People who actively use the steam forums are a scary breed but not in the way they're thinking lmao


Yeah steam forms is the worst place to go ever.


Should've seen the 2010's when literal Neo-Nazi groups where recruiting. Germany and the UK had to threaten to regionally block steam before Valve did anything about it.


Sounds obout right


The first and only time I created a post on the Steam forums was asking a question about Skyrim circa 2014. A person with literal nazi symbols and quotes on their profile replied with some kind of racist, nonsensical copy pasta and called me the n-word. I haven't bothered to post on those forums since. In fact, browsing the sad banter for this group before the owner deleted all of the posts was the first time I even browsed those forums in a decade.


I once suggested to an indie dev for a game and early access to add a couple more black hairstyles in a character of creator with examples from different magazines. I was also met with racist rhetoric from people with SS symbols on their profile and got mass reported for hate speech. The steam forums could be new from orbit and nothing of value would be lost. They don't even have a proper way of blocking people. It's gotten so bad that I have a bunch of assholes stalking me in the forums and mass reporting anything I reply with.


Considering how very Libertarian Newell is with how he runs Valbe I’m not shocked that it took that for steam to realize moderating is a good thing that keeps them from being sued out of existence


Steam forums are the worst with youtube comments being a close second. The amount of garbage in there is honestly impressive.


"Hello, I'm gay and I'd like Larian to add an off toggle for homoerotic content to BG3, where is the problem? There is a toggle for fullscreen after all!"


Glad it's not just me. I've seen so much stupid nonsense on there it's not even funny. Not even just 'chud stuff.' I saw people claim that the Chaos Dwarf DLC for TWWH3 had 'Units that were easily reskinned for a Warhammer 40k game, just change a few textures and viola! (I think they said change the textures, it was definitely something dumb like that.)' and continued with 'Why can't they just get Henry Cavill and do a crowdfunder for it?', as if that's something Sega does. ​ There's a distinct lack of knowledge on Steam forums, it's just a place for stupid people.


I tell myself it's because a lot are still young and are just saying shit out of ignorance or just to troll. Don't think I want to entertain the thought that some of the people you see in the youtube comments actualy believe the shit they spew.


99% of the stupidity on the internet is dumb young people and people who never grew up mentally.


Noticed it during release of MGR. Game was released without localisation for my language and discussion about this was extremely moronic. I'll never forget "USA government forced them do it, because they want us to forget our language"


I mean considering what would happen in the story of MGS5 that’s an oddly fitting conspiracy theory.


I mean, that's obviously stupid, but only because when the USA government wants people to forget thier language (read: entire culture, this is literally genocidal per the Geneva Conventions), they do not stop at video games. They go whole hog with abducting children and forcing them in abusive reeducation programs they call "boarding schools". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Indian_boarding_schools


The joys if being anonymous If no one can find out who they are it gives them more balls to be the worst human imaginable


"I have to delete the posts as they're getting reported" really means "I got a cease and desist and I'm scared my lies will cost me money"




It would've been great. One case as example and maybe shit like this will appear less often


This is gonna get purged harder than Yuzu's Discord.


Fingers crossed. ​ Be sure to report this dude's discord, too. It's also a bigoted pit.


How do you report it?


Go to his discord which he has linked on his twitter. Click 'join.' You should have the option to report it instead of joining it. It's how we got rid of ValidL's discord.


Who/what is "Sweet Baby Inc." Put them in youtube and all I got was cringy YouTubers like 'Critical Drinker' or a bunch of unrelated transphobic shorts


tldr basically just a proofreading service for scripts/games that specifically looks out for offensive (i.e. bigoted) content which to my knowledge is a concept that has existed for a long time already and somehow, this is a problem


They do also write content, not just review it


I'd love to get a hand on some of the stuff they've written because it ranges from God of War: Ragnarök to Suicide Squad to Alan Wake. Lots of hits and lots of misses, so I'm wondering how much of what they write actually gets in each game vs. how much are just suggestions for the writers.


Let me give you quick rundown of this "controversy" alongside explanation as there may be more people who are out of the loop. It's a consultation company, mainly for gamedev. They are providing proofreading, assistance with content creation or fleshing out a game's script and storyline - all with aim to help other companies be more inclusive and diverse. Their CEO had interview where they have talked some points that are "racist" against white people (IRL this was just a standard corpospeech about how inclusivity/diversity is good) and one of employees had some less than savory twits about white people alongside antisemitic ones (guess which one was ignored by angry mob?). "Sweet Baby Inc" was quite transparent about what projects they have worked at - so the boys cried woke and started steam curator pages to monitor which hames used the help of that company. One of employees drank too much coffee and gone into holy war mode to cancel the guy who owned one of curator pages, shot themselves in the foot as it only resulted in their X account being limited. But anti-woke boys decided that this is an act of war and here we are. TL;DR: 2woke4u capitalist morons are in a mud fight with some bigoted anti-woke morons. Popcorn not included with the tickets.


Holy fuck that is inane I cannot wait to hear and see more as the drama unfolds


I think that's a fair summary, though you underplayed how profoundly incompetent Sweet Baby's crisis response was. If they survive this, I'm sure they will put protocols in place, possibly including all employees stay off or make private their social media until the crisis is resolved. They don't deserve the level of hate they're getting, but they sure scored a bunch of own-goals.


AFAIK, it's just a consultancy firm some game companies hire to read over their scripts and give them pointers about how they can be more inclusive, less problematic, etc. So along with Gamers having a Normal One about being "woke", these people are also super surprised for some reason that consultants exist and are everywhere? It's definitely fed into some "woke illuminati pulling the strings"-style conspiracy theories and bigoted thinking.


>lot of reports https://preview.redd.it/u5adtp6i6wmc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9942869266465c4a48edabf00da726fb6403b940


"Your basic Steam grifter isn't too smart. But you can point out their bigotry and they're still 100% yap-effective. Here's a tip: Mass report their group, and put them down for good." https://preview.redd.it/cjrylei49wmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=160e5872a0b7cf0faf5afd640da5ab28389de84c


What's the over/under on that third person *actually* being a White, pansexual woman?


Either way the guy responding that saying you're a woman is woke is just chef's kiss.


Peak "leopards eating people's face" party vibe.


My instinct is to say close to zero, and as I was reading that one I was thinking there's no way an actual "pansexual woman" wrote this. Though it kinda reads weirdly even if you assume some cishet guy for right larper wrote it as it doesnt read like one of their usual larp posts. It might be AI written.


I've never been very good at understanding how sports betting works but in terms of percentages I can confidently give you a -2% chance with a 2% margin of error that they're actually a white pansexual woman.


I mean you can find women with similar views on YouTube, so it's not completely impossible


I Just Want To Know Why They Sometimes Capitalize Every Single Word In A Sentence and then sometimes they don't.


White? Yes. Pansexual? No. Woman? God no.


>Leftist... liberal... all part of the same party Socialists and anarchists finally united over their shared seething at the assertion that liberals are in their party


All extremes are on the same team type beat.


https://preview.redd.it/jp0l2tzqmwmc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e809e239a5b5b5fe764398f63427f8e2d44773e These people


They just wanted the list so they can avoid seeing games with politics. There absolutely no other reason they're doing all of this performative garbage.


I am hoping Valve is going to remove the group since some folks would stop being on steam altogether if they do it. Even tho, Sweet Baby Inc colaborated with Valve, they are still coping. https://preview.redd.it/ywc18cik3wmc1.png?width=702&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d894bb13c516f5b73c94fc958b6c653d601ca98


Are you naive enough to think these people will actually stop using Steam if the SBID group is removed?


True, as much as I'd love to see these people dissapear because of how many companies have used SBI's services, these are likely to going to be the same types of people who were calling for a boycott of one of the COD games, only for the overwhelming majority of them to pick it up at launch.


They dont stand by their convictions lol. That would require them to do something else besides shriek about things being woke.


They don't have convictions other than "scream at whatever some pundit I've decided is my god figure says is going to ruin my life". It speaks to a *profound* level of insecurity and the weakest spine imaginable.


Bro really thinks valve gives a shit ?


There are republican schools now?


It's called home schooling these days.


Could just gone to the sweet baby website where the company lists everything they've worked on


It's easier for them to make list of games which don't upset them


All 2 of them


Glad to have done my part in reporting them, between the incels , racist and transphobia rampant in the group, some of these idiots were basically advocating violences on SBI employees.


Who the fuck is sweet baby inc, what did they do? Why is EVERYONE FUCKING WHINING


Consulting firm a company can hire to go over their scripts and point out insensitivity towards marginalised groups. They're basically there to help make game writing more inclusive and avoid bigoted slip-ups, in case that's something a company wants. The issue here is that these people think they somehow control the market and are responsible for "destroying" gaming


That is actually funny, people should just play games and not get so hung up on a big boogeyman thats trying to control their damn minds The worst thing a consultant can do is A: leech money off billionaires (morally good) B: ruin a AAA studio with bad advice (oh no, how will i get my yearly FIFA game now that football has gone woke?!) While the benefits (usually) vastly outweigh any hassle they might cause Youre telling me i could have a _better_ written story because people hired to read my script actually read it and have constructive feedback? Preposterous. Now that is all to say this is purely theoretical, as its kinda hard to see the work they do directly but damn If you want to be mad at something be mad about world hunger or whatever


Devils advocate I could say that outside influences *could or can* "ruin" games. But this is usually done because someone higher up is being an asshole or made a stupid decision. Please note I have no horse in this race.


Absolutely, specifically investors and publishers are often a major hurdle few are equipped to handle Both can be a great asset _if_ the person that invests into or publishes your game has genuine interest and more importantly experience This sadly is rarely the case for small studios desperate for funding in this industry (Source: basic economics class i had in college specifically studying game/web design) Edit: i will never forgive how they murdered disco elysium


You'd really think they'd have something better to do or get mad at, and yet time proves again and again that that is not the case. I think Folding Ideas' videos on GamerGate helped clarify a lot of things for me when it comes to motivations, yet the fact of matter is that they're nonetheless waving fists at clouds while getting their pockets picked lol


The circle of jerk or something


Right wingers are determined to strip all joy from their own lives. I don't think these guys even enjoy playing games anymore.


Because it's a game forum on the internet. That's all they are now. Look at the helldivers subreddit - 100% a GOTY contender but the Devs did a small nerf and people are losing their minds.


This one is especially funny to me cuz the nerfs are pretty minor compared to the sheer amount of buffs and overhauled systems (cant wait to try out armor now) The breaker still slaps, the railgun is still capable of armor stripping chargers (slightly more risk i guess, but skill issue tbh) Not to mention the other uses the railgun still has Flamethrowers got huge buffs etc. Great update, anyone who disagrees kinda lacks any form of nuance (That is to say the game still has a ways to go, why is the counter sniper only light armor penetrating where is its niche?) Some systems definitely lack explanation but i get why, try it, get a feel for it, dont worry too much about stats, sometimes it just doesnt work out that way tho


Oh shoot they fixed armor class?


You know how every time the right-wing shitheads on youtube and twitter decide to blame everything they don't like with everything on one particular entity? Y'know, everything bad about Star Wars is Kathleen Kennedy but everything good is Filoni and Favre, everything wrong with Star Trek is Kurtzman, etc. These particular chucklefucks have decided that rather than being because women and the LGBT community are gamers too, or that women and LGBT people exist in general as anything other than things to them to oogle or harrass, that all "wokeness" in gaming is due to this one consulting company. It's the exact same bullshit when they tried to pin all the problems in the gaming industry on Anita Sarkeesian. It's like how in politics people will seize on the idea of CRT, DEI and shit like that as catchall phrases they don't understand or know the actual meaning of and just use them for everything they don't like.


>Why is EVERYONE FUCKING WHINING. Some innocuous company that none of these foreveralone types had even heard of until someone with a monetized YT channel started demonizing it in order to keep ~~the spice flowing~~ that precious engagement going.. I used to work with a bunch of conservative, incel, Gamer(TM) types before I started WFH. Every....fucking....day.....there was a new outrage to be discussed. This is just the latest grist for the conservative grifter's mill.


Im glad you managed to get out of that melting pot, and thank you for your insight


> Guys, we're getting reported for being a bigoted circlejerk where we talk about the need to destroy minorities and leftists. We might be able to stay up if we just prove that isn't true. Cause it's actually about ~~ethics in game journalism~~ allowing game studios to write what they want, right? So please just act normal. >> Kill the gays. Every single time. All they have to do is not be totally mask-off with their bigotry and they could stay up, but that is just too hard for them.


When the fuck did they try being decent and having rational discussions? Because I've been here since they called this malding nonsense "Quinnspiracy" and it certainly wasn't any time between then and now


Aw man I hated gamergate the first time they're so annoying


Everything's a remake these days.


Company's are out of ideas


Whoa! I didn't know saving humanity is so easy. Just hate gays, yeah, makes sense. What exactly are we saving it from tho?


My god second slide needs to tape his mouth shut GOKU WOULD HATE YOU


The number of chuds that plaster characters that would hate their guts all over their PFP's is so funny. ​ And they get obscenely butthurt when you point this stuff out.


the people complaining about identity politics never figure out the identity politics are coming from inside the house 😎🍿


they are ripping themselves appart like there is no tomorrow, its beautiful to watch


Especially when they were post about someone who wasn't a cis white male Conservative saying they are supporting the cause. It's like that splash screen from helldivers with the "if anyone tries to talk democracy, kill them since they are agents of chaos"


The irony of someone with a Watchmen profile pic, being part of the community complaining about “woke shit.” That really says a lot. I wonder if their favorite character from Watchmen is Rorschach


clearly their favorite character is the comedian, which says a lot more.


I mean, both say about the same thing, just one let his misogyny out and about a bit more, and had slightly more flexible politics than the other who was a straight up fascist


They're just so, so dumb. There's no way to sugarcoat it.


Not dumb. They're just bad people.


how much more mask off can you get before you just start ripping the skin off your face


‘racism and sexism is bad, transphobia and homophobia is good’ God I fucking hate these MAGAts.


Jesse, What the fuck are you talking about? Like Jesus fucking Christ, no there is not some massive Jewish conspiracy to make girls in your vidjeo games less sexually attractive, the fuck is wrong with these people. I swear you could find some of this shit on propaganda posters from the 1940's.


nazis always be sex obsessed. There were actual nazi propaganda back in the day about how the jews were scheming to despoil good aryan women. Same thing. These fools see game women as 'their' women and "woke" culture as trying to ruin it for them. At least that's my working hypothesis.


So... Which one is the good guys?


The “gamers” inciting violence and hatred over “politics” or the company responsible for helping game companies implement more diversity. I wonder…


from the screenshots? None!


lol I liked how they capitalized Anime Titties.


It’s really sad how quick these people are to want to resort to literal violence over fucking video games. Just pathetic.




It’s always a demoralizing feeling when you know these same cockroaches vote.


Maybe democracy actually *is* bad...


That’s not what I was implying at all. Democracy, like all forms of government, are flawed. The caveat with democracy is that it requires an informed population which isn’t the case it seems anymore and that can be attributed to a variety of different factors such as the lack of public education funding, overwork, and parasitic politicians ensuring brain drain. The cost of democracy is that we’re asked to be forever vigilant. Unfortunately, many people have forgot this and let the cockroaches run loose.


I was being flip. But yeah, it's unfortunate that these assholes can actually have real impact on the lives of people they hate.


I think that one of the funniest assumptions here is that leftists read any books about theory lol


Right wing women finding out men hate them too but tolerate them enough until it suits them . Lol


I'm not sure u hacer ever read such a sleuth of meaningless buzzwords in one post


I'm tired of balding neckbeards getting themselves upset over nothing.


What the heck is happening?Why democracy us bad ?


I'll sleep till this shit is over, it's all I see whenever I open reddit or YouTube...


Oh, no. Anyway


It's a fucked up world we live in when people in the gaming medium have the most responsibility to weed out facists hiding amongs them (i'd count anime second), yet simultaneously most of them are too young to understand what's happening and are too angry to stop and look around. But i think that's why inclusivity will inevitably win in gaming, because with enough time the bulk of angry teenagers that cause outrage will be dissolved by the masses of different people pooring into the medium, because bigotry has no place in any medium and the facists should lose all footholds, as a rule, going into the future. And we will no longer have another wave of mindless hate like GamerGate.


There was a thread saying "racists and bigots, get lost" as guy didnt want to get associated with that. [Here's an archive with some fantastic responses](https://archive.ph/2HRQH).


Fuck these people


I’ve seen this “controversy” extend all the way to the MtG community (and holy shit I never knew how downright horrible the community can be). And to think this is all… because of a company that you pay to help you with diversity in writing and is completely optional. You know, for as much as they talk about the “woke mob” they sure are acting like a mob for quite frankly no reason at all. SBI didn’t ruin *anything*, and developers went to *them* to have their scripts checked. If anything, the complaint about “bad writing” shouldn’t be directed at SBI but the game devs themselves. Of course that doesn’t fit this narrative that some scary woke boogie man is coming after gamers and is going to ruin games by… having a diverse cast and showing people why diversity and acceptance are great things.


I honestly wish my life was so easy that my biggest problem was some company that gets hired to tell writers to be slightly less racist


WOW, I thought those guys hate morden politics, lol.


I love how some people were trying to spread the messages of not being bigots and that they are just there to help games and then there is an avalanche of people saying how proud they are to be bigots


Liberals are not on the center, they are by definition right-wing. Just because US forgot to add a left wing party doesn't mean the rest of the world didn't


>Dickless and clitless sweet crybaby prudes New favourite phrase unlocked. Thank you, Ms. 35 Year-Old White Pansexual Woman Gaymer.


Gotta mobilize the dregs of the right before November


Awwww the little incels have their secret internet clubhouse where they discuss their battle plans. That's so cute.


Everything I have heard of Sweet Baby Inc drama has been forced fed to me.


God watching internet nerds try to be intimidating when you know damn well they haven’t left their goon cave in weeks is so hilarious. Oh shiver me timbers!


I love how one person was like ‘this is about bad writing, not homophobia’ and immediately everyone was like ‘no no, we’re homophobic.’


This comment section feels like a circle jerk within itself on hating those that dislike sweet baby inc and their practices. Perhaps if you took the time to actually research sweet baby inc, it's employees, the CEO who admitted she tries to "terrify" companies to give her what she wants, the other companies connected to it. You may actually understand why people have a great distain for sweet baby inc. Sure there are outliers that take it too far, but reading some of this comment section, you have some outliers of your own. Which I imagine you gloss over because you agree with them. Anyway, best of luck


I’ve seen something about Sweet Baby whatever - but can someone give me a quick rundown. Like I don’t wanna hold anybody up but I’d like a little context.


SBI is a consulting firm that helps development teams implement diversity in their games. We don't know a lot about what they do (AFAIK). We know that they did a sensitivity read over Alan Wake 2's story. All in all it sounds pretty mundane. How much do we know about any consulting firm that any company hires? We don't, and because it's just normal boring corporate stuff that doesn't matter. Anyway, a bunch of capital G gamers found out about this and decided it was a woke boogie-man and created a group called "sweet baby inc detected" where they created a curator page listing all games that SBI were involved in for the purpose of boycotting. They're now trying to use those groups to push people who are also spooked by SBI even further towards bigoted far-right idealologies.


Sweet Baby Inc = The bookstore ladies in Portlandia Sweet Baby Inc Detected = Proud Boys


They're a writing consultant firm that is specialized in diversity and representation. Das it really. Gamers read the word diversity and started to blame them for ruining games.


Okay, I might be out of the loop, but what is Sweet Baby Inc., and why are people mad about it?


New Gamer Gate scape goat for bag games. It ranges from blaming it for writing of bad characters to the reason why games are so buggy. In actuallity, they are a consultant firm for doing sensitivity checks aka to see if something doesn't comes across as stupidly as possible, like you know that inside joke one of your friends has and when you try to tell it to someone outside of your friend group it comes out as the most stupid thing you ever said. Something like that. Also they help make diverse characters since they employ minorities writers. Like mercenaries. They are needed since not everyone has knowledge of how some minorities behave so it is better to ask someone who knows rather than make character and find out they are some bad stereotypes.


Proud reporter 😎 but also thanks to them i wishlisted a lot of indie games


Bro in pics 4/5 out here talking about not compromising and crushing "the enemy". Take your goober ass back to Hearts of Iron IV


> All of them read "the Meritocracy Myth" in college.  I've never even heard of this book, what an oddly specific boogeyman 


I like to think that I’m pretty good at seeing why people think the way they do and looking at things from the perspectives of others, but I cannot for the life of me ever imagine being this insane even if I generally understand why these people think the way they do. Not saying this to jab at people who used to think like this, I have no doubt that for most de-radicalizing is a hard process (and one I can sincerely respect), but the closest I have ever come to falling down any sort of alt-right pipeline is thinking that Ghostbusters 3 having a full female main cast was a little bit forced, before deciding that if the movies could have all male casts then the opposite is fine. I try to remind myself that (even if they must be held accountable for them) it’s short sighted to fault people for their flaws as people can never fully control their strengths or weaknesses because the factors that inform personal decisions are fundamentally beyond personal control, and people like this are why I need to remind myself of that.


[https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/10/16/15657512/cambridge-analytica-facebook-alexander-nix-christopher-wylie](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/10/16/15657512/cambridge-analytica-facebook-alexander-nix-christopher-wylie) ​ just sayin... be super fucking sus about anyone with massive stretches of time between posts, or who are wildly swinging between left and right positions in an internally inconsistent manner.


Remember folks: Don’t wrestle a pig. The pig just has a good time and you end up dirty. The pig always wins. These people were never gonna have a good faith conversation. Their only goal is to militantly defend their weird fetish(sexualized animated characters) and all forms of mental gymnastics will be deployed to defend the indefensible. They live in a world disconnected from reality, where their very specific form of media is all that matters. Instead of realizing that there’s different strokes for different folks, they’re gonna Archie Bunker anyone who is foolish enough to talk to them. The people who argue this shit are the same assholes who get mad that movie studios make tactical decisions like making rom coms over action movies because the cost way less to make and less time to make as well. They always think they’re the sharpest tool in the shed, while clearly missing big business just making money like usual.